[email_verify_code] description = "Email verification code" [get_email_verify_code_first] description = "Please get the email verification code first" [email_verify_code_wrong] description = "Incorrect email verification code" [email_verify_code_wrong_login_fail] description = "Incorrect email verification code, login failed" [email_registered] description = "Email already registered" [email_registered_forget_password] description = "Email already registered, please log in directly. If you forgot your login password, please retrieve it" [invitation_code_not_exists] description = "Invitation code does not exist or is incorrect, please check and try again" [password_match_error] description = "Passwords do not match" [account_not_registered] description = "Account not registered, please register before operating" [account_disabled] description = "Your account has been disabled and cannot be operated temporarily" [phone_number_not_registered] description = "Account not registered, please register before operating" [phone_number_country_incorrect] description = "Incorrect country for the phone number, please check" [phone_number_verify_code_wrong] description = "Incorrect phone verification code" [phone_number_registered] description = "Phone number already registered" [phone_number_registered_forget_password] description = "Phone number already registered, please log in directly. If you forgot your login password, please retrieve it" [get_phone_number_verify_code_first] description = "Please get the phone verification code first" [phone_number_verify_code_wrong_login_fail] description = "Incorrect phone verification code, login failed" [account_disabled_not_login] description = "Your account has been disabled and cannot be operated temporarily" [account_or_password_login_failed] description = "Incorrect account or password, login failed" [record_not_exist] description = "Record does not exist" [category_not_exist] description = "Category does not exist" [data_not_exist] description = "Data does not exist!" [data_not_exist_retry] description = "Data does not exist, please try again!" [new_shares_do_not_exist] description = "New shares do not exist" [state_not_cancel] description = "Current state does not allow cancellation" [apply_cannot_be_cancelled] description = "This application has been closed and cannot be cancelled" [financing_not_cancel] description = "Sorry, financing for new shares is not allowed to be cancelled" [application_has_been_submitted] description = "Sorry, the application has been submitted to the exchange and cannot be cancelled" [fund_has_been_delisted] description = "Sorry, the fund has been delisted and cannot be subscribed temporarily" [subscription_failed_over_purchased] description = "Subscription failed, over-purchased. The current remaining subscription quota for the fund is: " [minimum_purchase_amount] description = "Minimum purchase amount" [rise] description = "and up" [hongkong_account_is_insufficient] description = "Insufficient balance in Hong Kong stock account, please deposit first" [us_account_is_insufficient] description = "Insufficient balance in US stock account, please deposit first" [usdt_account_is_insufficient] description = "Insufficient balance in USDT account, please deposit first" [format_account_is_insufficient] description = "Insufficient account balance, please deposit first" [subscription_deadline_has_passed] description = "The subscription deadline has passed!" [have_a_subscription_record] description = "You already have a subscription record for this new share and cannot apply again" [hongkong_stock_account_not_be_less_than] description = "Financing subscription requires Hong Kong stock account balance not less than" [us_stock_account_not_be_less_than] description = "Financing subscription requires US stock account balance not less than" [please_deposit_first] description = ", please deposit first!" [incorrect_amount_retry] description = "Incorrect amount, please try again" [have_an_entrustment_record] description = "You already have an entrustment record for this new share and cannot entrust again" [currently_only_supports_conversion_hkd] description = "Currently only supports conversion to Hong Kong Dollar HKD $" [insufficient_account_balance] description = "Insufficient account balance, conversion failed" [record_is_not_cancel] description = "This record is not allowed to be cancelled currently" [order_needs_3_minutes_before] description = "Market orders need to be placed 3 minutes before they can be cancelled" [order_is_not_cancel] description = "This order does not support cancellation currently" [order_failed_retry] description = "Order failed, please try again" [market_closed_orders_cannot_be_placed] description = "The current market is closed, orders cannot be placed temporarily" [incorrect_security_code_retry] description = "Incorrect security code, please try again" [stock] description = "Stock" [order_failed_odd_lot_trading] description = "Order failed, odd lot trading is not supported" [withfunding_asset_total_must_large_than_order_total] description = "Order failed, operating funds must be greater than order amount" [order_failed_price_cannot_be_lower_than] description = "Order failed, price cannot be lower than" [order_failed_price_cannot_be_higher_than] description = "Order failed, price cannot be higher than" [order_failed_price_is_incorrect] description = "Order failed, price is incorrect" [stock_insufficient] description = "You currently do not hold this stock or the holding quantity is insufficient, unable to sell" [current_position_of_the_stock] description = "Current holding quantity of the stock" [holding_amount_is_insufficient] description = ", holding amount is insufficient, unable to sell" [maximum_number_of_sells] description = "The maximum allowed selling quantity is" [stocks_do_not_support_grey_market_trading] description = "Stocks do not support grey market trading" [non_grey_market_trading_time] description = "Currently not in grey market trading time, order failed" [pretrade_not_allow_market_order] description = "Pre-trade does not support market orders, please change and try again" [text_required] description = "Data error" [days_ago] description = " days ago" [hours_ago] description = " hours ago" [minutes_ago] description = " minutes ago" [balance_role_1] description = "Stock buy" [balance_role_2] description = "Buy commission" [balance_role_3] description = "Stock sell" [balance_role_4] description = "Sell commission" [balance_role_5] description = "New share subscription" [balance_role_6] description = "New share financing interest" [balance_role_7] description = "New share subscription commission" [balance_role_8] description = "New share allotment commission" [balance_role_9] description = "International placement margin" [balance_role_10] description = "Platform share" [balance_role_11] description = "Withdrawal" [balance_role_12] description = "Deposit" [balance_role_13] description = "Fund subscription amount" [balance_role_14] description = "Fund subscription fee" [balance_role_15] description = "Fund management fee" [balance_role_16] description = "Fund deduction" [balance_role_17] description = "Fund refund" [balance_role_18] description = "Fund settlement profit" [balance_role_19] description = "Virtual deposit" [balance_role_20] description = "Manual deposit" [balance_role_21] description = "Fund transfer" [balance_role_22] description = "Promotion commission" [balance_role_23] description = "Fund excess management fee" [balance_role_24] description = "Currency exchange" [balance_role_25] description = "Leveraged investment principal" [balance_role_26] description = "Leveraged interest" [balance_role_28] description = "Bonus" [balance_return] description = "(Returned)" [day] description = "Day" [week] description = "Week" [month] description = "Month" [fund_order_status_1] description = "Subscribed" [fund_order_status_2] description = "Cancelled" [fund_order_status_3] description = "Settled" [withfunding_must_all_clear] description = "Order failed, leveraged positions must be sold all" [sell_success_title] description = "Sell trade completed" [sell_success_content_1] description = "Your trade " [sell_success_content_2] description = " sell " [sell_success_content_3] description = " has been completed" [buy_success_title] description = "Buy trade completed" [buy_success_content_1] description = "Your trade " [buy_success_content_2] description = " buy " [buy_success_content_3] description = " has been completed" [sms_verify_code_content_1] description = "Your SMS verification code is: " [email_exchange_title] description = "Fund Change Notification" [currency_exchange_status_1] description = "Pending" [currency_exchange_status_2] description = "Exchange successful" [currency_exchange_status_3] description = "Exchange failed" [currency_exchange_status_4] description = "Cancelled" [to_be_disclosed] description = "To be disclosed" [ipo_times] description = " times" [ipo_cash_commission] description = "Cash commission" [password_match_error_origin] description = "Original password does not match" [ipo_financing_10_times] description = "10 times financing" [ipo_financing_20_times] description = "20 times financing" [other] description = "Other" [max] description = "Max" [the_maximum_quantity_is_limited_to_10_digits] description = "The maximum quantity is limited to 10 digits" [waiting_to_open] description = "Waiting to open" [the_market_is_closed_on_weekends] description = "The market is closed on weekends" [the_market_is_closed] description = "The market is closed" [in_transaction] description = "In transaction" [default_trading_time_period] description = "Default trading time period" [non_default_trading_time_period] description = "Non-default trading time period" [all_day_transaction] description = "All-day transaction"