diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..908f699 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +__debug_* +*.tar.* +*.7z +*.tar +*.zip +*.gz \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 1cd5353..c53df05 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,93 +1,24 @@ -# proto - - - -## Getting started - -To make it easy for you to get started with GitLab, here's a list of recommended next steps. - -Already a pro? Just edit this README.md and make it your own. Want to make it easy? [Use the template at the bottom](#editing-this-readme)! - -## Add your files - -- [ ] [Create](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/repository/web_editor.html#create-a-file) or [upload](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/repository/web_editor.html#upload-a-file) files -- [ ] [Add files using the command line](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/gitlab-basics/add-file.html#add-a-file-using-the-command-line) or push an existing Git repository with the following command: - -``` -cd existing_repo -git remote add origin http://gitlab.fusenpack.com/backend/proto.git -git branch -M master -git push -uf origin master -``` - -## Integrate with your tools - -- [ ] [Set up project integrations](http://gitlab.fusenpack.com/backend/proto/-/settings/integrations) - -## Collaborate with your team - -- [ ] [Invite team members and collaborators](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/members/) -- [ ] [Create a new merge request](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/creating_merge_requests.html) -- [ ] [Automatically close issues from merge requests](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/issues/managing_issues.html#closing-issues-automatically) -- [ ] [Enable merge request approvals](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/approvals/) -- [ ] [Set auto-merge](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/merge_when_pipeline_succeeds.html) - -## Test and Deploy - -Use the built-in continuous integration in GitLab. - -- [ ] [Get started with GitLab CI/CD](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/quick_start/index.html) -- [ ] [Analyze your code for known vulnerabilities with Static Application Security Testing (SAST)](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/sast/) -- [ ] [Deploy to Kubernetes, Amazon EC2, or Amazon ECS using Auto Deploy](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/topics/autodevops/requirements.html) -- [ ] [Use pull-based deployments for improved Kubernetes management](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/clusters/agent/) -- [ ] [Set up protected environments](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/environments/protected_environments.html) - -*** - -# Editing this README - -When you're ready to make this README your own, just edit this file and use the handy template below (or feel free to structure it however you want - this is just a starting point!). Thanks to [makeareadme.com](https://www.makeareadme.com/) for this template. - -## Suggestions for a good README - -Every project is different, so consider which of these sections apply to yours. The sections used in the template are suggestions for most open source projects. Also keep in mind that while a README can be too long and detailed, too long is better than too short. If you think your README is too long, consider utilizing another form of documentation rather than cutting out information. - -## Name -Choose a self-explaining name for your project. - -## Description -Let people know what your project can do specifically. Provide context and add a link to any reference visitors might be unfamiliar with. A list of Features or a Background subsection can also be added here. If there are alternatives to your project, this is a good place to list differentiating factors. - -## Badges -On some READMEs, you may see small images that convey metadata, such as whether or not all the tests are passing for the project. You can use Shields to add some to your README. Many services also have instructions for adding a badge. - -## Visuals -Depending on what you are making, it can be a good idea to include screenshots or even a video (you'll frequently see GIFs rather than actual videos). Tools like ttygif can help, but check out Asciinema for a more sophisticated method. - -## Installation -Within a particular ecosystem, there may be a common way of installing things, such as using Yarn, NuGet, or Homebrew. However, consider the possibility that whoever is reading your README is a novice and would like more guidance. Listing specific steps helps remove ambiguity and gets people to using your project as quickly as possible. If it only runs in a specific context like a particular programming language version or operating system or has dependencies that have to be installed manually, also add a Requirements subsection. - -## Usage -Use examples liberally, and show the expected output if you can. It's helpful to have inline the smallest example of usage that you can demonstrate, while providing links to more sophisticated examples if they are too long to reasonably include in the README. - -## Support -Tell people where they can go to for help. It can be any combination of an issue tracker, a chat room, an email address, etc. - -## Roadmap -If you have ideas for releases in the future, it is a good idea to list them in the README. - -## Contributing -State if you are open to contributions and what your requirements are for accepting them. - -For people who want to make changes to your project, it's helpful to have some documentation on how to get started. Perhaps there is a script that they should run or some environment variables that they need to set. Make these steps explicit. These instructions could also be useful to your future self. - -You can also document commands to lint the code or run tests. These steps help to ensure high code quality and reduce the likelihood that the changes inadvertently break something. Having instructions for running tests is especially helpful if it requires external setup, such as starting a Selenium server for testing in a browser. - -## Authors and acknowledgment -Show your appreciation to those who have contributed to the project. - -## License -For open source projects, say how it is licensed. - -## Project status -If you have run out of energy or time for your project, put a note at the top of the README saying that development has slowed down or stopped completely. Someone may choose to fork your project or volunteer to step in as a maintainer or owner, allowing your project to keep going. You can also make an explicit request for maintainers. +# 公共服务调用的协议 + +#### 介绍 +公共协议, 每个服务需要git submodule 拉 xxx/proto 目录下. 然后使用序列. + +```bash +git submodule add https://gitee.com/fusenpack/proto +``` +然后执行 +```bash +go run proto/goutils/proto_build/main.go +或者 +在proto/goutils/proto_build/main_test.go执行测试 TestMain +``` + +#### 软件架构 +软件架构说明 + + + + + + + diff --git a/google/api/BUILD.bazel b/google/api/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..85b98ea --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/BUILD.bazel @@ -0,0 +1,885 @@ +load("@rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", "proto_library") + +# This is an API workspace, having public visibility by default makes perfect sense. +package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) + +############################################################################## +# Common +############################################################################## +proto_library( + name = "annotations_proto", + srcs = ["annotations.proto"], + deps = [ + ":http_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:descriptor_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library( + name = "auth_proto", + srcs = ["auth.proto"], + deps = [":annotations_proto"], +) + +proto_library( + name = "backend_proto", + srcs = ["backend.proto"], + visibility = ["//visibility:public"], +) + +proto_library( + name = "billing_proto", + srcs = ["billing.proto"], + deps = [ + ":annotations_proto", + ":metric_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library( + name = "client_proto", + srcs = ["client.proto"], + deps = [ + ":launch_stage_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:descriptor_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:duration_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library( + name = "config_change_proto", + srcs = ["config_change.proto"], + visibility = ["//visibility:public"], +) + +proto_library( + name = "consumer_proto", + srcs = ["consumer.proto"], + visibility = ["//visibility:public"], +) + +proto_library( + name = "context_proto", + srcs = ["context.proto"], + visibility = ["//visibility:public"], +) + +proto_library( + name = "control_proto", + srcs = ["control.proto"], + visibility = ["//visibility:public"], + deps = [ + ":policy_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library( + name = "distribution_proto", + srcs = ["distribution.proto"], + deps = [ + ":annotations_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:any_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:timestamp_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library( + name = "documentation_proto", + srcs = ["documentation.proto"], + visibility = ["//visibility:public"], +) + +proto_library( + name = "endpoint_proto", + srcs = ["endpoint.proto"], + deps = [":annotations_proto"], +) + +proto_library( + name = "error_reason_proto", + srcs = ["error_reason.proto"], +) + +proto_library( + name = "field_info_proto", + srcs = ["field_info.proto"], + deps = [ + "@com_google_protobuf//:descriptor_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library( + name = "field_behavior_proto", + srcs = ["field_behavior.proto"], + deps = [ + "@com_google_protobuf//:descriptor_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library( + name = "http_proto", + srcs = ["http.proto"], + visibility = ["//visibility:public"], +) + +proto_library( + name = "httpbody_proto", + srcs = ["httpbody.proto"], + deps = ["@com_google_protobuf//:any_proto"], +) + +proto_library( + name = "label_proto", + srcs = ["label.proto"], + visibility = ["//visibility:public"], +) + +proto_library( + name = "launch_stage_proto", + srcs = ["launch_stage.proto"], +) + +proto_library( + name = "log_proto", + srcs = ["log.proto"], + deps = [":label_proto"], +) + +proto_library( + name = "logging_proto", + srcs = ["logging.proto"], + deps = [ + ":annotations_proto", + ":label_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library( + name = "metric_proto", + srcs = ["metric.proto"], + deps = [ + ":label_proto", + ":launch_stage_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:duration_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library( + name = "monitored_resource_proto", + srcs = ["monitored_resource.proto"], + deps = [ + ":label_proto", + ":launch_stage_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:struct_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library( + name = "monitoring_proto", + srcs = ["monitoring.proto"], + deps = [":annotations_proto"], +) + +proto_library( + name = "policy_proto", + srcs = ["policy.proto"], + deps = [ + ":visibility_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:descriptor_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library( + name = "quota_proto", + srcs = ["quota.proto"], + deps = [":annotations_proto"], +) + +proto_library( + name = "resource_proto", + srcs = ["resource.proto"], + deps = [ + "@com_google_protobuf//:descriptor_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library( + name = "routing_proto", + srcs = ["routing.proto"], + deps = [ + "@com_google_protobuf//:descriptor_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library( + name = "service_proto", + srcs = ["service.proto"], + deps = [ + ":annotations_proto", + ":auth_proto", + ":backend_proto", + ":billing_proto", + ":client_proto", + ":context_proto", + ":control_proto", + ":documentation_proto", + ":endpoint_proto", + ":http_proto", + ":label_proto", + ":log_proto", + ":logging_proto", + ":metric_proto", + ":monitored_resource_proto", + ":monitoring_proto", + ":policy_proto", + ":quota_proto", + ":resource_proto", + ":source_info_proto", + ":system_parameter_proto", + ":usage_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:any_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:api_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:type_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:wrappers_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library( + name = "source_info_proto", + srcs = ["source_info.proto"], + deps = ["@com_google_protobuf//:any_proto"], +) + +proto_library( + name = "system_parameter_proto", + srcs = ["system_parameter.proto"], + visibility = ["//visibility:public"], +) + +proto_library( + name = "usage_proto", + srcs = ["usage.proto"], + deps = [ + ":annotations_proto", + ":visibility_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library( + name = "visibility_proto", + srcs = ["visibility.proto"], + visibility = ["//visibility:public"], + deps = ["@com_google_protobuf//:descriptor_proto"], +) + +############################################################################## +# Java +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "java_gapic_assembly_gradle_pkg", + "java_proto_library", +) + +java_proto_library( + name = "api_java_proto", + deps = [ + "annotations_proto", + "auth_proto", + "backend_proto", + "billing_proto", + "client_proto", + "config_change_proto", + "consumer_proto", + "context_proto", + "control_proto", + "distribution_proto", + "documentation_proto", + "endpoint_proto", + "error_reason_proto", + "field_behavior_proto", + "field_info_proto", + "http_proto", + "httpbody_proto", + "label_proto", + "launch_stage_proto", + "log_proto", + "logging_proto", + "metric_proto", + "monitored_resource_proto", + "monitoring_proto", + "policy_proto", + "quota_proto", + "resource_proto", + "routing_proto", + "service_proto", + "source_info_proto", + "system_parameter_proto", + "usage_proto", + "visibility_proto", + ], +) + +# Please DO-NOT-REMOVE this section. +# This is required to generate java files for these protos. +# Open Source Packages +java_gapic_assembly_gradle_pkg( + name = "google-api-java", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + "annotations_proto", + "auth_proto", + "backend_proto", + "billing_proto", + "client_proto", + "config_change_proto", + "consumer_proto", + "context_proto", + "control_proto", + "distribution_proto", + "documentation_proto", + "endpoint_proto", + "error_reason_proto", + "field_behavior_proto", + "field_info_proto", + "http_proto", + "httpbody_proto", + "label_proto", + "launch_stage_proto", + "log_proto", + "logging_proto", + "metric_proto", + "monitored_resource_proto", + "monitoring_proto", + "policy_proto", + "quota_proto", + "resource_proto", + "routing_proto", + "service_proto", + "source_info_proto", + "system_parameter_proto", + "usage_proto", + "visibility_proto", + ":api_java_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# Go +############################################################################## +load("@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", "go_proto_library") + +go_proto_library( + name = "annotations_go_proto", + importpath = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations", + protos = [ + ":annotations_proto", + ":client_proto", + ":field_behavior_proto", + ":field_info_proto", + ":http_proto", + ":resource_proto", + ":routing_proto", + ], + deps = [":api_go_proto"], +) + +go_proto_library( + name = "client_go_proto", + importpath = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations;annotations", + protos = [":client_proto"], + deps = [":api_go_proto"], +) + +go_proto_library( + name = "configchange_go_proto", + importpath = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/configchange", + protos = [":config_change_proto"], +) + +go_proto_library( + name = "distribution_go_proto", + importpath = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/distribution", + protos = [":distribution_proto"], +) + + +go_proto_library( + name = "field_behavior_go_proto", + importpath = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations;annotations", + protos = [":field_behavior_proto"], +) + +go_proto_library( + name = "httpbody_go_proto", + importpath = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/httpbody", + protos = [":httpbody_proto"], +) + +go_proto_library( + name = "label_go_proto", + importpath = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/label", + protos = [":label_proto"], +) + +go_proto_library( + name = "api_go_proto", + importpath = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api", + protos = [ + ":launch_stage_proto", + ], +) + +go_proto_library( + name = "metric_go_proto", + importpath = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/metric", + protos = [":metric_proto"], + deps = [ + ":api_go_proto", + ":label_go_proto", + ], +) + +go_proto_library( + name = "monitoredres_go_proto", + importpath = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/monitoredres", + protos = [":monitored_resource_proto"], + deps = [ + ":api_go_proto", + ":label_go_proto", + ], +) + +go_proto_library( + name = "resource_go_proto", + importpath = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations;annotations", + protos = [":resource_proto"], +) + +go_proto_library( + name = "routing_go_proto", + importpath = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations;annotations", + protos = [":routing_proto"], +) + +go_proto_library( + name = "serviceconfig_go_proto", + importpath = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/serviceconfig", + protos = [ + ":auth_proto", + ":backend_proto", + ":billing_proto", + ":context_proto", + ":control_proto", + ":documentation_proto", + ":endpoint_proto", + ":log_proto", + ":logging_proto", + ":monitoring_proto", + ":policy_proto", + ":quota_proto", + ":service_proto", + ":source_info_proto", + ":system_parameter_proto", + ":usage_proto", + ], + deps = [ + ":annotations_go_proto", + ":api_go_proto", + ":label_go_proto", + ":metric_go_proto", + ":monitoredres_go_proto", + ], +) + +go_proto_library( + name = "visibility_go_proto", + importpath = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/visibility;visibility", + protos = [":visibility_proto"], +) + +############################################################################## +# C++ +############################################################################## +load("@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", "cc_proto_library") + +cc_proto_library( + name = "annotations_cc_proto", + deps = [":annotations_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "auth_cc_proto", + deps = [":auth_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "backend_cc_proto", + deps = [":backend_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "billing_cc_proto", + deps = [":billing_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "client_cc_proto", + deps = [":client_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "config_change_cc_proto", + deps = [":config_change_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "consumer_cc_proto", + deps = [":consumer_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "context_cc_proto", + deps = [":context_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "control_cc_proto", + deps = [":control_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "distribution_cc_proto", + deps = [":distribution_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "documentation_cc_proto", + deps = [":documentation_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "endpoint_cc_proto", + deps = [":endpoint_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "field_info_cc_proto", + deps = [":field_info_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "field_behavior_cc_proto", + deps = [":field_behavior_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "http_cc_proto", + deps = [":http_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "httpbody_cc_proto", + deps = [":httpbody_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "label_cc_proto", + deps = [":label_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "launch_stage_cc_proto", + deps = [":launch_stage_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "log_cc_proto", + deps = [":log_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "logging_cc_proto", + deps = [":logging_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "metric_cc_proto", + deps = [":metric_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "monitored_resource_cc_proto", + deps = [":monitored_resource_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "monitoring_cc_proto", + deps = [":monitoring_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "policy_cc_proto", + deps = [":policy_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "quota_cc_proto", + deps = [":quota_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "resource_cc_proto", + deps = [":resource_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "routing_cc_proto", + deps = [":routing_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "service_cc_proto", + deps = [":service_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "source_info_cc_proto", + deps = [":source_info_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "system_parameter_cc_proto", + deps = [":system_parameter_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "usage_cc_proto", + deps = [":usage_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "visibility_cc_proto", + deps = [":visibility_proto"], +) + +############################################################################## +# Python +############################################################################## +load("@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", "py_proto_library") + +py_proto_library( + name = "annotations_py_proto", + deps = [":annotations_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "auth_py_proto", + deps = [":auth_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "backend_py_proto", + deps = [":backend_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "billing_py_proto", + deps = [":billing_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "client_py_proto", + deps = [":client_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "config_change_py_proto", + deps = [":config_change_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "consumer_py_proto", + deps = [":consumer_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "context_py_proto", + deps = [":context_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "control_py_proto", + deps = [":control_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "distribution_py_proto", + deps = [":distribution_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "documentation_py_proto", + deps = [":documentation_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "endpoint_py_proto", + deps = [":endpoint_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "field_info_py_proto", + deps = [":field_info_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "field_behavior_py_proto", + deps = [":field_behavior_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "http_py_proto", + deps = [":http_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "httpbody_py_proto", + deps = [":httpbody_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "label_py_proto", + deps = [":label_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "launch_stage_py_proto", + deps = [":launch_stage_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "log_py_proto", + deps = [":log_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "logging_py_proto", + deps = [":logging_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "metric_py_proto", + deps = [":metric_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "monitored_resource_py_proto", + deps = [":monitored_resource_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "monitoring_py_proto", + deps = ["monitoring_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "policy_py_proto", + deps = [":policy_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "quota_py_proto", + deps = ["quota_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "resource_py_proto", + deps = [":resource_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "routing_py_proto", + deps = [":routing_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "service_py_proto", + deps = [":service_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "source_info_py_proto", + deps = [":source_info_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "system_parameter_py_proto", + deps = [":system_parameter_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "usage_py_proto", + deps = [":usage_proto"], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "visibility_py_proto", + deps = ["visibility_proto"], +) + +############################################################################## +# PHP +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "php_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "php_proto_library", +) + +php_proto_library( + name = "api_php_proto", + deps = [ + "annotations_proto", + "auth_proto", + "backend_proto", + "billing_proto", + "client_proto", + "config_change_proto", + "consumer_proto", + "context_proto", + "control_proto", + "distribution_proto", + "documentation_proto", + "endpoint_proto", + "error_reason_proto", + "field_info_proto", + "field_behavior_proto", + "http_proto", + "httpbody_proto", + "label_proto", + "launch_stage_proto", + "log_proto", + "logging_proto", + "metric_proto", + "monitored_resource_proto", + "monitoring_proto", + "policy_proto", + "quota_proto", + "resource_proto", + "routing_proto", + "service_proto", + "source_info_proto", + "system_parameter_proto", + "usage_proto", + "visibility_proto", + ], +) + +# Please DO-NOT-REMOVE this section. +# This is required to generate php files for these protos. +# Open Source Packages +php_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "google-api-php", + deps = [":api_php_proto"], +) diff --git a/google/api/README.md b/google/api/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea008db --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +## API Protos + +This folder contains the schema of the configuration model for Google's +internal API serving platform, which handles routing, quotas, monitoring, +logging, and the like. + +Google refers to this configuration colloquially as the "service config", +and the `service.proto` file in this directory is the entry point for +understanding these. + +## Using these protos + +To be honest, we probably open sourced way too much of this (basically by +accident). There are a couple files in here you are most likely to be +interested in: `http.proto`, `documentation.proto`, `auth.proto`, and +`annotations.proto`. + +### HTTP and REST + +The `http.proto` file contains the `Http` message (which then is wrapped +in an annotation in `annotations.proto`), which provides a specification +for REST endpoints and verbs (`GET`, `POST`, etc.) on RPC methods. +We recommend use of this annotation for describing the relationship +between RPCs and REST endpoints. + +### Documentation + +The `documentation.proto` file contains a `Documentation` message which +provides a mechanism to fully describe an API, allowing a tool to build +structured documentation artifacts. + +### Authentication + +The `auth.proto` file contains descriptions of both authentication rules +and authentication providers, allowing you to describe what your services +expect and accept from clients. diff --git a/google/api/annotations.proto b/google/api/annotations.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..efdab3d --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/annotations.proto @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +// Copyright 2015 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +import "google/api/http.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto"; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations;annotations"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "AnnotationsProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +extend google.protobuf.MethodOptions { + // See `HttpRule`. + HttpRule http = 72295728; +} diff --git a/google/api/apikeys/BUILD.bazel b/google/api/apikeys/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..87f9a33 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/apikeys/BUILD.bazel @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +# This build file includes a target for the Ruby wrapper library for +# google-cloud-api_keys. + +# This is an API workspace, having public visibility by default makes perfect sense. +package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) + +# Export yaml configs. +exports_files(glob(["*.yaml"])) + +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "ruby_cloud_gapic_library", + "ruby_gapic_assembly_pkg", +) + +# Generates a Ruby wrapper client for apikeys. +# Ruby wrapper clients are versionless, but are generated from source protos +# for a particular service version, v2 in this case. +ruby_cloud_gapic_library( + name = "apikeys_ruby_wrapper", + srcs = ["//google/api/apikeys/v2:apikeys_proto_with_info"], + extra_protoc_parameters = [ + "ruby-cloud-api-id=apikeys.googleapis.com", + "ruby-cloud-api-shortname=apikeys", + "ruby-cloud-gem-name=google-cloud-api_keys", + "ruby-cloud-product-url=https://cloud.google.com/api-keys/", + "ruby-cloud-wrapper-of=v2:0.2", + ], + ruby_cloud_description = "An API key is a simple encrypted string that you can use when calling Google Cloud APIs. The API Keys service manages the API keys associated with developer projects.", + ruby_cloud_title = "API Keys", + transport = "grpc+rest", +) + +# Open Source package. +ruby_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-apikeys-ruby", + deps = [ + ":apikeys_ruby_wrapper", + ], +) + diff --git a/google/api/apikeys/v2/BUILD.bazel b/google/api/apikeys/v2/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96d1498 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/apikeys/v2/BUILD.bazel @@ -0,0 +1,389 @@ +# This file was automatically generated by BuildFileGenerator +# https://github.com/googleapis/rules_gapic/tree/master/bazel + +# Most of the manual changes to this file will be overwritten. +# It's **only** allowed to change the following rule attribute values: +# - names of *_gapic_assembly_* rules +# - certain parameters of *_gapic_library rules, including but not limited to: +# * extra_protoc_parameters +# * extra_protoc_file_parameters +# The complete list of preserved parameters can be found in the source code. + +# This is an API workspace, having public visibility by default makes perfect sense. +package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) + +############################################################################## +# Common +############################################################################## +load("@rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", "proto_library") +load("@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", "proto_library_with_info") + +proto_library( + name = "apikeys_proto", + srcs = [ + "apikeys.proto", + "resources.proto", + ], + deps = [ + "//google/api:annotations_proto", + "//google/api:client_proto", + "//google/api:field_behavior_proto", + "//google/api:resource_proto", + "//google/longrunning:operations_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:empty_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:field_mask_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:timestamp_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library_with_info( + name = "apikeys_proto_with_info", + deps = [ + ":apikeys_proto", + "//google/cloud:common_resources_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# Java +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "java_gapic_assembly_gradle_pkg", + "java_gapic_library", + "java_gapic_test", + "java_grpc_library", + "java_proto_library", +) + +java_proto_library( + name = "apikeys_java_proto", + deps = [":apikeys_proto"], +) + +java_grpc_library( + name = "apikeys_java_grpc", + srcs = [":apikeys_proto"], + deps = [":apikeys_java_proto"], +) + +java_gapic_library( + name = "apikeys_java_gapic", + srcs = [":apikeys_proto_with_info"], + gapic_yaml = None, + grpc_service_config = "apikeys_grpc_service_config.json", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "apikeys_v2.yaml", + test_deps = [ + ":apikeys_java_grpc", + ], + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":apikeys_java_proto", + "//google/api:api_java_proto", + ], +) + +java_gapic_test( + name = "apikeys_java_gapic_test_suite", + test_classes = [ + "com.google.api.apikeys.v2.ApiKeysClientHttpJsonTest", + "com.google.api.apikeys.v2.ApiKeysClientTest", + ], + runtime_deps = [":apikeys_java_gapic_test"], +) + +# Open Source Packages +java_gapic_assembly_gradle_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-api-apikeys-v2-java", + include_samples = True, + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":apikeys_java_gapic", + ":apikeys_java_grpc", + ":apikeys_java_proto", + ":apikeys_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# Go +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "go_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "go_gapic_library", + "go_proto_library", +) + +go_proto_library( + name = "apikeys_go_proto", + compilers = ["@io_bazel_rules_go//proto:go_grpc"], + importpath = "cloud.google.com/go/apikeys/apiv2/apikeyspb", + protos = [":apikeys_proto"], + deps = [ + "//google/api:annotations_go_proto", + "//google/longrunning:longrunning_go_proto", + ], +) + +go_gapic_library( + name = "apikeys_go_gapic", + srcs = [":apikeys_proto_with_info"], + grpc_service_config = "apikeys_grpc_service_config.json", + importpath = "cloud.google.com/go/apikeys/apiv2;apikeys", + metadata = True, + release_level = "ga", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "apikeys_v2.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":apikeys_go_proto", + "//google/longrunning:longrunning_go_proto", + "@com_google_cloud_go_longrunning//:go_default_library", + "@com_google_cloud_go_longrunning//autogen:go_default_library", + ], +) + +# Open Source Packages +go_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "gapi-cloud-api-apikeys-v2-go", + deps = [ + ":apikeys_go_gapic", + ":apikeys_go_gapic_srcjar-metadata.srcjar", + ":apikeys_go_gapic_srcjar-snippets.srcjar", + ":apikeys_go_gapic_srcjar-test.srcjar", + ":apikeys_go_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# Python +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "py_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "py_gapic_library", + "py_test", +) + +py_gapic_library( + name = "apikeys_py_gapic", + srcs = [":apikeys_proto"], + grpc_service_config = "apikeys_grpc_service_config.json", + opt_args = [ + "python-gapic-name=api_keys", + "python-gapic-namespace=google.cloud", + "warehouse-package-name=google-cloud-api-keys", + ], + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "apikeys_v2.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ], +) + +py_test( + name = "apikeys_py_gapic_test", + srcs = [ + "apikeys_py_gapic_pytest.py", + "apikeys_py_gapic_test.py", + ], + legacy_create_init = False, + deps = [":apikeys_py_gapic"], +) + +# Open Source Packages +py_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "api-apikeys-v2-py", + deps = [ + ":apikeys_py_gapic", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# PHP +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "php_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "php_gapic_library", + "php_proto_library", +) + +php_proto_library( + name = "apikeys_php_proto", + deps = [":apikeys_proto"], +) + +php_gapic_library( + name = "apikeys_php_gapic", + srcs = [":apikeys_proto_with_info"], + grpc_service_config = "apikeys_grpc_service_config.json", + migration_mode = "MIGRATING", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "apikeys_v2.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":apikeys_php_proto", + ], +) + +# Open Source Packages +php_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-api-apikeys-v2-php", + deps = [ + ":apikeys_php_gapic", + ":apikeys_php_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# Node.js +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "nodejs_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "nodejs_gapic_library", +) + +nodejs_gapic_library( + name = "apikeys_nodejs_gapic", + package_name = "@google-cloud/apikeys", + src = ":apikeys_proto_with_info", + extra_protoc_parameters = ["metadata"], + grpc_service_config = "apikeys_grpc_service_config.json", + package = "google.api.apikeys.v2", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "apikeys_v2.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [], +) + +nodejs_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "api-apikeys-v2-nodejs", + deps = [ + ":apikeys_nodejs_gapic", + ":apikeys_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# Ruby +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "ruby_cloud_gapic_library", + "ruby_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "ruby_grpc_library", + "ruby_proto_library", +) + +ruby_proto_library( + name = "apikeys_ruby_proto", + deps = [":apikeys_proto"], +) + +ruby_grpc_library( + name = "apikeys_ruby_grpc", + srcs = [":apikeys_proto"], + deps = [":apikeys_ruby_proto"], +) + +ruby_cloud_gapic_library( + name = "apikeys_ruby_gapic", + srcs = [":apikeys_proto_with_info"], + extra_protoc_parameters = [ + "ruby-cloud-api-id=apikeys.googleapis.com", + "ruby-cloud-api-shortname=apikeys", + "ruby-cloud-gem-name=google-cloud-api_keys-v2", + "ruby-cloud-product-url=https://cloud.google.com/api-keys/", + ], + grpc_service_config = "apikeys_grpc_service_config.json", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + ruby_cloud_description = "An API key is a simple encrypted string that you can use when calling Google Cloud APIs. The API Keys service manages the API keys associated with developer projects.", + ruby_cloud_title = "API Keys V2", + service_yaml = "apikeys_v2.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":apikeys_ruby_grpc", + ":apikeys_ruby_proto", + ], +) + +# Open Source Packages +ruby_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-api-apikeys-v2-ruby", + deps = [ + ":apikeys_ruby_gapic", + ":apikeys_ruby_grpc", + ":apikeys_ruby_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# C# +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "csharp_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "csharp_gapic_library", + "csharp_grpc_library", + "csharp_proto_library", +) + +csharp_proto_library( + name = "apikeys_csharp_proto", + deps = [":apikeys_proto"], +) + +csharp_grpc_library( + name = "apikeys_csharp_grpc", + srcs = [":apikeys_proto"], + deps = [":apikeys_csharp_proto"], +) + +csharp_gapic_library( + name = "apikeys_csharp_gapic", + srcs = [":apikeys_proto_with_info"], + common_resources_config = "@gax_dotnet//:Google.Api.Gax/ResourceNames/CommonResourcesConfig.json", + grpc_service_config = "apikeys_grpc_service_config.json", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "apikeys_v2.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":apikeys_csharp_grpc", + ":apikeys_csharp_proto", + ], +) + +# Open Source Packages +csharp_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-api-apikeys-v2-csharp", + deps = [ + ":apikeys_csharp_gapic", + ":apikeys_csharp_grpc", + ":apikeys_csharp_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# C++ +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "cc_grpc_library", + "cc_proto_library", +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "apikeys_cc_proto", + deps = [":apikeys_proto"], +) + +cc_grpc_library( + name = "apikeys_cc_grpc", + srcs = [":apikeys_proto"], + grpc_only = True, + deps = [":apikeys_cc_proto"], +) diff --git a/google/api/apikeys/v2/apikeys.proto b/google/api/apikeys/v2/apikeys.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..132a03a --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/apikeys/v2/apikeys.proto @@ -0,0 +1,288 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.apikeys.v2; + +import "google/api/annotations.proto"; +import "google/api/apikeys/v2/resources.proto"; +import "google/api/client.proto"; +import "google/api/field_behavior.proto"; +import "google/api/resource.proto"; +import "google/longrunning/operations.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/field_mask.proto"; + +option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.ApiKeys.V2"; +option go_package = "cloud.google.com/go/apikeys/apiv2/apikeyspb;apikeyspb"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "ApiKeysProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.apikeys.v2"; +option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\ApiKeys\\V2"; +option ruby_package = "Google::Cloud::ApiKeys::V2"; + +// Manages the API keys associated with projects. +service ApiKeys { + option (google.api.default_host) = "apikeys.googleapis.com"; + option (google.api.oauth_scopes) = + "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform," + "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only"; + + // Creates a new API key. + // + // NOTE: Key is a global resource; hence the only supported value for + // location is `global`. + rpc CreateKey(CreateKeyRequest) returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/v2/{parent=projects/*/locations/*}/keys" + body: "key" + }; + option (google.api.method_signature) = "parent,key,key_id"; + option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { + response_type: "Key" + metadata_type: "google.protobuf.Empty" + }; + } + + // Lists the API keys owned by a project. The key string of the API key + // isn't included in the response. + // + // NOTE: Key is a global resource; hence the only supported value for + // location is `global`. + rpc ListKeys(ListKeysRequest) returns (ListKeysResponse) { + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/v2/{parent=projects/*/locations/*}/keys" + }; + option (google.api.method_signature) = "parent"; + } + + // Gets the metadata for an API key. The key string of the API key + // isn't included in the response. + // + // NOTE: Key is a global resource; hence the only supported value for + // location is `global`. + rpc GetKey(GetKeyRequest) returns (Key) { + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/v2/{name=projects/*/locations/*/keys/*}" + }; + option (google.api.method_signature) = "name"; + } + + // Get the key string for an API key. + // + // NOTE: Key is a global resource; hence the only supported value for + // location is `global`. + rpc GetKeyString(GetKeyStringRequest) returns (GetKeyStringResponse) { + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/v2/{name=projects/*/locations/*/keys/*}/keyString" + }; + option (google.api.method_signature) = "name"; + } + + // Patches the modifiable fields of an API key. + // The key string of the API key isn't included in the response. + // + // NOTE: Key is a global resource; hence the only supported value for + // location is `global`. + rpc UpdateKey(UpdateKeyRequest) returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { + option (google.api.http) = { + patch: "/v2/{key.name=projects/*/locations/*/keys/*}" + body: "key" + }; + option (google.api.method_signature) = "key,update_mask"; + option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { + response_type: "Key" + metadata_type: "google.protobuf.Empty" + }; + } + + // Deletes an API key. Deleted key can be retrieved within 30 days of + // deletion. Afterward, key will be purged from the project. + // + // NOTE: Key is a global resource; hence the only supported value for + // location is `global`. + rpc DeleteKey(DeleteKeyRequest) returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { + option (google.api.http) = { + delete: "/v2/{name=projects/*/locations/*/keys/*}" + }; + option (google.api.method_signature) = "name"; + option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { + response_type: "Key" + metadata_type: "google.protobuf.Empty" + }; + } + + // Undeletes an API key which was deleted within 30 days. + // + // NOTE: Key is a global resource; hence the only supported value for + // location is `global`. + rpc UndeleteKey(UndeleteKeyRequest) returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/v2/{name=projects/*/locations/*/keys/*}:undelete" + body: "*" + }; + option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { + response_type: "Key" + metadata_type: "google.protobuf.Empty" + }; + } + + // Find the parent project and resource name of the API + // key that matches the key string in the request. If the API key has been + // purged, resource name will not be set. + // The service account must have the `apikeys.keys.lookup` permission + // on the parent project. + rpc LookupKey(LookupKeyRequest) returns (LookupKeyResponse) { + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/v2/keys:lookupKey" + }; + } +} + +// Request message for `CreateKey` method. +message CreateKeyRequest { + // Required. The project in which the API key is created. + string parent = 1 [ + (google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED, + (google.api.resource_reference) = { + child_type: "apikeys.googleapis.com/Key" + } + ]; + + // Required. The API key fields to set at creation time. + // You can configure only the `display_name`, `restrictions`, and + // `annotations` fields. + Key key = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; + + // User specified key id (optional). If specified, it will become the final + // component of the key resource name. + // + // The id must be unique within the project, must conform with RFC-1034, + // is restricted to lower-cased letters, and has a maximum length of 63 + // characters. In another word, the id must match the regular + // expression: `[a-z]([a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?`. + // + // The id must NOT be a UUID-like string. + string key_id = 3; +} + +// Request message for `ListKeys` method. +message ListKeysRequest { + // Required. Lists all API keys associated with this project. + string parent = 1 [ + (google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED, + (google.api.resource_reference) = { + child_type: "apikeys.googleapis.com/Key" + } + ]; + + // Optional. Specifies the maximum number of results to be returned at a time. + int32 page_size = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; + + // Optional. Requests a specific page of results. + string page_token = 3 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; + + // Optional. Indicate that keys deleted in the past 30 days should also be + // returned. + bool show_deleted = 6 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; +} + +// Response message for `ListKeys` method. +message ListKeysResponse { + // A list of API keys. + repeated Key keys = 1; + + // The pagination token for the next page of results. + string next_page_token = 2; +} + +// Request message for `GetKey` method. +message GetKeyRequest { + // Required. The resource name of the API key to get. + string name = 1 [ + (google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED, + (google.api.resource_reference) = { type: "apikeys.googleapis.com/Key" } + ]; +} + +// Request message for `GetKeyString` method. +message GetKeyStringRequest { + // Required. The resource name of the API key to be retrieved. + string name = 1 [ + (google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED, + (google.api.resource_reference) = { type: "apikeys.googleapis.com/Key" } + ]; +} + +// Response message for `GetKeyString` method. +message GetKeyStringResponse { + // An encrypted and signed value of the key. + string key_string = 1; +} + +// Request message for `UpdateKey` method. +message UpdateKeyRequest { + // Required. Set the `name` field to the resource name of the API key to be + // updated. You can update only the `display_name`, `restrictions`, and + // `annotations` fields. + Key key = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; + + // The field mask specifies which fields to be updated as part of this + // request. All other fields are ignored. + // Mutable fields are: `display_name`, `restrictions`, and `annotations`. + // If an update mask is not provided, the service treats it as an implied mask + // equivalent to all allowed fields that are set on the wire. If the field + // mask has a special value "*", the service treats it equivalent to replace + // all allowed mutable fields. + google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 2; +} + +// Request message for `DeleteKey` method. +message DeleteKeyRequest { + // Required. The resource name of the API key to be deleted. + string name = 1 [ + (google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED, + (google.api.resource_reference) = { type: "apikeys.googleapis.com/Key" } + ]; + + // Optional. The etag known to the client for the expected state of the key. + // This is to be used for optimistic concurrency. + string etag = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; +} + +// Request message for `UndeleteKey` method. +message UndeleteKeyRequest { + // Required. The resource name of the API key to be undeleted. + string name = 1 [ + (google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED, + (google.api.resource_reference) = { type: "apikeys.googleapis.com/Key" } + ]; +} + +// Request message for `LookupKey` method. +message LookupKeyRequest { + // Required. Finds the project that owns the key string value. + string key_string = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; +} + +// Response message for `LookupKey` method. +message LookupKeyResponse { + // The project that owns the key with the value specified in the request. + string parent = 1; + + // The resource name of the API key. If the API key has been purged, + // resource name is empty. + string name = 2; +} diff --git a/google/api/apikeys/v2/apikeys_grpc_service_config.json b/google/api/apikeys/v2/apikeys_grpc_service_config.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..418bf99 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/apikeys/v2/apikeys_grpc_service_config.json @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +{ + "methodConfig": [{ + "name": [ + { "service": "google.api.apikeys.v2.ApiKeys" } + ], + "timeout": "10s" + }] +} diff --git a/google/api/apikeys/v2/apikeys_v2.yaml b/google/api/apikeys/v2/apikeys_v2.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f9403e --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/apikeys/v2/apikeys_v2.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +type: google.api.Service +config_version: 3 +name: apikeys.googleapis.com +title: API Keys API + +apis: +- name: google.api.apikeys.v2.ApiKeys +- name: google.longrunning.Operations + +documentation: + summary: Manages the API keys associated with developer projects. + +backend: + rules: + - selector: 'google.api.apikeys.v2.ApiKeys.*' + deadline: 120.0 + - selector: google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation + deadline: 120.0 + +http: + rules: + - selector: google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation + get: '/v2/{name=operations/*}' + +authentication: + rules: + - selector: 'google.api.apikeys.v2.ApiKeys.*' + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform + - selector: google.api.apikeys.v2.ApiKeys.GetKey + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only + - selector: google.api.apikeys.v2.ApiKeys.GetKeyString + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only + - selector: google.api.apikeys.v2.ApiKeys.ListKeys + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only + - selector: google.api.apikeys.v2.ApiKeys.LookupKey + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only + - selector: google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only diff --git a/google/api/apikeys/v2/resources.proto b/google/api/apikeys/v2/resources.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a4f39c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/apikeys/v2/resources.proto @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.apikeys.v2; + +import "google/api/field_behavior.proto"; +import "google/api/resource.