package gmodel import ( "context" ) func (t *FsProductTemplateV2Model) FindAllByProductIds(ctx context.Context, productIds []int64, fields ...string) (resp []FsProductTemplateV2, err error) { if len(productIds) == 0 { return } db := t.db.WithContext(ctx).Model(&FsProductTemplateV2{}).Where("`product_id` in (?) and `is_del` = ? and `status` = ?", productIds, 0, 1) if len(fields) != 0 { db = db.Select(fields[0]) } err = db.Find(&resp).Error return resp, err } func (t *FsProductTemplateV2Model) FindAllByIds(ctx context.Context, ids []int64) (resp []FsProductTemplateV2, err error) { if len(ids) == 0 { return } err = t.db.WithContext(ctx).Model(&FsProductTemplateV2{}).Where("`id` in (?) and `is_del` = ? and `status` = ?", ids, 0, 1).Find(&resp).Error if err != nil { return nil, err } return } func (t *FsProductTemplateV2Model) FindAllByIdsWithoutStatus(ctx context.Context, ids []int64, fields ...string) (resp []FsProductTemplateV2, err error) { if len(ids) == 0 { return } db := t.db.WithContext(ctx).Model(&FsProductTemplateV2{}).Where("`id` in (?) ", ids) if len(fields) != 0 { db = db.Select(fields[0]) } err = db.Find(&resp).Error return resp, err } func (t *FsProductTemplateV2Model) FindOne(ctx context.Context, id int64) (resp *FsProductTemplateV2, err error) { err = t.db.WithContext(ctx).Model(&FsProductTemplateV2{}).Where("`id` = ? ", id).Find(&resp).Error return resp, err } func (t *FsProductTemplateV2Model) FindByParam(ctx context.Context, id int64, modelId int64, fields ...string) (resp *FsProductTemplateV2, err error) { db := t.db.WithContext(ctx).Model(&FsProductTemplateV2{}).Where("`id` = ? and `model_id` = ?", id, modelId) if len(fields) != 0 { db = db.Select(fields[0]) } err = db.Take(&resp).Error return resp, err } func (t *FsProductTemplateV2Model) Update(ctx context.Context, id int64, data *FsProductTemplateV2) error { return t.db.WithContext(ctx).Model(&FsProductTemplateV2{}).Where("`id` = ? ", id).Updates(&data).Error } func (t *FsProductTemplateV2Model) FindAllByModelIds(ctx context.Context, modelIds []int64, orderBy string, fields ...string) (resp []FsProductTemplateV2, err error) { if len(modelIds) == 0 { return } db := t.db.WithContext(ctx).Model(&FsProductTemplateV2{}).Where("`model_id` in (?) and `is_del` = ? and `status` = ?", modelIds, 0, 1) if len(fields) != 0 { db = db.Select(fields[0]) } switch orderBy { case "": db = db.Order("id DESC") default: db = db.Order(orderBy) } err = db.Find(&resp).Error return resp, err } func (t *FsProductTemplateV2Model) FindAllByProductIdModelIds(ctx context.Context, modelIds []int64, productId int64) (resp []FsProductTemplateV2, err error) { if len(modelIds) == 0 { return } err = t.db.WithContext(ctx).Model(&FsProductTemplateV2{}).Where("`model_id` in (?) and `product_id` = ? ", modelIds, productId).Find(&resp).Error return resp, err } func (t *FsProductTemplateV2Model) FindOneByModelId(ctx context.Context, modelId int64) (resp *FsProductTemplateV2, err error) { err = t.db.WithContext(ctx).Model(&FsProductTemplateV2{}).Where("`model_id` = ? ", modelId).Take(&resp).Error return resp, err } type GetProductTemplateListByParamsReq struct { ProductIds []int64 //必传哦 GroupBy string OrderBy string Fields string Status *int64 } func (t *FsProductTemplateV2Model) GetProductTemplateListByParams(ctx context.Context, req GetProductTemplateListByParamsReq) (resp []FsProductTemplateV2, err error) { if len(req.ProductIds) == 0 { return } db := t.db.WithContext(ctx).Model(&FsProductTemplateV2{}).Where("`product_id` in (?)", req.ProductIds) if req.GroupBy != "" { db = db.Group(req.GroupBy) } if req.OrderBy != "" { db = db.Order(req.OrderBy) } if req.Fields != "" { db = db.Select(req.Fields) } if req.Status != nil { db = db.Where("`status` = ?", req.Status) } err = db.Find(&resp).Error return resp, err } // 获取第一个尺寸下的模板 func (t *FsProductTemplateV2Model) FindOneByProductIdTagIdWithSizeTable(ctx context.Context, productId int64, tagId string) (resp *FsProductTemplateV2, err error) { err = t.db.WithContext(ctx).Table(" as t"). Joins("left join fs_product_size as s on t.product_id = s.product_id"). Select("t.*"). Where("t.product_id = ? and t.tag = ? ", productId, tagId). Where("t.status = ? and t.is_del = ?", 1, 0). Where("s.status = ?", 1). Order("s.sort ASC"). Take(&resp).Error return resp, err } func (t *FsProductTemplateV2Model) FindAllByModelIdsTemplateTag(ctx context.Context, modelIds []int64, templateTag string, orderBy string, fields ...string) (resp []FsProductTemplateV2, err error) { if len(modelIds) == 0 { return } db := t.db.WithContext(ctx).Model(&FsProductTemplateV2{}).Where("`model_id` in (?) and `tag` = ? and `is_del` = ? and `status` = ?", modelIds, templateTag, 0, 1) if len(fields) != 0 { db = db.Select(fields[0]) } switch orderBy { case "": db = db.Order("id DESC") default: db = db.Order(orderBy) } err = db.Find(&resp).Error return resp, err } // 获取产品某个物料下的第一个模板 func (t *FsProductTemplateV2Model) GetSizeLatestTemplate(ctx context.Context, ids []int64, productId int64) (resp *FsProductTemplateV2, err error) { err = t.db.WithContext(ctx).Model(&FsProductTemplateV2{}). Where("id in (?) and product_id = ? and status = ? and is_del = ?", ids, productId, 1, 0). Order("sort ASC").Take(&resp).Error return resp, err } // 获取产品第一个物料下的第一个模板 func (t *FsProductTemplateV2Model) GetProductLatestTemplate(ctx context.Context, ids []int64, productId int64) (resp *FsProductTemplateV2, err error) { err = t.db.WithContext(ctx).Model(&FsProductTemplateV2{}). Where("id in (?) and product_id = ? and status = ? and is_del = ?", ids, productId, 1, 0). Order("sort ASC").Take(&resp).Error return resp, err } // 获取产品在指定模板标签下的所有模板 func (t *FsProductTemplateV2Model) GetListByProductAndTemplateTag(ctx context.Context, templateTagId string, productId int64, fields ...string) (resp []FsProductTemplateV2, err error) { db := t.db.WithContext(ctx).Model(&FsProductTemplateV2{}). Where("tag = ? and product_id = ? and status = ? and is_del = ?", templateTagId, productId, 1, 0) if len(fields) > 0 { db = db.Select(fields[0]) } err = db.Find(&resp).Error return resp, err }