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294 lines
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package logic
import (
type UserOrderListLogic struct {
ctx context.Context
svcCtx *svc.ServiceContext
func NewUserOrderListLogic(ctx context.Context, svcCtx *svc.ServiceContext) *UserOrderListLogic {
return &UserOrderListLogic{
Logger: logx.WithContext(ctx),
ctx: ctx,
svcCtx: svcCtx,
func (l *UserOrderListLogic) UserOrderList(req *types.UserOrderListReq, userinfo *auth.UserInfo) (resp *basic.Response) {
// 返回值必须调用Set重新返回, resp可以空指针调用 resp.SetStatus(basic.CodeOK, data)
// userinfo 传入值时, 一定不为null
// size := req.Size
// if size > 0 {
// size = int64(image.GetCurrentSize(uint32(size)))
// }
// orderDetailModel := gmodel.NewFsOrderDetailModel(l.svcCtx.MysqlConn)
// orderDetailTemplateModel := gmodel.NewFsOrderDetailTemplateModel(l.svcCtx.MysqlConn)
// fsProductDesignModel := gmodel.NewFsProductDesignModel(l.svcCtx.MysqlConn)
// orderModel := gmodel.NewFsOrderModel(l.svcCtx.MysqlConn)
// rowBuilder := orderModel.RowSelectBuilder(nil)
// if userinfo == nil || userinfo.UserId == 0 {
// return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeDbRecordNotFoundErr, "order not found")
// }
// // 查询条件
// var page = req.Page
// var pageSize = req.PageSize
// var listRes []*gmodel.FsOrderRel
// rowBuilder = rowBuilder.Where("user_id =?", userinfo.UserId).Where("status <> ?", constants.STATUS_NEW_NOT_PAY).Where("status <>?", constants.STATUS_NEW_DELETE)
// // 根据时间来查询不同范围的订单
// switch req.Time {
// case 1:
// rowBuilder = rowBuilder.Where("ctime >?", time.Now().UTC().AddDate(0, -1, 0).Unix())
// case 2:
// rowBuilder = rowBuilder.Where("ctime >?", time.Now().UTC().AddDate(0, -3, 0).Unix())
// case 3:
// rowBuilder = rowBuilder.Where("ctime >?", time.Now().UTC().AddDate(0, -6, 0).Unix())
// case 4:
// rowBuilder = rowBuilder.Where("ctime >?", time.Now().UTC().AddDate(-1, 0, 0).Unix())
// default:
// }
// //按照订单状态查询不同的订单
// if req.Status != -1 {
// switch req.Status {
// case 1:
// rowBuilder = rowBuilder.Where("status in ?", [3]constants.Order{constants.STATUS_NEW_PART_PAY, constants.STATUS_NEW_PAY_COMPLETED, constants.STATUS_NEW_SURE})
// case 2:
// rowBuilder = rowBuilder.Where("status in ?", [2]constants.Order{constants.STATUS_NEW_PRODUTING, constants.STATUS_NEW_PRODUT_COMPLETED})
// case 3:
// rowBuilder = rowBuilder.Where("status in ?", [2]constants.Order{constants.STATUS_NEW_DELIVER, constants.STATUS_NEW_UPS})
// case 4:
// rowBuilder = rowBuilder.Where("status =?", constants.STATUS_NEW_ARRIVAL)
// case 5:
// rowBuilder = rowBuilder.Where("status =?", constants.STATUS_NEW_COMPLETED).Where("delivery_method =?", constants.DELIVERY_METHOD_ADDRESS)
// case 7:
// rowBuilder = rowBuilder.Where("status in ?", [3]constants.Order{constants.STATUS_NEW_CANCEL, constants.STATUS_NEW_REFUNDED, constants.STATUS_NEW_REFUNDING})
// case 8:
// rowBuilder = rowBuilder.Where("status =?", constants.STATUS_NEW_COMPLETED).Where("delivery_method =?", constants.DELIVERY_METHOD_CLOUD)
// }
// }
// // 查询总数
// total, err := orderModel.FindCount(l.ctx, rowBuilder, nil)
// if err != nil {
// if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
// return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeDbRecordNotFoundErr, "order not found")
// }
// logx.Error(err)
