482 lines
9.2 KiB
482 lines
9.2 KiB
package curl2info
import (
// trieWord Trie 需要的Word接口
type trieWord interface {
GetWord() string
// TrieStrWord 最简单的TrieWord 结构
type trieStrWord string
// GetWord 获取单词
func (tsw *trieStrWord) GetWord() string {
return (string)(*tsw)
// Trie 前缀树
type hTrie struct {
isWord bool
value interface{}
char byte
prev *hTrie
next map[byte]*hTrie
// newTrie Initialize your data structure here.
func newTrie() *hTrie {
return &hTrie{next: make(map[byte]*hTrie)}
// Insert a word into the trie.
func (trie *hTrie) Insert(iword trieWord) {
cur := trie
word := iword.GetWord()
l := len(word)
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
c := word[i]
if next, ok := cur.next[c]; ok {
cur = next
} else {
create := newTrie()
cur.next[c] = create
create.char = c
create.prev = cur
cur = create
cur.isWord = true
cur.value = iword
// AllWords 所有单词
func (trie *hTrie) AllWords() []string {
var result []string
for _, v := range trie.next {
look(v, "", &result)
return result
func look(cur *hTrie, content string, result *[]string) {
content += string(cur.char)
if cur.isWord {
*result = append(*result, content)
for _, v := range cur.next {
look(v, content, result)
// Remove 移除单词
func (trie *hTrie) Remove(word string) {
cur := trie
l := len(word)
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
c := word[i]
if next, ok := cur.next[c]; ok {
cur = next
} else {
if cur != nil {
cur.isWord = false
cur.value = nil
lastchar := cur.char
if len(cur.next) == 0 {
for cur.isWord != true && cur.prev != nil {
lastchar = cur.char
cur = cur.prev
if len(cur.next) > 1 {
delete(cur.next, lastchar)
// SearchMostPrefix Returns if the word is in the trie.
func (trie *hTrie) SearchMostPrefix(iword trieWord) interface{} {
cur := trie
word := iword.GetWord()
l := len(word)
var result interface{}
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
c := word[i]
if next, ok := cur.next[c]; ok {
cur = next
if cur.isWord {
result = cur.value
} else {
return result
return result
// Match Returns if the word is in the trie.
func (trie *hTrie) Match(iword trieWord) interface{} {
cur := trie
word := iword.GetWord()
l := len(word)
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
c := word[i]
if next, ok := cur.next[c]; ok {
cur = next
} else {
return nil
return cur.value
// StartsWith Returns if there is any word in the trie that starts with the given prefix. */
func (trie *hTrie) StartsWith(prefix string) bool {
cur := trie
l := len(prefix)
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
c := prefix[i]
if next, ok := cur.next[c]; ok {
cur = next
} else {
return false
return true
// 优先队列 所在的域
// parseQueue for Heap, Container List
type parseQueue []*parseFunction
// parseFunction 优先执行参数
type parseFunction struct {
ExecuteFunction func(u *CURL, soption string)
ParamData string
Priority int
// Execute 执行 函数
func (pf *parseFunction) Execute() {
pf.ExecuteFunction(pf.ParamCURL, pf.ParamData)
// Swap 实现sort.Iterface
func (nodes *parseQueue) Swap(i, j int) {
ns := *nodes
ns[i], ns[j] = ns[j], ns[i]
// Less Priority Want Less
func (nodes *parseQueue) Less(i, j int) bool {
ns := *nodes
return ns[i].Priority < ns[j].Priority
// Push 实现heap.Interface接口定义的额外方法
func (nodes *parseQueue) Push(exec interface{}) {
*nodes = append(*nodes, exec.(*parseFunction))
// Pop 堆顶
func (nodes *parseQueue) Pop() (exec interface{}) {
nlen := nodes.Len()
exec = (*nodes)[nlen-1] // 返回删除的元素
*nodes = (*nodes)[:nlen-1] // [n:m]不包括下标为m的元素
return exec
// Len len(nodes)
func (nodes *parseQueue) Len() int {
return len(*nodes)
// pQueueExecute 优先函数队列
type pQueueExecute struct {
nodes parseQueue
// newPQueueExecute Create A pQueueExecute
func newPQueueExecute() *pQueueExecute {
pe := &pQueueExecute{}
pe.nodes = make(parseQueue, 0)
return pe
// Push Create A pQueueExecute
func (pqe *pQueueExecute) Push(exec *parseFunction) {
heap.Push(&pqe.nodes, exec)
// Pop Create A pQueueExecute
func (pqe *pQueueExecute) Pop() *parseFunction {
return heap.Pop(&pqe.nodes).(*parseFunction)
// Len Create A pQueueExecute
func (pqe *pQueueExecute) Len() int {