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; + +option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.ApiKeys.V2"; +option go_package = "cloud.google.com/go/apikeys/apiv2/apikeyspb;apikeyspb"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "ResourcesProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.apikeys.v2"; +option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\ApiKeys\\V2"; +option ruby_package = "Google::Cloud::ApiKeys::V2"; + +// The representation of a key managed by the API Keys API. +message Key { + option (google.api.resource) = { + type: "apikeys.googleapis.com/Key" + pattern: "projects/{project}/locations/{location}/keys/{key}" + plural: "keys" + singular: "key" + style: DECLARATIVE_FRIENDLY + }; + + // Output only. The resource name of the key. + // The `name` has the form: + // `projects//locations/global/keys/`. + // For example: + // `projects/123456867718/locations/global/keys/b7ff1f9f-8275-410a-94dd-3855ee9b5dd2` + // + // NOTE: Key is a global resource; hence the only supported value for + // location is `global`. + string name = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; + + // Output only. Unique id in UUID4 format. + string uid = 5 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; + + // Human-readable display name of this key that you can modify. + // The maximum length is 63 characters. + string display_name = 2; + + // Output only. An encrypted and signed value held by this key. + // This field can be accessed only through the `GetKeyString` method. + string key_string = 3 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; + + // Output only. A timestamp identifying the time this key was originally + // created. + google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 4 + [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; + + // Output only. A timestamp identifying the time this key was last + // updated. + google.protobuf.Timestamp update_time = 6 + [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; + + // Output only. A timestamp when this key was deleted. If the resource is not + // deleted, this must be empty. + google.protobuf.Timestamp delete_time = 7 + [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; + + // Annotations is an unstructured key-value map stored with a policy that + // may be set by external tools to store and retrieve arbitrary metadata. + // They are not queryable and should be preserved when modifying objects. + map annotations = 8; + + // Key restrictions. + Restrictions restrictions = 9; + + // Output only. A checksum computed by the server based on the current value + // of the Key resource. This may be sent on update and delete requests to + // ensure the client has an up-to-date value before proceeding. See + // https://google.aip.dev/154. + string etag = 11 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; +} + +// Describes the restrictions on the key. +message Restrictions { + // The websites, IP addresses, Android apps, or iOS apps (the clients) that + // are allowed to use the key. You can specify only one type of client + // restrictions per key. + oneof client_restrictions { + // The HTTP referrers (websites) that are allowed to use the key. + BrowserKeyRestrictions browser_key_restrictions = 1; + + // The IP addresses of callers that are allowed to use the key. + ServerKeyRestrictions server_key_restrictions = 2; + + // The Android apps that are allowed to use the key. + AndroidKeyRestrictions android_key_restrictions = 3; + + // The iOS apps that are allowed to use the key. + IosKeyRestrictions ios_key_restrictions = 4; + } + + // A restriction for a specific service and optionally one or + // more specific methods. Requests are allowed if they + // match any of these restrictions. If no restrictions are + // specified, all targets are allowed. + repeated ApiTarget api_targets = 5; +} + +// The HTTP referrers (websites) that are allowed to use the key. +message BrowserKeyRestrictions { + // A list of regular expressions for the referrer URLs that are allowed + // to make API calls with this key. + repeated string allowed_referrers = 1; +} + +// The IP addresses of callers that are allowed to use the key. +message ServerKeyRestrictions { + // A list of the caller IP addresses that are allowed to make API calls + // with this key. + repeated string allowed_ips = 1; +} + +// The Android apps that are allowed to use the key. +message AndroidKeyRestrictions { + // A list of Android applications that are allowed to make API calls with + // this key. + repeated AndroidApplication allowed_applications = 1; +} + +// Identifier of an Android application for key use. +message AndroidApplication { + // The SHA1 fingerprint of the application. For example, both sha1 formats are + // acceptable : DA:39:A3:EE:5E:6B:4B:0D:32:55:BF:EF:95:60:18:90:AF:D8:07:09 or + // DA39A3EE5E6B4B0D3255BFEF95601890AFD80709. + // Output format is the latter. + string sha1_fingerprint = 1; + + // The package name of the application. + string package_name = 2; +} + +// The iOS apps that are allowed to use the key. +message IosKeyRestrictions { + // A list of bundle IDs that are allowed when making API calls with this key. + repeated string allowed_bundle_ids = 1; +} + +// A restriction for a specific service and optionally one or multiple +// specific methods. Both fields are case insensitive. +message ApiTarget { + // The service for this restriction. It should be the canonical + // service name, for example: `translate.googleapis.com`. + // You can use [`gcloud services list`](/sdk/gcloud/reference/services/list) + // to get a list of services that are enabled in the project. + string service = 1; + + // Optional. List of one or more methods that can be called. + // If empty, all methods for the service are allowed. A wildcard + // (*) can be used as the last symbol. + // Valid examples: + // `google.cloud.translate.v2.TranslateService.GetSupportedLanguage` + // `TranslateText` + // `Get*` + // `translate.googleapis.com.Get*` + repeated string methods = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; +} diff --git a/google/api/auth.proto b/google/api/auth.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca91bb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/auth.proto @@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/serviceconfig;serviceconfig"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "AuthProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +// `Authentication` defines the authentication configuration for API methods +// provided by an API service. +// +// Example: +// +// name: calendar.googleapis.com +// authentication: +// providers: +// - id: google_calendar_auth +// jwks_uri: https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs +// issuer: https://securetoken.google.com +// rules: +// - selector: "*" +// requirements: +// provider_id: google_calendar_auth +// - selector: google.calendar.Delegate +// oauth: +// canonical_scopes: https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar.read +message Authentication { + // A list of authentication rules that apply to individual API methods. + // + // **NOTE:** All service configuration rules follow "last one wins" order. + repeated AuthenticationRule rules = 3; + + // Defines a set of authentication providers that a service supports. + repeated AuthProvider providers = 4; +} + +// Authentication rules for the service. +// +// By default, if a method has any authentication requirements, every request +// must include a valid credential matching one of the requirements. +// It's an error to include more than one kind of credential in a single +// request. +// +// If a method doesn't have any auth requirements, request credentials will be +// ignored. +message AuthenticationRule { + // Selects the methods to which this rule applies. + // + // Refer to [selector][google.api.DocumentationRule.selector] for syntax + // details. + string selector = 1; + + // The requirements for OAuth credentials. + OAuthRequirements oauth = 2; + + // If true, the service accepts API keys without any other credential. + // This flag only applies to HTTP and gRPC requests. + bool allow_without_credential = 5; + + // Requirements for additional authentication providers. + repeated AuthRequirement requirements = 7; +} + +// Specifies a location to extract JWT from an API request. +message JwtLocation { + oneof in { + // Specifies HTTP header name to extract JWT token. + string header = 1; + + // Specifies URL query parameter name to extract JWT token. + string query = 2; + + // Specifies cookie name to extract JWT token. + string cookie = 4; + } + + // The value prefix. The value format is "value_prefix{token}" + // Only applies to "in" header type. Must be empty for "in" query type. + // If not empty, the header value has to match (case sensitive) this prefix. + // If not matched, JWT will not be extracted. If matched, JWT will be + // extracted after the prefix is removed. + // + // For example, for "Authorization: Bearer {JWT}", + // value_prefix="Bearer " with a space at the end. + string value_prefix = 3; +} + +// Configuration for an authentication provider, including support for +// [JSON Web Token +// (JWT)](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token-32). +message AuthProvider { + // The unique identifier of the auth provider. It will be referred to by + // `AuthRequirement.provider_id`. + // + // Example: "bookstore_auth". + string id = 1; + + // Identifies the principal that issued the JWT. See + // https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token-32#section-4.1.1 + // Usually a URL or an email address. + // + // Example: https://securetoken.google.com + // Example: 1234567-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com + string issuer = 2; + + // URL of the provider's public key set to validate signature of the JWT. See + // [OpenID + // Discovery](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-discovery-1_0.html#ProviderMetadata). + // Optional if the key set document: + // - can be retrieved from + // [OpenID + // Discovery](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-discovery-1_0.html) + // of the issuer. + // - can be inferred from the email domain of the issuer (e.g. a Google + // service account). + // + // Example: https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs + string jwks_uri = 3; + + // The list of JWT + // [audiences](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token-32#section-4.1.3). + // that are allowed to access. A JWT containing any of these audiences will + // be accepted. When this setting is absent, JWTs with audiences: + // - "https://[service.name]/[google.protobuf.Api.name]" + // - "https://[service.name]/" + // will be accepted. + // For example, if no audiences are in the setting, LibraryService API will + // accept JWTs with the following audiences: + // - + // https://library-example.googleapis.com/google.example.library.v1.LibraryService + // - https://library-example.googleapis.com/ + // + // Example: + // + // audiences: bookstore_android.apps.googleusercontent.com, + // bookstore_web.apps.googleusercontent.com + string audiences = 4; + + // Redirect URL if JWT token is required but not present or is expired. + // Implement authorizationUrl of securityDefinitions in OpenAPI spec. + string authorization_url = 5; + + // Defines the locations to extract the JWT. For now it is only used by the + // Cloud Endpoints to store the OpenAPI extension [x-google-jwt-locations] + // (https://cloud.google.com/endpoints/docs/openapi/openapi-extensions#x-google-jwt-locations) + // + // JWT locations can be one of HTTP headers, URL query parameters or + // cookies. The rule is that the first match wins. + // + // If not specified, default to use following 3 locations: + // 1) Authorization: Bearer + // 2) x-goog-iap-jwt-assertion + // 3) access_token query parameter + // + // Default locations can be specified as followings: + // jwt_locations: + // - header: Authorization + // value_prefix: "Bearer " + // - header: x-goog-iap-jwt-assertion + // - query: access_token + repeated JwtLocation jwt_locations = 6; +} + +// OAuth scopes are a way to define data and permissions on data. For example, +// there are scopes defined for "Read-only access to Google Calendar" and +// "Access to Cloud Platform". Users can consent to a scope for an application, +// giving it permission to access that data on their behalf. +// +// OAuth scope specifications should be fairly coarse grained; a user will need +// to see and understand the text description of what your scope means. +// +// In most cases: use one or at most two OAuth scopes for an entire family of +// products. If your product has multiple APIs, you should probably be sharing +// the OAuth scope across all of those APIs. +// +// When you need finer grained OAuth consent screens: talk with your product +// management about how developers will use them in practice. +// +// Please note that even though each of the canonical scopes is enough for a +// request to be accepted and passed to the backend, a request can still fail +// due to the backend requiring additional scopes or permissions. +message OAuthRequirements { + // The list of publicly documented OAuth scopes that are allowed access. An + // OAuth token containing any of these scopes will be accepted. + // + // Example: + // + // canonical_scopes: https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar, + // https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar.read + string canonical_scopes = 1; +} + +// User-defined authentication requirements, including support for +// [JSON Web Token +// (JWT)](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token-32). +message AuthRequirement { + // [id][google.api.AuthProvider.id] from authentication provider. + // + // Example: + // + // provider_id: bookstore_auth + string provider_id = 1; + + // NOTE: This will be deprecated soon, once AuthProvider.audiences is + // implemented and accepted in all the runtime components. + // + // The list of JWT + // [audiences](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token-32#section-4.1.3). + // that are allowed to access. A JWT containing any of these audiences will + // be accepted. When this setting is absent, only JWTs with audience + // "https://[Service_name][google.api.Service.name]/[API_name][google.protobuf.Api.name]" + // will be accepted. For example, if no audiences are in the setting, + // LibraryService API will only accept JWTs with the following audience + // "https://library-example.googleapis.com/google.example.library.v1.LibraryService". + // + // Example: + // + // audiences: bookstore_android.apps.googleusercontent.com, + // bookstore_web.apps.googleusercontent.com + string audiences = 2; +} diff --git a/google/api/backend.proto b/google/api/backend.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ff6887 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/backend.proto @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/serviceconfig;serviceconfig"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "BackendProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +// `Backend` defines the backend configuration for a service. +message Backend { + // A list of API backend rules that apply to individual API methods. + // + // **NOTE:** All service configuration rules follow "last one wins" order. + repeated BackendRule rules = 1; +} + +// A backend rule provides configuration for an individual API element. +message BackendRule { + // Path Translation specifies how to combine the backend address with the + // request path in order to produce the appropriate forwarding URL for the + // request. + // + // Path Translation is applicable only to HTTP-based backends. Backends which + // do not accept requests over HTTP/HTTPS should leave `path_translation` + // unspecified. + enum PathTranslation { + PATH_TRANSLATION_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // Use the backend address as-is, with no modification to the path. If the + // URL pattern contains variables, the variable names and values will be + // appended to the query string. If a query string parameter and a URL + // pattern variable have the same name, this may result in duplicate keys in + // the query string. + // + // # Examples + // + // Given the following operation config: + // + // Method path: /api/company/{cid}/user/{uid} + // Backend address: https://example.cloudfunctions.net/getUser + // + // Requests to the following request paths will call the backend at the + // translated path: + // + // Request path: /api/company/widgetworks/user/johndoe + // Translated: + // https://example.cloudfunctions.net/getUser?cid=widgetworks&uid=johndoe + // + // Request path: /api/company/widgetworks/user/johndoe?timezone=EST + // Translated: + // https://example.cloudfunctions.net/getUser?timezone=EST&cid=widgetworks&uid=johndoe + CONSTANT_ADDRESS = 1; + + // The request path will be appended to the backend address. + // + // # Examples + // + // Given the following operation config: + // + // Method path: /api/company/{cid}/user/{uid} + // Backend address: https://example.appspot.com + // + // Requests to the following request paths will call the backend at the + // translated path: + // + // Request path: /api/company/widgetworks/user/johndoe + // Translated: + // https://example.appspot.com/api/company/widgetworks/user/johndoe + // + // Request path: /api/company/widgetworks/user/johndoe?timezone=EST + // Translated: + // https://example.appspot.com/api/company/widgetworks/user/johndoe?timezone=EST + APPEND_PATH_TO_ADDRESS = 2; + } + + // Selects the methods to which this rule applies. + // + // Refer to [selector][google.api.DocumentationRule.selector] for syntax + // details. + string selector = 1; + + // The address of the API backend. + // + // The scheme is used to determine the backend protocol and security. + // The following schemes are accepted: + // + // SCHEME PROTOCOL SECURITY + // http:// HTTP None + // https:// HTTP TLS + // grpc:// gRPC None + // grpcs:// gRPC TLS + // + // It is recommended to explicitly include a scheme. Leaving out the scheme + // may cause constrasting behaviors across platforms. + // + // If the port is unspecified, the default is: + // - 80 for schemes without TLS + // - 443 for schemes with TLS + // + // For HTTP backends, use [protocol][google.api.BackendRule.protocol] + // to specify the protocol version. + string address = 2; + + // The number of seconds to wait for a response from a request. The default + // varies based on the request protocol and deployment environment. + double deadline = 3; + + // Deprecated, do not use. + double min_deadline = 4 [deprecated = true]; + + // The number of seconds to wait for the completion of a long running + // operation. The default is no deadline. + double operation_deadline = 5; + + PathTranslation path_translation = 6; + + // Authentication settings used by the backend. + // + // These are typically used to provide service management functionality to + // a backend served on a publicly-routable URL. The `authentication` + // details should match the authentication behavior used by the backend. + // + // For example, specifying `jwt_audience` implies that the backend expects + // authentication via a JWT. + // + // When authentication is unspecified, the resulting behavior is the same + // as `disable_auth` set to `true`. + // + // Refer to https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OpenIDConnect for + // JWT ID token. + oneof authentication { + // The JWT audience is used when generating a JWT ID token for the backend. + // This ID token will be added in the HTTP "authorization" header, and sent + // to the backend. + string jwt_audience = 7; + + // When disable_auth is true, a JWT ID token won't be generated and the + // original "Authorization" HTTP header will be preserved. If the header is + // used to carry the original token and is expected by the backend, this + // field must be set to true to preserve the header. + bool disable_auth = 8; + } + + // The protocol used for sending a request to the backend. + // The supported values are "http/1.1" and "h2". + // + // The default value is inferred from the scheme in the + // [address][google.api.BackendRule.address] field: + // + // SCHEME PROTOCOL + // http:// http/1.1 + // https:// http/1.1 + // grpc:// h2 + // grpcs:// h2 + // + // For secure HTTP backends (https://) that support HTTP/2, set this field + // to "h2" for improved performance. + // + // Configuring this field to non-default values is only supported for secure + // HTTP backends. This field will be ignored for all other backends. + // + // See + // https://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-extensiontype-values/tls-extensiontype-values.xhtml#alpn-protocol-ids + // for more details on the supported values. + string protocol = 9; + + // The map between request protocol and the backend address. + map overrides_by_request_protocol = 10; +} diff --git a/google/api/billing.proto b/google/api/billing.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b75452 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/billing.proto @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/serviceconfig;serviceconfig"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "BillingProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +// Billing related configuration of the service. +// +// The following example shows how to configure monitored resources and metrics +// for billing, `consumer_destinations` is the only supported destination and +// the monitored resources need at least one label key +// `cloud.googleapis.com/location` to indicate the location of the billing +// usage, using different monitored resources between monitoring and billing is +// recommended so they can be evolved independently: +// +// +// monitored_resources: +// - type: library.googleapis.com/billing_branch +// labels: +// - key: cloud.googleapis.com/location +// description: | +// Predefined label to support billing location restriction. +// - key: city +// description: | +// Custom label to define the city where the library branch is located +// in. +// - key: name +// description: Custom label to define the name of the library branch. +// metrics: +// - name: library.googleapis.com/book/borrowed_count +// metric_kind: DELTA +// value_type: INT64 +// unit: "1" +// billing: +// consumer_destinations: +// - monitored_resource: library.googleapis.com/billing_branch +// metrics: +// - library.googleapis.com/book/borrowed_count +message Billing { + // Configuration of a specific billing destination (Currently only support + // bill against consumer project). + message BillingDestination { + // The monitored resource type. The type must be defined in + // [Service.monitored_resources][google.api.Service.monitored_resources] + // section. + string monitored_resource = 1; + + // Names of the metrics to report to this billing destination. + // Each name must be defined in + // [Service.metrics][google.api.Service.metrics] section. + repeated string metrics = 2; + } + + // Billing configurations for sending metrics to the consumer project. + // There can be multiple consumer destinations per service, each one must have + // a different monitored resource type. A metric can be used in at most + // one consumer destination. + repeated BillingDestination consumer_destinations = 8; +} diff --git a/google/api/client.proto b/google/api/client.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d01954 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/client.proto @@ -0,0 +1,394 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +import "google/api/launch_stage.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/duration.proto"; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations;annotations"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "ClientProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +extend google.protobuf.MethodOptions { + // A definition of a client library method signature. + // + // In client libraries, each proto RPC corresponds to one or more methods + // which the end user is able to call, and calls the underlying RPC. + // Normally, this method receives a single argument (a struct or instance + // corresponding to the RPC request object). Defining this field will + // add one or more overloads providing flattened or simpler method signatures + // in some languages. + // + // The fields on the method signature are provided as a comma-separated + // string. + // + // For example, the proto RPC and annotation: + // + // rpc CreateSubscription(CreateSubscriptionRequest) + // returns (Subscription) { + // option (google.api.method_signature) = "name,topic"; + // } + // + // Would add the following Java overload (in addition to the method accepting + // the request object): + // + // public final Subscription createSubscription(String name, String topic) + // + // The following backwards-compatibility guidelines apply: + // + // * Adding this annotation to an unannotated method is backwards + // compatible. + // * Adding this annotation to a method which already has existing + // method signature annotations is backwards compatible if and only if + // the new method signature annotation is last in the sequence. + // * Modifying or removing an existing method signature annotation is + // a breaking change. + // * Re-ordering existing method signature annotations is a breaking + // change. + repeated string method_signature = 1051; +} + +extend google.protobuf.ServiceOptions { + // The hostname for this service. + // This should be specified with no prefix or protocol. + // + // Example: + // + // service Foo { + // option (google.api.default_host) = "foo.googleapi.com"; + // ... + // } + string default_host = 1049; + + // OAuth scopes needed for the client. + // + // Example: + // + // service Foo { + // option (google.api.oauth_scopes) = \ + // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform"; + // ... + // } + // + // If there is more than one scope, use a comma-separated string: + // + // Example: + // + // service Foo { + // option (google.api.oauth_scopes) = \ + // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform," + // "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/monitoring"; + // ... + // } + string oauth_scopes = 1050; +} + +// Required information for every language. +message CommonLanguageSettings { + // Link to automatically generated reference documentation. Example: + // https://cloud.google.com/nodejs/docs/reference/asset/latest + string reference_docs_uri = 1 [deprecated = true]; + + // The destination where API teams want this client library to be published. + repeated ClientLibraryDestination destinations = 2; +} + +// Details about how and where to publish client libraries. +message ClientLibrarySettings { + // Version of the API to apply these settings to. This is the full protobuf + // package for the API, ending in the version element. + // Examples: "google.cloud.speech.v1" and "google.spanner.admin.database.v1". + string version = 1; + + // Launch stage of this version of the API. + LaunchStage launch_stage = 2; + + // When using transport=rest, the client request will encode enums as + // numbers rather than strings. + bool rest_numeric_enums = 3; + + // Settings for legacy Java features, supported in the Service YAML. + JavaSettings java_settings = 21; + + // Settings for C++ client libraries. + CppSettings cpp_settings = 22; + + // Settings for PHP client libraries. + PhpSettings php_settings = 23; + + // Settings for Python client libraries. + PythonSettings python_settings = 24; + + // Settings for Node client libraries. + NodeSettings node_settings = 25; + + // Settings for .NET client libraries. + DotnetSettings dotnet_settings = 26; + + // Settings for Ruby client libraries. + RubySettings ruby_settings = 27; + + // Settings for Go client libraries. + GoSettings go_settings = 28; +} + +// This message configures the settings for publishing [Google Cloud Client +// libraries](https://cloud.google.com/apis/docs/cloud-client-libraries) +// generated from the service config. +message Publishing { + // A list of API method settings, e.g. the behavior for methods that use the + // long-running operation pattern. + repeated MethodSettings method_settings = 2; + + // Link to a *public* URI where users can report issues. Example: + // https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/new?component=190865&template=1161103 + string new_issue_uri = 101; + + // Link to product home page. Example: + // https://cloud.google.com/asset-inventory/docs/overview + string documentation_uri = 102; + + // Used as a tracking tag when collecting data about the APIs developer + // relations artifacts like docs, packages delivered to package managers, + // etc. Example: "speech". + string api_short_name = 103; + + // GitHub label to apply to issues and pull requests opened for this API. + string github_label = 104; + + // GitHub teams to be added to CODEOWNERS in the directory in GitHub + // containing source code for the client libraries for this API. + repeated string codeowner_github_teams = 105; + + // A prefix used in sample code when demarking regions to be included in + // documentation. + string doc_tag_prefix = 106; + + // For whom the client library is being published. + ClientLibraryOrganization organization = 107; + + // Client library settings. If the same version string appears multiple + // times in this list, then the last one wins. Settings from earlier + // settings with the same version string are discarded. + repeated ClientLibrarySettings library_settings = 109; + + // Optional link to proto reference documentation. Example: + // https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/lite/docs/reference/rpc + string proto_reference_documentation_uri = 110; +} + +// Settings for Java client libraries. +message JavaSettings { + // The package name to use in Java. Clobbers the java_package option + // set in the protobuf. This should be used **only** by APIs + // who have already set the language_settings.java.package_name" field + // in gapic.yaml. API teams should use the protobuf java_package option + // where possible. + // + // Example of a YAML configuration:: + // + // publishing: + // java_settings: + // library_package: com.google.cloud.pubsub.v1 + string library_package = 1; + + // Configure the Java class name to use instead of the service's for its + // corresponding generated GAPIC client. Keys are fully-qualified + // service names as they appear in the protobuf (including the full + // the language_settings.java.interface_names" field in gapic.yaml. API + // teams should otherwise use the service name as it appears in the + // protobuf. + // + // Example of a YAML configuration:: + // + // publishing: + // java_settings: + // service_class_names: + // - google.pubsub.v1.Publisher: TopicAdmin + // - google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber: SubscriptionAdmin + map service_class_names = 2; + + // Some settings. + CommonLanguageSettings common = 3; +} + +// Settings for C++ client libraries. +message CppSettings { + // Some settings. + CommonLanguageSettings common = 1; +} + +// Settings for Php client libraries. +message PhpSettings { + // Some settings. + CommonLanguageSettings common = 1; +} + +// Settings for Python client libraries. +message PythonSettings { + // Some settings. + CommonLanguageSettings common = 1; +} + +// Settings for Node client libraries. +message NodeSettings { + // Some settings. + CommonLanguageSettings common = 1; +} + +// Settings for Dotnet client libraries. +message DotnetSettings { + // Some settings. + CommonLanguageSettings common = 1; + + // Map from original service names to renamed versions. + // This is used when the default generated types + // would cause a naming conflict. (Neither name is + // fully-qualified.) + // Example: Subscriber to SubscriberServiceApi. + map renamed_services = 2; + + // Map from full resource types to the effective short name + // for the resource. This is used when otherwise resource + // named from different services would cause naming collisions. + // Example entry: + // "datalabeling.googleapis.com/Dataset": "DataLabelingDataset" + map renamed_resources = 3; + + // List of full resource types to ignore during generation. + // This is typically used for API-specific Location resources, + // which should be handled by the generator as if they were actually + // the common Location resources. + // Example entry: "documentai.googleapis.com/Location" + repeated string ignored_resources = 4; + + // Namespaces which must be aliased in snippets due to + // a known (but non-generator-predictable) naming collision + repeated string forced_namespace_aliases = 5; + + // Method signatures (in the form "service.method(signature)") + // which are provided separately, so shouldn't be generated. + // Snippets *calling* these methods are still generated, however. + repeated string handwritten_signatures = 6; +} + +// Settings for Ruby client libraries. +message RubySettings { + // Some settings. + CommonLanguageSettings common = 1; +} + +// Settings for Go client libraries. +message GoSettings { + // Some settings. + CommonLanguageSettings common = 1; +} + +// Describes the generator configuration for a method. +message MethodSettings { + // Describes settings to use when generating API methods that use the + // long-running operation pattern. + // All default values below are from those used in the client library + // generators (e.g. + // [Java](https://github.com/googleapis/gapic-generator-java/blob/04c2faa191a9b5a10b92392fe8482279c4404803/src/main/java/com/google/api/generator/gapic/composer/common/RetrySettingsComposer.java)). + message LongRunning { + // Initial delay after which the first poll request will be made. + // Default value: 5 seconds. + google.protobuf.Duration initial_poll_delay = 1; + + // Multiplier to gradually increase delay between subsequent polls until it + // reaches max_poll_delay. + // Default value: 1.5. + float poll_delay_multiplier = 2; + + // Maximum time between two subsequent poll requests. + // Default value: 45 seconds. + google.protobuf.Duration max_poll_delay = 3; + + // Total polling timeout. + // Default value: 5 minutes. + google.protobuf.Duration total_poll_timeout = 4; + } + + // The fully qualified name of the method, for which the options below apply. + // This is used to find the method to apply the options. + string selector = 1; + + // Describes settings to use for long-running operations when generating + // API methods for RPCs. Complements RPCs that use the annotations in + // google/longrunning/operations.proto. + // + // Example of a YAML configuration:: + // + // publishing: + // method_settings: + // - selector: google.cloud.speech.v2.Speech.BatchRecognize + // long_running: + // initial_poll_delay: + // seconds: 60 # 1 minute + // poll_delay_multiplier: 1.5 + // max_poll_delay: + // seconds: 360 # 6 minutes + // total_poll_timeout: + // seconds: 54000 # 90 minutes + LongRunning long_running = 2; +} + +// The organization for which the client libraries are being published. +// Affects the url where generated docs are published, etc. +enum ClientLibraryOrganization { + // Not useful. + CLIENT_LIBRARY_ORGANIZATION_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // Google Cloud Platform Org. + CLOUD = 1; + + // Ads (Advertising) Org. + ADS = 2; + + // Photos Org. + PHOTOS = 3; + + // Street View Org. + STREET_VIEW = 4; + + // Shopping Org. + SHOPPING = 5; + + // Geo Org. + GEO = 6; + + // Generative AI - https://developers.generativeai.google + GENERATIVE_AI = 7; +} + +// To where should client libraries be published? +enum ClientLibraryDestination { + // Client libraries will neither be generated nor published to package + // managers. + CLIENT_LIBRARY_DESTINATION_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // Generate the client library in a repo under github.com/googleapis, + // but don't publish it to package managers. + GITHUB = 10; + + // Publish the library to package managers like nuget.org and npmjs.com. + PACKAGE_MANAGER = 20; +} diff --git a/google/api/config_change.proto b/google/api/config_change.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1dc8044 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/config_change.proto @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/configchange;configchange"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "ConfigChangeProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +// Output generated from semantically comparing two versions of a service +// configuration. +// +// Includes detailed information about a field that have changed with +// applicable advice about potential consequences for the change, such as +// backwards-incompatibility. +message ConfigChange { + // Object hierarchy path to the change, with levels separated by a '.' + // character. For repeated fields, an applicable unique identifier field is + // used for the index (usually selector, name, or id). For maps, the term + // 'key' is used. If the field has no unique identifier, the numeric index + // is used. + // Examples: + // - visibility.rules[selector=="google.LibraryService.ListBooks"].restriction + // - quota.metric_rules[selector=="google"].metric_costs[key=="reads"].value + // - logging.producer_destinations[0] + string element = 1; + + // Value of the changed object in the old Service configuration, + // in JSON format. This field will not be populated if ChangeType == ADDED. + string old_value = 2; + + // Value of the changed object in the new Service configuration, + // in JSON format. This field will not be populated if ChangeType == REMOVED. + string new_value = 3; + + // The type for this change, either ADDED, REMOVED, or MODIFIED. + ChangeType change_type = 4; + + // Collection of advice provided for this change, useful for determining the + // possible impact of this change. + repeated Advice advices = 5; +} + +// Generated advice about this change, used for providing more +// information about how a change will affect the existing service. +message Advice { + // Useful description for why this advice was applied and what actions should + // be taken to mitigate any implied risks. + string description = 2; +} + +// Classifies set of possible modifications to an object in the service +// configuration. +enum ChangeType { + // No value was provided. + CHANGE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // The changed object exists in the 'new' service configuration, but not + // in the 'old' service configuration. + ADDED = 1; + + // The changed object exists in the 'old' service configuration, but not + // in the 'new' service configuration. + REMOVED = 2; + + // The changed object exists in both service configurations, but its value + // is different. + MODIFIED = 3; +} diff --git a/google/api/consumer.proto b/google/api/consumer.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b7e5df1 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/consumer.proto @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +// Copyright 2016 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/serviceconfig;serviceconfig"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "ConsumerProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; + +// A descriptor for defining project properties for a service. One service may +// have many consumer projects, and the service may want to behave differently +// depending on some properties on the project. For example, a project may be +// associated with a school, or a business, or a government agency, a business +// type property on the project may affect how a service responds to the client. +// This descriptor defines which properties are allowed to be set on a project. +// +// Example: +// +// project_properties: +// properties: +// - name: NO_WATERMARK +// type: BOOL +// description: Allows usage of the API without watermarks. +// - name: EXTENDED_TILE_CACHE_PERIOD +// type: INT64 +message ProjectProperties { + // List of per consumer project-specific properties. + repeated Property properties = 1; +} + +// Defines project properties. +// +// API services can define properties that can be assigned to consumer projects +// so that backends can perform response customization without having to make +// additional calls or maintain additional storage. For example, Maps API +// defines properties that controls map tile cache period, or whether to embed a +// watermark in a result. +// +// These values can be set via API producer console. Only API providers can +// define and set these properties. +message Property { + // Supported data type of the property values + enum PropertyType { + // The type is unspecified, and will result in an error. + UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // The type is `int64`. + INT64 = 1; + + // The type is `bool`. + BOOL = 2; + + // The type is `string`. + STRING = 3; + + // The type is 'double'. + DOUBLE = 4; + } + + // The name of the property (a.k.a key). + string name = 1; + + // The type of this property. + PropertyType type = 2; + + // The description of the property + string description = 3; +} diff --git a/google/api/context.proto b/google/api/context.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b16517 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/context.proto @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/serviceconfig;serviceconfig"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "ContextProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +// `Context` defines which contexts an API requests. +// +// Example: +// +// context: +// rules: +// - selector: "*" +// requested: +// - google.rpc.context.ProjectContext +// - google.rpc.context.OriginContext +// +// The above specifies that all methods in the API request +// `google.rpc.context.ProjectContext` and +// `google.rpc.context.OriginContext`. +// +// Available context types are defined in package +// `google.rpc.context`. +// +// This also provides mechanism to allowlist any protobuf message extension that +// can be sent in grpc metadata using “x-goog-ext--bin” and +// “x-goog-ext--jspb” format. For example, list any service +// specific protobuf types that can appear in grpc metadata as follows in your +// yaml file: +// +// Example: +// +// context: +// rules: +// - selector: "google.example.library.v1.LibraryService.CreateBook" +// allowed_request_extensions: +// - google.foo.v1.NewExtension +// allowed_response_extensions: +// - google.foo.v1.NewExtension +// +// You can also specify extension ID instead of fully qualified extension name +// here. +message Context { + // A list of RPC context rules that apply to individual API methods. + // + // **NOTE:** All service configuration rules follow "last one wins" order. + repeated ContextRule rules = 1; +} + +// A context rule provides information about the context for an individual API +// element. +message ContextRule { + // Selects the methods to which this rule applies. + // + // Refer to [selector][google.api.DocumentationRule.selector] for syntax + // details. + string selector = 1; + + // A list of full type names of requested contexts. + repeated string requested = 2; + + // A list of full type names of provided contexts. + repeated string provided = 3; + + // A list of full type names or extension IDs of extensions allowed in grpc + // side channel from client to backend. + repeated string allowed_request_extensions = 4; + + // A list of full type names or extension IDs of extensions allowed in grpc + // side channel from backend to client. + repeated string allowed_response_extensions = 5; +} diff --git a/google/api/control.proto b/google/api/control.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cbbce6f --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/control.proto @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +import "google/api/policy.proto"; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/serviceconfig;serviceconfig"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "ControlProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +// Selects and configures the service controller used by the service. +// +// Example: +// +// control: +// environment: servicecontrol.googleapis.com +message Control { + // The service controller environment to use. If empty, no control plane + // feature (like quota and billing) will be enabled. The recommended value for + // most services is servicecontrol.googleapis.com + string environment = 1; + + // Defines policies applying to the API methods of the service. + repeated MethodPolicy method_policies = 4; +} diff --git a/google/api/distribution.proto b/google/api/distribution.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0bc493 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/distribution.proto @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/distribution;distribution"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "DistributionProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +// `Distribution` contains summary statistics for a population of values. It +// optionally contains a histogram representing the distribution of those values +// across a set of buckets. +// +// The summary statistics are the count, mean, sum of the squared deviation from +// the mean, the minimum, and the maximum of the set of population of values. +// The histogram is based on a sequence of buckets and gives a count of values +// that fall into each bucket. The boundaries of the buckets are given either +// explicitly or by formulas for buckets of fixed or exponentially increasing +// widths. +// +// Although it is not forbidden, it is generally a bad idea to include +// non-finite values (infinities or NaNs) in the population of values, as this +// will render the `mean` and `sum_of_squared_deviation` fields meaningless. +message Distribution { + // The range of the population values. + message Range { + // The minimum of the population values. + double min = 1; + + // The maximum of the population values. + double max = 2; + } + + // `BucketOptions` describes the bucket boundaries used to create a histogram + // for the distribution. The buckets can be in a linear sequence, an + // exponential sequence, or each bucket can be specified explicitly. + // `BucketOptions` does not include the number of values in each bucket. + // + // A bucket has an inclusive lower bound and exclusive upper bound for the + // values that are counted for that bucket. The upper bound of a bucket must + // be strictly greater than the lower bound. The sequence of N buckets for a + // distribution consists of an underflow bucket (number 0), zero or more + // finite buckets (number 1 through N - 2) and an overflow bucket (number N - + // 1). The buckets are contiguous: the lower bound of bucket i (i > 0) is the + // same as the upper bound of bucket i - 1. The buckets span the whole range + // of finite values: lower bound of the underflow bucket is -infinity and the + // upper bound of the overflow bucket is +infinity. The finite buckets are + // so-called because both bounds are finite. + message BucketOptions { + // Specifies a linear sequence of buckets that all have the same width + // (except overflow and underflow). Each bucket represents a constant + // absolute uncertainty on the specific value in the bucket. + // + // There are `num_finite_buckets + 2` (= N) buckets. Bucket `i` has the + // following boundaries: + // + // Upper bound (0 <= i < N-1): offset + (width * i). + // + // Lower bound (1 <= i < N): offset + (width * (i - 1)). + message Linear { + // Must be greater than 0. + int32 num_finite_buckets = 1; + + // Must be greater than 0. + double width = 2; + + // Lower bound of the first bucket. + double offset = 3; + } + + // Specifies an exponential sequence of buckets that have a width that is + // proportional to the value of the lower bound. Each bucket represents a + // constant relative uncertainty on a specific value in the bucket. + // + // There are `num_finite_buckets + 2` (= N) buckets. Bucket `i` has the + // following boundaries: + // + // Upper bound (0 <= i < N-1): scale * (growth_factor ^ i). + // + // Lower bound (1 <= i < N): scale * (growth_factor ^ (i - 1)). + message Exponential { + // Must be greater than 0. + int32 num_finite_buckets = 1; + + // Must be greater than 1. + double growth_factor = 2; + + // Must be greater than 0. + double scale = 3; + } + + // Specifies a set of buckets with arbitrary widths. + // + // There are `size(bounds) + 1` (= N) buckets. Bucket `i` has the following + // boundaries: + // + // Upper bound (0 <= i < N-1): bounds[i] + // Lower bound (1 <= i < N); bounds[i - 1] + // + // The `bounds` field must contain at least one element. If `bounds` has + // only one element, then there are no finite buckets, and that single + // element is the common boundary of the overflow and underflow buckets. + message Explicit { + // The values must be monotonically increasing. + repeated double bounds = 1; + } + + // Exactly one of these three fields must be set. + oneof options { + // The linear bucket. + Linear linear_buckets = 1; + + // The exponential buckets. + Exponential exponential_buckets = 2; + + // The explicit buckets. + Explicit explicit_buckets = 3; + } + } + + // Exemplars are example points that may be used to annotate aggregated + // distribution values. They are metadata that gives information about a + // particular value added to a Distribution bucket, such as a trace ID that + // was active when a value was added. They may contain further information, + // such as a example values and timestamps, origin, etc. + message Exemplar { + // Value of the exemplar point. This value determines to which bucket the + // exemplar belongs. + double value = 1; + + // The observation (sampling) time of the above value. + google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 2; + + // Contextual information about the example value. Examples are: + // + // Trace: type.googleapis.com/google.monitoring.v3.SpanContext + // + // Literal string: type.googleapis.com/google.protobuf.StringValue + // + // Labels dropped during aggregation: + // type.googleapis.com/google.monitoring.v3.DroppedLabels + // + // There may be only a single attachment of any given message type in a + // single exemplar, and this is enforced by the system. + repeated google.protobuf.Any attachments = 3; + } + + // The number of values in the population. Must be non-negative. This value + // must equal the sum of the values in `bucket_counts` if a histogram is + // provided. + int64 count = 1; + + // The arithmetic mean of the values in the population. If `count` is zero + // then this field must be zero. + double mean = 2; + + // The sum of squared deviations from the mean of the values in the + // population. For values x_i this is: + // + // Sum[i=1..n]((x_i - mean)^2) + // + // Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming", Vol. 2, page 232, 3rd edition + // describes Welford's method for accumulating this sum in one pass. + // + // If `count` is zero then this field must be zero. + double sum_of_squared_deviation = 3; + + // If specified, contains the range of the population values. The field + // must not be present if the `count` is zero. + Range range = 4; + + // Defines the histogram bucket boundaries. If the distribution does not + // contain a histogram, then omit this field. + BucketOptions bucket_options = 6; + + // The number of values in each bucket of the histogram, as described in + // `bucket_options`. If the distribution does not have a histogram, then omit + // this field. If there is a histogram, then the sum of the values in + // `bucket_counts` must equal the value in the `count` field of the + // distribution. + // + // If present, `bucket_counts` should contain N values, where N is the number + // of buckets specified in `bucket_options`. If you supply fewer than N + // values, the remaining values are assumed to be 0. + // + // The order of the values in `bucket_counts` follows the bucket numbering + // schemes described for the three bucket types. The first value must be the + // count for the underflow bucket (number 0). The next N-2 values are the + // counts for the finite buckets (number 1 through N-2). The N'th value in + // `bucket_counts` is the count for the overflow bucket (number N-1). + repeated int64 bucket_counts = 7; + + // Must be in increasing order of `value` field. + repeated Exemplar exemplars = 10; +} diff --git a/google/api/documentation.proto b/google/api/documentation.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0dabdfc --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/documentation.proto @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/serviceconfig;serviceconfig"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "DocumentationProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +// `Documentation` provides the information for describing a service. +// +// Example: +//
+//   summary: >
+//     The Google Calendar API gives access
+//     to most calendar features.