// return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeServiceErr, "failed to get order info")
// }
// // 查询数据
// if total > 0 {
// rowBuilder = rowBuilder.Preload("FsOrderAffiliateInfo").Preload("FsOrderDetails", func(dbPreload *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
// return dbPreload.Table(orderDetailModel.TableName()).Preload("FsOrderDetailTemplateInfo", func(dbPreload *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
// return dbPreload.Table(orderDetailTemplateModel.TableName()).Preload("FsProductDesignInfo", func(dbPreload *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
// return dbPreload.Table(fsProductDesignModel.TableName()).Preload("OptionData").Preload("TemplateData")
// }).Preload("FsProductSizeInfo")
// }).Preload("FsProductInfo")
// })
// listRes, err = orderModel.FindPageListByPage(l.ctx, rowBuilder, &page, &pageSize, nil, "")
// }
// if err != nil {
// if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
// return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeDbRecordNotFoundErr, "order not found")
// }
// logx.Error(err)
// return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeServiceErr, "failed to get order info")
// }
// listResLen := len(listRes)
// var respList []types.Items
// if listResLen > 0 {
// // 获取订单时间配置
// orderTimeConfig, err := configs.GetOrderTimeConfig(l.ctx, l.svcCtx.MysqlConn)
// if err != nil {
// return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeServiceErr, "failed to get config time info")
// }
// // 数据处理
// for _, item := range listRes {
// var pbData types.Items
// pbData.ID = item.Id
// pbData.Sn = *item.Sn
// pbData.UserID = *item.UserId
// pbData.TotalAmount = *item.TotalAmount
// pbData.Ctime = format.TimeIntToFormat(*item.Ctime)
// pbData.Status = *item.Status
// pbData.DeliveryMethod = *item.DeliveryMethod
// pbData.TsTime = format.TimeToFormat(*item.TsTime)
// pbData.IsPayCompleted = *item.IsPayCompleted
// pbData.DeliverSn = *item.DeliverSn
// var pcsBox int64
// var pcs int64
// var productList []types.Product
// var surplusAt int64
// //如果是部分支付状态,那么取消订单倒计时2天
// if *item.Status == int64(constants.STATUS_NEW_PART_PAY) {
// surplusAt = (*item.Ctime + int64(constants.CANCLE_ORDER_EXPIRE)) - time.Now().UTC().Unix()
// if surplusAt < 0 {
// surplusAt = 0
// }
// }
// fsOrderAffiliateInfo := item.FsOrderAffiliateInfo
// var sureTime int64
// var productTime int64
// var ProductEndtime int64
// var deliverTime int64
// var upsDeliverTime int64
// var upsTime int64
// var arrivalTime int64
// var recevieTime int64
// if fsOrderAffiliateInfo.Id > 0 {
// sureTime = *fsOrderAffiliateInfo.SureTime
// productTime = *fsOrderAffiliateInfo.ProductTime
// ProductEndtime = *fsOrderAffiliateInfo.ProductEndtime
// deliverTime = *fsOrderAffiliateInfo.DeliverTime
// upsDeliverTime = *fsOrderAffiliateInfo.UpsDeliverTime
// upsTime = *fsOrderAffiliateInfo.UpsTime
// arrivalTime = *fsOrderAffiliateInfo.ArrivalTime
// recevieTime = *fsOrderAffiliateInfo.RecevieTime
// }
// var getOrderStatusAndLogisticsReq = order.GetOrderStatusAndLogisticsReq{
// OrderStatus: constants.Order(*item.Status),
// DeliveryMethod: constants.DeliveryMethod(*item.DeliveryMethod),
// IsPayCompleted: *item.IsAllProductCompleted,
// OrderCtime: *item.Ctime,
// SureTime: sureTime,
// ProductTime: productTime,
// ProductEndtime: ProductEndtime,
// DeliverTime: deliverTime,
