397 lines
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397 lines
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package curl2info
import (
type randLR struct {
left, right int
type hInterval struct {
PlanFail []randLR
PlanNormal []randLR
Count int
ConstCount int
func (interval *hInterval) reset() {
interval.Count = interval.ConstCount
type timePointer struct {
left, right int
leftlimit, rightlimit int
per int
isAll bool
func (tp *timePointer) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("left: %d, right: %d, leftlimit: %d, rightlimit: %d, per: %d", tp.left, tp.right, tp.leftlimit, tp.rightlimit, tp.per)
// Crontab 的string解析
type Crontab struct {
min []timePointer
hour []timePointer
day []timePointer
month []timePointer
week []timePointer
WillPlans []time.Time
SkipPlans []time.Time
YearPlan *trieYear
interval *CircularLinked
lastStatus bool
nextTime time.Time
// NewCrontab create 一个crontab
func NewCrontab(crontab string) *Crontab {
cron := &Crontab{}
return cron
// SetStatus 设置状态 接口定义
func (cron *Crontab) SetStatus(status interface{}) {
if cron.interval != nil {
cron.lastStatus = status.(bool)
// GetStatus 设置状态 接口定义
func (cron *Crontab) GetStatus() (status interface{}) {
if cron.interval != nil {
return cron.lastStatus
return nil
// TimeUp 是否时间快到
func (cron *Crontab) TimeUp() bool {
if cron.interval != nil {
return cron.intervalTimeUp()
return cron.linuxTimeUp()
func (cron *Crontab) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("min:%s\nhour:%s\nday:%s\nmonth:%s\nweek:%s\n", spew.Sdump(cron.min), spew.Sdump(cron.hour), spew.Sdump(cron.day), spew.Sdump(cron.month), spew.Sdump(cron.week))
// FromString 解析crontab 的 表达式
func (cron *Crontab) FromString(crontab string) error {
crontab = strings.TrimSpace(crontab)
matches := regexp.MustCompile("[^ ]+").FindAllString(crontab, -1)
mlen := len(matches)
switch mlen {
case 1:
// "f1-2|5-10x5,f1|10m,10-15,f1"
cron.nextTime = time.Now()
cron.lastStatus = true
cron.interval = NewCircularLinked()
var intervalList []interface{}
intervalList = parseIntervalString(matches[0])
case 5:
cron.min = createTimePointer(matches[0], 0, 59, true)
cron.hour = createTimePointer(matches[1], 0, 23, true)
cron.day = createTimePointer(matches[2], 1, 31, false)
cron.month = createTimePointer(matches[3], 1, 12, true)
cron.week = createTimePointer(matches[4], 0, 6, true)
return errors.New("mathches len != want, check crontab string")
return nil
// createYearPlan 创建年度计划
func (cron *Crontab) createYearPlan() {
cron.YearPlan = newTrieYear()
func (cron *Crontab) linuxTimeUp() bool {
now := time.Now()
maxlen := 1000
createlen := 500
plen := len(cron.WillPlans)
if plen <= createlen {
var lastplan time.Time
if plen == 0 {
lastplan = now
} else {
lastplan = cron.WillPlans[plen-1].Add(time.Minute)
if !cron.YearPlan.CheckYear() {
timeplans := cron.YearPlan.GetPlanTime(cron, lastplan, uint(maxlen-plen))
cron.WillPlans = append(cron.WillPlans, timeplans...)
if len(cron.WillPlans) > 0 {
istimeup := false
for i := 0; i < maxlen; i++ {
if now.Unix() >= cron.WillPlans[i].Unix() {
istimeup = true
} else {
if istimeup {
if i-1 > 0 {
cron.SkipPlans = append(cron.SkipPlans, cron.WillPlans[0:i-1]...)
