package tried import ( "testing" "" ) func TestTried_PutAndGet1(t *testing.T) { tried := New() tried.Put(TriedString("asdf")) tried.Put(TriedString("hehe"), "hehe") tried.Put(TriedString("xixi"), 3) var result interface{} result = tried.Get(TriedString("asdf")) if result != tried { t.Error("result should be 3") } result = tried.Get(TriedString("xixi")) if result != 3 { t.Error("result should be 3") } result = tried.Get(TriedString("hehe")) if result != "hehe" { t.Error("result should be hehe") } result = tried.Get(TriedString("haha")) if result != nil { t.Error("result should be nil") } result = tried.Get(TriedString("b")) if result != nil { t.Error("result should be nil") } } func TestTried_Traversal(t *testing.T) { tried := New() tried.Put(TriedString("asdf")) tried.Put(TriedString("abdf"), "ab") tried.Put(TriedString("hehe"), "hehe") tried.Put(TriedString("xixi"), 3) var result []interface{} tried.Traversal(func(idx uint, v interface{}) bool { // t.Error(idx, v) result = append(result, v) return true }) if result[0] != "ab" { t.Error(result[0]) } if result[1] != tried { t.Error(result[1]) } if result[2] != "hehe" { t.Error(result[2]) } if result[3] != 3 { t.Error(result[3]) } } func BenchmarkTried_Put(b *testing.B) { var data []TriedString b.N = 10000 count := 1000 for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { data = append(data, TriedString(randomdata.RandStringRunes(10)+randomdata.RandStringRunes(4))) } b.ResetTimer() b.N = b.N * count for c := 0; c < count; c++ { tried := New() for _, v := range data { tried.Put(v) } } } func BenchmarkTried_Get(b *testing.B) { var data []TriedString b.N = 10000 count := 1000 for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { data = append(data, TriedString(randomdata.RandStringRunes(10)+randomdata.RandStringRunes(4))) } b.N = b.N * count tried := New() for _, v := range data { tried.Put(v) } b.ResetTimer() for c := 0; c < count; c++ { for _, v := range data { tried.Get(v) } } }