+//   pages:
+//   - name: Overview
+//     content: (== include google/foo/overview.md ==)
+//   - name: Tutorial
+//     content: (== include google/foo/tutorial.md ==)
+//     subpages;
+//     - name: Java
+//       content: (== include google/foo/tutorial_java.md ==)
+//   rules:
+//   - selector: google.calendar.Calendar.Get
+//     description: >
+//       ...
+//   - selector: google.calendar.Calendar.Put
+//     description: >
+//       ...
+// Documentation is provided in markdown syntax. In addition to +// standard markdown features, definition lists, tables and fenced +// code blocks are supported. Section headers can be provided and are +// interpreted relative to the section nesting of the context where +// a documentation fragment is embedded. +// +// Documentation from the IDL is merged with documentation defined +// via the config at normalization time, where documentation provided +// by config rules overrides IDL provided. +// +// A number of constructs specific to the API platform are supported +// in documentation text. +// +// In order to reference a proto element, the following +// notation can be used: +//
+// To override the display text used for the link, this can be used: +//
[display text][fully.qualified.proto.name]
+// Text can be excluded from doc using the following notation: +//
(-- internal comment --)
+// +// A few directives are available in documentation. Note that +// directives must appear on a single line to be properly +// identified. The `include` directive includes a markdown file from +// an external source: +//
(== include path/to/file ==)
+// The `resource_for` directive marks a message to be the resource of +// a collection in REST view. If it is not specified, tools attempt +// to infer the resource from the operations in a collection: +//
(== resource_for v1.shelves.books ==)
+// The directive `suppress_warning` does not directly affect documentation +// and is documented together with service config validation. +message Documentation { + // A short description of what the service does. The summary must be plain + // text. It becomes the overview of the service displayed in Google Cloud + // Console. + // NOTE: This field is equivalent to the standard field `description`. + string summary = 1; + + // The top level pages for the documentation set. + repeated Page pages = 5; + + // A list of documentation rules that apply to individual API elements. + // + // **NOTE:** All service configuration rules follow "last one wins" order. + repeated DocumentationRule rules = 3; + + // The URL to the root of documentation. + string documentation_root_url = 4; + + // Specifies the service root url if the default one (the service name + // from the yaml file) is not suitable. This can be seen in any fully + // specified service urls as well as sections that show a base that other + // urls are relative to. + string service_root_url = 6; + + // Declares a single overview page. For example: + //
+  //   summary: ...
+  //   overview: (== include overview.md ==)
+  // 
+ // This is a shortcut for the following declaration (using pages style): + //
+  //   summary: ...
+  //   pages:
+  //   - name: Overview
+  //     content: (== include overview.md ==)
+  // 
+ // Note: you cannot specify both `overview` field and `pages` field. + string overview = 2; +} + +// A documentation rule provides information about individual API elements. +message DocumentationRule { + // The selector is a comma-separated list of patterns for any element such as + // a method, a field, an enum value. Each pattern is a qualified name of the + // element which may end in "*", indicating a wildcard. Wildcards are only + // allowed at the end and for a whole component of the qualified name, + // i.e. "foo.*" is ok, but not "foo.b*" or "foo.*.bar". A wildcard will match + // one or more components. To specify a default for all applicable elements, + // the whole pattern "*" is used. + string selector = 1; + + // Description of the selected proto element (e.g. a message, a method, a + // 'service' definition, or a field). Defaults to leading & trailing comments + // taken from the proto source definition of the proto element. + string description = 2; + + // Deprecation description of the selected element(s). It can be provided if + // an element is marked as `deprecated`. + string deprecation_description = 3; +} + +// Represents a documentation page. A page can contain subpages to represent +// nested documentation set structure. +message Page { + // The name of the page. It will be used as an identity of the page to + // generate URI of the page, text of the link to this page in navigation, + // etc. The full page name (start from the root page name to this page + // concatenated with `.`) can be used as reference to the page in your + // documentation. For example: + //
+  // - name: Tutorial
+  //   content: (== include tutorial.md ==)
+  //   subpages:
+  //   - name: Java
+  //     content: (== include tutorial_java.md ==)
+  // 
+ // You can reference `Java` page using Markdown reference link syntax: + // `[Java][Tutorial.Java]`. + string name = 1; + + // The Markdown content of the page. You can use (== include {path} + // ==) to include content from a Markdown file. The content can be + // used to produce the documentation page such as HTML format page. + string content = 2; + + // Subpages of this page. The order of subpages specified here will be + // honored in the generated docset. + repeated Page subpages = 3; +} diff --git a/google/api/endpoint.proto b/google/api/endpoint.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7f6dca7 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/endpoint.proto @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/serviceconfig;serviceconfig"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "EndpointProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +// `Endpoint` describes a network address of a service that serves a set of +// APIs. It is commonly known as a service endpoint. A service may expose +// any number of service endpoints, and all service endpoints share the same +// service definition, such as quota limits and monitoring metrics. +// +// Example: +// +// type: google.api.Service +// name: library-example.googleapis.com +// endpoints: +// # Declares network address `https://library-example.googleapis.com` +// # for service `library-example.googleapis.com`. The `https` scheme +// # is implicit for all service endpoints. Other schemes may be +// # supported in the future. +// - name: library-example.googleapis.com +// allow_cors: false +// - name: content-staging-library-example.googleapis.com +// # Allows HTTP OPTIONS calls to be passed to the API frontend, for it +// # to decide whether the subsequent cross-origin request is allowed +// # to proceed. +// allow_cors: true +message Endpoint { + // The canonical name of this endpoint. + string name = 1; + + // Unimplemented. Dot not use. + // + // DEPRECATED: This field is no longer supported. Instead of using aliases, + // please specify multiple [google.api.Endpoint][google.api.Endpoint] for each + // of the intended aliases. + // + // Additional names that this endpoint will be hosted on. + repeated string aliases = 2 [deprecated = true]; + + // The specification of an Internet routable address of API frontend that will + // handle requests to this [API + // Endpoint](https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/glossary). It should be + // either a valid IPv4 address or a fully-qualified domain name. For example, + // "" or "myservice.appspot.com". + string target = 101; + + // Allowing + // [CORS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-origin_resource_sharing), aka + // cross-domain traffic, would allow the backends served from this endpoint to + // receive and respond to HTTP OPTIONS requests. The response will be used by + // the browser to determine whether the subsequent cross-origin request is + // allowed to proceed. + bool allow_cors = 5; +} diff --git a/google/api/error_reason.proto b/google/api/error_reason.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0509be --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/error_reason.proto @@ -0,0 +1,570 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/error_reason;error_reason"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "ErrorReasonProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +// Defines the supported values for `google.rpc.ErrorInfo.reason` for the +// `googleapis.com` error domain. This error domain is reserved for [Service +// Infrastructure](https://cloud.google.com/service-infrastructure/docs/overview). +// For each error info of this domain, the metadata key "service" refers to the +// logical identifier of an API service, such as "pubsub.googleapis.com". The +// "consumer" refers to the entity that consumes an API Service. It typically is +// a Google project that owns the client application or the server resource, +// such as "projects/123". Other metadata keys are specific to each error +// reason. For more information, see the definition of the specific error +// reason. +enum ErrorReason { + // Do not use this default value. + ERROR_REASON_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // The request is calling a disabled service for a consumer. + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when the consumer "projects/123" contacting + // "pubsub.googleapis.com" service which is disabled: + // + // { "reason": "SERVICE_DISABLED", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "consumer": "projects/123", + // "service": "pubsub.googleapis.com" + // } + // } + // + // This response indicates the "pubsub.googleapis.com" has been disabled in + // "projects/123". + SERVICE_DISABLED = 1; + + // The request whose associated billing account is disabled. + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when the consumer "projects/123" fails to contact + // "pubsub.googleapis.com" service because the associated billing account is + // disabled: + // + // { "reason": "BILLING_DISABLED", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "consumer": "projects/123", + // "service": "pubsub.googleapis.com" + // } + // } + // + // This response indicates the billing account associated has been disabled. + BILLING_DISABLED = 2; + + // The request is denied because the provided [API + // key](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/api-keys) is invalid. It + // may be in a bad format, cannot be found, or has been expired). + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when the request is contacting + // "storage.googleapis.com" service with an invalid API key: + // + // { "reason": "API_KEY_INVALID", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "service": "storage.googleapis.com", + // } + // } + API_KEY_INVALID = 3; + + // The request is denied because it violates [API key API + // restrictions](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/api-keys#adding_api_restrictions). + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when the consumer "projects/123" fails to call the + // "storage.googleapis.com" service because this service is restricted in the + // API key: + // + // { "reason": "API_KEY_SERVICE_BLOCKED", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "consumer": "projects/123", + // "service": "storage.googleapis.com" + // } + // } + API_KEY_SERVICE_BLOCKED = 4; + + // The request is denied because it violates [API key HTTP + // restrictions](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/api-keys#adding_http_restrictions). + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when the consumer "projects/123" fails to call + // "storage.googleapis.com" service because the http referrer of the request + // violates API key HTTP restrictions: + // + // { "reason": "API_KEY_HTTP_REFERRER_BLOCKED", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "consumer": "projects/123", + // "service": "storage.googleapis.com", + // } + // } + API_KEY_HTTP_REFERRER_BLOCKED = 7; + + // The request is denied because it violates [API key IP address + // restrictions](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/api-keys#adding_application_restrictions). + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when the consumer "projects/123" fails to call + // "storage.googleapis.com" service because the caller IP of the request + // violates API key IP address restrictions: + // + // { "reason": "API_KEY_IP_ADDRESS_BLOCKED", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "consumer": "projects/123", + // "service": "storage.googleapis.com", + // } + // } + API_KEY_IP_ADDRESS_BLOCKED = 8; + + // The request is denied because it violates [API key Android application + // restrictions](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/api-keys#adding_application_restrictions). + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when the consumer "projects/123" fails to call + // "storage.googleapis.com" service because the request from the Android apps + // violates the API key Android application restrictions: + // + // { "reason": "API_KEY_ANDROID_APP_BLOCKED", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "consumer": "projects/123", + // "service": "storage.googleapis.com" + // } + // } + API_KEY_ANDROID_APP_BLOCKED = 9; + + // The request is denied because it violates [API key iOS application + // restrictions](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/api-keys#adding_application_restrictions). + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when the consumer "projects/123" fails to call + // "storage.googleapis.com" service because the request from the iOS apps + // violates the API key iOS application restrictions: + // + // { "reason": "API_KEY_IOS_APP_BLOCKED", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "consumer": "projects/123", + // "service": "storage.googleapis.com" + // } + // } + API_KEY_IOS_APP_BLOCKED = 13; + + // The request is denied because there is not enough rate quota for the + // consumer. + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when the consumer "projects/123" fails to contact + // "pubsub.googleapis.com" service because consumer's rate quota usage has + // reached the maximum value set for the quota limit + // "ReadsPerMinutePerProject" on the quota metric + // "pubsub.googleapis.com/read_requests": + // + // { "reason": "RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "consumer": "projects/123", + // "service": "pubsub.googleapis.com", + // "quota_metric": "pubsub.googleapis.com/read_requests", + // "quota_limit": "ReadsPerMinutePerProject" + // } + // } + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when the consumer "projects/123" checks quota on + // the service "dataflow.googleapis.com" and hits the organization quota + // limit "DefaultRequestsPerMinutePerOrganization" on the metric + // "dataflow.googleapis.com/default_requests". + // + // { "reason": "RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "consumer": "projects/123", + // "service": "dataflow.googleapis.com", + // "quota_metric": "dataflow.googleapis.com/default_requests", + // "quota_limit": "DefaultRequestsPerMinutePerOrganization" + // } + // } + RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 5; + + // The request is denied because there is not enough resource quota for the + // consumer. + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when the consumer "projects/123" fails to contact + // "compute.googleapis.com" service because consumer's resource quota usage + // has reached the maximum value set for the quota limit "VMsPerProject" + // on the quota metric "compute.googleapis.com/vms": + // + // { "reason": "RESOURCE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "consumer": "projects/123", + // "service": "compute.googleapis.com", + // "quota_metric": "compute.googleapis.com/vms", + // "quota_limit": "VMsPerProject" + // } + // } + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when the consumer "projects/123" checks resource + // quota on the service "dataflow.googleapis.com" and hits the organization + // quota limit "jobs-per-organization" on the metric + // "dataflow.googleapis.com/job_count". + // + // { "reason": "RESOURCE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "consumer": "projects/123", + // "service": "dataflow.googleapis.com", + // "quota_metric": "dataflow.googleapis.com/job_count", + // "quota_limit": "jobs-per-organization" + // } + // } + RESOURCE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED = 6; + + // The request whose associated billing account address is in a tax restricted + // location, violates the local tax restrictions when creating resources in + // the restricted region. + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when creating the Cloud Storage Bucket in the + // container "projects/123" under a tax restricted region + // "locations/asia-northeast3": + // + // { "reason": "LOCATION_TAX_POLICY_VIOLATED", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "consumer": "projects/123", + // "service": "storage.googleapis.com", + // "location": "locations/asia-northeast3" + // } + // } + // + // This response indicates creating the Cloud Storage Bucket in + // "locations/asia-northeast3" violates the location tax restriction. + LOCATION_TAX_POLICY_VIOLATED = 10; + + // The request is denied because the caller does not have required permission + // on the user project "projects/123" or the user project is invalid. For more + // information, check the [userProject System + // Parameters](https://cloud.google.com/apis/docs/system-parameters). + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when the caller is calling Cloud Storage service + // with insufficient permissions on the user project: + // + // { "reason": "USER_PROJECT_DENIED", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "consumer": "projects/123", + // "service": "storage.googleapis.com" + // } + // } + USER_PROJECT_DENIED = 11; + + // The request is denied because the consumer "projects/123" is suspended due + // to Terms of Service(Tos) violations. Check [Project suspension + // guidelines](https://cloud.google.com/resource-manager/docs/project-suspension-guidelines) + // for more information. + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when calling Cloud Storage service with the + // suspended consumer "projects/123": + // + // { "reason": "CONSUMER_SUSPENDED", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "consumer": "projects/123", + // "service": "storage.googleapis.com" + // } + // } + CONSUMER_SUSPENDED = 12; + + // The request is denied because the associated consumer is invalid. It may be + // in a bad format, cannot be found, or have been deleted. + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when calling Cloud Storage service with the + // invalid consumer "projects/123": + // + // { "reason": "CONSUMER_INVALID", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "consumer": "projects/123", + // "service": "storage.googleapis.com" + // } + // } + CONSUMER_INVALID = 14; + + // The request is denied because it violates [VPC Service + // Controls](https://cloud.google.com/vpc-service-controls/docs/overview). + // The 'uid' field is a random generated identifier that customer can use it + // to search the audit log for a request rejected by VPC Service Controls. For + // more information, please refer [VPC Service Controls + // Troubleshooting](https://cloud.google.com/vpc-service-controls/docs/troubleshooting#unique-id) + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when the consumer "projects/123" fails to call + // Cloud Storage service because the request is prohibited by the VPC Service + // Controls. + // + // { "reason": "SECURITY_POLICY_VIOLATED", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "uid": "123456789abcde", + // "consumer": "projects/123", + // "service": "storage.googleapis.com" + // } + // } + SECURITY_POLICY_VIOLATED = 15; + + // The request is denied because the provided access token has expired. + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when the request is calling Cloud Storage service + // with an expired access token: + // + // { "reason": "ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRED", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "service": "storage.googleapis.com", + // "method": "google.storage.v1.Storage.GetObject" + // } + // } + ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRED = 16; + + // The request is denied because the provided access token doesn't have at + // least one of the acceptable scopes required for the API. Please check + // [OAuth 2.0 Scopes for Google + // APIs](https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/scopes) for + // the list of the OAuth 2.0 scopes that you might need to request to access + // the API. + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when the request is calling Cloud Storage service + // with an access token that is missing required scopes: + // + // { "reason": "ACCESS_TOKEN_SCOPE_INSUFFICIENT", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "service": "storage.googleapis.com", + // "method": "google.storage.v1.Storage.GetObject" + // } + // } + ACCESS_TOKEN_SCOPE_INSUFFICIENT = 17; + + // The request is denied because the account associated with the provided + // access token is in an invalid state, such as disabled or deleted. + // For more information, see https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication. + // + // Warning: For privacy reasons, the server may not be able to disclose the + // email address for some accounts. The client MUST NOT depend on the + // availability of the `email` attribute. + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when the request is to the Cloud Storage API with + // an access token that is associated with a disabled or deleted [service + // account](http://cloud/iam/docs/service-accounts): + // + // { "reason": "ACCOUNT_STATE_INVALID", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "service": "storage.googleapis.com", + // "method": "google.storage.v1.Storage.GetObject", + // "email": "user@123.iam.gserviceaccount.com" + // } + // } + ACCOUNT_STATE_INVALID = 18; + + // The request is denied because the type of the provided access token is not + // supported by the API being called. + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when the request is to the Cloud Storage API with + // an unsupported token type. + // + // { "reason": "ACCESS_TOKEN_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "service": "storage.googleapis.com", + // "method": "google.storage.v1.Storage.GetObject" + // } + // } + ACCESS_TOKEN_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED = 19; + + // The request is denied because the request doesn't have any authentication + // credentials. For more information regarding the supported authentication + // strategies for Google Cloud APIs, see + // https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication. + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when the request is to the Cloud Storage API + // without any authentication credentials. + // + // { "reason": "CREDENTIALS_MISSING", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "service": "storage.googleapis.com", + // "method": "google.storage.v1.Storage.GetObject" + // } + // } + CREDENTIALS_MISSING = 20; + + // The request is denied because the provided project owning the resource + // which acts as the [API + // consumer](https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/glossary#api_consumer) is + // invalid. It may be in a bad format or empty. + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when the request is to the Cloud Functions API, + // but the offered resource project in the request in a bad format which can't + // perform the ListFunctions method. + // + // { "reason": "RESOURCE_PROJECT_INVALID", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "service": "cloudfunctions.googleapis.com", + // "method": + // "google.cloud.functions.v1.CloudFunctionsService.ListFunctions" + // } + // } + RESOURCE_PROJECT_INVALID = 21; + + // The request is denied because the provided session cookie is missing, + // invalid or failed to decode. + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when the request is calling Cloud Storage service + // with a SID cookie which can't be decoded. + // + // { "reason": "SESSION_COOKIE_INVALID", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "service": "storage.googleapis.com", + // "method": "google.storage.v1.Storage.GetObject", + // "cookie": "SID" + // } + // } + SESSION_COOKIE_INVALID = 23; + + // The request is denied because the user is from a Google Workspace customer + // that blocks their users from accessing a particular service. + // + // Example scenario: https://support.google.com/a/answer/9197205?hl=en + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when access to Google Cloud Storage service is + // blocked by the Google Workspace administrator: + // + // { "reason": "USER_BLOCKED_BY_ADMIN", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "service": "storage.googleapis.com", + // "method": "google.storage.v1.Storage.GetObject", + // } + // } + USER_BLOCKED_BY_ADMIN = 24; + + // The request is denied because the resource service usage is restricted + // by administrators according to the organization policy constraint. + // For more information see + // https://cloud.google.com/resource-manager/docs/organization-policy/restricting-services. + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when access to Google Cloud Storage service is + // restricted by Resource Usage Restriction policy: + // + // { "reason": "RESOURCE_USAGE_RESTRICTION_VIOLATED", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "consumer": "projects/project-123", + // "service": "storage.googleapis.com" + // } + // } + RESOURCE_USAGE_RESTRICTION_VIOLATED = 25; + + // Unimplemented. Do not use. + // + // The request is denied because it contains unsupported system parameters in + // URL query parameters or HTTP headers. For more information, + // see https://cloud.google.com/apis/docs/system-parameters + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when access "pubsub.googleapis.com" service with + // a request header of "x-goog-user-ip": + // + // { "reason": "SYSTEM_PARAMETER_UNSUPPORTED", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "service": "pubsub.googleapis.com" + // "parameter": "x-goog-user-ip" + // } + // } + SYSTEM_PARAMETER_UNSUPPORTED = 26; + + // The request is denied because it violates Org Restriction: the requested + // resource does not belong to allowed organizations specified in + // "X-Goog-Allowed-Resources" header. + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when accessing a GCP resource that is restricted by + // Org Restriction for "pubsub.googleapis.com" service. + // + // { + // reason: "ORG_RESTRICTION_VIOLATION" + // domain: "googleapis.com" + // metadata { + // "consumer":"projects/123456" + // "service": "pubsub.googleapis.com" + // } + // } + ORG_RESTRICTION_VIOLATION = 27; + + // The request is denied because "X-Goog-Allowed-Resources" header is in a bad + // format. + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when + // accessing "pubsub.googleapis.com" service with an invalid + // "X-Goog-Allowed-Resources" request header. + // + // { + // reason: "ORG_RESTRICTION_HEADER_INVALID" + // domain: "googleapis.com" + // metadata { + // "consumer":"projects/123456" + // "service": "pubsub.googleapis.com" + // } + // } + ORG_RESTRICTION_HEADER_INVALID = 28; + + // Unimplemented. Do not use. + // + // The request is calling a service that is not visible to the consumer. + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when the consumer "projects/123" contacting + // "pubsub.googleapis.com" service which is not visible to the consumer. + // + // { "reason": "SERVICE_NOT_VISIBLE", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "consumer": "projects/123", + // "service": "pubsub.googleapis.com" + // } + // } + // + // This response indicates the "pubsub.googleapis.com" is not visible to + // "projects/123" (or it may not exist). + SERVICE_NOT_VISIBLE = 29; + + // The request is related to a project for which GCP access is suspended. + // + // Example of an ErrorInfo when the consumer "projects/123" fails to contact + // "pubsub.googleapis.com" service because GCP access is suspended: + // + // { "reason": "GCP_SUSPENDED", + // "domain": "googleapis.com", + // "metadata": { + // "consumer": "projects/123", + // "service": "pubsub.googleapis.com" + // } + // } + // + // This response indicates the associated GCP account has been suspended. + GCP_SUSPENDED = 30; +} diff --git a/google/api/expr/BUILD.bazel b/google/api/expr/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a87c57f --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/expr/BUILD.bazel @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +exports_files(glob(["*.yaml"])) diff --git a/google/api/expr/cel.yaml b/google/api/expr/cel.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bbe7fbd --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/expr/cel.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +type: google.api.Service +config_version: 3 +name: cel.googleapis.com +title: Common Expression Language + +apis: +- name: google.api.expr.v1alpha1.ConformanceService +- name: google.api.expr.v1alpha1.CelService + +documentation: + summary: Defines common types for the Common Expression Language. + overview: |- + # Common Expression Language + + The Common Expression Language (CEL) implements common semantics for + expression evaluation, enabling different applications to more easily + interoperate. + + Key Applications + + * Security policy: organization have complex infrastructure and need + common tooling to reason about the system as a whole * Protocols: + expressions are a useful data type and require interoperability across + programming languages and platforms. + + + + Guiding philosophy: + + 1. Keep it small & fast. * CEL evaluates in linear time, is mutation + free, and not Turing-complete. This limitation is a feature of the language + design, which allows the implementation to evaluate orders of magnitude + faster than equivalently sandboxed JavaScript. 2. Make it extensible. * + CEL is designed to be embedded in applications, and allows for extensibility + via its context which allows for functions and data to be provided by the + software that embeds it. 3. Developer-friendly * The language is + approachable to developers. The initial spec was based on the experience of + developing Firebase Rules and usability testing many prior iterations. * + The library itself and accompanying toolings should be easy to adopt by + teams that seek to integrate CEL into their platforms. + + The required components of a system that supports CEL are: + + * The textual representation of an expression as written by a developer. + It is of similar syntax of expressions in C/C++/Java/JavaScript * A binary + representation of an expression. It is an abstract syntax tree (AST). * A + compiler library that converts the textual representation to the binary + representation. This can be done ahead of time (in the control plane) or + just before evaluation (in the data plane). * A context containing one or + more typed variables, often protobuf messages. Most use-case will use + attribute_context.proto * An evaluator library that takes the binary + format in the context and produces a result, usually a Boolean. + + Example of boolean conditions and object construction: + + ``` c // Condition account.balance >= transaction.withdrawal || + (account.overdraftProtection && account.overdraftLimit >= + transaction.withdrawal - account.balance) + + // Object construction common.GeoPoint{ latitude: 10.0, longitude: -5.5 } + ``` diff --git a/google/api/expr/conformance/v1alpha1/BUILD.bazel b/google/api/expr/conformance/v1alpha1/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..674c650 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/expr/conformance/v1alpha1/BUILD.bazel @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +# This file was automatically generated by BuildFileGenerator + +# This is an API workspace, having public visibility by default makes perfect sense. +package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) + +############################################################################## +# Common +############################################################################## +load("@rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", "proto_library") + +proto_library( + name = "conformance_proto", + srcs = [ + "conformance_service.proto", + ], + deps = [ + "//google/api:client_proto", + "//google/api/expr/v1alpha1:checked_proto", + "//google/api/expr/v1alpha1:eval_proto", + "//google/api/expr/v1alpha1:syntax_proto", + "//google/rpc:status_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# Java +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "java_grpc_library", + "java_proto_library", +) + +java_proto_library( + name = "conformance_java_proto", + deps = [":conformance_proto"], +) + +java_grpc_library( + name = "conformance_java_grpc", + srcs = [":conformance_proto"], + deps = [":conformance_java_proto"], +) + +############################################################################## +# Go +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "go_proto_library", +) + +go_proto_library( + name = "conformance_go_proto", + compilers = ["@io_bazel_rules_go//proto:go_grpc"], + importpath = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/expr/conformance/v1alpha1", + protos = [":conformance_proto"], + deps = [ + "//google/api:annotations_go_proto", + "//google/api/expr/v1alpha1:expr_go_proto", + "//google/rpc:status_go_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# Python +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "moved_proto_library", + "py_grpc_library", + "py_proto_library", +) + +moved_proto_library( + name = "conformance_moved_proto", + srcs = [":conformance_proto"], + deps = [ + "//google/api:client_proto", + "//google/api/expr/v1alpha1:checked_proto", + "//google/api/expr/v1alpha1:eval_proto", + "//google/api/expr/v1alpha1:syntax_proto", + "//google/rpc:status_proto", + ], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "conformance_py_proto", + deps = [":conformance_moved_proto"], +) + +py_grpc_library( + name = "conformance_py_grpc", + srcs = [":conformance_moved_proto"], + deps = [":conformance_py_proto"], +) + +############################################################################## +# PHP +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "php_proto_library", +) + +php_proto_library( + name = "conformance_php_proto", + deps = [":conformance_proto"], +) + +############################################################################## +# Ruby +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "ruby_grpc_library", + "ruby_proto_library", +) + +ruby_proto_library( + name = "conformance_ruby_proto", + deps = [":conformance_proto"], +) + +ruby_grpc_library( + name = "conformance_ruby_grpc", + srcs = [":conformance_proto"], + deps = [":conformance_ruby_proto"], +) + +############################################################################## +# C# +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "csharp_grpc_library", + "csharp_proto_library", +) + +csharp_proto_library( + name = "conformance_csharp_proto", + deps = [":conformance_proto"], +) + +csharp_grpc_library( + name = "conformance_csharp_grpc", + srcs = [":conformance_proto"], + deps = [":conformance_csharp_proto"], +) + +############################################################################## +# C++ +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "cc_grpc_library", + "cc_proto_library", +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "conformance_cc_proto", + deps = [":conformance_proto"], +) + +cc_grpc_library( + name = "conformance_cc_grpc", + srcs = [":conformance_proto"], + generate_mocks = True, + grpc_only = True, + deps = [":conformance_cc_proto"], +) diff --git a/google/api/expr/conformance/v1alpha1/conformance_service.proto b/google/api/expr/conformance/v1alpha1/conformance_service.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1ad7aa --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/expr/conformance/v1alpha1/conformance_service.proto @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ +// Copyright 2022 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.expr.conformance.v1alpha1; + +import "google/api/client.proto"; +import "google/api/expr/v1alpha1/checked.proto"; +import "google/api/expr/v1alpha1/eval.proto"; +import "google/api/expr/v1alpha1/syntax.proto"; +import "google/rpc/status.proto"; + +option cc_enable_arenas = true; +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/expr/conformance/v1alpha1;confpb"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "ConformanceServiceProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.expr.conformance.v1alpha1"; + +// Access a CEL implementation from another process or machine. +// A CEL implementation is decomposed as a parser, a static checker, +// and an evaluator. Every CEL implementation is expected to provide +// a server for this API. The API will be used for conformance testing +// and other utilities. +service ConformanceService { + option (google.api.default_host) = "cel.googleapis.com"; + + // Transforms CEL source text into a parsed representation. + rpc Parse(ParseRequest) returns (ParseResponse) { + } + + // Runs static checks on a parsed CEL representation and return + // an annotated representation, or a set of issues. + rpc Check(CheckRequest) returns (CheckResponse) { + } + + // Evaluates a parsed or annotation CEL representation given + // values of external bindings. + rpc Eval(EvalRequest) returns (EvalResponse) { + } +} + +// Request message for the Parse method. +message ParseRequest { + // Required. Source text in CEL syntax. + string cel_source = 1; + + // Tag for version of CEL syntax, for future use. + string syntax_version = 2; + + // File or resource for source text, used in [SourceInfo][google.api.SourceInfo]. + string source_location = 3; + + // Prevent macro expansion. See "Macros" in Language Defiinition. + bool disable_macros = 4; +} + +// Response message for the Parse method. +message ParseResponse { + // The parsed representation, or unset if parsing failed. + google.api.expr.v1alpha1.ParsedExpr parsed_expr = 1; + + // Any number of issues with [StatusDetails][] as the details. + repeated google.rpc.Status issues = 2; +} + +// Request message for the Check method. +message CheckRequest { + // Required. The parsed representation of the CEL program. + google.api.expr.v1alpha1.ParsedExpr parsed_expr = 1; + + // Declarations of types for external variables and functions. + // Required if program uses external variables or functions + // not in the default environment. + repeated google.api.expr.v1alpha1.Decl type_env = 2; + + // The protocol buffer context. See "Name Resolution" in the + // Language Definition. + string container = 3; + + // If true, use only the declarations in [type_env][google.api.expr.conformance.v1alpha1.CheckRequest.type_env]. If false (default), + // add declarations for the standard definitions to the type environment. See + // "Standard Definitions" in the Language Definition. + bool no_std_env = 4; +} + +// Response message for the Check method. +message CheckResponse { + // The annotated representation, or unset if checking failed. + google.api.expr.v1alpha1.CheckedExpr checked_expr = 1; + + // Any number of issues with [StatusDetails][] as the details. + repeated google.rpc.Status issues = 2; +} + +// Request message for the Eval method. +message EvalRequest { + // Required. Either the parsed or annotated representation of the CEL program. + oneof expr_kind { + // Evaluate based on the parsed representation. + google.api.expr.v1alpha1.ParsedExpr parsed_expr = 1; + + // Evaluate based on the checked representation. + google.api.expr.v1alpha1.CheckedExpr checked_expr = 2; + } + + // Bindings for the external variables. The types SHOULD be compatible + // with the type environment in [CheckRequest][google.api.expr.conformance.v1alpha1.CheckRequest], if checked. + map bindings = 3; + + // SHOULD be the same container as used in [CheckRequest][google.api.expr.conformance.v1alpha1.CheckRequest], if checked. + string container = 4; +} + +// Response message for the Eval method. +message EvalResponse { + // The execution result, or unset if execution couldn't start. + google.api.expr.v1alpha1.ExprValue result = 1; + + // Any number of issues with [StatusDetails][] as the details. + // Note that CEL execution errors are reified into [ExprValue][]. + // Nevertheless, we'll allow out-of-band issues to be raised, + // which also makes the replies more regular. + repeated google.rpc.Status issues = 2; +} + +// A specific position in source. +message SourcePosition { + // The source location name (e.g. file name). + string location = 1; + + // The UTF-8 code unit offset. + int32 offset = 2; + + // The 1-based index of the starting line in the source text + // where the issue occurs, or 0 if unknown. + int32 line = 3; + + // The 0-based index of the starting position within the line of source text + // where the issue occurs. Only meaningful if line is nonzero. + int32 column = 4; +} + +// Warnings or errors in service execution are represented by +// [google.rpc.Status][google.rpc.Status] messages, with the following message +// in the details field. +message IssueDetails { + // Severities of issues. + enum Severity { + // An unspecified severity. + SEVERITY_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // Deprecation issue for statements and method that may no longer be + // supported or maintained. + DEPRECATION = 1; + + // Warnings such as: unused variables. + WARNING = 2; + + // Errors such as: unmatched curly braces or variable redefinition. + ERROR = 3; + } + + // The severity of the issue. + Severity severity = 1; + + // Position in the source, if known. + SourcePosition position = 2; + + // Expression ID from [Expr][], 0 if unknown. + int64 id = 3; +} diff --git a/google/api/expr/v1alpha1/BUILD.bazel b/google/api/expr/v1alpha1/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a3539f --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/expr/v1alpha1/BUILD.bazel @@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ +# This file was automatically generated by BuildFileGenerator + +# This is an API workspace, having public visibility by default makes perfect sense. +package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) + +############################################################################## +# Common +############################################################################## +load("@rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", "proto_library") + +proto_library( + name = "expr_proto", + srcs = [ + "checked.proto", + "eval.proto", + "explain.proto", + "syntax.proto", + "value.proto", + ], + deps = [ + "//google/rpc:status_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:any_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:duration_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:empty_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:struct_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:timestamp_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library( + name = "checked_proto", + srcs = ["checked.proto"], + deps = [ + ":syntax_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:empty_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:struct_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library( + name = "eval_proto", + srcs = ["eval.proto"], + deps = [ + ":value_proto", + "//google/rpc:status_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library( + name = "explain_proto", + srcs = ["explain.proto"], + deps = [ + ":value_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library( + name = "syntax_proto", + srcs = ["syntax.proto"], + deps = [ + "@com_google_protobuf//:duration_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:struct_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:timestamp_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library( + name = "value_proto", + srcs = ["value.proto"], + deps = [ + "@com_google_protobuf//:any_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:struct_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# Java +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "java_grpc_library", + "java_proto_library", +) + +java_proto_library( + name = "expr_java_proto", + deps = [":expr_proto"], +) + +java_grpc_library( + name = "expr_java_grpc", + srcs = [":expr_proto"], + deps = [":expr_java_proto"], +) + +############################################################################## +# Go +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "go_proto_library", +) + +go_proto_library( + name = "expr_go_proto", + compilers = ["@io_bazel_rules_go//proto:go_grpc"], + importpath = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/expr/v1alpha1", + protos = [":expr_proto"], + deps = [ + "//google/rpc:status_go_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# Python +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "moved_proto_library", + "py_grpc_library", + "py_proto_library", +) + +moved_proto_library( + name = "expr_moved_proto", + srcs = [":expr_proto"], + deps = [ + "//google/rpc:status_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:any_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:duration_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:empty_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:struct_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:timestamp_proto", + ], +) + +py_proto_library( + name = "expr_py_proto", + deps = [":expr_moved_proto"], +) + +py_grpc_library( + name = "expr_py_grpc", + srcs = [":expr_moved_proto"], + deps = [":expr_py_proto"], +) + +############################################################################## +# PHP +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "php_proto_library", +) + +php_proto_library( + name = "expr_php_proto", + deps = [":expr_proto"], +) + +############################################################################## +# Ruby +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "ruby_grpc_library", + "ruby_proto_library", +) + +ruby_proto_library( + name = "expr_ruby_proto", + deps = [":expr_proto"], +) + +ruby_grpc_library( + name = "expr_ruby_grpc", + srcs = [":expr_proto"], + deps = [":expr_ruby_proto"], +) + +############################################################################## +# C# +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "csharp_grpc_library", + "csharp_proto_library", +) + +csharp_proto_library( + name = "expr_csharp_proto", + deps = [":expr_proto"], +) + +csharp_grpc_library( + name = "expr_csharp_grpc", + srcs = [":expr_proto"], + deps = [":expr_csharp_proto"], +) + +############################################################################## +# C++ +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "cc_proto_library", +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "checked_cc_proto", + deps = [":checked_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "eval_cc_proto", + deps = [":eval_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "explain_cc_proto", + deps = [":explain_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "syntax_cc_proto", + deps = [":syntax_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "value_cc_proto", + deps = [":value_proto"], +) diff --git a/google/api/expr/v1alpha1/checked.proto b/google/api/expr/v1alpha1/checked.