return pqe.nodes.Len()
// func (pqe *pQueueExecute) String() string {
// content := ""
// for _, node := range pqe.nodes {
// content += strconv.Itoa(node.Prioty)
// content += " "
// }
// return content
// }
// CNode 循环链表 三色标记 不确定是否会清除循环引用, 网上说会
type CNode struct {
value interface{}
prev *CNode
next *CNode
// GetValue 获取到Node的值
func (node *CNode) GetValue() interface{} {
return node.value
// SetValue 获取到Node的值
func (node *CNode) SetValue(value interface{}) {
node.value = value
// CircularLinked 循环链表
type CircularLinked struct {
cursor *CNode
head *CNode
tail *CNode
size uint64
// NewCircularLinked create a CircularLinked
func NewCircularLinked(values ...interface{}) *CircularLinked {
list := &CircularLinked{}
if len(values) > 0 {
return list
// Cursor get current Cursor
func (list *CircularLinked) Cursor() *CNode {
if list.cursor == nil {
list.cursor = list.head
return list.cursor
// MoveNext get next Cursor
func (list *CircularLinked) MoveNext() *CNode {
if list.cursor == nil {
list.cursor = list.head
list.cursor = list.cursor.next
return list.cursor
// MovePrev get prev Cursor
func (list *CircularLinked) MovePrev() *CNode {
if list.cursor == nil {
list.cursor = list.head
list.cursor = list.cursor.prev
return list.cursor
// CursorToHead cursor move to head
func (list *CircularLinked) CursorToHead() *CNode {
list.cursor = list.head
return list.cursor
// CursorToTail cursor move to tail
func (list *CircularLinked) CursorToTail() *CNode {
list.cursor = list.tail
return list.cursor
// GetLoopValues 获取从头到尾的值
func (list *CircularLinked) GetLoopValues() []*CNode {
var result []*CNode
if list.head != nil {
result = append(result, list.head)
for cur := list.head.next; cur != list.head; cur = cur.next {
result = append(result, cur)
return result
// Append a value (one or more) at the end of the list (same as Append())
func (list *CircularLinked) Append(values ...interface{}) {
for _, value := range values {
node := &CNode{value: value}
if list.size == 0 {
list.head = node
list.tail = node
node.next = node
node.prev = node
} else {
list.tail.next = node
node.next = list.head
node.prev = list.tail
list.tail = node
// Remove 移除一些节点
func (list *CircularLinked) Remove(node *CNode) {
switch list.size {
case 0:
case 1:
if list.head == node {
list.head = nil
list.tail = nil
node.next = nil
node.prev = nil
list.cursor = nil
} else {
case 2:
node.prev = nil
node.next = nil
switch node {
case list.head:
list.head = list.tail
list.tail.prev = list.head
list.head.next = list.tail
list.cursor = list.head
case list.tail:
list.tail = list.head
list.tail.prev = list.head
list.head.next = list.tail
list.cursor = list.head
switch node {
case list.head:
_, next := list.cutAndSplice(node)
list.head = next
if list.cursor == node {
list.cursor = next
case list.tail:
prev, _ := list.cutAndSplice(node)
list.tail = prev
if list.cursor == node {
list.cursor = prev
_, next := list.cutAndSplice(node)
if list.cursor == node {
list.cursor = next
// LookCursor for list show
func (list *CircularLinked) LookCursor() string {
cursor := list.Cursor()
content := "->["
cur := list.head
if list.size != 0 {
for size := uint64(0); size < list.size; size++ {
if cursor == cur {
content += "(" + spew.Sprint(cur.value) + ")" + ", "
} else {
content += spew.Sprint(cur.value) + ", "
cur = cur.next
content = strings.TrimRight(content, ", ")
showlen := len(content)
if showlen >= 64 {
showlen = 64
content += "]" + content[0:showlen] + " ..."
return content
// Clear for list show
func (list *CircularLinked) Clear() {
if list.size != 0 {
list.head.prev = nil
list.tail.next = nil
list.head = nil
list.tail = nil
list.cursor = nil
list.size = 0
// Size for list show
func (list *CircularLinked) Size() uint64 {
return list.size
func (list *CircularLinked) errorNotInList(node *CNode) {
log.Println("the node value ", spew.Sprint(node), " is not in list")
// cutAndSplice 不考虑边界情况 上层使用的是否判断
func (list *CircularLinked) cutAndSplice(node *CNode) (prev, next *CNode) {
prev = node.prev
next = node.next
prev.next = next
next.prev = prev
node.prev = nil
node.next = nil
return prev, next