if len(cron.SkipPlans) >= maxlen+200 {
cron.SkipPlans = cron.SkipPlans[200:]
cron.WillPlans = cron.WillPlans[i:]
return istimeup
return istimeup
cron.SkipPlans = cron.WillPlans
cron.WillPlans = nil
return istimeup
log.Panicln("error willplans range")
return false
func (cron *Crontab) intervalTimeUp() bool {
now := time.Now()
if now.Unix() >= cron.nextTime.Unix() {
iv := cron.interval.Cursor().GetValue().(hInterval)
isecond := 0
if cron.lastStatus == false && len(iv.PlanFail) > 0 {
idx := randomdata.Number(len(iv.PlanFail))
lr := iv.PlanFail[idx]
isecond = randomdata.Number(lr.left, lr.right+1)
} else {
idx := randomdata.Number(len(iv.PlanNormal))
lr := iv.PlanNormal[idx]
isecond = randomdata.Number(lr.left, lr.right+1)
if iv.Count <= 0 {
cron.nextTime = now.Add(time.Duration(isecond) * time.Second)
return true
return false
func createTimePointer(min string, llimit, rlimit int, fixedLeftRight bool) []timePointer {
var result []timePointer
exelist := strings.Split(min, ",")
for _, exe := range exelist {
tp := timePointer{}
takeper := strings.Split(exe, "/") // per
var rangevalue, per string
if len(takeper) == 1 {
rangevalue = exe
per = "1"
} else {
rangevalue = takeper[0]
per = takeper[1]
// takeRange
be := strings.Split(rangevalue, "-")
var left, rigth string
switch len(be) {
case 1:
left = be[0]
rigth = be[0]
case 2:
left = be[0]
rigth = be[1]
panic(errors.New("range value is > 2"))
if left == "*" {
tp.left = llimit
} else {
ileft, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.Replace(left, "^", "-", -1))
if err != nil {
tp.left = ileft
if rigth == "*" {
tp.right = rlimit
} else {
iright, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.Replace(rigth, "^", "-", -1))
if err != nil {
tp.right = iright
iper, err := strconv.Atoi(per)
if err != nil {
tp.per = iper
tp.leftlimit = llimit
tp.rightlimit = rlimit
// 修正左值
leftfixed := tp.left
if leftfixed < 0 {
leftfixed += tp.rightlimit + 1
if fixedLeftRight {
tp.left = leftfixed
rightfixed := tp.right
if rightfixed < 0 {
rightfixed += tp.rightlimit + 1
if fixedLeftRight {
tp.right = rightfixed
// 全部符合 当左等于左 且 右等于右最大 并且 per == 1 TODO: 如果加入时间间隔 就需要 加多一个 附加值
if leftfixed == tp.leftlimit && rightfixed == tp.rightlimit && tp.per == 1 {
tp.isAll = true
result = append(result, tp)
return result
func parseIntervalString(crontab string) []interface{} {
var result []interface{}
values := strings.Split(crontab, ",")
for _, value := range values {
interval := hInterval{}
// 次数
valuesCounts := strings.Split(value, "x")
switch len(valuesCounts) {
case 1:
interval.ConstCount = 1
case 2:
count, err := strconv.Atoi(valuesCounts[1])
if err != nil {
interval.ConstCount = count
panic("valuesCounts error, the len is not in range")
// 统计失败与普通间隔值的数组
failAndNormal := valuesCounts[0]
valuesFN := strings.Split(failAndNormal, "|")
for _, FN := range valuesFN {
if FN == "" {
switch FN[0] {
case 'f', 'F':
fvalue := FN[1:]
interval.PlanFail = append(interval.PlanFail, parseRandLR(fvalue))
case 'n':
value := FN[1:]
interval.PlanNormal = append(interval.PlanNormal, parseRandLR(value))
interval.PlanNormal = append(interval.PlanNormal, parseRandLR(FN))
result = append(result, interval)
return result
func parseRandLR(value string) randLR {
vlen := len(value)
lastchar := value[vlen-1]
lr := strings.Split(value, "-")
switch len(lr) {
case 1:
lr := randLR{parseTimeValue(lr[0], lastchar), parseTimeValue(lr[0], lastchar)}
return lr
case 2:
lr := randLR{parseTimeValue(lr[0], lastchar), parseTimeValue(lr[1], lastchar)}
return lr
panic("lr is error")
func getInt(v string) int {
vint, err := strconv.Atoi(v)
if err != nil {
return vint
func parseTimeValue(v string, lastchar byte) int {
vlen := len(v)
switch lastchar {
case 's':
return getInt(v[:vlen-1])
case 'm':
return getInt(v[:vlen-1]) * 60
case 'h':
return getInt(v[:vlen-1]) * 3600
case 'd':
return getInt(v[:vlen-1]) * 3600 * 24
return getInt(v)