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..930dc4f --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/expr/v1alpha1/checked.proto @@ -0,0 +1,343 @@ +// Copyright 2022 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.expr.v1alpha1; + +import "google/api/expr/v1alpha1/syntax.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/struct.proto"; + +option cc_enable_arenas = true; +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/expr/v1alpha1;expr"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "DeclProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.expr.v1alpha1"; + +// Protos for representing CEL declarations and typed checked expressions. + +// A CEL expression which has been successfully type checked. +message CheckedExpr { + // A map from expression ids to resolved references. + // + // The following entries are in this table: + // + // - An Ident or Select expression is represented here if it resolves to a + // declaration. For instance, if `a.b.c` is represented by + // `select(select(id(a), b), c)`, and `a.b` resolves to a declaration, + // while `c` is a field selection, then the reference is attached to the + // nested select expression (but not to the id or or the outer select). + // In turn, if `a` resolves to a declaration and `b.c` are field selections, + // the reference is attached to the ident expression. + // - Every Call expression has an entry here, identifying the function being + // called. + // - Every CreateStruct expression for a message has an entry, identifying + // the message. + map reference_map = 2; + + // A map from expression ids to types. + // + // Every expression node which has a type different than DYN has a mapping + // here. If an expression has type DYN, it is omitted from this map to save + // space. + map type_map = 3; + + // The source info derived from input that generated the parsed `expr` and + // any optimizations made during the type-checking pass. + SourceInfo source_info = 5; + + // The expr version indicates the major / minor version number of the `expr` + // representation. + // + // The most common reason for a version change will be to indicate to the CEL + // runtimes that transformations have been performed on the expr during static + // analysis. In some cases, this will save the runtime the work of applying + // the same or similar transformations prior to evaluation. + string expr_version = 6; + + // The checked expression. Semantically equivalent to the parsed `expr`, but + // may have structural differences. + Expr expr = 4; +} + +// Represents a CEL type. +message Type { + // List type with typed elements, e.g. `list`. + message ListType { + // The element type. + Type elem_type = 1; + } + + // Map type with parameterized key and value types, e.g. `map`. + message MapType { + // The type of the key. + Type key_type = 1; + + // The type of the value. + Type value_type = 2; + } + + // Function type with result and arg types. + message FunctionType { + // Result type of the function. + Type result_type = 1; + + // Argument types of the function. + repeated Type arg_types = 2; + } + + // Application defined abstract type. + message AbstractType { + // The fully qualified name of this abstract type. + string name = 1; + + // Parameter types for this abstract type. + repeated Type parameter_types = 2; + } + + // CEL primitive types. + enum PrimitiveType { + // Unspecified type. + PRIMITIVE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // Boolean type. + BOOL = 1; + + // Int64 type. + // + // Proto-based integer values are widened to int64. + INT64 = 2; + + // Uint64 type. + // + // Proto-based unsigned integer values are widened to uint64. + UINT64 = 3; + + // Double type. + // + // Proto-based float values are widened to double values. + DOUBLE = 4; + + // String type. + STRING = 5; + + // Bytes type. + BYTES = 6; + } + + // Well-known protobuf types treated with first-class support in CEL. + enum WellKnownType { + // Unspecified type. + WELL_KNOWN_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // Well-known protobuf.Any type. + // + // Any types are a polymorphic message type. During type-checking they are + // treated like `DYN` types, but at runtime they are resolved to a specific + // message type specified at evaluation time. + ANY = 1; + + // Well-known protobuf.Timestamp type, internally referenced as `timestamp`. + TIMESTAMP = 2; + + // Well-known protobuf.Duration type, internally referenced as `duration`. + DURATION = 3; + } + + // The kind of type. + oneof type_kind { + // Dynamic type. + google.protobuf.Empty dyn = 1; + + // Null value. + google.protobuf.NullValue null = 2; + + // Primitive types: `true`, `1u`, `-2.0`, `'string'`, `b'bytes'`. + PrimitiveType primitive = 3; + + // Wrapper of a primitive type, e.g. `google.protobuf.Int64Value`. + PrimitiveType wrapper = 4; + + // Well-known protobuf type such as `google.protobuf.Timestamp`. + WellKnownType well_known = 5; + + // Parameterized list with elements of `list_type`, e.g. `list`. + ListType list_type = 6; + + // Parameterized map with typed keys and values. + MapType map_type = 7; + + // Function type. + FunctionType function = 8; + + // Protocol buffer message type. + // + // The `message_type` string specifies the qualified message type name. For + // example, `google.plus.Profile`. + string message_type = 9; + + // Type param type. + // + // The `type_param` string specifies the type parameter name, e.g. `list` + // would be a `list_type` whose element type was a `type_param` type + // named `E`. + string type_param = 10; + + // Type type. + // + // The `type` value specifies the target type. e.g. int is type with a + // target type of `Primitive.INT`. + Type type = 11; + + // Error type. + // + // During type-checking if an expression is an error, its type is propagated + // as the `ERROR` type. This permits the type-checker to discover other + // errors present in the expression. + google.protobuf.Empty error = 12; + + // Abstract, application defined type. + AbstractType abstract_type = 14; + } +} + +// Represents a declaration of a named value or function. +// +// A declaration is part of the contract between the expression, the agent +// evaluating that expression, and the caller requesting evaluation. +message Decl { + // Identifier declaration which specifies its type and optional `Expr` value. + // + // An identifier without a value is a declaration that must be provided at + // evaluation time. An identifier with a value should resolve to a constant, + // but may be used in conjunction with other identifiers bound at evaluation + // time. + message IdentDecl { + // Required. The type of the identifier. + Type type = 1; + + // The constant value of the identifier. If not specified, the identifier + // must be supplied at evaluation time. + Constant value = 2; + + // Documentation string for the identifier. + string doc = 3; + } + + // Function declaration specifies one or more overloads which indicate the + // function's parameter types and return type. + // + // Functions have no observable side-effects (there may be side-effects like + // logging which are not observable from CEL). + message FunctionDecl { + // An overload indicates a function's parameter types and return type, and + // may optionally include a function body described in terms of + // [Expr][google.api.expr.v1alpha1.Expr] values. + // + // Functions overloads are declared in either a function or method + // call-style. For methods, the `params[0]` is the expected type of the + // target receiver. + // + // Overloads must have non-overlapping argument types after erasure of all + // parameterized type variables (similar as type erasure in Java). + message Overload { + // Required. Globally unique overload name of the function which reflects + // the function name and argument types. + // + // This will be used by a [Reference][google.api.expr.v1alpha1.Reference] + // to indicate the `overload_id` that was resolved for the function + // `name`. + string overload_id = 1; + + // List of function parameter [Type][google.api.expr.v1alpha1.Type] + // values. + // + // Param types are disjoint after generic type parameters have been + // replaced with the type `DYN`. Since the `DYN` type is compatible with + // any other type, this means that if `A` is a type parameter, the + // function types `int` and `int` are not disjoint. Likewise, + // `map` is not disjoint from `map`. + // + // When the `result_type` of a function is a generic type param, the + // type param name also appears as the `type` of on at least one params. + repeated Type params = 2; + + // The type param names associated with the function declaration. + // + // For example, `function ex(K key, map map) : V` would yield + // the type params of `K, V`. + repeated string type_params = 3; + + // Required. The result type of the function. For example, the operator + // `string.isEmpty()` would have `result_type` of `kind: BOOL`. + Type result_type = 4; + + // Whether the function is to be used in a method call-style `x.f(...)` + // or a function call-style `f(x, ...)`. + // + // For methods, the first parameter declaration, `params[0]` is the + // expected type of the target receiver. + bool is_instance_function = 5; + + // Documentation string for the overload. + string doc = 6; + } + + // Required. List of function overloads, must contain at least one overload. + repeated Overload overloads = 1; + } + + // The fully qualified name of the declaration. + // + // Declarations are organized in containers and this represents the full path + // to the declaration in its container, as in `google.api.expr.Decl`. + // + // Declarations used as + // [FunctionDecl.Overload][google.api.expr.v1alpha1.Decl.FunctionDecl.Overload] + // parameters may or may not have a name depending on whether the overload is + // function declaration or a function definition containing a result + // [Expr][google.api.expr.v1alpha1.Expr]. + string name = 1; + + // Required. The declaration kind. + oneof decl_kind { + // Identifier declaration. + IdentDecl ident = 2; + + // Function declaration. + FunctionDecl function = 3; + } +} + +// Describes a resolved reference to a declaration. +message Reference { + // The fully qualified name of the declaration. + string name = 1; + + // For references to functions, this is a list of `Overload.overload_id` + // values which match according to typing rules. + // + // If the list has more than one element, overload resolution among the + // presented candidates must happen at runtime because of dynamic types. The + // type checker attempts to narrow down this list as much as possible. + // + // Empty if this is not a reference to a + // [Decl.FunctionDecl][google.api.expr.v1alpha1.Decl.FunctionDecl]. + repeated string overload_id = 3; + + // For references to constants, this may contain the value of the + // constant if known at compile time. + Constant value = 4; +} diff --git a/google/api/expr/v1alpha1/eval.proto b/google/api/expr/v1alpha1/eval.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e905264 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/expr/v1alpha1/eval.proto @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +// Copyright 2022 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.expr.v1alpha1; + +import "google/api/expr/v1alpha1/value.proto"; +import "google/rpc/status.proto"; + +option cc_enable_arenas = true; +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/expr/v1alpha1;expr"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "EvalProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.expr.v1alpha1"; + +// The state of an evaluation. +// +// Can represent an inital, partial, or completed state of evaluation. +message EvalState { + // A single evalution result. + message Result { + // The id of the expression this result if for. + int64 expr = 1; + + // The index in `values` of the resulting value. + int64 value = 2; + } + + // The unique values referenced in this message. + repeated ExprValue values = 1; + + // An ordered list of results. + // + // Tracks the flow of evaluation through the expression. + // May be sparse. + repeated Result results = 3; +} + +// The value of an evaluated expression. +message ExprValue { + // An expression can resolve to a value, error or unknown. + oneof kind { + // A concrete value. + Value value = 1; + + // The set of errors in the critical path of evalution. + // + // Only errors in the critical path are included. For example, + // `( || true) && ` will only result in ``, + // while ` || ` will result in both `` and + // ``. + // + // Errors cause by the presence of other errors are not included in the + // set. For example `.foo`, `foo()`, and ` + 1` will + // only result in ``. + // + // Multiple errors *might* be included when evaluation could result + // in different errors. For example ` + ` and + // `foo(, )` may result in ``, `` or both. + // The exact subset of errors included for this case is unspecified and + // depends on the implementation details of the evaluator. + ErrorSet error = 2; + + // The set of unknowns in the critical path of evaluation. + // + // Unknown behaves identically to Error with regards to propagation. + // Specifically, only unknowns in the critical path are included, unknowns + // caused by the presence of other unknowns are not included, and multiple + // unknowns *might* be included included when evaluation could result in + // different unknowns. For example: + // + // ( || true) && -> + // || -> + // .foo -> + // foo() -> + // + -> or + // + // Unknown takes precidence over Error in cases where a `Value` can short + // circuit the result: + // + // || -> + // && -> + // + // Errors take precidence in all other cases: + // + // + -> + // foo(, ) -> + UnknownSet unknown = 3; + } +} + +// A set of errors. +// +// The errors included depend on the context. See `ExprValue.error`. +message ErrorSet { + // The errors in the set. + repeated google.rpc.Status errors = 1; +} + +// A set of expressions for which the value is unknown. +// +// The unknowns included depend on the context. See `ExprValue.unknown`. +message UnknownSet { + // The ids of the expressions with unknown values. + repeated int64 exprs = 1; +} diff --git a/google/api/expr/v1alpha1/explain.proto b/google/api/expr/v1alpha1/explain.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23d5148 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/expr/v1alpha1/explain.proto @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +// Copyright 2022 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.expr.v1alpha1; + +import "google/api/expr/v1alpha1/value.proto"; + +option cc_enable_arenas = true; +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/expr/v1alpha1;expr"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "ExplainProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.expr.v1alpha1"; + +// Values of intermediate expressions produced when evaluating expression. +// Deprecated, use `EvalState` instead. +message Explain { + option deprecated = true; + + // ID and value index of one step. + message ExprStep { + // ID of corresponding Expr node. + int64 id = 1; + + // Index of the value in the values list. + int32 value_index = 2; + } + + // All of the observed values. + // + // The field value_index is an index in the values list. + // Separating values from steps is needed to remove redundant values. + repeated Value values = 1; + + // List of steps. + // + // Repeated evaluations of the same expression generate new ExprStep + // instances. The order of such ExprStep instances matches the order of + // elements returned by Comprehension.iter_range. + repeated ExprStep expr_steps = 2; +} diff --git a/google/api/expr/v1alpha1/syntax.proto b/google/api/expr/v1alpha1/syntax.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8219ba6 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/expr/v1alpha1/syntax.proto @@ -0,0 +1,343 @@ +// Copyright 2022 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.expr.v1alpha1; + +import "google/protobuf/duration.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/struct.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; + +option cc_enable_arenas = true; +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/expr/v1alpha1;expr"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "SyntaxProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.expr.v1alpha1"; + +// A representation of the abstract syntax of the Common Expression Language. + +// An expression together with source information as returned by the parser. +message ParsedExpr { + // The parsed expression. + Expr expr = 2; + + // The source info derived from input that generated the parsed `expr`. + SourceInfo source_info = 3; +} + +// An abstract representation of a common expression. +// +// Expressions are abstractly represented as a collection of identifiers, +// select statements, function calls, literals, and comprehensions. All +// operators with the exception of the '.' operator are modelled as function +// calls. This makes it easy to represent new operators into the existing AST. +// +// All references within expressions must resolve to a [Decl][google.api.expr.v1alpha1.Decl] provided at +// type-check for an expression to be valid. A reference may either be a bare +// identifier `name` or a qualified identifier `google.api.name`. References +// may either refer to a value or a function declaration. +// +// For example, the expression `google.api.name.startsWith('expr')` references +// the declaration `google.api.name` within a [Expr.Select][google.api.expr.v1alpha1.Expr.Select] expression, and +// the function declaration `startsWith`. +message Expr { + // An identifier expression. e.g. `request`. + message Ident { + // Required. Holds a single, unqualified identifier, possibly preceded by a + // '.'. + // + // Qualified names are represented by the [Expr.Select][google.api.expr.v1alpha1.Expr.Select] expression. + string name = 1; + } + + // A field selection expression. e.g. `request.auth`. + message Select { + // Required. The target of the selection expression. + // + // For example, in the select expression `request.auth`, the `request` + // portion of the expression is the `operand`. + Expr operand = 1; + + // Required. The name of the field to select. + // + // For example, in the select expression `request.auth`, the `auth` portion + // of the expression would be the `field`. + string field = 2; + + // Whether the select is to be interpreted as a field presence test. + // + // This results from the macro `has(request.auth)`. + bool test_only = 3; + } + + // A call expression, including calls to predefined functions and operators. + // + // For example, `value == 10`, `size(map_value)`. + message Call { + // The target of an method call-style expression. For example, `x` in + // `x.f()`. + Expr target = 1; + + // Required. The name of the function or method being called. + string function = 2; + + // The arguments. + repeated Expr args = 3; + } + + // A list creation expression. + // + // Lists may either be homogenous, e.g. `[1, 2, 3]`, or heterogeneous, e.g. + // `dyn([1, 'hello', 2.0])` + message CreateList { + // The elements part of the list. + repeated Expr elements = 1; + + // The indices within the elements list which are marked as optional + // elements. + // + // When an optional-typed value is present, the value it contains + // is included in the list. If the optional-typed value is absent, the list + // element is omitted from the CreateList result. + repeated int32 optional_indices = 2; + } + + // A map or message creation expression. + // + // Maps are constructed as `{'key_name': 'value'}`. Message construction is + // similar, but prefixed with a type name and composed of field ids: + // `types.MyType{field_id: 'value'}`. + message CreateStruct { + // Represents an entry. + message Entry { + // Required. An id assigned to this node by the parser which is unique + // in a given expression tree. This is used to associate type + // information and other attributes to the node. + int64 id = 1; + + // The `Entry` key kinds. + oneof key_kind { + // The field key for a message creator statement. + string field_key = 2; + + // The key expression for a map creation statement. + Expr map_key = 3; + } + + // Required. The value assigned to the key. + // + // If the optional_entry field is true, the expression must resolve to an + // optional-typed value. If the optional value is present, the key will be + // set; however, if the optional value is absent, the key will be unset. + Expr value = 4; + + // Whether the key-value pair is optional. + bool optional_entry = 5; + } + + // The type name of the message to be created, empty when creating map + // literals. + string message_name = 1; + + // The entries in the creation expression. + repeated Entry entries = 2; + } + + // A comprehension expression applied to a list or map. + // + // Comprehensions are not part of the core syntax, but enabled with macros. + // A macro matches a specific call signature within a parsed AST and replaces + // the call with an alternate AST block. Macro expansion happens at parse + // time. + // + // The following macros are supported within CEL: + // + // Aggregate type macros may be applied to all elements in a list or all keys + // in a map: + // + // * `all`, `exists`, `exists_one` - test a predicate expression against + // the inputs and return `true` if the predicate is satisfied for all, + // any, or only one value `list.all(x, x < 10)`. + // * `filter` - test a predicate expression against the inputs and return + // the subset of elements which satisfy the predicate: + // `payments.filter(p, p > 1000)`. + // * `map` - apply an expression to all elements in the input and return the + // output aggregate type: `[1, 2, 3].map(i, i * i)`. + // + // The `has(m.x)` macro tests whether the property `x` is present in struct + // `m`. The semantics of this macro depend on the type of `m`. For proto2 + // messages `has(m.x)` is defined as 'defined, but not set`. For proto3, the + // macro tests whether the property is set to its default. For map and struct + // types, the macro tests whether the property `x` is defined on `m`. + message Comprehension { + // The name of the iteration variable. + string iter_var = 1; + + // The range over which var iterates. + Expr iter_range = 2; + + // The name of the variable used for accumulation of the result. + string accu_var = 3; + + // The initial value of the accumulator. + Expr accu_init = 4; + + // An expression which can contain iter_var and accu_var. + // + // Returns false when the result has been computed and may be used as + // a hint to short-circuit the remainder of the comprehension. + Expr loop_condition = 5; + + // An expression which can contain iter_var and accu_var. + // + // Computes the next value of accu_var. + Expr loop_step = 6; + + // An expression which can contain accu_var. + // + // Computes the result. + Expr result = 7; + } + + // Required. An id assigned to this node by the parser which is unique in a + // given expression tree. This is used to associate type information and other + // attributes to a node in the parse tree. + int64 id = 2; + + // Required. Variants of expressions. + oneof expr_kind { + // A literal expression. + Constant const_expr = 3; + + // An identifier expression. + Ident ident_expr = 4; + + // A field selection expression, e.g. `request.auth`. + Select select_expr = 5; + + // A call expression, including calls to predefined functions and operators. + Call call_expr = 6; + + // A list creation expression. + CreateList list_expr = 7; + + // A map or message creation expression. + CreateStruct struct_expr = 8; + + // A comprehension expression. + Comprehension comprehension_expr = 9; + } +} + +// Represents a primitive literal. +// +// Named 'Constant' here for backwards compatibility. +// +// This is similar as the primitives supported in the well-known type +// `google.protobuf.Value`, but richer so it can represent CEL's full range of +// primitives. +// +// Lists and structs are not included as constants as these aggregate types may +// contain [Expr][google.api.expr.v1alpha1.Expr] elements which require evaluation and are thus not constant. +// +// Examples of literals include: `"hello"`, `b'bytes'`, `1u`, `4.2`, `-2`, +// `true`, `null`. +message Constant { + // Required. The valid constant kinds. + oneof constant_kind { + // null value. + google.protobuf.NullValue null_value = 1; + + // boolean value. + bool bool_value = 2; + + // int64 value. + int64 int64_value = 3; + + // uint64 value. + uint64 uint64_value = 4; + + // double value. + double double_value = 5; + + // string value. + string string_value = 6; + + // bytes value. + bytes bytes_value = 7; + + // protobuf.Duration value. + // + // Deprecated: duration is no longer considered a builtin cel type. + google.protobuf.Duration duration_value = 8 [deprecated = true]; + + // protobuf.Timestamp value. + // + // Deprecated: timestamp is no longer considered a builtin cel type. + google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp_value = 9 [deprecated = true]; + } +} + +// Source information collected at parse time. +message SourceInfo { + // The syntax version of the source, e.g. `cel1`. + string syntax_version = 1; + + // The location name. All position information attached to an expression is + // relative to this location. + // + // The location could be a file, UI element, or similar. For example, + // `acme/app/AnvilPolicy.cel`. + string location = 2; + + // Monotonically increasing list of code point offsets where newlines + // `\n` appear. + // + // The line number of a given position is the index `i` where for a given + // `id` the `line_offsets[i] < id_positions[id] < line_offsets[i+1]`. The + // column may be derivd from `id_positions[id] - line_offsets[i]`. + repeated int32 line_offsets = 3; + + // A map from the parse node id (e.g. `Expr.id`) to the code point offset + // within the source. + map positions = 4; + + // A map from the parse node id where a macro replacement was made to the + // call `Expr` that resulted in a macro expansion. + // + // For example, `has(value.field)` is a function call that is replaced by a + // `test_only` field selection in the AST. Likewise, the call + // `list.exists(e, e > 10)` translates to a comprehension expression. The key + // in the map corresponds to the expression id of the expanded macro, and the + // value is the call `Expr` that was replaced. + map macro_calls = 5; +} + +// A specific position in source. +message SourcePosition { + // The soucre location name (e.g. file name). + string location = 1; + + // The UTF-8 code unit offset. + int32 offset = 2; + + // The 1-based index of the starting line in the source text + // where the issue occurs, or 0 if unknown. + int32 line = 3; + + // The 0-based index of the starting position within the line of source text + // where the issue occurs. Only meaningful if line is nonzero. + int32 column = 4; +} diff --git a/google/api/expr/v1alpha1/value.proto b/google/api/expr/v1alpha1/value.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f03ef6 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/expr/v1alpha1/value.proto @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +// Copyright 2022 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.expr.v1alpha1; + +import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/struct.proto"; + +option cc_enable_arenas = true; +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/expr/v1alpha1;expr"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "ValueProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.expr.v1alpha1"; + +// Contains representations for CEL runtime values. + +// Represents a CEL value. +// +// This is similar to `google.protobuf.Value`, but can represent CEL's full +// range of values. +message Value { + // Required. The valid kinds of values. + oneof kind { + // Null value. + google.protobuf.NullValue null_value = 1; + + // Boolean value. + bool bool_value = 2; + + // Signed integer value. + int64 int64_value = 3; + + // Unsigned integer value. + uint64 uint64_value = 4; + + // Floating point value. + double double_value = 5; + + // UTF-8 string value. + string string_value = 6; + + // Byte string value. + bytes bytes_value = 7; + + // An enum value. + EnumValue enum_value = 9; + + // The proto message backing an object value. + google.protobuf.Any object_value = 10; + + // Map value. + MapValue map_value = 11; + + // List value. + ListValue list_value = 12; + + // Type value. + string type_value = 15; + } +} + +// An enum value. +message EnumValue { + // The fully qualified name of the enum type. + string type = 1; + + // The value of the enum. + int32 value = 2; +} + +// A list. +// +// Wrapped in a message so 'not set' and empty can be differentiated, which is +// required for use in a 'oneof'. +message ListValue { + // The ordered values in the list. + repeated Value values = 1; +} + +// A map. +// +// Wrapped in a message so 'not set' and empty can be differentiated, which is +// required for use in a 'oneof'. +message MapValue { + // An entry in the map. + message Entry { + // The key. + // + // Must be unique with in the map. + // Currently only boolean, int, uint, and string values can be keys. + Value key = 1; + + // The value. + Value value = 2; + } + + // The set of map entries. + // + // CEL has fewer restrictions on keys, so a protobuf map represenation + // cannot be used. + repeated Entry entries = 1; +} diff --git a/google/api/expr/v1beta1/BUILD.bazel b/google/api/expr/v1beta1/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..819e136 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/expr/v1beta1/BUILD.bazel @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +load("@rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", "proto_library") + +# This is an API workspace, having public visibility by default makes perfect sense. +package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) + +proto_library( + name = "decl_proto", + srcs = ["decl.proto"], + deps = [ + ":expr_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library( + name = "eval_proto", + srcs = ["eval.proto"], + deps = [ + ":value_proto", + "//google/rpc:status_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library( + name = "expr_proto", + srcs = ["expr.proto"], + deps = [ + ":source_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:struct_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library( + name = "source_proto", + srcs = ["source.proto"], +) + +proto_library( + name = "value_proto", + srcs = ["value.proto"], + deps = [ + "@com_google_protobuf//:any_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:struct_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library( + name = "cel_proto", + deps = [ + ":decl_proto", + ":eval_proto", + ":expr_proto", + ":source_proto", + ":value_proto", + "//google/rpc:status_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:any_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:struct_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# C++ +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "cc_proto_library", +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "decl_cc_proto", + deps = [":decl_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "eval_cc_proto", + deps = [":eval_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "expr_cc_proto", + deps = [":expr_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "source_cc_proto", + deps = [":source_proto"], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "value_cc_proto", + deps = [":value_proto"], +) diff --git a/google/api/expr/v1beta1/decl.proto b/google/api/expr/v1beta1/decl.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d3d748b --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/expr/v1beta1/decl.proto @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +// Copyright 2019 Google LLC. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.expr.v1beta1; + +import "google/api/expr/v1beta1/expr.proto"; + +option cc_enable_arenas = true; +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/expr/v1beta1;expr"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "DeclProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.expr.v1beta1"; + +// A declaration. +message Decl { + // The id of the declaration. + int32 id = 1; + + // The name of the declaration. + string name = 2; + + // The documentation string for the declaration. + string doc = 3; + + // The kind of declaration. + oneof kind { + // An identifier declaration. + IdentDecl ident = 4; + + // A function declaration. + FunctionDecl function = 5; + } +} + +// The declared type of a variable. +// +// Extends runtime type values with extra information used for type checking +// and dispatching. +message DeclType { + // The expression id of the declared type, if applicable. + int32 id = 1; + + // The type name, e.g. 'int', 'my.type.Type' or 'T' + string type = 2; + + // An ordered list of type parameters, e.g. ``. + // Only applies to a subset of types, e.g. `map`, `list`. + repeated DeclType type_params = 4; +} + +// An identifier declaration. +message IdentDecl { + // Optional type of the identifier. + DeclType type = 3; + + // Optional value of the identifier. + Expr value = 4; +} + +// A function declaration. +message FunctionDecl { + // The function arguments. + repeated IdentDecl args = 1; + + // Optional declared return type. + DeclType return_type = 2; + + // If the first argument of the function is the receiver. + bool receiver_function = 3; +} diff --git a/google/api/expr/v1beta1/eval.proto b/google/api/expr/v1beta1/eval.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c6c4d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/expr/v1beta1/eval.proto @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +// Copyright 2019 Google LLC. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.expr.v1beta1; + +import "google/api/expr/v1beta1/value.proto"; +import "google/rpc/status.proto"; + +option cc_enable_arenas = true; +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/expr/v1beta1;expr"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "EvalProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.expr.v1beta1"; + +// The state of an evaluation. +// +// Can represent an initial, partial, or completed state of evaluation. +message EvalState { + // A single evaluation result. + message Result { + // The expression this result is for. + IdRef expr = 1; + + // The index in `values` of the resulting value. + int32 value = 2; + } + + // The unique values referenced in this message. + repeated ExprValue values = 1; + + // An ordered list of results. + // + // Tracks the flow of evaluation through the expression. + // May be sparse. + repeated Result results = 3; +} + +// The value of an evaluated expression. +message ExprValue { + // An expression can resolve to a value, error or unknown. + oneof kind { + // A concrete value. + Value value = 1; + + // The set of errors in the critical path of evalution. + // + // Only errors in the critical path are included. For example, + // `( || true) && ` will only result in ``, + // while ` || ` will result in both `` and + // ``. + // + // Errors cause by the presence of other errors are not included in the + // set. For example `.foo`, `foo()`, and ` + 1` will + // only result in ``. + // + // Multiple errors *might* be included when evaluation could result + // in different errors. For example ` + ` and + // `foo(, )` may result in ``, `` or both. + // The exact subset of errors included for this case is unspecified and + // depends on the implementation details of the evaluator. + ErrorSet error = 2; + + // The set of unknowns in the critical path of evaluation. + // + // Unknown behaves identically to Error with regards to propagation. + // Specifically, only unknowns in the critical path are included, unknowns + // caused by the presence of other unknowns are not included, and multiple + // unknowns *might* be included included when evaluation could result in + // different unknowns. For example: + // + // ( || true) && -> + // || -> + // .foo -> + // foo() -> + // + -> or + // + // Unknown takes precidence over Error in cases where a `Value` can short + // circuit the result: + // + // || -> + // && -> + // + // Errors take precidence in all other cases: + // + // + -> + // foo(, ) -> + UnknownSet unknown = 3; + } +} + +// A set of errors. +// +// The errors included depend on the context. See `ExprValue.error`. +message ErrorSet { + // The errors in the set. + repeated google.rpc.Status errors = 1; +} + +// A set of expressions for which the value is unknown. +// +// The unknowns included depend on the context. See `ExprValue.unknown`. +message UnknownSet { + // The ids of the expressions with unknown values. + repeated IdRef exprs = 1; +} + +// A reference to an expression id. +message IdRef { + // The expression id. + int32 id = 1; +} diff --git a/google/api/expr/v1beta1/expr.proto b/google/api/expr/v1beta1/expr.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77249ba --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/expr/v1beta1/expr.proto @@ -0,0 +1,265 @@ +// Copyright 2019 Google LLC. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.expr.v1beta1; + +import "google/api/expr/v1beta1/source.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/struct.proto"; + +option cc_enable_arenas = true; +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/expr/v1beta1;expr"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "ExprProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.expr.v1beta1"; + +// An expression together with source information as returned by the parser. +message ParsedExpr { + // The parsed expression. + Expr expr = 2; + + // The source info derived from input that generated the parsed `expr`. + SourceInfo source_info = 3; + + // The syntax version of the source, e.g. `cel1`. + string syntax_version = 4; +} + +// An abstract representation of a common expression. +// +// Expressions are abstractly represented as a collection of identifiers, +// select statements, function calls, literals, and comprehensions. All +// operators with the exception of the '.' operator are modelled as function +// calls. This makes it easy to represent new operators into the existing AST. +// +// All references within expressions must resolve to a [Decl][google.api.expr.v1beta1.Decl] provided at +// type-check for an expression to be valid. A reference may either be a bare +// identifier `name` or a qualified identifier `google.api.name`. References +// may either refer to a value or a function declaration. +// +// For example, the expression `google.api.name.startsWith('expr')` references +// the declaration `google.api.name` within a [Expr.Select][google.api.expr.v1beta1.Expr.Select] expression, and +// the function declaration `startsWith`. +message Expr { + // An identifier expression. e.g. `request`. + message Ident { + // Required. Holds a single, unqualified identifier, possibly preceded by a + // '.'. + // + // Qualified names are represented by the [Expr.Select][google.api.expr.v1beta1.Expr.Select] expression. + string name = 1; + } + + // A field selection expression. e.g. `request.auth`. + message Select { + // Required. The target of the selection expression. + // + // For example, in the select expression `request.auth`, the `request` + // portion of the expression is the `operand`. + Expr operand = 1; + + // Required. The name of the field to select. + // + // For example, in the select expression `request.auth`, the `auth` portion + // of the expression would be the `field`. + string field = 2; + + // Whether the select is to be interpreted as a field presence test. + // + // This results from the macro `has(request.auth)`. + bool test_only = 3; + } + + // A call expression, including calls to predefined functions and operators. + // + // For example, `value == 10`, `size(map_value)`. + message Call { + // The target of an method call-style expression. For example, `x` in + // `x.f()`. + Expr target = 1; + + // Required. The name of the function or method being called. + string function = 2; + + // The arguments. + repeated Expr args = 3; + } + + // A list creation expression. + // + // Lists may either be homogenous, e.g. `[1, 2, 3]`, or heterogenous, e.g. + // `dyn([1, 'hello', 2.0])` + message CreateList { + // The elements part of the list. + repeated Expr elements = 1; + } + + // A map or message creation expression. + // + // Maps are constructed as `{'key_name': 'value'}`. Message construction is + // similar, but prefixed with a type name and composed of field ids: + // `types.MyType{field_id: 'value'}`. + message CreateStruct { + // Represents an entry. + message Entry { + // Required. An id assigned to this node by the parser which is unique + // in a given expression tree. This is used to associate type + // information and other attributes to the node. + int32 id = 1; + + // The `Entry` key kinds. + oneof key_kind { + // The field key for a message creator statement. + string field_key = 2; + + // The key expression for a map creation statement. + Expr map_key = 3; + } + + // Required. The value assigned to the key. + Expr value = 4; + } + + // The type name of the message to be created, empty when creating map + // literals. + string type = 1; + + // The entries in the creation expression. + repeated Entry entries = 2; + } + + // A comprehension expression applied to a list or map. + // + // Comprehensions are not part of the core syntax, but enabled with macros. + // A macro matches a specific call signature within a parsed AST and replaces + // the call with an alternate AST block. Macro expansion happens at parse + // time. + // + // The following macros are supported within CEL: + // + // Aggregate type macros may be applied to all elements in a list or all keys + // in a map: + // + // * `all`, `exists`, `exists_one` - test a predicate expression against + // the inputs and return `true` if the predicate is satisfied for all, + // any, or only one value `list.all(x, x < 10)`. + // * `filter` - test a predicate expression against the inputs and return + // the subset of elements which satisfy the predicate: + // `payments.filter(p, p > 1000)`. + // * `map` - apply an expression to all elements in the input and return the + // output aggregate type: `[1, 2, 3].map(i, i * i)`. + // + // The `has(m.x)` macro tests whether the property `x` is present in struct + // `m`. The semantics of this macro depend on the type of `m`. For proto2 + // messages `has(m.x)` is defined as 'defined, but not set`. For proto3, the + // macro tests whether the property is set to its default. For map and struct + // types, the macro tests whether the property `x` is defined on `m`. + message Comprehension { + // The name of the iteration variable. + string iter_var = 1; + + // The range over which var iterates. + Expr iter_range = 2; + + // The name of the variable used for accumulation of the result. + string accu_var = 3; + + // The initial value of the accumulator. + Expr accu_init = 4; + + // An expression which can contain iter_var and accu_var. + // + // Returns false when the result has been computed and may be used as + // a hint to short-circuit the remainder of the comprehension. + Expr loop_condition = 5; + + // An expression which can contain iter_var and accu_var. + // + // Computes the next value of accu_var. + Expr loop_step = 6; + + // An expression which can contain accu_var. + // + // Computes the result. + Expr result = 7; + } + + // Required. An id assigned to this node by the parser which is unique in a + // given expression tree. This is used to associate type information and other + // attributes to a node in the parse tree. + int32 id = 2; + + // Required. Variants of expressions. + oneof expr_kind { + // A literal expression. + Literal literal_expr = 3; + + // An identifier expression. + Ident ident_expr = 4; + + // A field selection expression, e.g. `request.auth`. + Select select_expr = 5; + + // A call expression, including calls to predefined functions and operators. + Call call_expr = 6; + + // A list creation expression. + CreateList list_expr = 7; + + // A map or object creation expression. + CreateStruct struct_expr = 8; + + // A comprehension expression. + Comprehension comprehension_expr = 9; + } +} + +// Represents a primitive literal. +// +// This is similar to the primitives supported in the well-known type +// `google.protobuf.Value`, but richer so it can represent CEL's full range of +// primitives. +// +// Lists and structs are not included as constants as these aggregate types may +// contain [Expr][google.api.expr.v1beta1.Expr] elements which require evaluation and are thus not constant. +// +// Examples of literals include: `"hello"`, `b'bytes'`, `1u`, `4.2`, `-2`, +// `true`, `null`. +message Literal { + // Required. The valid constant kinds. + oneof constant_kind { + // null value. + google.protobuf.NullValue null_value = 1; + + // boolean value. + bool bool_value = 2; + + // int64 value. + int64 int64_value = 3; + + // uint64 value. + uint64 uint64_value = 4; + + // double value. + double double_value = 5; + + // string value. + string string_value = 6; + + // bytes value. + bytes bytes_value = 7; + } +} diff --git a/google/api/expr/v1beta1/source.proto b/google/api/expr/v1beta1/source.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..78bb0a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/expr/v1beta1/source.proto @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +// Copyright 2019 Google LLC. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.expr.v1beta1; + +option cc_enable_arenas = true; +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/expr/v1beta1;expr"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "SourceProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.expr.v1beta1"; + +// Source information collected at parse time. +message SourceInfo { + // The location name. All position information attached to an expression is + // relative to this location. + // + // The location could be a file, UI element, or similar. For example, + // `acme/app/AnvilPolicy.cel`. + string location = 2; + + // Monotonically increasing list of character offsets where newlines appear. + // + // The line number of a given position is the index `i` where for a given + // `id` the `line_offsets[i] < id_positions[id] < line_offsets[i+1]`. The + // column may be derivd from `id_positions[id] - line_offsets[i]`. + repeated int32 line_offsets = 3; + + // A map from the parse node id (e.g. `Expr.id`) to the character offset + // within source. + map positions = 4; +} + +// A specific position in source. +message SourcePosition { + // The soucre location name (e.g. file name). + string location = 1; + + // The character offset. + int32 offset = 2; + + // The 1-based index of the starting line in the source text + // where the issue occurs, or 0 if unknown. + int32 line = 3; + + // The 0-based index of the starting position within the line of source text + // where the issue occurs. Only meaningful if line is nonzer.. + int32 column = 4; +} diff --git a/google/api/expr/v1beta1/value.proto b/google/api/expr/v1beta1/value.