package gmodel

{{if .Cache}}import (
){{else}}import ""{{end}}

{{if .Easy}}
const {{.Type}}CollectionName = "{{.snakeType}}"

var _ {{.Type}}Model = (*custom{{.Type}}Model)(nil)

type (
    // {{.Type}}Model is an interface to be customized, add more methods here,
    // and implement the added methods in custom{{.Type}}Model.
    {{.Type}}Model interface {

    custom{{.Type}}Model struct {

// New{{.Type}}Model returns a model for the mongo.
{{if .Easy}}func New{{.Type}}Model(url, db string{{if .Cache}}, c cache.CacheConf{{end}}) {{.Type}}Model {
    conn := {{if .Cache}}monc{{else}}mon{{end}}.MustNewModel(url, db, {{.Type}}CollectionName{{if .Cache}}, c{{end}})
    return &custom{{.Type}}Model{
        default{{.Type}}Model: newDefault{{.Type}}Model(conn),
}{{else}}func New{{.Type}}Model(url, db, collection string{{if .Cache}}, c cache.CacheConf{{end}}) {{.Type}}Model {
    conn := {{if .Cache}}monc{{else}}mon{{end}}.MustNewModel(url, db, collection{{if .Cache}}, c{{end}})
    return &custom{{.Type}}Model{
        default{{.Type}}Model: newDefault{{.Type}}Model(conn),