// UpsDeliverTime: upsDeliverTime,
// UpsTime: upsTime,
// ArrivalTime: arrivalTime,
// RecevieTime: recevieTime,
// WebSetTimeInfo: orderTimeConfig,
// }
// statusAndLogisticsRes := order.GetOrderStatusAndLogistics(getOrderStatusAndLogisticsReq)
// // 流程控制
// var statusTime []types.StatusTime
// for _, itemTimes := range statusAndLogisticsRes.Times {
// statusTime = append(statusTime, types.StatusTime{
// Key: itemTimes.Key,
// Time: itemTimes.Time,
// })
// }
// pbData.StatusTimes = statusTime
// pbData.LogisticsStatus = int64(statusAndLogisticsRes.LogisticsStatus)
// pbData.Status = int64(statusAndLogisticsRes.OrderStatus)
// var isStopMax int64
// if len(item.FsOrderDetails) > 0 {
// for _, fsOrderDetailItem := range item.FsOrderDetails {
// fsOrderDetailBuyNum := *fsOrderDetailItem.FsOrderDetail.BuyNum
// fsOrderDetailEachBoxNum := *fsOrderDetailItem.FsOrderDetailTemplateInfo.EachBoxNum
// pcs = pcs + fsOrderDetailBuyNum
// pcsBoxNum := fsOrderDetailBuyNum / fsOrderDetailEachBoxNum
// var csBoxNumF int64
// if (fsOrderDetailBuyNum % fsOrderDetailEachBoxNum) > 0 {
// csBoxNumF = 1
// }
// pcsBox = pcsBox + pcsBoxNum + csBoxNumF
// productCover := *fsOrderDetailItem.Cover
// // 尺寸
// if size >= 200 {
// coverArr := strings.Split(*fsOrderDetailItem.Cover, ".")
// if len(coverArr) < 2 {
// return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeServiceErr, "cover split slice item count is less than 2")
// }
// productCover = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%d.%s", coverArr[0], req.Size, coverArr[1])
// }
// // 判断stop
// var isStop int64
// if fsOrderDetailItem.FsOrderDetailTemplateInfo.FsProductDesignInfo.OptionData.Id != 0 {
// // 尺寸或者模板下架
// if fsOrderDetailItem.FsOrderDetailTemplateInfo.FsProductDesignInfo.Id != 0 {
// isStop = 1
// } else {
// isStop = 3
// }
// } else {
// if fsOrderDetailItem.FsOrderDetailTemplateInfo.FsProductDesignInfo.Id != 0 {
// isStop = 1
// }
// }
// // 判断产品是否下架
// if *fsOrderDetailItem.FsProductInfo.IsShelf == 0 || *fsOrderDetailItem.FsProductInfo.IsDel == 1 {
// isStop = 2
// }
// if isStop > isStopMax {
// isStopMax = isStop
// }
// productList = append(productList, types.Product{
// Cover: productCover,
// Fitting: *fsOrderDetailItem.OptionalTitle,
// OptionPrice: *fsOrderDetailItem.OptionPrice,
// OrderDetailTemplateId: *fsOrderDetailItem.OrderDetailTemplateId,
// OrderId: *fsOrderDetailItem.OrderId,
// Pcs: fsOrderDetailBuyNum,
// PcsBox: pcsBox,
// Price: *fsOrderDetailItem.FsOrderDetail.Amount,
// ProductId: *fsOrderDetailItem.OptionPrice,
// Title: *fsOrderDetailItem.FsProductInfo.Title,
// Size: *fsOrderDetailItem.FsOrderDetailTemplateInfo.FsProductSizeInfo.Capacity,
// IsStop: isStop,
// })
// }
// pbData.ProductList = productList
// }
// pbData.IsStop = isStopMax
// pbData.PcsBox = pcsBox
// pbData.Pcs = pcs
// pbData.SurplusAt = surplusAt
// pbData.Deposit = *item.TotalAmount / 2
// pbData.Remaining = pbData.Deposit
// respList = append(respList, pbData)
// }
// }
// return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeOK, "success", types.UserOrderListRsp{
// Items: respList,
// Meta: types.Meta{
// TotalCount: total,
// PageCount: int64(math.Ceil(float64(total) / float64(pageSize))),
// CurrentPage: int(page),
// PerPage: int(pageSize),
// },
// })
return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeOK, "success")