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0978228 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/expr/v1beta1/value.proto @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +// Copyright 2019 Google LLC. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +// + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.expr.v1beta1; + +import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/struct.proto"; + +option cc_enable_arenas = true; +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/expr/v1beta1;expr"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "ValueProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.expr.v1beta1"; + +// Represents a CEL value. +// +// This is similar to `google.protobuf.Value`, but can represent CEL's full +// range of values. +message Value { + // Required. The valid kinds of values. + oneof kind { + // Null value. + google.protobuf.NullValue null_value = 1; + + // Boolean value. + bool bool_value = 2; + + // Signed integer value. + int64 int64_value = 3; + + // Unsigned integer value. + uint64 uint64_value = 4; + + // Floating point value. + double double_value = 5; + + // UTF-8 string value. + string string_value = 6; + + // Byte string value. + bytes bytes_value = 7; + + // An enum value. + EnumValue enum_value = 9; + + // The proto message backing an object value. + google.protobuf.Any object_value = 10; + + // Map value. + MapValue map_value = 11; + + // List value. + ListValue list_value = 12; + + // A Type value represented by the fully qualified name of the type. + string type_value = 15; + } +} + +// An enum value. +message EnumValue { + // The fully qualified name of the enum type. + string type = 1; + + // The value of the enum. + int32 value = 2; +} + +// A list. +// +// Wrapped in a message so 'not set' and empty can be differentiated, which is +// required for use in a 'oneof'. +message ListValue { + // The ordered values in the list. + repeated Value values = 1; +} + +// A map. +// +// Wrapped in a message so 'not set' and empty can be differentiated, which is +// required for use in a 'oneof'. +message MapValue { + // An entry in the map. + message Entry { + // The key. + // + // Must be unique with in the map. + // Currently only boolean, int, uint, and string values can be keys. + Value key = 1; + + // The value. + Value value = 2; + } + + // The set of map entries. + // + // CEL has fewer restrictions on keys, so a protobuf map represenation + // cannot be used. + repeated Entry entries = 1; +} diff --git a/google/api/field_behavior.proto b/google/api/field_behavior.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..344cb0b --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/field_behavior.proto @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto"; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations;annotations"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "FieldBehaviorProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions { + // A designation of a specific field behavior (required, output only, etc.) + // in protobuf messages. + // + // Examples: + // + // string name = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; + // State state = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; + // google.protobuf.Duration ttl = 1 + // [(google.api.field_behavior) = INPUT_ONLY]; + // google.protobuf.Timestamp expire_time = 1 + // [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY, + // (google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE]; + repeated google.api.FieldBehavior field_behavior = 1052; +} + +// An indicator of the behavior of a given field (for example, that a field +// is required in requests, or given as output but ignored as input). +// This **does not** change the behavior in protocol buffers itself; it only +// denotes the behavior and may affect how API tooling handles the field. +// +// Note: This enum **may** receive new values in the future. +enum FieldBehavior { + // Conventional default for enums. Do not use this. + FIELD_BEHAVIOR_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // Specifically denotes a field as optional. + // While all fields in protocol buffers are optional, this may be specified + // for emphasis if appropriate. + OPTIONAL = 1; + + // Denotes a field as required. + // This indicates that the field **must** be provided as part of the request, + // and failure to do so will cause an error (usually `INVALID_ARGUMENT`). + REQUIRED = 2; + + // Denotes a field as output only. + // This indicates that the field is provided in responses, but including the + // field in a request does nothing (the server *must* ignore it and + // *must not* throw an error as a result of the field's presence). + OUTPUT_ONLY = 3; + + // Denotes a field as input only. + // This indicates that the field is provided in requests, and the + // corresponding field is not included in output. + INPUT_ONLY = 4; + + // Denotes a field as immutable. + // This indicates that the field may be set once in a request to create a + // resource, but may not be changed thereafter. + IMMUTABLE = 5; + + // Denotes that a (repeated) field is an unordered list. + // This indicates that the service may provide the elements of the list + // in any arbitrary order, rather than the order the user originally + // provided. Additionally, the list's order may or may not be stable. + UNORDERED_LIST = 6; + + // Denotes that this field returns a non-empty default value if not set. + // This indicates that if the user provides the empty value in a request, + // a non-empty value will be returned. The user will not be aware of what + // non-empty value to expect. + NON_EMPTY_DEFAULT = 7; + + // Denotes that the field in a resource (a message annotated with + // google.api.resource) is used in the resource name to uniquely identify the + // resource. For AIP-compliant APIs, this should only be applied to the + // `name` field on the resource. + // + // This behavior should not be applied to references to other resources within + // the message. + // + // The identifier field of resources often have different field behavior + // depending on the request it is embedded in (e.g. for Create methods name + // is optional and unused, while for Update methods it is required). Instead + // of method-specific annotations, only `IDENTIFIER` is required. + IDENTIFIER = 8; +} diff --git a/google/api/field_info.proto b/google/api/field_info.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd66340 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/field_info.proto @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto"; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations;annotations"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "FieldInfoProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions { + // Rich semantic descriptor of an API field beyond the basic typing. + // + // Examples: + // + // string request_id = 1 [(google.api.field_info).format = UUID4]; + // string old_ip_address = 2 [(google.api.field_info).format = IPV4]; + // string new_ip_address = 3 [(google.api.field_info).format = IPV6]; + // string actual_ip_address = 4 [ + // (google.api.field_info).format = IPV4_OR_IPV6 + // ]; + google.api.FieldInfo field_info = 291403980; +} + +// Rich semantic information of an API field beyond basic typing. +message FieldInfo { + // The standard format of a field value. The supported formats are all backed + // by either an RFC defined by the IETF or a Google-defined AIP. + enum Format { + // Default, unspecified value. + FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // Universally Unique Identifier, version 4, value as defined by + // https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4122. The value may be + // normalized to entirely lowercase letters. For example, the value + // `F47AC10B-58CC-0372-8567-0E02B2C3D479` would be normalized to + // `f47ac10b-58cc-0372-8567-0e02b2c3d479`. + UUID4 = 1; + + // Internet Protocol v4 value as defined by [RFC + // 791](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc791). The value may be + // condensed, with leading zeros in each octet stripped. For example, + // `` would be condensed to ``. + IPV4 = 2; + + // Internet Protocol v6 value as defined by [RFC + // 2460](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2460). The value may be + // normalized to entirely lowercase letters, and zero-padded partial and + // empty octets. For example, the value `2001:DB8::` would be normalized to + // `2001:0db8:0:0`. + IPV6 = 3; + + // An IP address in either v4 or v6 format as described by the individual + // values defined herein. See the comments on the IPV4 and IPV6 types for + // allowed normalizations of each. + IPV4_OR_IPV6 = 4; + } + + // The standard format of a field value. This does not explicitly configure + // any API consumer, just documents the API's format for the field it is + // applied to. + Format format = 1; +} diff --git a/google/api/http.proto b/google/api/http.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..31d867a --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/http.proto @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +option cc_enable_arenas = true; +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations;annotations"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "HttpProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +// Defines the HTTP configuration for an API service. It contains a list of +// [HttpRule][google.api.HttpRule], each specifying the mapping of an RPC method +// to one or more HTTP REST API methods. +message Http { + // A list of HTTP configuration rules that apply to individual API methods. + // + // **NOTE:** All service configuration rules follow "last one wins" order. + repeated HttpRule rules = 1; + + // When set to true, URL path parameters will be fully URI-decoded except in + // cases of single segment matches in reserved expansion, where "%2F" will be + // left encoded. + // + // The default behavior is to not decode RFC 6570 reserved characters in multi + // segment matches. + bool fully_decode_reserved_expansion = 2; +} + +// # gRPC Transcoding +// +// gRPC Transcoding is a feature for mapping between a gRPC method and one or +// more HTTP REST endpoints. It allows developers to build a single API service +// that supports both gRPC APIs and REST APIs. Many systems, including [Google +// APIs](https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis), +// [Cloud Endpoints](https://cloud.google.com/endpoints), [gRPC +// Gateway](https://github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway), +// and [Envoy](https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy) proxy support this feature +// and use it for large scale production services. +// +// `HttpRule` defines the schema of the gRPC/REST mapping. The mapping specifies +// how different portions of the gRPC request message are mapped to the URL +// path, URL query parameters, and HTTP request body. It also controls how the +// gRPC response message is mapped to the HTTP response body. `HttpRule` is +// typically specified as an `google.api.http` annotation on the gRPC method. +// +// Each mapping specifies a URL path template and an HTTP method. The path +// template may refer to one or more fields in the gRPC request message, as long +// as each field is a non-repeated field with a primitive (non-message) type. +// The path template controls how fields of the request message are mapped to +// the URL path. +// +// Example: +// +// service Messaging { +// rpc GetMessage(GetMessageRequest) returns (Message) { +// option (google.api.http) = { +// get: "/v1/{name=messages/*}" +// }; +// } +// } +// message GetMessageRequest { +// string name = 1; // Mapped to URL path. +// } +// message Message { +// string text = 1; // The resource content. +// } +// +// This enables an HTTP REST to gRPC mapping as below: +// +// HTTP | gRPC +// -----|----- +// `GET /v1/messages/123456` | `GetMessage(name: "messages/123456")` +// +// Any fields in the request message which are not bound by the path template +// automatically become HTTP query parameters if there is no HTTP request body. +// For example: +// +// service Messaging { +// rpc GetMessage(GetMessageRequest) returns (Message) { +// option (google.api.http) = { +// get:"/v1/messages/{message_id}" +// }; +// } +// } +// message GetMessageRequest { +// message SubMessage { +// string subfield = 1; +// } +// string message_id = 1; // Mapped to URL path. +// int64 revision = 2; // Mapped to URL query parameter `revision`. +// SubMessage sub = 3; // Mapped to URL query parameter `sub.subfield`. +// } +// +// This enables a HTTP JSON to RPC mapping as below: +// +// HTTP | gRPC +// -----|----- +// `GET /v1/messages/123456?revision=2&sub.subfield=foo` | +// `GetMessage(message_id: "123456" revision: 2 sub: SubMessage(subfield: +// "foo"))` +// +// Note that fields which are mapped to URL query parameters must have a +// primitive type or a repeated primitive type or a non-repeated message type. +// In the case of a repeated type, the parameter can be repeated in the URL +// as `...?param=A¶m=B`. In the case of a message type, each field of the +// message is mapped to a separate parameter, such as +// `...?foo.a=A&foo.b=B&foo.c=C`. +// +// For HTTP methods that allow a request body, the `body` field +// specifies the mapping. Consider a REST update method on the +// message resource collection: +// +// service Messaging { +// rpc UpdateMessage(UpdateMessageRequest) returns (Message) { +// option (google.api.http) = { +// patch: "/v1/messages/{message_id}" +// body: "message" +// }; +// } +// } +// message UpdateMessageRequest { +// string message_id = 1; // mapped to the URL +// Message message = 2; // mapped to the body +// } +// +// The following HTTP JSON to RPC mapping is enabled, where the +// representation of the JSON in the request body is determined by +// protos JSON encoding: +// +// HTTP | gRPC +// -----|----- +// `PATCH /v1/messages/123456 { "text": "Hi!" }` | `UpdateMessage(message_id: +// "123456" message { text: "Hi!" })` +// +// The special name `*` can be used in the body mapping to define that +// every field not bound by the path template should be mapped to the +// request body. This enables the following alternative definition of +// the update method: +// +// service Messaging { +// rpc UpdateMessage(Message) returns (Message) { +// option (google.api.http) = { +// patch: "/v1/messages/{message_id}" +// body: "*" +// }; +// } +// } +// message Message { +// string message_id = 1; +// string text = 2; +// } +// +// +// The following HTTP JSON to RPC mapping is enabled: +// +// HTTP | gRPC +// -----|----- +// `PATCH /v1/messages/123456 { "text": "Hi!" }` | `UpdateMessage(message_id: +// "123456" text: "Hi!")` +// +// Note that when using `*` in the body mapping, it is not possible to +// have HTTP parameters, as all fields not bound by the path end in +// the body. This makes this option more rarely used in practice when +// defining REST APIs. The common usage of `*` is in custom methods +// which don't use the URL at all for transferring data. +// +// It is possible to define multiple HTTP methods for one RPC by using +// the `additional_bindings` option. Example: +// +// service Messaging { +// rpc GetMessage(GetMessageRequest) returns (Message) { +// option (google.api.http) = { +// get: "/v1/messages/{message_id}" +// additional_bindings { +// get: "/v1/users/{user_id}/messages/{message_id}" +// } +// }; +// } +// } +// message GetMessageRequest { +// string message_id = 1; +// string user_id = 2; +// } +// +// This enables the following two alternative HTTP JSON to RPC mappings: +// +// HTTP | gRPC +// -----|----- +// `GET /v1/messages/123456` | `GetMessage(message_id: "123456")` +// `GET /v1/users/me/messages/123456` | `GetMessage(user_id: "me" message_id: +// "123456")` +// +// ## Rules for HTTP mapping +// +// 1. Leaf request fields (recursive expansion nested messages in the request +// message) are classified into three categories: +// - Fields referred by the path template. They are passed via the URL path. +// - Fields referred by the [HttpRule.body][google.api.HttpRule.body]. They +// are passed via the HTTP +// request body. +// - All other fields are passed via the URL query parameters, and the +// parameter name is the field path in the request message. A repeated +// field can be represented as multiple query parameters under the same +// name. +// 2. If [HttpRule.body][google.api.HttpRule.body] is "*", there is no URL +// query parameter, all fields +// are passed via URL path and HTTP request body. +// 3. If [HttpRule.body][google.api.HttpRule.body] is omitted, there is no HTTP +// request body, all +// fields are passed via URL path and URL query parameters. +// +// ### Path template syntax +// +// Template = "/" Segments [ Verb ] ; +// Segments = Segment { "/" Segment } ; +// Segment = "*" | "**" | LITERAL | Variable ; +// Variable = "{" FieldPath [ "=" Segments ] "}" ; +// FieldPath = IDENT { "." IDENT } ; +// Verb = ":" LITERAL ; +// +// The syntax `*` matches a single URL path segment. The syntax `**` matches +// zero or more URL path segments, which must be the last part of the URL path +// except the `Verb`. +// +// The syntax `Variable` matches part of the URL path as specified by its +// template. A variable template must not contain other variables. If a variable +// matches a single path segment, its template may be omitted, e.g. `{var}` +// is equivalent to `{var=*}`. +// +// The syntax `LITERAL` matches literal text in the URL path. If the `LITERAL` +// contains any reserved character, such characters should be percent-encoded +// before the matching. +// +// If a variable contains exactly one path segment, such as `"{var}"` or +// `"{var=*}"`, when such a variable is expanded into a URL path on the client +// side, all characters except `[-_.~0-9a-zA-Z]` are percent-encoded. The +// server side does the reverse decoding. Such variables show up in the +// [Discovery +// Document](https://developers.google.com/discovery/v1/reference/apis) as +// `{var}`. +// +// If a variable contains multiple path segments, such as `"{var=foo/*}"` +// or `"{var=**}"`, when such a variable is expanded into a URL path on the +// client side, all characters except `[-_.~/0-9a-zA-Z]` are percent-encoded. +// The server side does the reverse decoding, except "%2F" and "%2f" are left +// unchanged. Such variables show up in the +// [Discovery +// Document](https://developers.google.com/discovery/v1/reference/apis) as +// `{+var}`. +// +// ## Using gRPC API Service Configuration +// +// gRPC API Service Configuration (service config) is a configuration language +// for configuring a gRPC service to become a user-facing product. The +// service config is simply the YAML representation of the `google.api.Service` +// proto message. +// +// As an alternative to annotating your proto file, you can configure gRPC +// transcoding in your service config YAML files. You do this by specifying a +// `HttpRule` that maps the gRPC method to a REST endpoint, achieving the same +// effect as the proto annotation. This can be particularly useful if you +// have a proto that is reused in multiple services. Note that any transcoding +// specified in the service config will override any matching transcoding +// configuration in the proto. +// +// Example: +// +// http: +// rules: +// # Selects a gRPC method and applies HttpRule to it. +// - selector: example.v1.Messaging.GetMessage +// get: /v1/messages/{message_id}/{sub.subfield} +// +// ## Special notes +// +// When gRPC Transcoding is used to map a gRPC to JSON REST endpoints, the +// proto to JSON conversion must follow the [proto3 +// specification](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#json). +// +// While the single segment variable follows the semantics of +// [RFC 6570](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570) Section 3.2.2 Simple String +// Expansion, the multi segment variable **does not** follow RFC 6570 Section +// 3.2.3 Reserved Expansion. The reason is that the Reserved Expansion +// does not expand special characters like `?` and `#`, which would lead +// to invalid URLs. As the result, gRPC Transcoding uses a custom encoding +// for multi segment variables. +// +// The path variables **must not** refer to any repeated or mapped field, +// because client libraries are not capable of handling such variable expansion. +// +// The path variables **must not** capture the leading "/" character. The reason +// is that the most common use case "{var}" does not capture the leading "/" +// character. For consistency, all path variables must share the same behavior. +// +// Repeated message fields must not be mapped to URL query parameters, because +// no client library can support such complicated mapping. +// +// If an API needs to use a JSON array for request or response body, it can map +// the request or response body to a repeated field. However, some gRPC +// Transcoding implementations may not support this feature. +message HttpRule { + // Selects a method to which this rule applies. + // + // Refer to [selector][google.api.DocumentationRule.selector] for syntax + // details. + string selector = 1; + + // Determines the URL pattern is matched by this rules. This pattern can be + // used with any of the {get|put|post|delete|patch} methods. A custom method + // can be defined using the 'custom' field. + oneof pattern { + // Maps to HTTP GET. Used for listing and getting information about + // resources. + string get = 2; + + // Maps to HTTP PUT. Used for replacing a resource. + string put = 3; + + // Maps to HTTP POST. Used for creating a resource or performing an action. + string post = 4; + + // Maps to HTTP DELETE. Used for deleting a resource. + string delete = 5; + + // Maps to HTTP PATCH. Used for updating a resource. + string patch = 6; + + // The custom pattern is used for specifying an HTTP method that is not + // included in the `pattern` field, such as HEAD, or "*" to leave the + // HTTP method unspecified for this rule. The wild-card rule is useful + // for services that provide content to Web (HTML) clients. + CustomHttpPattern custom = 8; + } + + // The name of the request field whose value is mapped to the HTTP request + // body, or `*` for mapping all request fields not captured by the path + // pattern to the HTTP body, or omitted for not having any HTTP request body. + // + // NOTE: the referred field must be present at the top-level of the request + // message type. + string body = 7; + + // Optional. The name of the response field whose value is mapped to the HTTP + // response body. When omitted, the entire response message will be used + // as the HTTP response body. + // + // NOTE: The referred field must be present at the top-level of the response + // message type. + string response_body = 12; + + // Additional HTTP bindings for the selector. Nested bindings must + // not contain an `additional_bindings` field themselves (that is, + // the nesting may only be one level deep). + repeated HttpRule additional_bindings = 11; +} + +// A custom pattern is used for defining custom HTTP verb. +message CustomHttpPattern { + // The name of this custom HTTP verb. + string kind = 1; + + // The path matched by this custom verb. + string path = 2; +} diff --git a/google/api/httpbody.proto b/google/api/httpbody.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7f1685e --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/httpbody.proto @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; + +option cc_enable_arenas = true; +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/httpbody;httpbody"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "HttpBodyProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +// Message that represents an arbitrary HTTP body. It should only be used for +// payload formats that can't be represented as JSON, such as raw binary or +// an HTML page. +// +// +// This message can be used both in streaming and non-streaming API methods in +// the request as well as the response. +// +// It can be used as a top-level request field, which is convenient if one +// wants to extract parameters from either the URL or HTTP template into the +// request fields and also want access to the raw HTTP body. +// +// Example: +// +// message GetResourceRequest { +// // A unique request id. +// string request_id = 1; +// +// // The raw HTTP body is bound to this field. +// google.api.HttpBody http_body = 2; +// +// } +// +// service ResourceService { +// rpc GetResource(GetResourceRequest) +// returns (google.api.HttpBody); +// rpc UpdateResource(google.api.HttpBody) +// returns (google.protobuf.Empty); +// +// } +// +// Example with streaming methods: +// +// service CaldavService { +// rpc GetCalendar(stream google.api.HttpBody) +// returns (stream google.api.HttpBody); +// rpc UpdateCalendar(stream google.api.HttpBody) +// returns (stream google.api.HttpBody); +// +// } +// +// Use of this type only changes how the request and response bodies are +// handled, all other features will continue to work unchanged. +message HttpBody { + // The HTTP Content-Type header value specifying the content type of the body. + string content_type = 1; + + // The HTTP request/response body as raw binary. + bytes data = 2; + + // Application specific response metadata. Must be set in the first response + // for streaming APIs. + repeated google.protobuf.Any extensions = 3; +} diff --git a/google/api/label.proto b/google/api/label.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..698f6bd --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/label.proto @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +option cc_enable_arenas = true; +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/label;label"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "LabelProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +// A description of a label. +message LabelDescriptor { + // Value types that can be used as label values. + enum ValueType { + // A variable-length string. This is the default. + STRING = 0; + + // Boolean; true or false. + BOOL = 1; + + // A 64-bit signed integer. + INT64 = 2; + } + + // The label key. + string key = 1; + + // The type of data that can be assigned to the label. + ValueType value_type = 2; + + // A human-readable description for the label. + string description = 3; +} diff --git a/google/api/launch_stage.proto b/google/api/launch_stage.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9802de7 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/launch_stage.proto @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api;api"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "LaunchStageProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +// The launch stage as defined by [Google Cloud Platform +// Launch Stages](https://cloud.google.com/terms/launch-stages). +enum LaunchStage { + // Do not use this default value. + LAUNCH_STAGE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // The feature is not yet implemented. Users can not use it. + UNIMPLEMENTED = 6; + + // Prelaunch features are hidden from users and are only visible internally. + PRELAUNCH = 7; + + // Early Access features are limited to a closed group of testers. To use + // these features, you must sign up in advance and sign a Trusted Tester + // agreement (which includes confidentiality provisions). These features may + // be unstable, changed in backward-incompatible ways, and are not + // guaranteed to be released. + EARLY_ACCESS = 1; + + // Alpha is a limited availability test for releases before they are cleared + // for widespread use. By Alpha, all significant design issues are resolved + // and we are in the process of verifying functionality. Alpha customers + // need to apply for access, agree to applicable terms, and have their + // projects allowlisted. Alpha releases don't have to be feature complete, + // no SLAs are provided, and there are no technical support obligations, but + // they will be far enough along that customers can actually use them in + // test environments or for limited-use tests -- just like they would in + // normal production cases. + ALPHA = 2; + + // Beta is the point at which we are ready to open a release for any + // customer to use. There are no SLA or technical support obligations in a + // Beta release. Products will be complete from a feature perspective, but + // may have some open outstanding issues. Beta releases are suitable for + // limited production use cases. + BETA = 3; + + // GA features are open to all developers and are considered stable and + // fully qualified for production use. + GA = 4; + + // Deprecated features are scheduled to be shut down and removed. For more + // information, see the "Deprecation Policy" section of our [Terms of + // Service](https://cloud.google.com/terms/) + // and the [Google Cloud Platform Subject to the Deprecation + // Policy](https://cloud.google.com/terms/deprecation) documentation. + DEPRECATED = 5; +} diff --git a/google/api/log.proto b/google/api/log.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..416c4f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/log.proto @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +import "google/api/label.proto"; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/serviceconfig;serviceconfig"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "LogProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +// A description of a log type. Example in YAML format: +// +// - name: library.googleapis.com/activity_history +// description: The history of borrowing and returning library items. +// display_name: Activity +// labels: +// - key: /customer_id +// description: Identifier of a library customer +message LogDescriptor { + // The name of the log. It must be less than 512 characters long and can + // include the following characters: upper- and lower-case alphanumeric + // characters [A-Za-z0-9], and punctuation characters including + // slash, underscore, hyphen, period [/_-.]. + string name = 1; + + // The set of labels that are available to describe a specific log entry. + // Runtime requests that contain labels not specified here are + // considered invalid. + repeated LabelDescriptor labels = 2; + + // A human-readable description of this log. This information appears in + // the documentation and can contain details. + string description = 3; + + // The human-readable name for this log. This information appears on + // the user interface and should be concise. + string display_name = 4; +} diff --git a/google/api/logging.proto b/google/api/logging.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..650786f --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/logging.proto @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/serviceconfig;serviceconfig"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "LoggingProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +// Logging configuration of the service. +// +// The following example shows how to configure logs to be sent to the +// producer and consumer projects. In the example, the `activity_history` +// log is sent to both the producer and consumer projects, whereas the +// `purchase_history` log is only sent to the producer project. +// +// monitored_resources: +// - type: library.googleapis.com/branch +// labels: +// - key: /city +// description: The city where the library branch is located in. +// - key: /name +// description: The name of the branch. +// logs: +// - name: activity_history +// labels: +// - key: /customer_id +// - name: purchase_history +// logging: +// producer_destinations: +// - monitored_resource: library.googleapis.com/branch +// logs: +// - activity_history +// - purchase_history +// consumer_destinations: +// - monitored_resource: library.googleapis.com/branch +// logs: +// - activity_history +message Logging { + // Configuration of a specific logging destination (the producer project + // or the consumer project). + message LoggingDestination { + // The monitored resource type. The type must be defined in the + // [Service.monitored_resources][google.api.Service.monitored_resources] + // section. + string monitored_resource = 3; + + // Names of the logs to be sent to this destination. Each name must + // be defined in the [Service.logs][google.api.Service.logs] section. If the + // log name is not a domain scoped name, it will be automatically prefixed + // with the service name followed by "/". + repeated string logs = 1; + } + + // Logging configurations for sending logs to the producer project. + // There can be multiple producer destinations, each one must have a + // different monitored resource type. A log can be used in at most + // one producer destination. + repeated LoggingDestination producer_destinations = 1; + + // Logging configurations for sending logs to the consumer project. + // There can be multiple consumer destinations, each one must have a + // different monitored resource type. A log can be used in at most + // one consumer destination. + repeated LoggingDestination consumer_destinations = 2; +} diff --git a/google/api/metric.proto b/google/api/metric.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9bf043c --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/metric.proto @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +import "google/api/label.proto"; +import "google/api/launch_stage.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/duration.proto"; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/metric;metric"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "MetricProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +// Defines a metric type and its schema. Once a metric descriptor is created, +// deleting or altering it stops data collection and makes the metric type's +// existing data unusable. +// +message MetricDescriptor { + // The kind of measurement. It describes how the data is reported. + // For information on setting the start time and end time based on + // the MetricKind, see [TimeInterval][google.monitoring.v3.TimeInterval]. + enum MetricKind { + // Do not use this default value. + METRIC_KIND_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // An instantaneous measurement of a value. + GAUGE = 1; + + // The change in a value during a time interval. + DELTA = 2; + + // A value accumulated over a time interval. Cumulative + // measurements in a time series should have the same start time + // and increasing end times, until an event resets the cumulative + // value to zero and sets a new start time for the following + // points. + CUMULATIVE = 3; + } + + // The value type of a metric. + enum ValueType { + // Do not use this default value. + VALUE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // The value is a boolean. + // This value type can be used only if the metric kind is `GAUGE`. + BOOL = 1; + + // The value is a signed 64-bit integer. + INT64 = 2; + + // The value is a double precision floating point number. + DOUBLE = 3; + + // The value is a text string. + // This value type can be used only if the metric kind is `GAUGE`. + STRING = 4; + + // The value is a [`Distribution`][google.api.Distribution]. + DISTRIBUTION = 5; + + // The value is money. + MONEY = 6; + } + + // Additional annotations that can be used to guide the usage of a metric. + message MetricDescriptorMetadata { + // Deprecated. Must use the + // [MetricDescriptor.launch_stage][google.api.MetricDescriptor.launch_stage] + // instead. + LaunchStage launch_stage = 1 [deprecated = true]; + + // The sampling period of metric data points. For metrics which are written + // periodically, consecutive data points are stored at this time interval, + // excluding data loss due to errors. Metrics with a higher granularity have + // a smaller sampling period. + google.protobuf.Duration sample_period = 2; + + // The delay of data points caused by ingestion. Data points older than this + // age are guaranteed to be ingested and available to be read, excluding + // data loss due to errors. + google.protobuf.Duration ingest_delay = 3; + } + + // The resource name of the metric descriptor. + string name = 1; + + // The metric type, including its DNS name prefix. The type is not + // URL-encoded. All user-defined metric types have the DNS name + // `custom.googleapis.com` or `external.googleapis.com`. Metric types should + // use a natural hierarchical grouping. For example: + // + // "custom.googleapis.com/invoice/paid/amount" + // "external.googleapis.com/prometheus/up" + // "appengine.googleapis.com/http/server/response_latencies" + string type = 8; + + // The set of labels that can be used to describe a specific + // instance of this metric type. For example, the + // `appengine.googleapis.com/http/server/response_latencies` metric + // type has a label for the HTTP response code, `response_code`, so + // you can look at latencies for successful responses or just + // for responses that failed. + repeated LabelDescriptor labels = 2; + + // Whether the metric records instantaneous values, changes to a value, etc. + // Some combinations of `metric_kind` and `value_type` might not be supported. + MetricKind metric_kind = 3; + + // Whether the measurement is an integer, a floating-point number, etc. + // Some combinations of `metric_kind` and `value_type` might not be supported. + ValueType value_type = 4; + + // The units in which the metric value is reported. It is only applicable + // if the `value_type` is `INT64`, `DOUBLE`, or `DISTRIBUTION`. The `unit` + // defines the representation of the stored metric values. + // + // Different systems might scale the values to be more easily displayed (so a + // value of `0.02kBy` _might_ be displayed as `20By`, and a value of + // `3523kBy` _might_ be displayed as `3.5MBy`). However, if the `unit` is + // `kBy`, then the value of the metric is always in thousands of bytes, no + // matter how it might be displayed. + // + // If you want a custom metric to record the exact number of CPU-seconds used + // by a job, you can create an `INT64 CUMULATIVE` metric whose `unit` is + // `s{CPU}` (or equivalently `1s{CPU}` or just `s`). If the job uses 12,005 + // CPU-seconds, then the value is written as `12005`. + // + // Alternatively, if you want a custom metric to record data in a more + // granular way, you can create a `DOUBLE CUMULATIVE` metric whose `unit` is + // `ks{CPU}`, and then write the value `12.005` (which is `12005/1000`), + // or use `Kis{CPU}` and write `11.723` (which is `12005/1024`). + // + // The supported units are a subset of [The Unified Code for Units of + // Measure](https://unitsofmeasure.org/ucum.html) standard: + // + // **Basic units (UNIT)** + // + // * `bit` bit + // * `By` byte + // * `s` second + // * `min` minute + // * `h` hour + // * `d` day + // * `1` dimensionless + // + // **Prefixes (PREFIX)** + // + // * `k` kilo (10^3) + // * `M` mega (10^6) + // * `G` giga (10^9) + // * `T` tera (10^12) + // * `P` peta (10^15) + // * `E` exa (10^18) + // * `Z` zetta (10^21) + // * `Y` yotta (10^24) + // + // * `m` milli (10^-3) + // * `u` micro (10^-6) + // * `n` nano (10^-9) + // * `p` pico (10^-12) + // * `f` femto (10^-15) + // * `a` atto (10^-18) + // * `z` zepto (10^-21) + // * `y` yocto (10^-24) + // + // * `Ki` kibi (2^10) + // * `Mi` mebi (2^20) + // * `Gi` gibi (2^30) + // * `Ti` tebi (2^40) + // * `Pi` pebi (2^50) + // + // **Grammar** + // + // The grammar also includes these connectors: + // + // * `/` division or ratio (as an infix operator). For examples, + // `kBy/{email}` or `MiBy/10ms` (although you should almost never + // have `/s` in a metric `unit`; rates should always be computed at + // query time from the underlying cumulative or delta value). + // * `.` multiplication or composition (as an infix operator). For + // examples, `GBy.d` or `k{watt}.h`. + // + // The grammar for a unit is as follows: + // + // Expression = Component { "." Component } { "/" Component } ; + // + // Component = ( [ PREFIX ] UNIT | "%" ) [ Annotation ] + // | Annotation + // | "1" + // ; + // + // Annotation = "{" NAME "}" ; + // + // Notes: + // + // * `Annotation` is just a comment if it follows a `UNIT`. If the annotation + // is used alone, then the unit is equivalent to `1`. For examples, + // `{request}/s == 1/s`, `By{transmitted}/s == By/s`. + // * `NAME` is a sequence of non-blank printable ASCII characters not + // containing `{` or `}`. + // * `1` represents a unitary [dimensionless + // unit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimensionless_quantity) of 1, such + // as in `1/s`. It is typically used when none of the basic units are + // appropriate. For example, "new users per day" can be represented as + // `1/d` or `{new-users}/d` (and a metric value `5` would mean "5 new + // users). Alternatively, "thousands of page views per day" would be + // represented as `1000/d` or `k1/d` or `k{page_views}/d` (and a metric + // value of `5.3` would mean "5300 page views per day"). + // * `%` represents dimensionless value of 1/100, and annotates values giving + // a percentage (so the metric values are typically in the range of 0..100, + // and a metric value `3` means "3 percent"). + // * `10^2.%` indicates a metric contains a ratio, typically in the range + // 0..1, that will be multiplied by 100 and displayed as a percentage + // (so a metric value `0.03` means "3 percent"). + string unit = 5; + + // A detailed description of the metric, which can be used in documentation. + string description = 6; + + // A concise name for the metric, which can be displayed in user interfaces. + // Use sentence case without an ending period, for example "Request count". + // This field is optional but it is recommended to be set for any metrics + // associated with user-visible concepts, such as Quota. + string display_name = 7; + + // Optional. Metadata which can be used to guide usage of the metric. + MetricDescriptorMetadata metadata = 10; + + // Optional. The launch stage of the metric definition. + LaunchStage launch_stage = 12; + + // Read-only. If present, then a [time + // series][google.monitoring.v3.TimeSeries], which is identified partially by + // a metric type and a + // [MonitoredResourceDescriptor][google.api.MonitoredResourceDescriptor], that + // is associated with this metric type can only be associated with one of the + // monitored resource types listed here. + repeated string monitored_resource_types = 13; +} + +// A specific metric, identified by specifying values for all of the +// labels of a [`MetricDescriptor`][google.api.MetricDescriptor]. +message Metric { + // An existing metric type, see + // [google.api.MetricDescriptor][google.api.MetricDescriptor]. For example, + // `custom.googleapis.com/invoice/paid/amount`. + string type = 3; + + // The set of label values that uniquely identify this metric. All + // labels listed in the `MetricDescriptor` must be assigned values. + map labels = 2; +} diff --git a/google/api/monitored_resource.proto b/google/api/monitored_resource.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c6f9759 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/monitored_resource.proto @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +import "google/api/label.proto"; +import "google/api/launch_stage.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/struct.proto"; + +option cc_enable_arenas = true; +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/monitoredres;monitoredres"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "MonitoredResourceProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +// An object that describes the schema of a +// [MonitoredResource][google.api.MonitoredResource] object using a type name +// and a set of labels. For example, the monitored resource descriptor for +// Google Compute Engine VM instances has a type of +// `"gce_instance"` and specifies the use of the labels `"instance_id"` and +// `"zone"` to identify particular VM instances. +// +// Different APIs can support different monitored resource types. APIs generally +// provide a `list` method that returns the monitored resource descriptors used +// by the API. +// +message MonitoredResourceDescriptor { + // Optional. The resource name of the monitored resource descriptor: + // `"projects/{project_id}/monitoredResourceDescriptors/{type}"` where + // {type} is the value of the `type` field in this object and + // {project_id} is a project ID that provides API-specific context for + // accessing the type. APIs that do not use project information can use the + // resource name format `"monitoredResourceDescriptors/{type}"`. + string name = 5; + + // Required. The monitored resource type. For example, the type + // `"cloudsql_database"` represents databases in Google Cloud SQL. + // For a list of types, see [Monitoring resource + // types](https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/api/resources) + // and [Logging resource + // types](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/api/v2/resource-list). + string type = 1; + + // Optional. A concise name for the monitored resource type that might be + // displayed in user interfaces. It should be a Title Cased Noun Phrase, + // without any article or other determiners. For example, + // `"Google Cloud SQL Database"`. + string display_name = 2; + + // Optional. A detailed description of the monitored resource type that might + // be used in documentation. + string description = 3; + + // Required. A set of labels used to describe instances of this monitored + // resource type. For example, an individual Google Cloud SQL database is + // identified by values for the labels `"database_id"` and `"zone"`. + repeated LabelDescriptor labels = 4; + + // Optional. The launch stage of the monitored resource definition. + LaunchStage launch_stage = 7; +} + +// An object representing a resource that can be used for monitoring, logging, +// billing, or other purposes. Examples include virtual machine instances, +// databases, and storage devices such as disks. The `type` field identifies a +// [MonitoredResourceDescriptor][google.api.MonitoredResourceDescriptor] object +// that describes the resource's schema. Information in the `labels` field +// identifies the actual resource and its attributes according to the schema. +// For example, a particular Compute Engine VM instance could be represented by +// the following object, because the +// [MonitoredResourceDescriptor][google.api.MonitoredResourceDescriptor] for +// `"gce_instance"` has labels +// `"project_id"`, `"instance_id"` and `"zone"`: +// +// { "type": "gce_instance", +// "labels": { "project_id": "my-project", +// "instance_id": "12345678901234", +// "zone": "us-central1-a" }} +message MonitoredResource { + // Required. The monitored resource type. This field must match + // the `type` field of a + // [MonitoredResourceDescriptor][google.api.MonitoredResourceDescriptor] + // object. For example, the type of a Compute Engine VM instance is + // `gce_instance`. Some descriptors include the service name in the type; for + // example, the type of a Datastream stream is + // `datastream.googleapis.com/Stream`. + string type = 1; + + // Required. Values for all of the labels listed in the associated monitored + // resource descriptor. For example, Compute Engine VM instances use the + // labels `"project_id"`, `"instance_id"`, and `"zone"`. + map labels = 2; +} + +// Auxiliary metadata for a [MonitoredResource][google.api.MonitoredResource] +// object. [MonitoredResource][google.api.MonitoredResource] objects contain the +// minimum set of information to uniquely identify a monitored resource +// instance. There is some other useful auxiliary metadata. Monitoring and +// Logging use an ingestion pipeline to extract metadata for cloud resources of +// all types, and store the metadata in this message. +message MonitoredResourceMetadata { + // Output only. Values for predefined system metadata labels. + // System labels are a kind of metadata extracted by Google, including + // "machine_image", "vpc", "subnet_id", + // "security_group", "name", etc. + // System label values can be only strings, Boolean values, or a list of + // strings. For example: + // + // { "name": "my-test-instance", + // "security_group": ["a", "b", "c"], + // "spot_instance": false } + google.protobuf.Struct system_labels = 1; + + // Output only. A map of user-defined metadata labels. + map user_labels = 2; +} diff --git a/google/api/monitoring.proto b/google/api/monitoring.