package logic

import (


type RenderNotifyLogic struct {
	ctx    context.Context
	svcCtx *svc.ServiceContext

func NewRenderNotifyLogic(ctx context.Context, svcCtx *svc.ServiceContext) *RenderNotifyLogic {
	return &RenderNotifyLogic{
		Logger: logx.WithContext(ctx),
		ctx:    ctx,
		svcCtx: svcCtx,

// 处理进入前逻辑w,r
// func (l *RenderNotifyLogic) BeforeLogic(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// }

// 处理逻辑后 w,r 如:重定向, resp 必须重新处理
// func (l *RenderNotifyLogic) AfterLogic(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, resp *basic.Response) {
// // httpx.OkJsonCtx(r.Context(), w, resp)
// }
func (l *RenderNotifyLogic) RenderNotify(req *types.RenderNotifyReq, userinfo *auth.UserInfo) (resp *basic.Response) {
	unityRenderEndTime := time.Now().UTC().UnixMilli()
	var info websocket_data.ToUnityIdStruct
	if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(req.TaskId), &info); err != nil {
		return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeRequestParamsErr, "failed to parse param taskId !!!!")
	if info.RenderBeginTime > serverStartTime {
		//logx.Info("任务时间:", info.RenderBeginTime, "服务器启动时间:", serverStartTime)
		decreaseUnityRequestCount(info.UserId, info.GuestId)
		if req.Code != 0 {
			increaseUnityErrorCount(info.UserId, info.GuestId)
	wid := info.Wid
	requestId := info.RequestId
	unityRenderBeginTime := info.RenderBeginTime
	value, wsConnectOk := mapConnPool.Load(wid)
	var ws wsConnectItem
	if wsConnectOk {
		ws = value.(wsConnectItem)
	if req.Code == 0 { //渲染成功
		var upload = file.Upload{
			Ctx:        l.ctx,
			MysqlConn:  l.svcCtx.MysqlConn,
			AwsSession: l.svcCtx.AwsSession,
		uploadRes, err := upload.UploadFileByBase64(&file.UploadBaseReq{
			Source:       "unity cloud render",
			FileHash:     info.TaskId,
			FileData:     req.Image,
			Metadata:     "",
			UploadBucket: 1,
			ApiType:      2,
			UserId:       info.UserId,
			GuestId:      info.GuestId,
			FileByte:     nil,
		if err != nil {
			logx.Error("渲染回调上传文件失败:", err)
			if ws.conn != nil {
				ws.renderErrResponse(requestId, info.TemplateTag, info.TaskId, "unity图片上传错误", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
			return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeFileUploadErr, "failed to upload render resource image")
		uploadUnityRenderImageTakesTime := time.Now().UTC().UnixMilli() - unityRenderEndTime
		duration, err := time.Parse("15:04:05.9999999", req.CostTime)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Println("解析时间错误:", err)
			return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeFileUploadErr, "转换unity时间错误")
		// 将时间对象转换为毫秒数
		unityRealTakesTime := duration.Nanosecond() / 1e6 + duration.Second()*1000 + duration.Minute() * 6000 + duration.Hour()*3600000
		if ws.conn != nil {
				RequestId: requestId,
				Image:     uploadRes.ResourceUrl,
				RenderProcessTime: &websocket_data.RenderProcessTime{
					UnityRenderTakesTime:            fmt.Sprintf("%dms", unityRenderEndTime-unityRenderBeginTime),
					UploadUnityRenderImageTakesTime: fmt.Sprintf("%dms", uploadUnityRenderImageTakesTime),
					UnityRealTakesTime: fmt.Sprintf("%dms",unityRealTakesTime),
			logx.Info("渲染回调成功,渲染结果图片为:", uploadRes.ResourceUrl)
			return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeOK, "success")
		return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeOK, "success:but websocket connect not found")
	if ws.conn != nil {
		ws.renderErrResponse(requestId, info.TemplateTag, info.TaskId, "unity云渲染错误:"+req.Msg, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
			RequestId:   info.RequestId,
			Description: "unity require resend",
		logx.Info("渲染失败且发送了失败信息:", req.Msg)
	} else {
	return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeOK, "success")