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..753703e --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/monitoring.proto @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/serviceconfig;serviceconfig"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "MonitoringProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +// Monitoring configuration of the service. +// +// The example below shows how to configure monitored resources and metrics +// for monitoring. In the example, a monitored resource and two metrics are +// defined. The `library.googleapis.com/book/returned_count` metric is sent +// to both producer and consumer projects, whereas the +// `library.googleapis.com/book/num_overdue` metric is only sent to the +// consumer project. +// +// monitored_resources: +// - type: library.googleapis.com/Branch +// display_name: "Library Branch" +// description: "A branch of a library." +// launch_stage: GA +// labels: +// - key: resource_container +// description: "The Cloud container (ie. project id) for the Branch." +// - key: location +// description: "The location of the library branch." +// - key: branch_id +// description: "The id of the branch." +// metrics: +// - name: library.googleapis.com/book/returned_count +// display_name: "Books Returned" +// description: "The count of books that have been returned." +// launch_stage: GA +// metric_kind: DELTA +// value_type: INT64 +// unit: "1" +// labels: +// - key: customer_id +// description: "The id of the customer." +// - name: library.googleapis.com/book/num_overdue +// display_name: "Books Overdue" +// description: "The current number of overdue books." +// launch_stage: GA +// metric_kind: GAUGE +// value_type: INT64 +// unit: "1" +// labels: +// - key: customer_id +// description: "The id of the customer." +// monitoring: +// producer_destinations: +// - monitored_resource: library.googleapis.com/Branch +// metrics: +// - library.googleapis.com/book/returned_count +// consumer_destinations: +// - monitored_resource: library.googleapis.com/Branch +// metrics: +// - library.googleapis.com/book/returned_count +// - library.googleapis.com/book/num_overdue +message Monitoring { + // Configuration of a specific monitoring destination (the producer project + // or the consumer project). + message MonitoringDestination { + // The monitored resource type. The type must be defined in + // [Service.monitored_resources][google.api.Service.monitored_resources] + // section. + string monitored_resource = 1; + + // Types of the metrics to report to this monitoring destination. + // Each type must be defined in + // [Service.metrics][google.api.Service.metrics] section. + repeated string metrics = 2; + } + + // Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the producer project. + // There can be multiple producer destinations. A monitored resource type may + // appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are + // needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored + // resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once + // in the Monitoring configuration. + repeated MonitoringDestination producer_destinations = 1; + + // Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the consumer project. + // There can be multiple consumer destinations. A monitored resource type may + // appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are + // needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored + // resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once + // in the Monitoring configuration. + repeated MonitoringDestination consumer_destinations = 2; +} diff --git a/google/api/policy.proto b/google/api/policy.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd202bc --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/policy.proto @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto"; + +option cc_enable_arenas = true; +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/serviceconfig;serviceconfig"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "PolicyProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +// Provides `google.api.field_policy` annotation at proto fields. +extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions { + // See [FieldPolicy][]. + FieldPolicy field_policy = 158361448; +} + +// Provides `google.api.method_policy` annotation at proto methods. +extend google.protobuf.MethodOptions { + // See [MethodPolicy][]. + MethodPolicy method_policy = 161893301; +} + +// Google API Policy Annotation +// +// This message defines a simple API policy annotation that can be used to +// annotate API request and response message fields with applicable policies. +// One field may have multiple applicable policies that must all be satisfied +// before a request can be processed. This policy annotation is used to +// generate the overall policy that will be used for automatic runtime +// policy enforcement and documentation generation. +message FieldPolicy { + // Selects one or more request or response message fields to apply this + // `FieldPolicy`. + // + // When a `FieldPolicy` is used in proto annotation, the selector must + // be left as empty. The service config generator will automatically fill + // the correct value. + // + // When a `FieldPolicy` is used in service config, the selector must be a + // comma-separated string with valid request or response field paths, + // such as "foo.bar" or "foo.bar,foo.baz". + string selector = 1; + + // Specifies the required permission(s) for the resource referred to by the + // field. It requires the field contains a valid resource reference, and + // the request must pass the permission checks to proceed. For example, + // "resourcemanager.projects.get". + string resource_permission = 2; + + // Specifies the resource type for the resource referred to by the field. + string resource_type = 3; +} + +// Defines policies applying to an RPC method. +message MethodPolicy { + // Selects a method to which these policies should be enforced, for example, + // "google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber.CreateSubscription". + // + // Refer to [selector][google.api.DocumentationRule.selector] for syntax + // details. + // + // NOTE: This field must not be set in the proto annotation. It will be + // automatically filled by the service config compiler . + string selector = 9; + + // Policies that are applicable to the request message. + repeated FieldPolicy request_policies = 2; +} diff --git a/google/api/quota.proto b/google/api/quota.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7ccc102 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/quota.proto @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/serviceconfig;serviceconfig"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "QuotaProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +// Quota configuration helps to achieve fairness and budgeting in service +// usage. +// +// The metric based quota configuration works this way: +// - The service configuration defines a set of metrics. +// - For API calls, the quota.metric_rules maps methods to metrics with +// corresponding costs. +// - The quota.limits defines limits on the metrics, which will be used for +// quota checks at runtime. +// +// An example quota configuration in yaml format: +// +// quota: +// limits: +// +// - name: apiWriteQpsPerProject +// metric: library.googleapis.com/write_calls +// unit: "1/min/{project}" # rate limit for consumer projects +// values: +// STANDARD: 10000 +// +// +// (The metric rules bind all methods to the read_calls metric, +// except for the UpdateBook and DeleteBook methods. These two methods +// are mapped to the write_calls metric, with the UpdateBook method +// consuming at twice rate as the DeleteBook method.) +// metric_rules: +// - selector: "*" +// metric_costs: +// library.googleapis.com/read_calls: 1 +// - selector: google.example.library.v1.LibraryService.UpdateBook +// metric_costs: +// library.googleapis.com/write_calls: 2 +// - selector: google.example.library.v1.LibraryService.DeleteBook +// metric_costs: +// library.googleapis.com/write_calls: 1 +// +// Corresponding Metric definition: +// +// metrics: +// - name: library.googleapis.com/read_calls +// display_name: Read requests +// metric_kind: DELTA +// value_type: INT64 +// +// - name: library.googleapis.com/write_calls +// display_name: Write requests +// metric_kind: DELTA +// value_type: INT64 +// +// +message Quota { + // List of QuotaLimit definitions for the service. + repeated QuotaLimit limits = 3; + + // List of MetricRule definitions, each one mapping a selected method to one + // or more metrics. + repeated MetricRule metric_rules = 4; +} + +// Bind API methods to metrics. Binding a method to a metric causes that +// metric's configured quota behaviors to apply to the method call. +message MetricRule { + // Selects the methods to which this rule applies. + // + // Refer to [selector][google.api.DocumentationRule.selector] for syntax + // details. + string selector = 1; + + // Metrics to update when the selected methods are called, and the associated + // cost applied to each metric. + // + // The key of the map is the metric name, and the values are the amount + // increased for the metric against which the quota limits are defined. + // The value must not be negative. + map metric_costs = 2; +} + +// `QuotaLimit` defines a specific limit that applies over a specified duration +// for a limit type. There can be at most one limit for a duration and limit +// type combination defined within a `QuotaGroup`. +message QuotaLimit { + // Name of the quota limit. + // + // The name must be provided, and it must be unique within the service. The + // name can only include alphanumeric characters as well as '-'. + // + // The maximum length of the limit name is 64 characters. + string name = 6; + + // Optional. User-visible, extended description for this quota limit. + // Should be used only when more context is needed to understand this limit + // than provided by the limit's display name (see: `display_name`). + string description = 2; + + // Default number of tokens that can be consumed during the specified + // duration. This is the number of tokens assigned when a client + // application developer activates the service for his/her project. + // + // Specifying a value of 0 will block all requests. This can be used if you + // are provisioning quota to selected consumers and blocking others. + // Similarly, a value of -1 will indicate an unlimited quota. No other + // negative values are allowed. + // + // Used by group-based quotas only. + int64 default_limit = 3; + + // Maximum number of tokens that can be consumed during the specified + // duration. Client application developers can override the default limit up + // to this maximum. If specified, this value cannot be set to a value less + // than the default limit. If not specified, it is set to the default limit. + // + // To allow clients to apply overrides with no upper bound, set this to -1, + // indicating unlimited maximum quota. + // + // Used by group-based quotas only. + int64 max_limit = 4; + + // Free tier value displayed in the Developers Console for this limit. + // The free tier is the number of tokens that will be subtracted from the + // billed amount when billing is enabled. + // This field can only be set on a limit with duration "1d", in a billable + // group; it is invalid on any other limit. If this field is not set, it + // defaults to 0, indicating that there is no free tier for this service. + // + // Used by group-based quotas only. + int64 free_tier = 7; + + // Duration of this limit in textual notation. Must be "100s" or "1d". + // + // Used by group-based quotas only. + string duration = 5; + + // The name of the metric this quota limit applies to. The quota limits with + // the same metric will be checked together during runtime. The metric must be + // defined within the service config. + string metric = 8; + + // Specify the unit of the quota limit. It uses the same syntax as + // [Metric.unit][]. The supported unit kinds are determined by the quota + // backend system. + // + // Here are some examples: + // * "1/min/{project}" for quota per minute per project. + // + // Note: the order of unit components is insignificant. + // The "1" at the beginning is required to follow the metric unit syntax. + string unit = 9; + + // Tiered limit values. You must specify this as a key:value pair, with an + // integer value that is the maximum number of requests allowed for the + // specified unit. Currently only STANDARD is supported. + map values = 10; + + // User-visible display name for this limit. + // Optional. If not set, the UI will provide a default display name based on + // the quota configuration. This field can be used to override the default + // display name generated from the configuration. + string display_name = 12; +} diff --git a/google/api/resource.proto b/google/api/resource.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bf0cbec --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/resource.proto @@ -0,0 +1,238 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto"; + +option cc_enable_arenas = true; +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations;annotations"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "ResourceProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions { + // An annotation that describes a resource reference, see + // [ResourceReference][]. + google.api.ResourceReference resource_reference = 1055; +} + +extend google.protobuf.FileOptions { + // An annotation that describes a resource definition without a corresponding + // message; see [ResourceDescriptor][]. + repeated google.api.ResourceDescriptor resource_definition = 1053; +} + +extend google.protobuf.MessageOptions { + // An annotation that describes a resource definition, see + // [ResourceDescriptor][]. + google.api.ResourceDescriptor resource = 1053; +} + +// A simple descriptor of a resource type. +// +// ResourceDescriptor annotates a resource message (either by means of a +// protobuf annotation or use in the service config), and associates the +// resource's schema, the resource type, and the pattern of the resource name. +// +// Example: +// +// message Topic { +// // Indicates this message defines a resource schema. +// // Declares the resource type in the format of {service}/{kind}. +// // For Kubernetes resources, the format is {api group}/{kind}. +// option (google.api.resource) = { +// type: "pubsub.googleapis.com/Topic" +// pattern: "projects/{project}/topics/{topic}" +// }; +// } +// +// The ResourceDescriptor Yaml config will look like: +// +// resources: +// - type: "pubsub.googleapis.com/Topic" +// pattern: "projects/{project}/topics/{topic}" +// +// Sometimes, resources have multiple patterns, typically because they can +// live under multiple parents. +// +// Example: +// +// message LogEntry { +// option (google.api.resource) = { +// type: "logging.googleapis.com/LogEntry" +// pattern: "projects/{project}/logs/{log}" +// pattern: "folders/{folder}/logs/{log}" +// pattern: "organizations/{organization}/logs/{log}" +// pattern: "billingAccounts/{billing_account}/logs/{log}" +// }; +// } +// +// The ResourceDescriptor Yaml config will look like: +// +// resources: +// - type: 'logging.googleapis.com/LogEntry' +// pattern: "projects/{project}/logs/{log}" +// pattern: "folders/{folder}/logs/{log}" +// pattern: "organizations/{organization}/logs/{log}" +// pattern: "billingAccounts/{billing_account}/logs/{log}" +message ResourceDescriptor { + // A description of the historical or future-looking state of the + // resource pattern. + enum History { + // The "unset" value. + HISTORY_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // The resource originally had one pattern and launched as such, and + // additional patterns were added later. + ORIGINALLY_SINGLE_PATTERN = 1; + + // The resource has one pattern, but the API owner expects to add more + // later. (This is the inverse of ORIGINALLY_SINGLE_PATTERN, and prevents + // that from being necessary once there are multiple patterns.) + FUTURE_MULTI_PATTERN = 2; + } + + // A flag representing a specific style that a resource claims to conform to. + enum Style { + // The unspecified value. Do not use. + STYLE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // This resource is intended to be "declarative-friendly". + // + // Declarative-friendly resources must be more strictly consistent, and + // setting this to true communicates to tools that this resource should + // adhere to declarative-friendly expectations. + // + // Note: This is used by the API linter (linter.aip.dev) to enable + // additional checks. + DECLARATIVE_FRIENDLY = 1; + } + + // The resource type. It must be in the format of + // {service_name}/{resource_type_kind}. The `resource_type_kind` must be + // singular and must not include version numbers. + // + // Example: `storage.googleapis.com/Bucket` + // + // The value of the resource_type_kind must follow the regular expression + // /[A-Za-z][a-zA-Z0-9]+/. It should start with an upper case character and + // should use PascalCase (UpperCamelCase). The maximum number of + // characters allowed for the `resource_type_kind` is 100. + string type = 1; + + // Optional. The relative resource name pattern associated with this resource + // type. The DNS prefix of the full resource name shouldn't be specified here. + // + // The path pattern must follow the syntax, which aligns with HTTP binding + // syntax: + // + // Template = Segment { "/" Segment } ; + // Segment = LITERAL | Variable ; + // Variable = "{" LITERAL "}" ; + // + // Examples: + // + // - "projects/{project}/topics/{topic}" + // - "projects/{project}/knowledgeBases/{knowledge_base}" + // + // The components in braces correspond to the IDs for each resource in the + // hierarchy. It is expected that, if multiple patterns are provided, + // the same component name (e.g. "project") refers to IDs of the same + // type of resource. + repeated string pattern = 2; + + // Optional. The field on the resource that designates the resource name + // field. If omitted, this is assumed to be "name". + string name_field = 3; + + // Optional. The historical or future-looking state of the resource pattern. + // + // Example: + // + // // The InspectTemplate message originally only supported resource + // // names with organization, and project was added later. + // message InspectTemplate { + // option (google.api.resource) = { + // type: "dlp.googleapis.com/InspectTemplate" + // pattern: + // "organizations/{organization}/inspectTemplates/{inspect_template}" + // pattern: "projects/{project}/inspectTemplates/{inspect_template}" + // history: ORIGINALLY_SINGLE_PATTERN + // }; + // } + History history = 4; + + // The plural name used in the resource name and permission names, such as + // 'projects' for the resource name of 'projects/{project}' and the permission + // name of 'cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com/projects.get'. It is the same + // concept of the `plural` field in k8s CRD spec + // https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-kubernetes-api/custom-resources/custom-resource-definitions/ + // + // Note: The plural form is required even for singleton resources. See + // https://aip.dev/156 + string plural = 5; + + // The same concept of the `singular` field in k8s CRD spec + // https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-kubernetes-api/custom-resources/custom-resource-definitions/ + // Such as "project" for the `resourcemanager.googleapis.com/Project` type. + string singular = 6; + + // Style flag(s) for this resource. + // These indicate that a resource is expected to conform to a given + // style. See the specific style flags for additional information. + repeated Style style = 10; +} + +// Defines a proto annotation that describes a string field that refers to +// an API resource. +message ResourceReference { + // The resource type that the annotated field references. + // + // Example: + // + // message Subscription { + // string topic = 2 [(google.api.resource_reference) = { + // type: "pubsub.googleapis.com/Topic" + // }]; + // } + // + // Occasionally, a field may reference an arbitrary resource. In this case, + // APIs use the special value * in their resource reference. + // + // Example: + // + // message GetIamPolicyRequest { + // string resource = 2 [(google.api.resource_reference) = { + // type: "*" + // }]; + // } + string type = 1; + + // The resource type of a child collection that the annotated field + // references. This is useful for annotating the `parent` field that + // doesn't have a fixed resource type. + // + // Example: + // + // message ListLogEntriesRequest { + // string parent = 1 [(google.api.resource_reference) = { + // child_type: "logging.googleapis.com/LogEntry" + // }; + // } + string child_type = 2; +} diff --git a/google/api/routing.proto b/google/api/routing.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b35289b --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/routing.proto @@ -0,0 +1,461 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto"; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations;annotations"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "RoutingProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +extend google.protobuf.MethodOptions { + // See RoutingRule. + google.api.RoutingRule routing = 72295729; +} + +// Specifies the routing information that should be sent along with the request +// in the form of routing header. +// **NOTE:** All service configuration rules follow the "last one wins" order. +// +// The examples below will apply to an RPC which has the following request type: +// +// Message Definition: +// +// message Request { +// // The name of the Table +// // Values can be of the following formats: +// // - `projects//tables/` +// // - `projects//instances//tables/
` +// // - `region//zones//tables/
` +// string table_name = 1; +// +// // This value specifies routing for replication. +// // It can be in the following formats: +// // - `profiles/` +// // - a legacy `profile_id` that can be any string +// string app_profile_id = 2; +// } +// +// Example message: +// +// { +// table_name: projects/proj_foo/instances/instance_bar/table/table_baz, +// app_profile_id: profiles/prof_qux +// } +// +// The routing header consists of one or multiple key-value pairs. Every key +// and value must be percent-encoded, and joined together in the format of +// `key1=value1&key2=value2`. +// In the examples below I am skipping the percent-encoding for readablity. +// +// Example 1 +// +// Extracting a field from the request to put into the routing header +// unchanged, with the key equal to the field name. +// +// annotation: +// +// option (google.api.routing) = { +// // Take the `app_profile_id`. +// routing_parameters { +// field: "app_profile_id" +// } +// }; +// +// result: +// +// x-goog-request-params: app_profile_id=profiles/prof_qux +// +// Example 2 +// +// Extracting a field from the request to put into the routing header +// unchanged, with the key different from the field name. +// +// annotation: +// +// option (google.api.routing) = { +// // Take the `app_profile_id`, but name it `routing_id` in the header. +// routing_parameters { +// field: "app_profile_id" +// path_template: "{routing_id=**}" +// } +// }; +// +// result: +// +// x-goog-request-params: routing_id=profiles/prof_qux +// +// Example 3 +// +// Extracting a field from the request to put into the routing +// header, while matching a path template syntax on the field's value. +// +// NB: it is more useful to send nothing than to send garbage for the purpose +// of dynamic routing, since garbage pollutes cache. Thus the matching. +// +// Sub-example 3a +// +// The field matches the template. +// +// annotation: +// +// option (google.api.routing) = { +// // Take the `table_name`, if it's well-formed (with project-based +// // syntax). +// routing_parameters { +// field: "table_name" +// path_template: "{table_name=projects/*/instances/*/**}" +// } +// }; +// +// result: +// +// x-goog-request-params: +// table_name=projects/proj_foo/instances/instance_bar/table/table_baz +// +// Sub-example 3b +// +// The field does not match the template. +// +// annotation: +// +// option (google.api.routing) = { +// // Take the `table_name`, if it's well-formed (with region-based +// // syntax). +// routing_parameters { +// field: "table_name" +// path_template: "{table_name=regions/*/zones/*/**}" +// } +// }; +// +// result: +// +// +// +// Sub-example 3c +// +// Multiple alternative conflictingly named path templates are +// specified. The one that matches is used to construct the header. +// +// annotation: +// +// option (google.api.routing) = { +// // Take the `table_name`, if it's well-formed, whether +// // using the region- or projects-based syntax. +// +// routing_parameters { +// field: "table_name" +// path_template: "{table_name=regions/*/zones/*/**}" +// } +// routing_parameters { +// field: "table_name" +// path_template: "{table_name=projects/*/instances/*/**}" +// } +// }; +// +// result: +// +// x-goog-request-params: +// table_name=projects/proj_foo/instances/instance_bar/table/table_baz +// +// Example 4 +// +// Extracting a single routing header key-value pair by matching a +// template syntax on (a part of) a single request field. +// +// annotation: +// +// option (google.api.routing) = { +// // Take just the project id from the `table_name` field. +// routing_parameters { +// field: "table_name" +// path_template: "{routing_id=projects/*}/**" +// } +// }; +// +// result: +// +// x-goog-request-params: routing_id=projects/proj_foo +// +// Example 5 +// +// Extracting a single routing header key-value pair by matching +// several conflictingly named path templates on (parts of) a single request +// field. The last template to match "wins" the conflict. +// +// annotation: +// +// option (google.api.routing) = { +// // If the `table_name` does not have instances information, +// // take just the project id for routing. +// // Otherwise take project + instance. +// +// routing_parameters { +// field: "table_name" +// path_template: "{routing_id=projects/*}/**" +// } +// routing_parameters { +// field: "table_name" +// path_template: "{routing_id=projects/*/instances/*}/**" +// } +// }; +// +// result: +// +// x-goog-request-params: +// routing_id=projects/proj_foo/instances/instance_bar +// +// Example 6 +// +// Extracting multiple routing header key-value pairs by matching +// several non-conflicting path templates on (parts of) a single request field. +// +// Sub-example 6a +// +// Make the templates strict, so that if the `table_name` does not +// have an instance information, nothing is sent. +// +// annotation: +// +// option (google.api.routing) = { +// // The routing code needs two keys instead of one composite +// // but works only for the tables with the "project-instance" name +// // syntax. +// +// routing_parameters { +// field: "table_name" +// path_template: "{project_id=projects/*}/instances/*/**" +// } +// routing_parameters { +// field: "table_name" +// path_template: "projects/*/{instance_id=instances/*}/**" +// } +// }; +// +// result: +// +// x-goog-request-params: +// project_id=projects/proj_foo&instance_id=instances/instance_bar +// +// Sub-example 6b +// +// Make the templates loose, so that if the `table_name` does not +// have an instance information, just the project id part is sent. +// +// annotation: +// +// option (google.api.routing) = { +// // The routing code wants two keys instead of one composite +// // but will work with just the `project_id` for tables without +// // an instance in the `table_name`. +// +// routing_parameters { +// field: "table_name" +// path_template: "{project_id=projects/*}/**" +// } +// routing_parameters { +// field: "table_name" +// path_template: "projects/*/{instance_id=instances/*}/**" +// } +// }; +// +// result (is the same as 6a for our example message because it has the instance +// information): +// +// x-goog-request-params: +// project_id=projects/proj_foo&instance_id=instances/instance_bar +// +// Example 7 +// +// Extracting multiple routing header key-value pairs by matching +// several path templates on multiple request fields. +// +// NB: note that here there is no way to specify sending nothing if one of the +// fields does not match its template. E.g. if the `table_name` is in the wrong +// format, the `project_id` will not be sent, but the `routing_id` will be. +// The backend routing code has to be aware of that and be prepared to not +// receive a full complement of keys if it expects multiple. +// +// annotation: +// +// option (google.api.routing) = { +// // The routing needs both `project_id` and `routing_id` +// // (from the `app_profile_id` field) for routing. +// +// routing_parameters { +// field: "table_name" +// path_template: "{project_id=projects/*}/**" +// } +// routing_parameters { +// field: "app_profile_id" +// path_template: "{routing_id=**}" +// } +// }; +// +// result: +// +// x-goog-request-params: +// project_id=projects/proj_foo&routing_id=profiles/prof_qux +// +// Example 8 +// +// Extracting a single routing header key-value pair by matching +// several conflictingly named path templates on several request fields. The +// last template to match "wins" the conflict. +// +// annotation: +// +// option (google.api.routing) = { +// // The `routing_id` can be a project id or a region id depending on +// // the table name format, but only if the `app_profile_id` is not set. +// // If `app_profile_id` is set it should be used instead. +// +// routing_parameters { +// field: "table_name" +// path_template: "{routing_id=projects/*}/**" +// } +// routing_parameters { +// field: "table_name" +// path_template: "{routing_id=regions/*}/**" +// } +// routing_parameters { +// field: "app_profile_id" +// path_template: "{routing_id=**}" +// } +// }; +// +// result: +// +// x-goog-request-params: routing_id=profiles/prof_qux +// +// Example 9 +// +// Bringing it all together. +// +// annotation: +// +// option (google.api.routing) = { +// // For routing both `table_location` and a `routing_id` are needed. +// // +// // table_location can be either an instance id or a region+zone id. +// // +// // For `routing_id`, take the value of `app_profile_id` +// // - If it's in the format `profiles/`, send +// // just the `` part. +// // - If it's any other literal, send it as is. +// // If the `app_profile_id` is empty, and the `table_name` starts with +// // the project_id, send that instead. +// +// routing_parameters { +// field: "table_name" +// path_template: "projects/*/{table_location=instances/*}/tables/*" +// } +// routing_parameters { +// field: "table_name" +// path_template: "{table_location=regions/*/zones/*}/tables/*" +// } +// routing_parameters { +// field: "table_name" +// path_template: "{routing_id=projects/*}/**" +// } +// routing_parameters { +// field: "app_profile_id" +// path_template: "{routing_id=**}" +// } +// routing_parameters { +// field: "app_profile_id" +// path_template: "profiles/{routing_id=*}" +// } +// }; +// +// result: +// +// x-goog-request-params: +// table_location=instances/instance_bar&routing_id=prof_qux +message RoutingRule { + // A collection of Routing Parameter specifications. + // **NOTE:** If multiple Routing Parameters describe the same key + // (via the `path_template` field or via the `field` field when + // `path_template` is not provided), "last one wins" rule + // determines which Parameter gets used. + // See the examples for more details. + repeated RoutingParameter routing_parameters = 2; +} + +// A projection from an input message to the GRPC or REST header. +message RoutingParameter { + // A request field to extract the header key-value pair from. + string field = 1; + + // A pattern matching the key-value field. Optional. + // If not specified, the whole field specified in the `field` field will be + // taken as value, and its name used as key. If specified, it MUST contain + // exactly one named segment (along with any number of unnamed segments) The + // pattern will be matched over the field specified in the `field` field, then + // if the match is successful: + // - the name of the single named segment will be used as a header name, + // - the match value of the segment will be used as a header value; + // if the match is NOT successful, nothing will be sent. + // + // Example: + // + // -- This is a field in the request message + // | that the header value will be extracted from. + // | + // | -- This is the key name in the + // | | routing header. + // V | + // field: "table_name" v + // path_template: "projects/*/{table_location=instances/*}/tables/*" + // ^ ^ + // | | + // In the {} brackets is the pattern that -- | + // specifies what to extract from the | + // field as a value to be sent. | + // | + // The string in the field must match the whole pattern -- + // before brackets, inside brackets, after brackets. + // + // When looking at this specific example, we can see that: + // - A key-value pair with the key `table_location` + // and the value matching `instances/*` should be added + // to the x-goog-request-params routing header. + // - The value is extracted from the request message's `table_name` field + // if it matches the full pattern specified: + // `projects/*/instances/*/tables/*`. + // + // **NB:** If the `path_template` field is not provided, the key name is + // equal to the field name, and the whole field should be sent as a value. + // This makes the pattern for the field and the value functionally equivalent + // to `**`, and the configuration + // + // { + // field: "table_name" + // } + // + // is a functionally equivalent shorthand to: + // + // { + // field: "table_name" + // path_template: "{table_name=**}" + // } + // + // See Example 1 for more details. + string path_template = 2; +} diff --git a/google/api/service.proto b/google/api/service.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3de5b66 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/service.proto @@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +import "google/api/auth.proto"; +import "google/api/backend.proto"; +import "google/api/billing.proto"; +import "google/api/client.proto"; +import "google/api/context.proto"; +import "google/api/control.proto"; +import "google/api/documentation.proto"; +import "google/api/endpoint.proto"; +import "google/api/http.proto"; +import "google/api/log.proto"; +import "google/api/logging.proto"; +import "google/api/metric.proto"; +import "google/api/monitored_resource.proto"; +import "google/api/monitoring.proto"; +import "google/api/quota.proto"; +import "google/api/source_info.proto"; +import "google/api/system_parameter.proto"; +import "google/api/usage.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/api.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/type.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto"; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/serviceconfig;serviceconfig"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "ServiceProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +// `Service` is the root object of Google API service configuration (service +// config). It describes the basic information about a logical service, +// such as the service name and the user-facing title, and delegates other +// aspects to sub-sections. Each sub-section is either a proto message or a +// repeated proto message that configures a specific aspect, such as auth. +// For more information, see each proto message definition. +// +// Example: +// +// type: google.api.Service +// name: calendar.googleapis.com +// title: Google Calendar API +// apis: +// - name: google.calendar.v3.Calendar +// +// visibility: +// rules: +// - selector: "google.calendar.v3.*" +// restriction: PREVIEW +// backend: +// rules: +// - selector: "google.calendar.v3.*" +// address: calendar.example.com +// +// authentication: +// providers: +// - id: google_calendar_auth +// jwks_uri: https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs +// issuer: https://securetoken.google.com +// rules: +// - selector: "*" +// requirements: +// provider_id: google_calendar_auth +message Service { + // The service name, which is a DNS-like logical identifier for the + // service, such as `calendar.googleapis.com`. The service name + // typically goes through DNS verification to make sure the owner + // of the service also owns the DNS name. + string name = 1; + + // The product title for this service, it is the name displayed in Google + // Cloud Console. + string title = 2; + + // The Google project that owns this service. + string producer_project_id = 22; + + // A unique ID for a specific instance of this message, typically assigned + // by the client for tracking purpose. Must be no longer than 63 characters + // and only lower case letters, digits, '.', '_' and '-' are allowed. If + // empty, the server may choose to generate one instead. + string id = 33; + + // A list of API interfaces exported by this service. Only the `name` field + // of the [google.protobuf.Api][google.protobuf.Api] needs to be provided by + // the configuration author, as the remaining fields will be derived from the + // IDL during the normalization process. It is an error to specify an API + // interface here which cannot be resolved against the associated IDL files. + repeated google.protobuf.Api apis = 3; + + // A list of all proto message types included in this API service. + // Types referenced directly or indirectly by the `apis` are automatically + // included. Messages which are not referenced but shall be included, such as + // types used by the `google.protobuf.Any` type, should be listed here by + // name by the configuration author. Example: + // + // types: + // - name: google.protobuf.Int32 + repeated google.protobuf.Type types = 4; + + // A list of all enum types included in this API service. Enums referenced + // directly or indirectly by the `apis` are automatically included. Enums + // which are not referenced but shall be included should be listed here by + // name by the configuration author. Example: + // + // enums: + // - name: google.someapi.v1.SomeEnum + repeated google.protobuf.Enum enums = 5; + + // Additional API documentation. + Documentation documentation = 6; + + // API backend configuration. + Backend backend = 8; + + // HTTP configuration. + Http http = 9; + + // Quota configuration. + Quota quota = 10; + + // Auth configuration. + Authentication authentication = 11; + + // Context configuration. + Context context = 12; + + // Configuration controlling usage of this service. + Usage usage = 15; + + // Configuration for network endpoints. If this is empty, then an endpoint + // with the same name as the service is automatically generated to service all + // defined APIs. + repeated Endpoint endpoints = 18; + + // Configuration for the service control plane. + Control control = 21; + + // Defines the logs used by this service. + repeated LogDescriptor logs = 23; + + // Defines the metrics used by this service. + repeated MetricDescriptor metrics = 24; + + // Defines the monitored resources used by this service. This is required + // by the [Service.monitoring][google.api.Service.monitoring] and + // [Service.logging][google.api.Service.logging] configurations. + repeated MonitoredResourceDescriptor monitored_resources = 25; + + // Billing configuration. + Billing billing = 26; + + // Logging configuration. + Logging logging = 27; + + // Monitoring configuration. + Monitoring monitoring = 28; + + // System parameter configuration. + SystemParameters system_parameters = 29; + + // Output only. The source information for this configuration if available. + SourceInfo source_info = 37; + + // Settings for [Google Cloud Client + // libraries](https://cloud.google.com/apis/docs/cloud-client-libraries) + // generated from APIs defined as protocol buffers. + Publishing publishing = 45; + + // Obsolete. Do not use. + // + // This field has no semantic meaning. The service config compiler always + // sets this field to `3`. + google.protobuf.UInt32Value config_version = 20; +} diff --git a/google/api/serviceconfig.yaml b/google/api/serviceconfig.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e71751e --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/serviceconfig.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +type: google.api.Service +config_version: 3 +name: serviceconfig.googleapis.com +title: Service Config API + +types: +- name: google.api.ConfigChange +- name: google.api.Distribution +- name: google.api.DocumentationRule +- name: google.api.FieldInfo +- name: google.api.HttpBody +- name: google.api.LabelDescriptor +- name: google.api.Metric +- name: google.api.MonitoredResource +- name: google.api.MonitoredResourceDescriptor +- name: google.api.MonitoredResourceMetadata +- name: google.api.ResourceDescriptor +- name: google.api.ResourceReference +- name: google.api.RoutingRule +- name: google.api.Service +- name: google.api.Visibility + +enums: +- name: google.api.ErrorReason +- name: google.api.FieldBehavior + +documentation: + summary: Lets you define and config your API service. diff --git a/google/api/servicecontrol/BUILD.bazel b/google/api/servicecontrol/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e017513 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/servicecontrol/BUILD.bazel @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +# This build file includes a target for the Ruby wrapper library for +# google-cloud-service_control. + +# This is an API workspace, having public visibility by default makes perfect sense. +package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) + +# Export yaml configs. +exports_files(glob(["*.yaml"])) + +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "ruby_cloud_gapic_library", + "ruby_gapic_assembly_pkg", +) + +# Generates a Ruby wrapper client for servicecontrol. +# Ruby wrapper clients are versionless, but are generated from source protos +# for a particular service version, v1 in this case. +ruby_cloud_gapic_library( + name = "servicecontrol_ruby_wrapper", + srcs = ["//google/api/servicecontrol/v1:servicecontrol_proto_with_info"], + extra_protoc_parameters = [ + "ruby-cloud-gem-name=google-cloud-service_control", + "ruby-cloud-env-prefix=SERVICE_CONTROL", + "ruby-cloud-wrapper-of=v1:0.6", + "ruby-cloud-product-url=https://cloud.google.com/service-infrastructure/docs/overview/", + "ruby-cloud-api-id=servicecontrol.googleapis.com", + "ruby-cloud-api-shortname=servicecontrol", + ], + ruby_cloud_description = "The Service Control API provides control plane functionality to managed services, such as logging, monitoring, and status checks.", + ruby_cloud_title = "Service Control API", + transport = "grpc+rest", +) + +# Open Source package. +ruby_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-servicecontrol-ruby", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_ruby_wrapper", + ], +) diff --git a/google/api/servicecontrol/README.md b/google/api/servicecontrol/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d9590e --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/servicecontrol/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +Google Service Control provides control plane functionality to managed services, +such as logging, monitoring, and status checks. This page provides an overview +of what it does and how it works. + +## Why use Service Control? + +When you develop a cloud service, you typically start with the business +requirements and the architecture design, then proceed with API definition +and implementation. Before you put your service into production, you +need to deal with many control plane issues: + +* How to control access to your service. +* How to send logging and monitoring data to both consumers and producers. +* How to create and manage dashboards to visualize this data. +* How to automatically scale the control plane components with your service. + +Service Control is a mature and feature-rich control plane provider +that addresses these needs with high efficiency, high scalability, +and high availability. It provides a simple public API that can be accessed +from anywhere using JSON REST and gRPC clients, so when you move your service +from on-premise to a cloud provider, or from one cloud provider to another, +you don't need to change the control plane provider. + +Services built using Google Cloud Endpoints already take advantage of +Service Control. Cloud Endpoints sends logging and monitoring data +through Google Service Control for every request arriving at its +proxy. If you need to report any additional logging and monitoring data for +your Cloud Endpoints service, you can call the Service Control API directly +from your service. + +The Service Control API definition is open sourced and available on +[GitHub](https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/tree/master/google/api/servicecontrol). +By changing the DNS name, you can easily use alternative implementations of +the Service Control API. + +## Architecture + +Google Service Control works with a set of *managed services* and their +*operations* (activities), *checks* whether an operation is allowed to proceed, +and *reports* completed operations. Behind the scenes, it leverages other +Google Cloud services, such as +[Google Service Management](/service-management), +[Stackdriver Logging](/logging), and [Stackdriver Monitoring](/monitoring), +while hiding their complexity from service producers. It enables service +producers to send telemetry data to their consumers. It uses caching, +batching, aggregation, and retries to deliver higher performance and +availability than the individual backend systems it encapsulates. + +
+ The overall architecture of a service that uses Google Service Control. +
Figure 1: Using Google Service Control.
+ +The Service Control API provides two methods: + +* [`services.check`](/service-control/reference/rest/v1/services/check), used for: + * Ensuring valid consumer status + * Validating API keys +* [`services.report`](/service-control/reference/rest/v1/services/report), used for: + * Sending logs to Stackdriver Logging + * Sending metrics to Stackdriver Monitoring + +We’ll look at these in more detail in the rest of this overview. + +## Managed services + +A [managed service](/service-management/reference/rest/v1/services) is +a network service managed by +[Google Service Management](/service-management). Each managed service has a +unique name, such as `example.googleapis.com`, which must be a valid +fully-qualified DNS name, as per RFC 1035. + +For example: + +* Google Cloud Pub/Sub (`pubsub.googleapis.com`) +* Google Cloud Vision (`vision.googleapis.com`) +* Google Cloud Bigtable (`bigtable.googleapis.com`) +* Google Cloud Datastore (`datastore.googleapis.com`) + +Google Service Management manages the lifecycle of each service’s +configuration, which is used to customize Google Service Control's behavior. +Service configurations are also used by Google Cloud Console +for displaying APIs and their settings, enabling/disabling APIs, and more. + +## Operations + +Google Service Control uses the generic concept of an *operation* +to represent the +activities of a managed service, such as API calls and resource usage. Each +operation is associated with a managed service and a specific service +consumer, and has a set of properties that describe the operation, such as +the API method name and resource usage amount. For more information, see the +[Operation definition](/service-control/rest/v1/Operation). + +## Check + +The [`services.check`](/service-control/reference/rest/v1/services/check) +method determines whether an operation should be allowed to proceed +for a managed service. + +For example: + +* Check if the consumer is still active. +* Check if the consumer has enabled the service. +* Check if the API key is still valid. + +By performing multiple checks within a single method call, it provides +better performance, higher reliability, and reduced development cost to +service producers compared to checking with multiple backend systems. + +## Report + +The [`services.report`](/service-control/reference/rest/v1/services/report) +method reports completed operations for +a managed service to backend systems, such as logging and monitoring. The +reported data can be seen in Google API Console and Google Cloud Console, +and retrieved with appropriate APIs, such as the Stackdriver Logging and +Stackdriver Monitoring APIs. + +## Next steps + +* Read our [Getting Started guide](/service-control/getting-started) to find out + how to set up and use the Google Service Control API. diff --git a/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/BUILD.bazel b/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2767421 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/BUILD.bazel @@ -0,0 +1,344 @@ +# This file was automatically generated by BuildFileGenerator +# https://github.com/googleapis/rules_gapic/tree/master/bazel + +# Most of the manual changes to this file will be overwritten. +# It's **only** allowed to change the following rule attribute values: +# - names of *_gapic_assembly_* rules +# - certain parameters of *_gapic_library rules, including but not limited to: +# * extra_protoc_parameters +# * extra_protoc_file_parameters +# The complete list of preserved parameters can be found in the source code. + +############################################################################## +# Common +############################################################################## +load("@rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", "proto_library") +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "cc_grpc_library", + "cc_proto_library", + "csharp_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "csharp_gapic_library", + "csharp_grpc_library", + "csharp_proto_library", + "go_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "go_gapic_library", + "go_proto_library", + "java_gapic_assembly_gradle_pkg", + "java_gapic_library", + "java_gapic_test", + "java_grpc_library", + "java_proto_library", + "nodejs_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "nodejs_gapic_library", + "php_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "php_gapic_library", + "php_proto_library", + "proto_library_with_info", + "py_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "py_gapic_library", + "py_test", + "ruby_cloud_gapic_library", + "ruby_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "ruby_grpc_library", + "ruby_proto_library", +) + +# This is an API workspace, having public visibility by default makes perfect sense. +package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) + +proto_library( + name = "servicecontrol_proto", + srcs = [ + "check_error.proto", + "distribution.proto", + "http_request.proto", + "log_entry.proto", + "metric_value.proto", + "operation.proto", + "quota_controller.proto", + "service_controller.proto", + ], + deps = [ + "//google/api:annotations_proto", + "//google/api:client_proto", + "//google/api:distribution_proto", + "//google/logging/type:type_proto", + "//google/rpc:status_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:any_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:duration_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:struct_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:timestamp_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library_with_info( + name = "servicecontrol_proto_with_info", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_proto", + "//google/cloud:common_resources_proto", + ], +) + +java_proto_library( + name = "servicecontrol_java_proto", + deps = [":servicecontrol_proto"], +) + +java_grpc_library( + name = "servicecontrol_java_grpc", + srcs = [":servicecontrol_proto"], + deps = [":servicecontrol_java_proto"], +) + +java_gapic_library( + name = "servicecontrol_java_gapic", + srcs = [":servicecontrol_proto_with_info"], + grpc_service_config = "servicecontrol_grpc_service_config.json", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "servicecontrol.yaml", + test_deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_java_grpc", + ], + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_java_proto", + ], +) + +java_gapic_test( + name = "servicecontrol_java_gapic_test_suite", + test_classes = [ + "com.google.api.servicecontrol.v1.QuotaControllerClientHttpJsonTest", + "com.google.api.servicecontrol.v1.QuotaControllerClientTest", + "com.google.api.servicecontrol.v1.ServiceControllerClientHttpJsonTest", + "com.google.api.servicecontrol.v1.ServiceControllerClientTest", + ], + runtime_deps = [":servicecontrol_java_gapic_test"], +) + +# Open Source Packages +java_gapic_assembly_gradle_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-api-servicecontrol-v1-java", + include_samples = True, + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_java_gapic", + ":servicecontrol_java_grpc", + ":servicecontrol_java_proto", + ":servicecontrol_proto", + ], +) + +go_proto_library( + name = "servicecontrol_go_proto", + compilers = ["@io_bazel_rules_go//proto:go_grpc"], + importpath = "cloud.google.com/go/servicecontrol/apiv1/servicecontrolpb", + protos = [":servicecontrol_proto"], + deps = [ + "//google/api:annotations_go_proto", + "//google/api:distribution_go_proto", + "//google/logging/type:type_go_proto", + "//google/rpc:status_go_proto", + ], +) + +go_gapic_library( + name = "servicecontrol_go_gapic", + srcs = [":servicecontrol_proto_with_info"], + grpc_service_config = "servicecontrol_grpc_service_config.json", + importpath = "cloud.google.com/go/servicecontrol/apiv1;servicecontrol", + metadata = True, + release_level = "ga", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "servicecontrol.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_go_proto", + "@io_bazel_rules_go//proto/wkt:duration_go_proto", + ], +) + +# Open Source Packages +go_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "gapi-cloud-api-servicecontrol-v1-go", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_go_gapic", + ":servicecontrol_go_gapic_srcjar-metadata.srcjar", + ":servicecontrol_go_gapic_srcjar-snippets.srcjar", + ":servicecontrol_go_gapic_srcjar-test.srcjar", + ":servicecontrol_go_proto", + ], +) + +py_gapic_library( + name = "servicecontrol_py_gapic", + srcs = [":servicecontrol_proto"], + grpc_service_config = "servicecontrol_grpc_service_config.json", + opt_args = [ + "python-gapic-name=servicecontrol", + "python-gapic-namespace=google.cloud", + "warehouse-package-name=google-cloud-service-control", + ], + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "servicecontrol.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", +) + +py_test( + name = "servicecontrol_py_gapic_test", + srcs = [ + "servicecontrol_py_gapic_pytest.py", + "servicecontrol_py_gapic_test.py", + ], + legacy_create_init = False, + deps = [":servicecontrol_py_gapic"], +) + +# Open Source Packages +py_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-servicecontrol-v1-py", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_py_gapic", + ], +) + +php_proto_library( + name = "servicecontrol_php_proto", + deps = [":servicecontrol_proto"], +) + +php_gapic_library( + name = "servicecontrol_php_gapic", + srcs = [":servicecontrol_proto_with_info"], + grpc_service_config = "servicecontrol_grpc_service_config.json", + migration_mode = "MIGRATION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "servicecontrol.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_php_proto", + ], +) + +# Open Source Packages +php_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-api-servicecontrol-v1-php", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_php_gapic", + ":servicecontrol_php_proto", + ], +) + +nodejs_gapic_library( + name = "servicecontrol_nodejs_gapic", + package_name = "@google-cloud/service-control", + src = ":servicecontrol_proto_with_info", + extra_protoc_parameters = ["metadata"], + grpc_service_config = "servicecontrol_grpc_service_config.json", + package = "google.api.servicecontrol.v1", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "servicecontrol.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [], +) + +nodejs_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "api-servicecontrol-v1-nodejs", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_nodejs_gapic", + ":servicecontrol_proto", + ## DO NOT CHANGE: Owlbot add dependency logging type protos. + "//google/logging/type:type_proto", + ], +) + +ruby_proto_library( + name = "servicecontrol_ruby_proto", + deps = [":servicecontrol_proto"], +) + +ruby_grpc_library( + name = "servicecontrol_ruby_grpc", + srcs = [":servicecontrol_proto"], + deps = [":servicecontrol_ruby_proto"], +) + +ruby_cloud_gapic_library( + name = "servicecontrol_ruby_gapic", + srcs = [":servicecontrol_proto_with_info"], + extra_protoc_parameters = [ + "ruby-cloud-api-id=servicecontrol.googleapis.com", + "ruby-cloud-api-shortname=servicecontrol", + "ruby-cloud-env-prefix=SERVICE_CONTROL", + "ruby-cloud-gem-name=google-cloud-service_control-v1", + "ruby-cloud-product-url=https://cloud.google.com/service-infrastructure/docs/overview/", + ], + grpc_service_config = "servicecontrol_grpc_service_config.json", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + ruby_cloud_description = "The Service Control API provides control plane functionality to managed services, such as logging, monitoring, and status checks.", + ruby_cloud_title = "Service Control API V1", + service_yaml = "servicecontrol.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_ruby_grpc", + ":servicecontrol_ruby_proto", + ], +) + +# Open Source Packages +ruby_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-api-servicecontrol-v1-ruby", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_ruby_gapic", + ":servicecontrol_ruby_grpc", + ":servicecontrol_ruby_proto", + ], +) + +csharp_proto_library( + name = "servicecontrol_csharp_proto", + deps = [":servicecontrol_proto"], +) + +csharp_grpc_library( + name = "servicecontrol_csharp_grpc", + srcs = [":servicecontrol_proto"], + deps = [":servicecontrol_csharp_proto"], +) + +csharp_gapic_library( + name = "servicecontrol_csharp_gapic", + srcs = [":servicecontrol_proto_with_info"], + common_resources_config = "@gax_dotnet//:Google.Api.Gax/ResourceNames/CommonResourcesConfig.json", + grpc_service_config = "servicecontrol_grpc_service_config.json", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "servicecontrol.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_csharp_grpc", + ":servicecontrol_csharp_proto", + ], +) + +# Open Source Packages +csharp_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-api-servicecontrol-v1-csharp", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_csharp_gapic", + ":servicecontrol_csharp_grpc", + ":servicecontrol_csharp_proto", + ], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "servicecontrol_cc_proto", + deps = [":servicecontrol_proto"], +) + +cc_grpc_library( + name = "servicecontrol_cc_grpc", + srcs = [":servicecontrol_proto"], + grpc_only = True, + deps = [":servicecontrol_cc_proto"], +) diff --git a/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/check_error.proto b/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/check_error.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c97e91 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/check_error.proto @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +// Copyright 2021 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.servicecontrol.v1; + +import "google/rpc/status.proto"; + +option cc_enable_arenas = true; +option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.ServiceControl.V1"; +option go_package = "cloud.google.com/go/servicecontrol/apiv1/servicecontrolpb;servicecontrolpb"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "CheckErrorProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.servicecontrol.v1"; +option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\ServiceControl\\V1"; +option ruby_package = "Google::Cloud::ServiceControl::V1"; + +// Defines the errors to be returned in +// [google.api.servicecontrol.v1.CheckResponse.check_errors][google.api.servicecontrol.v1.CheckResponse.check_errors]. +message CheckError { + // Error codes for Check responses. + enum Code { + // This is never used in `CheckResponse`. + ERROR_CODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // The consumer's project id, network container, or resource container was + // not found. Same as [google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND][google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND]. + NOT_FOUND = 5; + + // The consumer doesn't have access to the specified resource. + // Same as [google.rpc.Code.PERMISSION_DENIED][google.rpc.Code.PERMISSION_DENIED]. + PERMISSION_DENIED = 7; + + // Quota check failed. Same as [google.rpc.Code.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED][google.rpc.Code.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED]. + RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED = 8; + + // The consumer hasn't activated the service. + SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVATED = 104; + + // The consumer cannot access the service because billing is disabled. + BILLING_DISABLED = 107; + + // The consumer's project has been marked as deleted (soft deletion). + PROJECT_DELETED = 108; + + // The consumer's project number or id does not represent a valid project. + PROJECT_INVALID = 114; + + // The input consumer info does not represent a valid consumer folder or + // organization. + CONSUMER_INVALID = 125; + + // The IP address of the consumer is invalid for the specific consumer + // project. + IP_ADDRESS_BLOCKED = 109; + + // The referer address of the consumer request is invalid for the specific + // consumer project. + REFERER_BLOCKED = 110; + + // The client application of the consumer request is invalid for the + // specific consumer project. + CLIENT_APP_BLOCKED = 111; + + // The API targeted by this request is invalid for the specified consumer + // project. + API_TARGET_BLOCKED = 122; + + // The consumer's API key is invalid. + API_KEY_INVALID = 105; + + // The consumer's API Key has expired. + API_KEY_EXPIRED = 112; + + // The consumer's API Key was not found in config record. + API_KEY_NOT_FOUND = 113; + + // The credential in the request can not be verified. + INVALID_CREDENTIAL = 123; + + // The backend server for looking up project id/number is unavailable. + NAMESPACE_LOOKUP_UNAVAILABLE = 300; + + // The backend server for checking service status is unavailable. + SERVICE_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE = 301; + + // The backend server for checking billing status is unavailable. + BILLING_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE = 302; + + // Cloud Resource Manager backend server is unavailable. + CLOUD_RESOURCE_MANAGER_BACKEND_UNAVAILABLE = 305; + } + + // The error code. + Code code = 1; + + // Subject to whom this error applies. See the specific code enum for more + // details on this field. For example: + // + // - "project:" + // - "folder:" + // - "organization:" + string subject = 4; + + // Free-form text providing details on the error cause of the error. + string detail = 2; + + // Contains public information about the check error. If available, + // `status.code` will be non zero and client can propagate it out as public + // error. + google.rpc.Status status = 3; +} diff --git a/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/distribution.proto b/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/distribution.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..17c92e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/distribution.proto @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +// Copyright 2021 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.servicecontrol.v1; + +import "google/api/distribution.proto"; + +option cc_enable_arenas = true; +option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.ServiceControl.V1"; +option go_package = "cloud.google.com/go/servicecontrol/apiv1/servicecontrolpb;servicecontrolpb"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "DistributionProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.servicecontrol.v1"; +option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\ServiceControl\\V1"; +option ruby_package = "Google::Cloud::ServiceControl::V1"; + +// Distribution represents a frequency distribution of double-valued sample +// points. It contains the size of the population of sample points plus +// additional optional information: +// +// * the arithmetic mean of the samples +// * the minimum and maximum of the samples +// * the sum-squared-deviation of the samples, used to compute variance +// * a histogram of the values of the sample points +message Distribution { + // Describing buckets with constant width. + message LinearBuckets { + // The number of finite buckets. With the underflow and overflow buckets, + // the total number of buckets is `num_finite_buckets` + 2. + // See comments on `bucket_options` for details. + int32 num_finite_buckets = 1; + + // The i'th linear bucket covers the interval + // [offset + (i-1) * width, offset + i * width) + // where i ranges from 1 to num_finite_buckets, inclusive. + // Must be strictly positive. + double width = 2; + + // The i'th linear bucket covers the interval + // [offset + (i-1) * width, offset + i * width) + // where i ranges from 1 to num_finite_buckets, inclusive. + double offset = 3; + } + + // Describing buckets with exponentially growing width. + message ExponentialBuckets { + // The number of finite buckets. With the underflow and overflow buckets, + // the total number of buckets is `num_finite_buckets` + 2. + // See comments on `bucket_options` for details. + int32 num_finite_buckets = 1; + + // The i'th exponential bucket covers the interval + // [scale * growth_factor^(i-1), scale * growth_factor^i) + // where i ranges from 1 to num_finite_buckets inclusive. + // Must be larger than 1.0. + double growth_factor = 2; + + // The i'th exponential bucket covers the interval + // [scale * growth_factor^(i-1), scale * growth_factor^i) + // where i ranges from 1 to num_finite_buckets inclusive. + // Must be > 0. + double scale = 3; + } + + // Describing buckets with arbitrary user-provided width. + message ExplicitBuckets { + // 'bound' is a list of strictly increasing boundaries between + // buckets. Note that a list of length N-1 defines N buckets because + // of fenceposting. See comments on `bucket_options` for details. + // + // The i'th finite bucket covers the interval + // [bound[i-1], bound[i]) + // where i ranges from 1 to bound_size() - 1. Note that there are no + // finite buckets at all if 'bound' only contains a single element; in + // that special case the single bound defines the boundary between the + // underflow and overflow buckets. + // + // bucket number lower bound upper bound + // i == 0 (underflow) -inf bound[i] + // 0 < i < bound_size() bound[i-1] bound[i] + // i == bound_size() (overflow) bound[i-1] +inf + repeated double bounds = 1; + } + + // The total number of samples in the distribution. Must be >= 0. + int64 count = 1; + + // The arithmetic mean of the samples in the distribution. If `count` is + // zero then this field must be zero. + double mean = 2; + + // The minimum of the population of values. Ignored if `count` is zero. + double minimum = 3; + + // The maximum of the population of values. Ignored if `count` is zero. + double maximum = 4; + + // The sum of squared deviations from the mean: + // Sum[i=1..count]((x_i - mean)^2) + // where each x_i is a sample values. If `count` is zero then this field + // must be zero, otherwise validation of the request fails. + double sum_of_squared_deviation = 5; + + // The number of samples in each histogram bucket. `bucket_counts` are + // optional. If present, they must sum to the `count` value. + // + // The buckets are defined below in `bucket_option`. There are N buckets. + // `bucket_counts[0]` is the number of samples in the underflow bucket. + // `bucket_counts[1]` to `bucket_counts[N-1]` are the numbers of samples + // in each of the finite buckets. And `bucket_counts[N] is the number + // of samples in the overflow bucket. See the comments of `bucket_option` + // below for more details. + // + // Any suffix of trailing zeros may be omitted. + repeated int64 bucket_counts = 6; + + // Defines the buckets in the histogram. `bucket_option` and `bucket_counts` + // must be both set, or both unset. + // + // Buckets are numbered in the range of [0, N], with a total of N+1 buckets. + // There must be at least two buckets (a single-bucket histogram gives + // no information that isn't already provided by `count`). + // + // The first bucket is the underflow bucket which has a lower bound + // of -inf. The last bucket is the overflow bucket which has an + // upper bound of +inf. All other buckets (if any) are called "finite" + // buckets because they have finite lower and upper bounds. As described + // below, there are three ways to define the finite buckets. + // + // (1) Buckets with constant width. + // (2) Buckets with exponentially growing widths. + // (3) Buckets with arbitrary user-provided widths. + // + // In all cases, the buckets cover the entire real number line (-inf, + // +inf). Bucket upper bounds are exclusive and lower bounds are + // inclusive. The upper bound of the underflow bucket is equal to the + // lower bound of the smallest finite bucket; the lower bound of the + // overflow bucket is equal to the upper bound of the largest finite + // bucket. + oneof bucket_option { + // Buckets with constant width. + LinearBuckets linear_buckets = 7; + + // Buckets with exponentially growing width. + ExponentialBuckets exponential_buckets = 8; + + // Buckets with arbitrary user-provided width. + ExplicitBuckets explicit_buckets = 9; + } + + // Example points. Must be in increasing order of `value` field. + repeated google.api.Distribution.Exemplar exemplars = 10; +} diff --git a/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/http_request.proto b/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/http_request.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d51a04 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/http_request.proto @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +// Copyright 2021 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.servicecontrol.v1; + +import "google/protobuf/duration.proto"; + +option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.ServiceControl.V1"; +option go_package = "cloud.google.com/go/servicecontrol/apiv1/servicecontrolpb;servicecontrolpb"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "HttpRequestProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.servicecontrol.v1"; +option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\ServiceControl\\V1"; +option ruby_package = "Google::Cloud::ServiceControl::V1"; + +// A common proto for logging HTTP requests. Only contains semantics +// defined by the HTTP specification. Product-specific logging +// information MUST be defined in a separate message. +message HttpRequest { + // The request method. Examples: `"GET"`, `"HEAD"`, `"PUT"`, `"POST"`. + string request_method = 1; + + // The scheme (http, https), the host name, the path, and the query + // portion of the URL that was requested. + // Example: `"http://example.com/some/info?color=red"`. + string request_url = 2; + + // The size of the HTTP request message in bytes, including the request + // headers and the request body. + int64 request_size = 3; + + // The response code indicating the status of the response. + // Examples: 200, 404. + int32 status = 4; + + // The size of the HTTP response message sent back to the client, in bytes, + // including the response headers and the response body. + int64 response_size = 5; + + // The user agent sent by the client. Example: + // `"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Q312461; .NET + // CLR 1.0.3705)"`. + string user_agent = 6; + + // The IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) of the client that issued the HTTP + // request. Examples: `""`, `"FE80::0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329"`. + string remote_ip = 7; + + // The IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) of the origin server that the request was + // sent to. + string server_ip = 13; + + // The referer URL of the request, as defined in + // [HTTP/1.1 Header Field + // Definitions](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html). + string referer = 8; + + // The request processing latency on the server, from the time the request was + // received until the response was sent. + google.protobuf.Duration latency = 14; + + // Whether or not a cache lookup was attempted. + bool cache_lookup = 11; + + // Whether or not an entity was served from cache + // (with or without validation). + bool cache_hit = 9; + + // Whether or not the response was validated with the origin server before + // being served from cache. This field is only meaningful if `cache_hit` is + // True. + bool cache_validated_with_origin_server = 10; + + // The number of HTTP response bytes inserted into cache. Set only when a + // cache fill was attempted. + int64 cache_fill_bytes = 12; + + // Protocol used for the request. Examples: "HTTP/1.1", "HTTP/2", "websocket" + string protocol = 15; +} diff --git a/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/log_entry.proto b/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/log_entry.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..410b2ae --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/log_entry.proto @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +// Copyright 2021 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.servicecontrol.v1; + +import "google/api/servicecontrol/v1/http_request.proto"; +import "google/logging/type/log_severity.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/struct.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; + +option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.ServiceControl.V1"; +option go_package = "cloud.google.com/go/servicecontrol/apiv1/servicecontrolpb;servicecontrolpb"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "LogEntryProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.servicecontrol.v1"; +option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\ServiceControl\\V1"; +option ruby_package = "Google::Cloud::ServiceControl::V1"; + +// An individual log entry. +message LogEntry { + // Required. The log to which this log entry belongs. Examples: `"syslog"`, + // `"book_log"`. + string name = 10; + + // The time the event described by the log entry occurred. If + // omitted, defaults to operation start time. + google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 11; + + // The severity of the log entry. The default value is + // `LogSeverity.DEFAULT`. + google.logging.type.LogSeverity severity = 12; + + // Optional. Information about the HTTP request associated with this + // log entry, if applicable. + HttpRequest http_request = 14; + + // Optional. Resource name of the trace associated with the log entry, if any. + // If this field contains a relative resource name, you can assume the name is + // relative to `//tracing.googleapis.com`. Example: + // `projects/my-projectid/traces/06796866738c859f2f19b7cfb3214824` + string trace = 15; + + // A unique ID for the log entry used for deduplication. If omitted, + // the implementation will generate one based on operation_id. + string insert_id = 4; + + // A set of user-defined (key, value) data that provides additional + // information about the log entry. + map labels = 13; + + // The log entry payload, which can be one of multiple types. + oneof payload { + // The log entry payload, represented as a protocol buffer that is + // expressed as a JSON object. The only accepted type currently is + // [AuditLog][google.cloud.audit.AuditLog]. + google.protobuf.Any proto_payload = 2; + + // The log entry payload, represented as a Unicode string (UTF-8). + string text_payload = 3; + + // The log entry payload, represented as a structure that + // is expressed as a JSON object. + google.protobuf.Struct struct_payload = 6; + } + + // Optional. Information about an operation associated with the log entry, if + // applicable. + LogEntryOperation operation = 16; + + // Optional. Source code location information associated with the log entry, + // if any. + LogEntrySourceLocation source_location = 17; +} + +// Additional information about a potentially long-running operation with which +// a log entry is associated. +message LogEntryOperation { + // Optional. An arbitrary operation identifier. Log entries with the + // same identifier are assumed to be part of the same operation. + string id = 1; + + // Optional. An arbitrary producer identifier. The combination of + // `id` and `producer` must be globally unique. Examples for `producer`: + // `"MyDivision.MyBigCompany.com"`, `"github.com/MyProject/MyApplication"`. + string producer = 2; + + // Optional. Set this to True if this is the first log entry in the operation. + bool first = 3; + + // Optional. Set this to True if this is the last log entry in the operation. + bool last = 4; +} + +// Additional information about the source code location that produced the log +// entry. +message LogEntrySourceLocation { + // Optional. Source file name. Depending on the runtime environment, this + // might be a simple name or a fully-qualified name. + string file = 1; + + // Optional. Line within the source file. 1-based; 0 indicates no line number + // available. + int64 line = 2; + + // Optional. Human-readable name of the function or method being invoked, with + // optional context such as the class or package name. This information may be + // used in contexts such as the logs viewer, where a file and line number are + // less meaningful. The format can vary by language. For example: + // `qual.if.ied.Class.method` (Java), `dir/package.func` (Go), `function` + // (Python). + string function = 3; +} diff --git a/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/metric_value.proto b/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/metric_value.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c84f47c --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/metric_value.proto @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +// Copyright 2021 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.servicecontrol.v1; + +import "google/api/servicecontrol/v1/distribution.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; + +option cc_enable_arenas = true; +option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.ServiceControl.V1"; +option go_package = "cloud.google.com/go/servicecontrol/apiv1/servicecontrolpb;servicecontrolpb"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "MetricValueSetProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.servicecontrol.v1"; +option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\ServiceControl\\V1"; +option ruby_package = "Google::Cloud::ServiceControl::V1"; + +// Represents a single metric value. +message MetricValue { + // The labels describing the metric value. + // See comments on [google.api.servicecontrol.v1.Operation.labels][google.api.servicecontrol.v1.Operation.labels] for + // the overriding relationship. + // Note that this map must not contain monitored resource labels. + map labels = 1; + + // The start of the time period over which this metric value's measurement + // applies. The time period has different semantics for different metric + // types (cumulative, delta, and gauge). See the metric definition + // documentation in the service configuration for details. If not specified, + // [google.api.servicecontrol.v1.Operation.start_time][google.api.servicecontrol.v1.Operation.start_time] will be used. + google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 2; + + // The end of the time period over which this metric value's measurement + // applies. If not specified, + // [google.api.servicecontrol.v1.Operation.end_time][google.api.servicecontrol.v1.Operation.end_time] will be used. + google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 3; + + // The value. The type of value used in the request must + // agree with the metric definition in the service configuration, otherwise + // the MetricValue is rejected. + oneof value { + // A boolean value. + bool bool_value = 4; + + // A signed 64-bit integer value. + int64 int64_value = 5; + + // A double precision floating point value. + double double_value = 6; + + // A text string value. + string string_value = 7; + + // A distribution value. + Distribution distribution_value = 8; + } +} + +// Represents a set of metric values in the same metric. +// Each metric value in the set should have a unique combination of start time, +// end time, and label values. +message MetricValueSet { + // The metric name defined in the service configuration. + string metric_name = 1; + + // The values in this metric. + repeated MetricValue metric_values = 2; +} diff --git a/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/operation.proto b/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/operation.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e477a48 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/operation.proto @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +// Copyright 2021 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.servicecontrol.v1; + +import "google/api/servicecontrol/v1/log_entry.proto"; +import "google/api/servicecontrol/v1/metric_value.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; + +option cc_enable_arenas = true; +option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.ServiceControl.V1"; +option go_package = "cloud.google.com/go/servicecontrol/apiv1/servicecontrolpb;servicecontrolpb"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "OperationProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.servicecontrol.v1"; +option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\ServiceControl\\V1"; +option ruby_package = "Google::Cloud::ServiceControl::V1"; + +// Represents information regarding an operation. +message Operation { + // Defines the importance of the data contained in the operation. + enum Importance { + // Allows data caching, batching, and aggregation. It provides + // higher performance with higher data loss risk. + LOW = 0; + + // Disables data aggregation to minimize data loss. It is for operations + // that contains significant monetary value or audit trail. This feature + // only applies to the client libraries. + HIGH = 1; + } + + // Identity of the operation. This must be unique within the scope of the + // service that generated the operation. If the service calls + // Check() and Report() on the same operation, the two calls should carry + // the same id. + // + // UUID version 4 is recommended, though not required. + // In scenarios where an operation is computed from existing information + // and an idempotent id is desirable for deduplication purpose, UUID version 5 + // is recommended. See RFC 4122 for details. + string operation_id = 1; + + // Fully qualified name of the operation. Reserved for future use. + string operation_name = 2; + + // Identity of the consumer who is using the service. + // This field should be filled in for the operations initiated by a + // consumer, but not for service-initiated operations that are + // not related to a specific consumer. + // + // - This can be in one of the following formats: + // - project:PROJECT_ID, + // - project`_`number:PROJECT_NUMBER, + // - projects/PROJECT_ID or PROJECT_NUMBER, + // - folders/FOLDER_NUMBER, + // - organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER, + // - api`_`key:API_KEY. + string consumer_id = 3; + + // Required. Start time of the operation. + google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 4; + + // End time of the operation. + // Required when the operation is used in + // [ServiceController.Report][google.api.servicecontrol.v1.ServiceController.Report], + // but optional when the operation is used in + // [ServiceController.Check][google.api.servicecontrol.v1.ServiceController.Check]. + google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 5; + + // Labels describing the operation. Only the following labels are allowed: + // + // - Labels describing monitored resources as defined in + // the service configuration. + // - Default labels of metric values. When specified, labels defined in the + // metric value override these default. + // - The following labels defined by Google Cloud Platform: + // - `cloud.googleapis.com/location` describing the location where the + // operation happened, + // - `servicecontrol.googleapis.com/user_agent` describing the user agent + // of the API request, + // - `servicecontrol.googleapis.com/service_agent` describing the service + // used to handle the API request (e.g. ESP), + // - `servicecontrol.googleapis.com/platform` describing the platform + // where the API is served, such as App Engine, Compute Engine, or + // Kubernetes Engine. + map labels = 6; + + // Represents information about this operation. Each MetricValueSet + // corresponds to a metric defined in the service configuration. + // The data type used in the MetricValueSet must agree with + // the data type specified in the metric definition. + // + // Within a single operation, it is not allowed to have more than one + // MetricValue instances that have the same metric names and identical + // label value combinations. If a request has such duplicated MetricValue + // instances, the entire request is rejected with + // an invalid argument error. + repeated MetricValueSet metric_value_sets = 7; + + // Represents information to be logged. + repeated LogEntry log_entries = 8; + + // DO NOT USE. This is an experimental field. + Importance importance = 11; + + // Unimplemented. + repeated google.protobuf.Any extensions = 16; +} diff --git a/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/quota_controller.proto b/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/quota_controller.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4b1198 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/quota_controller.proto @@ -0,0 +1,245 @@ +// Copyright 2021 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.servicecontrol.v1; + +import "google/api/annotations.proto"; +import "google/api/servicecontrol/v1/metric_value.proto"; +import "google/rpc/status.proto"; +import "google/api/client.proto"; + +option cc_enable_arenas = true; +option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.ServiceControl.V1"; +option go_package = "cloud.google.com/go/servicecontrol/apiv1/servicecontrolpb;servicecontrolpb"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "QuotaControllerProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.servicecontrol.v1"; +option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\ServiceControl\\V1"; +option ruby_package = "Google::Cloud::ServiceControl::V1"; + +// [Google Quota Control API](/service-control/overview) +// +// Allows clients to allocate and release quota against a [managed +// service](https://cloud.google.com/service-management/reference/rpc/google.api/servicemanagement.v1#google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ManagedService). +service QuotaController { + option (google.api.default_host) = "servicecontrol.googleapis.com"; + option (google.api.oauth_scopes) = + "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform," + "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/servicecontrol"; + + // Attempts to allocate quota for the specified consumer. It should be called + // before the operation is executed. + // + // This method requires the `servicemanagement.services.quota` + // permission on the specified service. For more information, see + // [Cloud IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam). + // + // **NOTE:** The client **must** fail-open on server errors `INTERNAL`, + // `UNKNOWN`, `DEADLINE_EXCEEDED`, and `UNAVAILABLE`. To ensure system + // reliability, the server may inject these errors to prohibit any hard + // dependency on the quota functionality. + rpc AllocateQuota(AllocateQuotaRequest) returns (AllocateQuotaResponse) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/v1/services/{service_name}:allocateQuota" + body: "*" + }; + } +} + +// Request message for the AllocateQuota method. +message AllocateQuotaRequest { + // Name of the service as specified in the service configuration. For example, + // `"pubsub.googleapis.com"`. + // + // See [google.api.Service][google.api.Service] for the definition of a service name. + string service_name = 1; + + // Operation that describes the quota allocation. + QuotaOperation allocate_operation = 2; + + // Specifies which version of service configuration should be used to process + // the request. If unspecified or no matching version can be found, the latest + // one will be used. + string service_config_id = 4; +} + +// Represents information regarding a quota operation. +message QuotaOperation { + // Supported quota modes. + enum QuotaMode { + // Guard against implicit default. Must not be used. + UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // For AllocateQuota request, allocates quota for the amount specified in + // the service configuration or specified using the quota metrics. If the + // amount is higher than the available quota, allocation error will be + // returned and no quota will be allocated. + // If multiple quotas are part of the request, and one fails, none of the + // quotas are allocated or released. + NORMAL = 1; + + // The operation allocates quota for the amount specified in the service + // configuration or specified using the quota metrics. If the amount is + // higher than the available quota, request does not fail but all available + // quota will be allocated. + // For rate quota, BEST_EFFORT will continue to deduct from other groups + // even if one does not have enough quota. For allocation, it will find the + // minimum available amount across all groups and deduct that amount from + // all the affected groups. + BEST_EFFORT = 2; + + // For AllocateQuota request, only checks if there is enough quota + // available and does not change the available quota. No lock is placed on + // the available quota either. + CHECK_ONLY = 3; + + // Unimplemented. When used in AllocateQuotaRequest, this returns the + // effective quota limit(s) in the response, and no quota check will be + // performed. Not supported for other requests, and even for + // AllocateQuotaRequest, this is currently supported only for allowlisted + // services. + QUERY_ONLY = 4; + + // The operation allocates quota for the amount specified in the service + // configuration or specified using the quota metrics. If the requested + // amount is higher than the available quota, request does not fail and + // remaining quota would become negative (going over the limit). + // Not supported for Rate Quota. + ADJUST_ONLY = 5; + } + + // Identity of the operation. This is expected to be unique within the scope + // of the service that generated the operation, and guarantees idempotency in + // case of retries. + // + // In order to ensure best performance and latency in the Quota backends, + // operation_ids are optimally associated with time, so that related + // operations can be accessed fast in storage. For this reason, the + // recommended token for services that intend to operate at a high QPS is + // Unix time in nanos + UUID + string operation_id = 1; + + // Fully qualified name of the API method for which this quota operation is + // requested. This name is used for matching quota rules or metric rules and + // billing status rules defined in service configuration. + // + // This field should not be set if any of the following is true: + // (1) the quota operation is performed on non-API resources. + // (2) quota_metrics is set because the caller is doing quota override. + // + // + // Example of an RPC method name: + // google.example.library.v1.LibraryService.CreateShelf + string method_name = 2; + + // Identity of the consumer for whom this quota operation is being performed. + // + // This can be in one of the following formats: + // project:, + // project_number:, + // api_key:. + string consumer_id = 3; + + // Labels describing the operation. + map labels = 4; + + // Represents information about this operation. Each MetricValueSet + // corresponds to a metric defined in the service configuration. + // The data type used in the MetricValueSet must agree with + // the data type specified in the metric definition. + // + // Within a single operation, it is not allowed to have more than one + // MetricValue instances that have the same metric names and identical + // label value combinations. If a request has such duplicated MetricValue + // instances, the entire request is rejected with + // an invalid argument error. + // + // This field is mutually exclusive with method_name. + repeated MetricValueSet quota_metrics = 5; + + // Quota mode for this operation. + QuotaMode quota_mode = 6; +} + +// Response message for the AllocateQuota method. +message AllocateQuotaResponse { + // The same operation_id value used in the AllocateQuotaRequest. Used for + // logging and diagnostics purposes. + string operation_id = 1; + + // Indicates the decision of the allocate. + repeated QuotaError allocate_errors = 2; + + // Quota metrics to indicate the result of allocation. Depending on the + // request, one or more of the following metrics will be included: + // + // 1. Per quota group or per quota metric incremental usage will be specified + // using the following delta metric : + // "serviceruntime.googleapis.com/api/consumer/quota_used_count" + // + // 2. The quota limit reached condition will be specified using the following + // boolean metric : + // "serviceruntime.googleapis.com/quota/exceeded" + repeated MetricValueSet quota_metrics = 3; + + // ID of the actual config used to process the request. + string service_config_id = 4; +} + +// Represents error information for [QuotaOperation][google.api.servicecontrol.v1.QuotaOperation]. +message QuotaError { + // Error codes related to project config validations are deprecated since the + // quota controller methods do not perform these validations. Instead services + // have to call the Check method, without quota_properties field, to perform + // these validations before calling the quota controller methods. These + // methods check only for project deletion to be wipe out compliant. + enum Code { + // This is never used. + UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // Quota allocation failed. + // Same as [google.rpc.Code.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED][google.rpc.Code.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED]. + RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED = 8; + + // Consumer cannot access the service because the service requires active + // billing. + BILLING_NOT_ACTIVE = 107; + + // Consumer's project has been marked as deleted (soft deletion). + PROJECT_DELETED = 108; + + // Specified API key is invalid. + API_KEY_INVALID = 105; + + // Specified API Key has expired. + API_KEY_EXPIRED = 112; + } + + // Error code. + Code code = 1; + + // Subject to whom this error applies. See the specific enum for more details + // on this field. For example, "clientip:" or + // "project:". + string subject = 2; + + // Free-form text that provides details on the cause of the error. + string description = 3; + + // Contains additional information about the quota error. + // If available, `status.code` will be non zero. + google.rpc.Status status = 4; +} diff --git a/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/service_controller.proto b/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/service_controller.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0c758e --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/service_controller.proto @@ -0,0 +1,255 @@ +// Copyright 2021 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.servicecontrol.v1; + +import "google/api/annotations.proto"; +import "google/api/client.proto"; +import "google/api/servicecontrol/v1/check_error.proto"; +import "google/api/servicecontrol/v1/operation.proto"; +import "google/rpc/status.proto"; + +option cc_enable_arenas = true; +option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.ServiceControl.V1"; +option go_package = "cloud.google.com/go/servicecontrol/apiv1/servicecontrolpb;servicecontrolpb"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "ServiceControllerProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.servicecontrol.v1"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GASC"; +option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\ServiceControl\\V1"; +option ruby_package = "Google::Cloud::ServiceControl::V1"; + +// [Google Service Control API](/service-control/overview) +// +// Lets clients check and report operations against a [managed +// service](https://cloud.google.com/service-management/reference/rpc/google.api/servicemanagement.v1#google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ManagedService). +service ServiceController { + option (google.api.default_host) = "servicecontrol.googleapis.com"; + option (google.api.oauth_scopes) = + "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform," + "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/servicecontrol"; + + // Checks whether an operation on a service should be allowed to proceed + // based on the configuration of the service and related policies. It must be + // called before the operation is executed. + // + // If feasible, the client should cache the check results and reuse them for + // 60 seconds. In case of any server errors, the client should rely on the + // cached results for much longer time to avoid outage. + // WARNING: There is general 60s delay for the configuration and policy + // propagation, therefore callers MUST NOT depend on the `Check` method having + // the latest policy information. + // + // NOTE: the [CheckRequest][google.api.servicecontrol.v1.CheckRequest] has + // the size limit (wire-format byte size) of 1MB. + // + // This method requires the `servicemanagement.services.check` permission + // on the specified service. For more information, see + // [Cloud IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam). + rpc Check(CheckRequest) returns (CheckResponse) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/v1/services/{service_name}:check" + body: "*" + }; + } + + // Reports operation results to Google Service Control, such as logs and + // metrics. It should be called after an operation is completed. + // + // If feasible, the client should aggregate reporting data for up to 5 + // seconds to reduce API traffic. Limiting aggregation to 5 seconds is to + // reduce data loss during client crashes. Clients should carefully choose + // the aggregation time window to avoid data loss risk more than 0.01% + // for business and compliance reasons. + // + // NOTE: the [ReportRequest][google.api.servicecontrol.v1.ReportRequest] has + // the size limit (wire-format byte size) of 1MB. + // + // This method requires the `servicemanagement.services.report` permission + // on the specified service. For more information, see + // [Google Cloud IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam). + rpc Report(ReportRequest) returns (ReportResponse) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/v1/services/{service_name}:report" + body: "*" + }; + } +} + +// Request message for the Check method. +message CheckRequest { + // The service name as specified in its service configuration. For example, + // `"pubsub.googleapis.com"`. + // + // See + // [google.api.Service](https://cloud.google.com/service-management/reference/rpc/google.api#google.api.Service) + // for the definition of a service name. + string service_name = 1; + + // The operation to be checked. + Operation operation = 2; + + // Specifies which version of service configuration should be used to process + // the request. + // + // If unspecified or no matching version can be found, the + // latest one will be used. + string service_config_id = 4; +} + +// Response message for the Check method. +message CheckResponse { + // Contains additional information about the check operation. + message CheckInfo { + // A list of fields and label keys that are ignored by the server. + // The client doesn't need to send them for following requests to improve + // performance and allow better aggregation. + repeated string unused_arguments = 1; + + // Consumer info of this check. + ConsumerInfo consumer_info = 2; + } + + // `ConsumerInfo` provides information about the consumer. + message ConsumerInfo { + // The type of the consumer as defined in + // [Google Resource Manager](https://cloud.google.com/resource-manager/). + enum ConsumerType { + // This is never used. + CONSUMER_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // The consumer is a Google Cloud Project. + PROJECT = 1; + + // The consumer is a Google Cloud Folder. + FOLDER = 2; + + // The consumer is a Google Cloud Organization. + ORGANIZATION = 3; + + // Service-specific resource container which is defined by the service + // producer to offer their users the ability to manage service control + // functionalities at a finer level of granularity than the PROJECT. + SERVICE_SPECIFIC = 4; + } + + // The Google cloud project number, e.g. 1234567890. A value of 0 indicates + // no project number is found. + // + // NOTE: This field is deprecated after we support flexible consumer + // id. New code should not depend on this field anymore. + int64 project_number = 1; + + // The type of the consumer which should have been defined in + // [Google Resource Manager](https://cloud.google.com/resource-manager/). + ConsumerType type = 2; + + // The consumer identity number, can be Google cloud project number, folder + // number or organization number e.g. 1234567890. A value of 0 indicates no + // consumer number is found. + int64 consumer_number = 3; + } + + // The same operation_id value used in the + // [CheckRequest][google.api.servicecontrol.v1.CheckRequest]. Used for logging + // and diagnostics purposes. + string operation_id = 1; + + // Indicate the decision of the check. + // + // If no check errors are present, the service should process the operation. + // Otherwise the service should use the list of errors to determine the + // appropriate action. + repeated CheckError check_errors = 2; + + // The actual config id used to process the request. + string service_config_id = 5; + + // The current service rollout id used to process the request. + string service_rollout_id = 11; + + // Feedback data returned from the server during processing a Check request. + CheckInfo check_info = 6; +} + +// Request message for the Report method. +message ReportRequest { + // The service name as specified in its service configuration. For example, + // `"pubsub.googleapis.com"`. + // + // See + // [google.api.Service](https://cloud.google.com/service-management/reference/rpc/google.api#google.api.Service) + // for the definition of a service name. + string service_name = 1; + + // Operations to be reported. + // + // Typically the service should report one operation per request. + // Putting multiple operations into a single request is allowed, but should + // be used only when multiple operations are natually available at the time + // of the report. + // + // There is no limit on the number of operations in the same ReportRequest, + // however the ReportRequest size should be no larger than 1MB. See + // [ReportResponse.report_errors][google.api.servicecontrol.v1.ReportResponse.report_errors] + // for partial failure behavior. + repeated Operation operations = 2; + + // Specifies which version of service config should be used to process the + // request. + // + // If unspecified or no matching version can be found, the + // latest one will be used. + string service_config_id = 3; +} + +// Response message for the Report method. +message ReportResponse { + // Represents the processing error of one + // [Operation][google.api.servicecontrol.v1.Operation] in the request. + message ReportError { + // The + // [Operation.operation_id][google.api.servicecontrol.v1.Operation.operation_id] + // value from the request. + string operation_id = 1; + + // Details of the error when processing the + // [Operation][google.api.servicecontrol.v1.Operation]. + google.rpc.Status status = 2; + } + + // Partial failures, one for each `Operation` in the request that failed + // processing. There are three possible combinations of the RPC status: + // + // 1. The combination of a successful RPC status and an empty `report_errors` + // list indicates a complete success where all `Operations` in the + // request are processed successfully. + // 2. The combination of a successful RPC status and a non-empty + // `report_errors` list indicates a partial success where some + // `Operations` in the request succeeded. Each + // `Operation` that failed processing has a corresponding item + // in this list. + // 3. A failed RPC status indicates a general non-deterministic failure. + // When this happens, it's impossible to know which of the + // 'Operations' in the request succeeded or failed. + repeated ReportError report_errors = 1; + + // The actual config id used to process the request. + string service_config_id = 2; + + // The current service rollout id used to process the request. + string service_rollout_id = 4; +} diff --git a/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/servicecontrol.yaml b/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/servicecontrol.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a2b568 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/servicecontrol.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ +type: google.api.Service +config_version: 3 +name: servicecontrol.googleapis.com +title: Service Control API + +apis: +- name: google.api.servicecontrol.v1.QuotaController +- name: google.api.servicecontrol.v1.ServiceController + +documentation: + summary: |- + Provides admission control and telemetry reporting for services integrated + with Service Infrastructure. + overview: |- + Google Service Control provides control plane functionality to managed + services, such as logging, monitoring, and status checks. This page + provides an overview of what it does and how it works. + + ## Why use Service Control? + + When you develop a cloud service, you typically start with the business + requirements and the architecture design, then proceed with API definition + and implementation. Before you put your service into production, you + need to deal with many control plane issues: + + * How to control access to your service. + * How to send logging and monitoring data to both consumers and producers. + * How to create and manage dashboards to visualize this data. + * How to automatically scale the control plane components with your + service. + + Service Control is a mature and feature-rich control plane provider + that addresses these needs with high efficiency, high scalability, + and high availability. It provides a simple public API that can be + accessed from anywhere using JSON REST and gRPC clients, so when you move + your service from on-premise to a cloud provider, or from one cloud + provider to another, you don't need to change the control plane provider. + + Services built using Google Cloud Endpoints already take advantage of + Service Control. Cloud Endpoints sends logging and monitoring data + through Google Service Control for every request arriving at its + proxy. If you need to report any additional logging and monitoring data + for your Cloud Endpoints service, you can call the Service Control API + directly from your service. + + The Service Control API definition is open sourced and available on + [GitHub](https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/tree/master/google/api/servicecontrol). By + changing the DNS name, you can easily use alternative implementations + of the Service Control API. + + ## Architecture + + Google Service Control works with a set of *managed services* and their + *operations* (activities), *checks* whether an operation is allowed to + proceed, and *reports* completed operations. Behind the scenes, it + leverages other + Google Cloud services, such as + [Google Service + Management](/service-infrastructure/docs/service-management/getting-started), [Stackdriver + Logging](/logging), and [Stackdriver Monitoring](/monitoring), while + hiding their complexity from service producers. It enables service + producers to send telemetry data to their consumers. It uses caching, + batching, aggregation, and retries to deliver higher performance and + availability than the individual backend systems it encapsulates. + +
+ The overall architecture of a service that uses Google Service
+    Control.
Figure 1: Using Google Service + Control.
+ + The Service Control API provides two methods: + + * + [`services.check`](/service-infrastructure/docs/service-control/reference/rest/v1/services/check), + used for: + * Ensuring valid consumer status + * Validating API keys + * + [`services.report`](/service-infrastructure/docs/service-control/reference/rest/v1/services/report), + used for: + * Sending logs to Stackdriver Logging + * Sending metrics to Stackdriver Monitoring + + We'll look at these in more detail in the rest of this overview. + + ## Managed services + + A [managed + service](/service-infrastructure/docs/service-management/reference/rest/v1/services) is + a network service managed by + [Google Service + Management](/service-infrastructure/docs/service-management/getting-started). Each + managed service has a unique name, such as `example.googleapis.com`, + which must be a valid fully-qualified DNS name, as per RFC 1035. + + For example: + + * Google Cloud Pub/Sub (`pubsub.googleapis.com`) + * Google Cloud Vision (`vision.googleapis.com`) + * Google Cloud Bigtable (`bigtable.googleapis.com`) + * Google Cloud Datastore (`datastore.googleapis.com`) + + Google Service Management manages the lifecycle of each service's + configuration, which is used to customize Google Service Control's + behavior. Service configurations are also used by Google Cloud Console for + displaying APIs and their settings, enabling/disabling APIs, and more. + + ## Operations + + Google Service Control uses the generic concept of an *operation* + to represent the activities of a managed service, such as API calls and + resource usage. Each operation is associated with a managed service and a + specific service consumer, and has a set of properties that describe the + operation, such as the API method name and resource usage amount. For more + information, see the + [Operation + definition](/service-infrastructure/docs/service-control/reference/rest/v1/Operation). ## + Check + + The + [`services.check`](/service-infrastructure/docs/service-control/reference/rest/v1/services/check) method + determines whether an operation should be allowed to proceed for a + managed service. + + For example: + + * Check if the consumer is still active. + * Check if the consumer has enabled the service. + * Check if the API key is still valid. + + By performing multiple checks within a single method call, it provides + better performance, higher reliability, and reduced development cost to + service producers compared to checking with multiple backend systems. + + ## Report + + The + [`services.report`](/service-infrastructure/docs/service-control/reference/rest/v1/services/report) method + reports completed operations for a managed service to backend + systems, such as logging and monitoring. The reported data can be seen in + Google API Console and Google Cloud Console, and retrieved with + appropriate APIs, such as the Stackdriver Logging and Stackdriver + Monitoring APIs. + + ## Next steps + + * Read our [Getting Started + guide](/service-infrastructure/docs/service-control/getting-started) to + find out how to set up and use the Google Service Control API. + +backend: + rules: + - selector: google.api.servicecontrol.v1.QuotaController.AllocateQuota + deadline: 10.0 + - selector: google.api.servicecontrol.v1.ServiceController.Check + deadline: 5.0 + - selector: google.api.servicecontrol.v1.ServiceController.Report + deadline: 16.0 + +authentication: + rules: + - selector: google.api.servicecontrol.v1.QuotaController.AllocateQuota + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/servicecontrol + - selector: google.api.servicecontrol.v1.ServiceController.Check + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/servicecontrol + - selector: google.api.servicecontrol.v1.ServiceController.Report + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/servicecontrol diff --git a/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/servicecontrol_grpc_service_config.json b/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/servicecontrol_grpc_service_config.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e560661 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/servicecontrol/v1/servicecontrol_grpc_service_config.json @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +{ + "methodConfig": [ + { + "name": [ + { + "service": "google.api.servicecontrol.v1.ServiceController", + "method": "Check" + } + ], + "timeout": "5s", + "retryPolicy": { + "maxAttempts": 5, + "initialBackoff": "1s", + "maxBackoff": "10s", + "backoffMultiplier": 1.3, + "retryableStatusCodes": ["UNAVAILABLE"] + } + }, + { + "name": [ + { + "service": "google.api.servicecontrol.v1.ServiceController", + "method": "Report" + } + ], + "timeout": "16s" + } + ] +} diff --git a/google/api/servicecontrol/v2/BUILD.bazel b/google/api/servicecontrol/v2/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..432b060 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/servicecontrol/v2/BUILD.bazel @@ -0,0 +1,325 @@ +# This file was automatically generated by BuildFileGenerator +# https://github.com/googleapis/rules_gapic/tree/master/bazel + +# Most of the manual changes to this file will be overwritten. +# It's **only** allowed to change the following rule attribute values: +# - names of *_gapic_assembly_* rules +# - certain parameters of *_gapic_library rules, including but not limited to: +# * extra_protoc_parameters +# * extra_protoc_file_parameters +# The complete list of preserved parameters can be found in the source code. + +############################################################################## +# Common +############################################################################## +load("@rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", "proto_library") +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "cc_grpc_library", + "cc_proto_library", + "csharp_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "csharp_gapic_library", + "csharp_grpc_library", + "csharp_proto_library", + "go_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "go_gapic_library", + "go_proto_library", + "java_gapic_assembly_gradle_pkg", + "java_gapic_library", + "java_gapic_test", + "java_grpc_library", + "java_proto_library", + "nodejs_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "nodejs_gapic_library", + "php_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "php_gapic_library", + "php_proto_library", + "proto_library_with_info", + "py_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "py_gapic_library", + "py_test", + "ruby_cloud_gapic_library", + "ruby_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "ruby_grpc_library", + "ruby_proto_library", +) + +# This is an API workspace, having public visibility by default makes perfect sense. +package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) + +proto_library( + name = "servicecontrol_proto", + srcs = [ + "service_controller.proto", + ], + deps = [ + "//google/api:annotations_proto", + "//google/api:client_proto", + "//google/rpc:status_proto", + "//google/rpc/context:attribute_context_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library_with_info( + name = "servicecontrol_proto_with_info", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_proto", + "//google/cloud:common_resources_proto", + ], +) + +java_proto_library( + name = "servicecontrol_java_proto", + deps = [":servicecontrol_proto"], +) + +java_grpc_library( + name = "servicecontrol_java_grpc", + srcs = [":servicecontrol_proto"], + deps = [":servicecontrol_java_proto"], +) + +java_gapic_library( + name = "servicecontrol_java_gapic", + srcs = [":servicecontrol_proto_with_info"], + gapic_yaml = None, + grpc_service_config = "servicecontrol_grpc_service_config.json", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "servicecontrol.yaml", + test_deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_java_grpc", + ], + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_java_proto", + "//google/api:api_java_proto", + "//google/rpc/context:attribute_context_java_proto", + ], +) + +java_gapic_test( + name = "servicecontrol_java_gapic_test_suite", + test_classes = [ + "com.google.api.servicecontrol.v2.ServiceControllerClientHttpJsonTest", + "com.google.api.servicecontrol.v2.ServiceControllerClientTest", + ], + runtime_deps = [":servicecontrol_java_gapic_test"], +) + +# Open Source Packages +java_gapic_assembly_gradle_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-api-servicecontrol-v2-java", + include_samples = True, + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_java_gapic", + ":servicecontrol_java_grpc", + ":servicecontrol_java_proto", + ":servicecontrol_proto", + ], +) + +go_proto_library( + name = "servicecontrol_go_proto", + compilers = ["@io_bazel_rules_go//proto:go_grpc"], + importpath = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/servicecontrol/v2", + protos = [":servicecontrol_proto"], + deps = [ + "//google/api:annotations_go_proto", + "//google/rpc:status_go_proto", + "//google/rpc/context:attribute_context_go_proto", + ], +) + +go_gapic_library( + name = "servicecontrol_go_gapic", + srcs = [":servicecontrol_proto_with_info"], + grpc_service_config = "servicecontrol_grpc_service_config.json", + importpath = "cloud.google.com/go/api/servicecontrol/apiv2;servicecontrol", + metadata = True, + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "servicecontrol.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_go_proto", + ], +) + +# Open Source Packages +go_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "gapi-cloud-api-servicecontrol-v2-go", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_go_gapic", + ":servicecontrol_go_gapic_srcjar-metadata.srcjar", + ":servicecontrol_go_gapic_srcjar-snippets.srcjar", + ":servicecontrol_go_gapic_srcjar-test.srcjar", + ":servicecontrol_go_proto", + ], +) + +py_gapic_library( + name = "servicecontrol_py_gapic", + srcs = [":servicecontrol_proto"], + grpc_service_config = "servicecontrol_grpc_service_config.json", + opt_args = [ + "python-gapic-name=servicecontrol", + "python-gapic-namespace=google.cloud", + "warehouse-package-name=google-cloud-service-control", + ], + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "servicecontrol.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", +) + +py_test( + name = "servicecontrol_py_gapic_test", + srcs = [ + "servicecontrol_py_gapic_pytest.py", + "servicecontrol_py_gapic_test.py", + ], + legacy_create_init = False, + deps = [":servicecontrol_py_gapic"], +) + +# Open Source Packages +py_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "api-servicecontrol-v2-py", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_py_gapic", + ], +) + +php_proto_library( + name = "servicecontrol_php_proto", + deps = [":servicecontrol_proto"], +) + +php_gapic_library( + name = "servicecontrol_php_gapic", + srcs = [":servicecontrol_proto_with_info"], + grpc_service_config = "servicecontrol_grpc_service_config.json", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "servicecontrol.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [":servicecontrol_php_proto"], +) + +# Open Source Packages +php_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-api-servicecontrol-v2-php", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_php_gapic", + ":servicecontrol_php_proto", + ], +) + +nodejs_gapic_library( + name = "servicecontrol_nodejs_gapic", + package_name = "@google-cloud/servicecontrol", + src = ":servicecontrol_proto_with_info", + extra_protoc_parameters = ["metadata"], + grpc_service_config = "servicecontrol_grpc_service_config.json", + package = "google.api.servicecontrol.v2", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "servicecontrol.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [], +) + +nodejs_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "api-servicecontrol-v2-nodejs", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_nodejs_gapic", + ":servicecontrol_proto", + ], +) + +ruby_proto_library( + name = "servicecontrol_ruby_proto", + deps = [":servicecontrol_proto"], +) + +ruby_grpc_library( + name = "servicecontrol_ruby_grpc", + srcs = [":servicecontrol_proto"], + deps = [":servicecontrol_ruby_proto"], +) + +ruby_cloud_gapic_library( + name = "servicecontrol_ruby_gapic", + srcs = [":servicecontrol_proto_with_info"], + extra_protoc_parameters = [ + "ruby-cloud-api-id=servicecontrol.googleapis.com", + "ruby-cloud-api-shortname=servicecontrol", + "ruby-cloud-env-prefix=SERVICE_CONTROL", + "ruby-cloud-gem-name=google-cloud-service_control-v2", + "ruby-cloud-product-url=https://cloud.google.com/service-infrastructure/docs/overview/", + ], + grpc_service_config = "servicecontrol_grpc_service_config.json", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + ruby_cloud_description = "The Service Control API provides control plane functionality to managed services, such as logging, monitoring, and status checks.", + ruby_cloud_title = "Service Control API V2", + service_yaml = "servicecontrol.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_ruby_grpc", + ":servicecontrol_ruby_proto", + ], +) + +# Open Source Packages +ruby_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-api-servicecontrol-v2-ruby", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_ruby_gapic", + ":servicecontrol_ruby_grpc", + ":servicecontrol_ruby_proto", + ], +) + +csharp_proto_library( + name = "servicecontrol_csharp_proto", + deps = [":servicecontrol_proto"], +) + +csharp_grpc_library( + name = "servicecontrol_csharp_grpc", + srcs = [":servicecontrol_proto"], + deps = [":servicecontrol_csharp_proto"], +) + +csharp_gapic_library( + name = "servicecontrol_csharp_gapic", + srcs = [":servicecontrol_proto_with_info"], + common_resources_config = "@gax_dotnet//:Google.Api.Gax/ResourceNames/CommonResourcesConfig.json", + grpc_service_config = "servicecontrol_grpc_service_config.json", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "servicecontrol.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_csharp_grpc", + ":servicecontrol_csharp_proto", + ], +) + +# Open Source Packages +csharp_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-api-servicecontrol-v2-csharp", + deps = [ + ":servicecontrol_csharp_gapic", + ":servicecontrol_csharp_grpc", + ":servicecontrol_csharp_proto", + ], +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "servicecontrol_cc_proto", + deps = [":servicecontrol_proto"], +) + +cc_grpc_library( + name = "servicecontrol_cc_grpc", + srcs = [":servicecontrol_proto"], + grpc_only = True, + deps = [":servicecontrol_cc_proto"], +) diff --git a/google/api/servicecontrol/v2/service_controller.proto b/google/api/servicecontrol/v2/service_controller.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff226a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/servicecontrol/v2/service_controller.proto @@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ +// Copyright 2022 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.servicecontrol.v2; + +import "google/api/annotations.proto"; +import "google/api/client.proto"; +import "google/rpc/context/attribute_context.proto"; +import "google/rpc/status.proto"; + +option cc_enable_arenas = true; +option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.ServiceControl.V2"; +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/servicecontrol/v2;servicecontrol"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "ServiceControllerProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.servicecontrol.v2"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GASC"; +option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\ServiceControl\\V2"; +option ruby_package = "Google::Cloud::ServiceControl::V2"; + +// [Service Control API +// v2](https://cloud.google.com/service-infrastructure/docs/service-control/access-control) +// +// Private Preview. This feature is only available for approved services. +// +// This API provides admission control and telemetry reporting for services +// that are integrated with [Service +// Infrastructure](https://cloud.google.com/service-infrastructure). +service ServiceController { + option (google.api.default_host) = "servicecontrol.googleapis.com"; + option (google.api.oauth_scopes) = + "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform," + "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/servicecontrol"; + + // Private Preview. This feature is only available for approved services. + // + // This method provides admission control for services that are integrated + // with [Service + // Infrastructure](https://cloud.google.com/service-infrastructure). It checks + // whether an operation should be allowed based on the service configuration + // and relevant policies. It must be called before the operation is executed. + // For more information, see + // [Admission + // Control](https://cloud.google.com/service-infrastructure/docs/admission-control). + // + // NOTE: The admission control has an expected policy propagation delay of + // 60s. The caller **must** not depend on the most recent policy changes. + // + // NOTE: The admission control has a hard limit of 1 referenced resources + // per call. If an operation refers to more than 1 resources, the caller + // must call the Check method multiple times. + // + // This method requires the `servicemanagement.services.check` permission + // on the specified service. For more information, see + // [Service Control API Access + // Control](https://cloud.google.com/service-infrastructure/docs/service-control/access-control). + rpc Check(CheckRequest) returns (CheckResponse) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/v2/services/{service_name}:check" + body: "*" + }; + } + + // Private Preview. This feature is only available for approved services. + // + // This method provides telemetry reporting for services that are integrated + // with [Service + // Infrastructure](https://cloud.google.com/service-infrastructure). It + // reports a list of operations that have occurred on a service. It must be + // called after the operations have been executed. For more information, see + // [Telemetry + // Reporting](https://cloud.google.com/service-infrastructure/docs/telemetry-reporting). + // + // NOTE: The telemetry reporting has a hard limit of 1000 operations and 1MB + // per Report call. It is recommended to have no more than 100 operations per + // call. + // + // This method requires the `servicemanagement.services.report` permission + // on the specified service. For more information, see + // [Service Control API Access + // Control](https://cloud.google.com/service-infrastructure/docs/service-control/access-control). + rpc Report(ReportRequest) returns (ReportResponse) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/v2/services/{service_name}:report" + body: "*" + }; + } +} + +// Request message for the Check method. +message CheckRequest { + // The service name as specified in its service configuration. For example, + // `"pubsub.googleapis.com"`. + // + // See + // [google.api.Service](https://cloud.google.com/service-management/reference/rpc/google.api#google.api.Service) + // for the definition of a service name. + string service_name = 1; + + // Specifies the version of the service configuration that should be used to + // process the request. Must not be empty. Set this field to 'latest' to + // specify using the latest configuration. + string service_config_id = 2; + + // Describes attributes about the operation being executed by the service. + google.rpc.context.AttributeContext attributes = 3; + + // Describes the resources and the policies applied to each resource. + repeated ResourceInfo resources = 4; + + // Optional. Contains a comma-separated list of flags. + string flags = 5; +} + +// Describes a resource referenced in the request. +message ResourceInfo { + // The name of the resource referenced in the request. + string name = 1; + + // The resource type in the format of "{service}/{kind}". + string type = 2; + + // The resource permission needed for this request. + // The format must be "{service}/{plural}.{verb}". + string permission = 3; + + // Optional. The identifier of the container of this resource. For Google + // Cloud APIs, the resource container must be one of the following formats: + // - `projects/` + // - `folders/` + // - `organizations/` + // For the policy enforcement on the container level (VPCSC and Location + // Policy check), this field takes precedence on the container extracted from + // name when presents. + string container = 4; + + // Optional. The location of the resource. The value must be a valid zone, + // region or multiregion. For example: "europe-west4" or + // "northamerica-northeast1-a" + string location = 5; +} + +// Response message for the Check method. +message CheckResponse { + // Operation is allowed when this field is not set. Any non-'OK' status + // indicates a denial; [google.rpc.Status.details][google.rpc.Status.details] + // would contain additional details about the denial. + google.rpc.Status status = 1; + + // Returns a set of request contexts generated from the `CheckRequest`. + map headers = 2; +} + +// Request message for the Report method. +message ReportRequest { + // The service name as specified in its service configuration. For example, + // `"pubsub.googleapis.com"`. + // + // See + // [google.api.Service](https://cloud.google.com/service-management/reference/rpc/google.api#google.api.Service) + // for the definition of a service name. + string service_name = 1; + + // Specifies the version of the service configuration that should be used to + // process the request. Must not be empty. Set this field to 'latest' to + // specify using the latest configuration. + string service_config_id = 2; + + // Describes the list of operations to be reported. Each operation is + // represented as an AttributeContext, and contains all attributes around an + // API access. + repeated google.rpc.context.AttributeContext operations = 3; +} + +// Response message for the Report method. +// If the request contains any invalid data, the server returns an RPC error. +message ReportResponse {} + +// Message containing resource details in a batch mode. +message ResourceInfoList { + // The resource details. + repeated ResourceInfo resources = 1; +} diff --git a/google/api/servicecontrol/v2/servicecontrol.yaml b/google/api/servicecontrol/v2/servicecontrol.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9fd969f --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/servicecontrol/v2/servicecontrol.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +type: google.api.Service +config_version: 3 +name: servicecontrol.googleapis.com +title: Service Control API + +apis: +- name: google.api.servicecontrol.v2.ServiceController + +documentation: + summary: |- + Provides admission control and telemetry reporting for services integrated + with Service Infrastructure. + overview: |- + Google Service Control provides control plane functionality to managed + services, such as logging, monitoring, and status checks. This page + provides an overview of what it does and how it works. + + ## Why use Service Control? + + When you develop a cloud service, you typically start with the business + requirements and the architecture design, then proceed with API definition + and implementation. Before you put your service into production, you + need to deal with many control plane issues: + + * How to control access to your service. + * How to send logging and monitoring data to both consumers and producers. + * How to create and manage dashboards to visualize this data. + * How to automatically scale the control plane components with your + service. + + Service Control is a mature and feature-rich control plane provider + that addresses these needs with high efficiency, high scalability, + and high availability. It provides a simple public API that can be + accessed from anywhere using JSON REST and gRPC clients, so when you move + your service from on-premise to a cloud provider, or from one cloud + provider to another, you don't need to change the control plane provider. + + Services built using Google Cloud Endpoints already take advantage of + Service Control. Cloud Endpoints sends logging and monitoring data + through Google Service Control for every request arriving at its + proxy. If you need to report any additional logging and monitoring data + for your Cloud Endpoints service, you can call the Service Control API + directly from your service. + + The Service Control API definition is open sourced and available on + [GitHub](https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/tree/master/google/api/servicecontrol). By + changing the DNS name, you can easily use alternative implementations + of the Service Control API. + + ## Architecture + + Google Service Control works with a set of *managed services* and their + *operations* (activities), *checks* whether an operation is allowed to + proceed, and *reports* completed operations. Behind the scenes, it + leverages other + Google Cloud services, such as + [Google Service + Management](https://cloud.google.com/service-infrastructure/docs/service-management/getting-started), [Stackdriver + Logging](https://cloud.google.com/products/operations), and [Stackdriver + Monitoring](https://cloud.google.com/monitoring), while hiding their + complexity from service producers. It enables service + producers to send telemetry data to their consumers. It uses caching, + batching, aggregation, and retries to deliver higher performance and + availability than the individual backend systems it encapsulates. + +
+ The overall architecture of a service that uses Google Service
+    Control.
Figure 1: Using Google Service + Control.
+ + The Service Control API provides two methods: + + * + [`services.check`](https://cloud.google.com/service-infrastructure/docs/service-control/reference/rest/v1/services/check), + used for: + * Ensuring valid consumer status + * Validating API keys + * + [`services.report`](https://cloud.google.com/service-infrastructure/docs/service-control/reference/rest/v1/services/report), + used for: + * Sending logs to Stackdriver Logging + * Sending metrics to Stackdriver Monitoring + + We'll look at these in more detail in the rest of this overview. + + ## Managed services + + A [managed + service](https://cloud.google.com/service-infrastructure/docs/service-control/reference/rest/v1/services) is + a network service managed by + [Google Service + Management](https://cloud.google.com/service-infrastructure/docs/service-management/getting-started). Each + managed service has a unique name, such as `example.googleapis.com`, + which must be a valid fully-qualified DNS name, as per RFC 1035. + + For example: + + * Google Cloud Pub/Sub (`pubsub.googleapis.com`) + * Google Cloud Vision (`vision.googleapis.com`) + * Google Cloud Bigtable (`bigtable.googleapis.com`) + * Google Cloud Datastore (`datastore.googleapis.com`) + + Google Service Management manages the lifecycle of each service's + configuration, which is used to customize Google Service Control's + behavior. Service configurations are also used by Google Cloud Console for + displaying APIs and their settings, enabling/disabling APIs, and more. + + ## Operations + + Google Service Control uses the generic concept of an *operation* + to represent the activities of a managed service, such as API calls and + resource usage. Each operation is associated with a managed service and a + specific service consumer, and has a set of properties that describe the + operation, such as the API method name and resource usage amount. For more + information, see the + [Operation + definition](https://cloud.google.com/service-infrastructure/docs/service-control/reference/rest/v1/Operation). ## + Check + + The + [`services.check`](https://cloud.google.com/service-infrastructure/docs/service-control/reference/rest/v1/services/check) method + determines whether an operation should be allowed to proceed for a + managed service. + + For example: + + * Check if the consumer is still active. + * Check if the consumer has enabled the service. + * Check if the API key is still valid. + + By performing multiple checks within a single method call, it provides + better performance, higher reliability, and reduced development cost to + service producers compared to checking with multiple backend systems. + + ## Report + + The + [`services.report`](https://cloud.google.com/service-infrastructure/docs/service-control/reference/rest/v1/services/report) method + reports completed operations for a managed service to backend + systems, such as logging and monitoring. The reported data can be seen in + Google API Console and Google Cloud Console, and retrieved with + appropriate APIs, such as the Stackdriver Logging and Stackdriver + Monitoring APIs. + + ## Next steps + + * Read our [Getting Started + guide](https://cloud.google.com/service-infrastructure/docs/service-control/getting-started) + to find out how to set up and use the Google Service Control API. + +backend: + rules: + - selector: google.api.servicecontrol.v2.ServiceController.Check + deadline: 5.0 + - selector: google.api.servicecontrol.v2.ServiceController.Report + deadline: 5.0 + +authentication: + rules: + - selector: google.api.servicecontrol.v2.ServiceController.Check + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/servicecontrol + - selector: google.api.servicecontrol.v2.ServiceController.Report + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/servicecontrol diff --git a/google/api/servicecontrol/v2/servicecontrol_grpc_service_config.json b/google/api/servicecontrol/v2/servicecontrol_grpc_service_config.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1ebcef --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/servicecontrol/v2/servicecontrol_grpc_service_config.json @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +{ + "methodConfig": [ + { + "name": [ + { + "service": "google.api.servicecontrol.v2.ServiceController", + "method": "Check" + } + ], + "timeout": "5s", + "retryPolicy": { + "maxAttempts": 5, + "initialBackoff": "1s", + "maxBackoff": "10s", + "backoffMultiplier": 1.3, + "retryableStatusCodes": ["UNAVAILABLE"] + } + } + ] +} diff --git a/google/api/servicemanagement/BUILD.bazel b/google/api/servicemanagement/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..16251df --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/servicemanagement/BUILD.bazel @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +# This build file includes a target for the Ruby wrapper library for +# google-cloud-service_management. + +# This is an API workspace, having public visibility by default makes perfect sense. +package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) + +# Export yaml configs. +exports_files(glob(["*.yaml"])) + +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "ruby_cloud_gapic_library", + "ruby_gapic_assembly_pkg", +) + +# Generates a Ruby wrapper client for servicemanagement. +# Ruby wrapper clients are versionless, but are generated from source protos +# for a particular service version, v1 in this case. +ruby_cloud_gapic_library( + name = "servicemanagement_ruby_wrapper", + srcs = ["//google/api/servicemanagement/v1:servicemanagement_proto_with_info"], + extra_protoc_parameters = [ + "ruby-cloud-gem-name=google-cloud-service_management", + "ruby-cloud-env-prefix=SERVICE_MANAGEMENT", + "ruby-cloud-wrapper-of=v1:0.5", + "ruby-cloud-product-url=https://cloud.google.com/service-infrastructure/docs/overview/", + "ruby-cloud-api-id=servicemanagement.googleapis.com", + "ruby-cloud-api-shortname=servicemanagement", + ], + ruby_cloud_description = "Google Service Management allows service producers to publish their services on Google Cloud Platform so that they can be discovered and used by service consumers.", + ruby_cloud_title = "Service Management", + transport = "grpc+rest", +) + +# Open Source package. +ruby_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-servicemanagement-ruby", + deps = [ + ":servicemanagement_ruby_wrapper", + ], +) diff --git a/google/api/servicemanagement/README.md b/google/api/servicemanagement/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e3e36df --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/servicemanagement/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +Google Service Management manages a set of *services*. Service +Management allows *service producers* to +publish their services on Google Cloud Platform so that they can be discovered +and used by *service consumers*. It also handles the tasks of tracking +service lifecycle and programming various backend systems -- such as +[Stackdriver Logging](https://cloud.google.com/stackdriver), +[Stackdriver Monitoring](https://cloud.google.com/stackdriver) -- to support +the managed services. + +If you are a service producer, you can use the Google Service Management API +and [Google Cloud SDK (gcloud)](/sdk) to publish and manage your services. +Each managed service has a service configuration which declares various aspects +of the service such as its API surface, along with parameters to configure the +supporting backend +systems, such as logging and monitoring. If you build your service using +[Google Cloud Endpoints](https://cloud.google.com/endpoints/), the service +configuration will be handled automatically. + +If you are a service consumer and want to use a managed service, you can use the +Google Service Management API or [Google Cloud Console](https://console.cloud.google.com) +to activate the +service for your [Google developer project](https://developers.google.com/console/help/new/), +then start using its APIs and functions. + +## Managed services + +REST URL: `https://servicemanagement.googleapis.com/v1/services/{service-name}`
+REST schema is defined [here](/service-management/reference/rest/v1/services). + +A managed service refers to a network service managed by +Service Management. Each managed service has a unique name, such as +`example.googleapis.com`, which must be a valid fully-qualified DNS name, as per +RFC 1035. + +A managed service typically provides some REST APIs and/or other +functions to their service consumers, such as mobile apps or cloud services. + +Service producers can use methods, such as +[services.create](/service-management/reference/rest/v1/services/create), +[services.delete](/service-management/reference/rest/v1/services/delete), +[services.undelete](/service-management/reference/rest/v1/services/undelete), +to manipulate their managed services. + +## Service producers + +A service producer is the Google developer project responsible for publishing +and maintaining a managed service. Each managed service is owned by exactly one +service producer. + +## Service consumers + +A service consumer is a Google developer project that has enabled and can +invoke APIs on a managed service. A managed service can have many service +consumers. + +## Service configuration + +REST URL: `https://servicemanagement.googleapis.com/v1/services/{service-name}/configs/{config_id}`
+REST schema is defined [here](/service-management/reference/rest/v1/services.configs). + +Each managed service is described by a service configuration which covers a wide +range of features, including its name, title, RPC API definitions, +REST API definitions, documentation, authentication, and more. + +To change the configuration of a managed service, the service producer needs to +publish an updated service configuration to Service Management. +Service Management keeps a history of published +service configurations, making it possible to easily retrace how a service's +configuration evolved over time. Service configurations can be published using +the +[services.configs.create](/service-management/reference/rest/v1/services.configs/create) +or [services.configs.submit](/service-management/reference/rest/v1/services.configs/submit) +methods. + +Alternatively, `services.configs.submit` allows publishing an +[OpenAPI](https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification) specification, formerly +known as the Swagger Specification, which is automatically converted to a +corresponding service configuration. + +## Service rollout + +REST URL: `https://servicemanagement.googleapis.com/v1/services/{service-name}/rollouts/{rollout-id}`
+REST schema is defined [here](/service-management/reference/rest/v1/services.rollouts). + +A `Rollout` defines how Google Service Management should deploy service +configurations to backend systems and how the configurations take effect at +runtime. It lets service producers specify multiple service configuration +versions to be deployed together, and a strategy that indicates how they +should be used. + +Updating a managed service's configuration can be dangerous, as a configuration +error can lead to a service outage. To mitigate risks, Service Management +supports gradual rollout of service configuration changes. This feature gives +service producers time to identity potential issues and rollback service +configuration changes in case of errors, thus minimizing the customer +impact of bad configurations. For example, you could specify that 5% of traffic +uses configuration 1, while the remaining 95% uses configuration 2. + +Service Management keeps a history of rollouts so that service +producers can undo to previous configuration versions. You can rollback a configuration +by initiating a new `Rollout` that clones a previously submitted +rollout record. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/google/api/servicemanagement/v1/BUILD.bazel b/google/api/servicemanagement/v1/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c68130 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/servicemanagement/v1/BUILD.bazel @@ -0,0 +1,403 @@ +# This file was automatically generated by BuildFileGenerator +# https://github.com/googleapis/rules_gapic/tree/master/bazel + +# Most of the manual changes to this file will be overwritten. +# It's **only** allowed to change the following rule attribute values: +# - names of *_gapic_assembly_* rules +# - certain parameters of *_gapic_library rules, including but not limited to: +# * extra_protoc_parameters +# * extra_protoc_file_parameters +# The complete list of preserved parameters can be found in the source code. + +# This is an API workspace, having public visibility by default makes perfect sense. +package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) + +############################################################################## +# Common +############################################################################## +load("@rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", "proto_library") +load("@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", "proto_library_with_info") + +proto_library( + name = "servicemanagement_proto", + srcs = [ + "resources.proto", + "servicemanager.proto", + ], + deps = [ + "//google/api:annotations_proto", + "//google/api:client_proto", + "//google/api:config_change_proto", + "//google/api:field_behavior_proto", + "//google/api:service_proto", + "//google/longrunning:operations_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:any_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:empty_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:timestamp_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library_with_info( + name = "servicemanagement_proto_with_info", + deps = [ + ":servicemanagement_proto", + "//google/cloud:common_resources_proto", + "//google/iam/v1:iam_policy_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# Java +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "java_gapic_assembly_gradle_pkg", + "java_gapic_library", + "java_gapic_test", + "java_grpc_library", + "java_proto_library", +) + +java_proto_library( + name = "servicemanagement_java_proto", + deps = [":servicemanagement_proto"], +) + +java_grpc_library( + name = "servicemanagement_java_grpc", + srcs = [":servicemanagement_proto"], + deps = [":servicemanagement_java_proto"], +) + +java_gapic_library( + name = "servicemanagement_java_gapic", + srcs = [":servicemanagement_proto_with_info"], + gapic_yaml = "servicemanagement_gapic.yaml", + grpc_service_config = "servicemanagement_grpc_service_config.json", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "servicemanagement_v1.yaml", + test_deps = [ + "//google/iam/v1:iam_java_grpc", + ":servicemanagement_java_grpc", + ], + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":servicemanagement_java_proto", + "//google/api:api_java_proto", + "//google/iam/v1:iam_java_proto", + ], +) + +java_gapic_test( + name = "servicemanagement_java_gapic_test_suite", + test_classes = [ + # This test is temporarily disabled due to the issue: + # https://github.com/googleapis/sdk-platform-java/issues/1780 + # "com.google.cloud.api.servicemanagement.v1.ServiceManagerClientHttpJsonTest", + "com.google.cloud.api.servicemanagement.v1.ServiceManagerClientTest", + ], + runtime_deps = [":servicemanagement_java_gapic_test"], +) + +# Open Source Packages +java_gapic_assembly_gradle_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-api-servicemanagement-v1-java", + include_samples = True, + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":servicemanagement_java_gapic", + ":servicemanagement_java_grpc", + ":servicemanagement_java_proto", + ":servicemanagement_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# Go +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "go_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "go_gapic_library", + "go_proto_library", +) + +go_proto_library( + name = "servicemanagement_go_proto", + compilers = ["@io_bazel_rules_go//proto:go_grpc"], + importpath = "cloud.google.com/go/servicemanagement/apiv1/servicemanagementpb", + protos = [":servicemanagement_proto"], + deps = [ + "//google/api:annotations_go_proto", + "//google/api:configchange_go_proto", + "//google/api:serviceconfig_go_proto", + "//google/longrunning:longrunning_go_proto", + ], +) + +go_gapic_library( + name = "servicemanagement_go_gapic", + srcs = [":servicemanagement_proto_with_info"], + grpc_service_config = "servicemanagement_grpc_service_config.json", + importpath = "cloud.google.com/go/servicemanagement/apiv1;servicemanagement", + metadata = True, + release_level = "ga", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "servicemanagement_v1.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":servicemanagement_go_proto", + "//google/api:serviceconfig_go_proto", + "//google/iam/v1:iam_go_proto", + "//google/longrunning:longrunning_go_proto", + "@com_google_cloud_go_longrunning//:go_default_library", + "@com_google_cloud_go_longrunning//autogen:go_default_library", + "@io_bazel_rules_go//proto/wkt:any_go_proto", + ], +) + +# Open Source Packages +go_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "gapi-cloud-api-servicemanagement-v1-go", + deps = [ + ":servicemanagement_go_gapic", + ":servicemanagement_go_gapic_srcjar-metadata.srcjar", + ":servicemanagement_go_gapic_srcjar-snippets.srcjar", + ":servicemanagement_go_gapic_srcjar-test.srcjar", + ":servicemanagement_go_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# Python +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "py_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "py_gapic_library", + "py_test", +) + +py_gapic_library( + name = "servicemanagement_py_gapic", + srcs = [":servicemanagement_proto"], + grpc_service_config = "servicemanagement_grpc_service_config.json", + opt_args = [ + "python-gapic-name=servicemanagement", + "python-gapic-namespace=google.cloud", + "warehouse-package-name=google-cloud-service-management", + ], + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "servicemanagement_v1.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + "//google/iam/v1:iam_policy_py_proto", + ], +) + +py_test( + name = "servicemanagement_py_gapic_test", + srcs = [ + "servicemanagement_py_gapic_pytest.py", + "servicemanagement_py_gapic_test.py", + ], + legacy_create_init = False, + deps = [":servicemanagement_py_gapic"], +) + +# Open Source Packages +py_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-servicemanagement-v1-py", + deps = [ + ":servicemanagement_py_gapic", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# PHP +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "php_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "php_gapic_library", + "php_proto_library", +) + +php_proto_library( + name = "servicemanagement_php_proto", + deps = [":servicemanagement_proto"], +) + +php_gapic_library( + name = "servicemanagement_php_gapic", + srcs = [":servicemanagement_proto_with_info"], + grpc_service_config = "servicemanagement_grpc_service_config.json", + migration_mode = "MIGRATION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "servicemanagement_v1.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":servicemanagement_php_proto", + ], +) + +# Open Source Packages +php_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-api-servicemanagement-v1-php", + deps = [ + ":servicemanagement_php_gapic", + ":servicemanagement_php_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# Node.js +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "nodejs_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "nodejs_gapic_library", +) + +nodejs_gapic_library( + name = "servicemanagement_nodejs_gapic", + package_name = "@google-cloud/service-management", + src = ":servicemanagement_proto_with_info", + extra_protoc_parameters = ["metadata"], + grpc_service_config = "servicemanagement_grpc_service_config.json", + package = "google.api.servicemanagement.v1", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "servicemanagement_v1.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [], +) + +nodejs_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "api-servicemanagement-v1-nodejs", + deps = [ + ":servicemanagement_nodejs_gapic", + ":servicemanagement_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# Ruby +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "ruby_cloud_gapic_library", + "ruby_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "ruby_grpc_library", + "ruby_proto_library", +) + +ruby_proto_library( + name = "servicemanagement_ruby_proto", + deps = [":servicemanagement_proto"], +) + +ruby_grpc_library( + name = "servicemanagement_ruby_grpc", + srcs = [":servicemanagement_proto"], + deps = [":servicemanagement_ruby_proto"], +) + +ruby_cloud_gapic_library( + name = "servicemanagement_ruby_gapic", + srcs = [":servicemanagement_proto_with_info"], + extra_protoc_parameters = [ + "ruby-cloud-api-id=servicemanagement.googleapis.com", + "ruby-cloud-api-shortname=servicemanagement", + "ruby-cloud-env-prefix=SERVICE_MANAGEMENT", + "ruby-cloud-gem-name=google-cloud-service_management-v1", + "ruby-cloud-product-url=https://cloud.google.com/service-infrastructure/docs/overview/", + ], + grpc_service_config = "servicemanagement_grpc_service_config.json", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + ruby_cloud_description = "Google Service Management allows service producers to publish their services on Google Cloud Platform so that they can be discovered and used by service consumers.", + ruby_cloud_title = "Service Management V1", + service_yaml = "servicemanagement_v1.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":servicemanagement_ruby_grpc", + ":servicemanagement_ruby_proto", + ], +) + +# Open Source Packages +ruby_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-api-servicemanagement-v1-ruby", + deps = [ + ":servicemanagement_ruby_gapic", + ":servicemanagement_ruby_grpc", + ":servicemanagement_ruby_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# C# +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "csharp_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "csharp_gapic_library", + "csharp_grpc_library", + "csharp_proto_library", +) + +csharp_proto_library( + name = "servicemanagement_csharp_proto", + extra_opts = [], + deps = [":servicemanagement_proto"], +) + +csharp_grpc_library( + name = "servicemanagement_csharp_grpc", + srcs = [":servicemanagement_proto"], + deps = [":servicemanagement_csharp_proto"], +) + +csharp_gapic_library( + name = "servicemanagement_csharp_gapic", + srcs = [":servicemanagement_proto_with_info"], + common_resources_config = "@gax_dotnet//:Google.Api.Gax/ResourceNames/CommonResourcesConfig.json", + grpc_service_config = "servicemanagement_grpc_service_config.json", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "servicemanagement_v1.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":servicemanagement_csharp_grpc", + ":servicemanagement_csharp_proto", + ], +) + +# Open Source Packages +csharp_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-api-servicemanagement-v1-csharp", + deps = [ + ":servicemanagement_csharp_gapic", + ":servicemanagement_csharp_grpc", + ":servicemanagement_csharp_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# C++ +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "cc_grpc_library", + "cc_proto_library", +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "servicemanagement_cc_proto", + deps = [":servicemanagement_proto"], +) + +cc_grpc_library( + name = "servicemanagement_cc_grpc", + srcs = [":servicemanagement_proto"], + grpc_only = True, + deps = [":servicemanagement_cc_proto"], +) diff --git a/google/api/servicemanagement/v1/resources.proto b/google/api/servicemanagement/v1/resources.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd984dd --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/servicemanagement/v1/resources.proto @@ -0,0 +1,295 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.servicemanagement.v1; + +import "google/api/config_change.proto"; +import "google/api/field_behavior.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; + +option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.ServiceManagement.V1"; +option go_package = "cloud.google.com/go/servicemanagement/apiv1/servicemanagementpb;servicemanagementpb"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "ResourcesProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.servicemanagement.v1"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GASM"; +option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\ServiceManagement\\V1"; +option ruby_package = "Google::Cloud::ServiceManagement::V1"; + +// The full representation of a Service that is managed by +// Google Service Management. +message ManagedService { + // The name of the service. See the + // [overview](https://cloud.google.com/service-infrastructure/docs/overview) + // for naming requirements. + string service_name = 2; + + // ID of the project that produces and owns this service. + string producer_project_id = 3; +} + +// The metadata associated with a long running operation resource. +message OperationMetadata { + // Represents the status of one operation step. + message Step { + // The short description of the step. + string description = 2; + + // The status code. + Status status = 4; + } + + // Code describes the status of the operation (or one of its steps). + enum Status { + // Unspecifed code. + STATUS_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // The operation or step has completed without errors. + DONE = 1; + + // The operation or step has not started yet. + NOT_STARTED = 2; + + // The operation or step is in progress. + IN_PROGRESS = 3; + + // The operation or step has completed with errors. If the operation is + // rollbackable, the rollback completed with errors too. + FAILED = 4; + + // The operation or step has completed with cancellation. + CANCELLED = 5; + } + + // The full name of the resources that this operation is directly + // associated with. + repeated string resource_names = 1; + + // Detailed status information for each step. The order is undetermined. + repeated Step steps = 2; + + // Percentage of completion of this operation, ranging from 0 to 100. + int32 progress_percentage = 3; + + // The start time of the operation. + google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 4; +} + +// Represents a diagnostic message (error or warning) +message Diagnostic { + // The kind of diagnostic information possible. + enum Kind { + // Warnings and errors + WARNING = 0; + + // Only errors + ERROR = 1; + } + + // File name and line number of the error or warning. + string location = 1; + + // The kind of diagnostic information provided. + Kind kind = 2; + + // Message describing the error or warning. + string message = 3; +} + +// Represents a source file which is used to generate the service configuration +// defined by `google.api.Service`. +message ConfigSource { + // A unique ID for a specific instance of this message, typically assigned + // by the client for tracking purpose. If empty, the server may choose to + // generate one instead. + string id = 5; + + // Set of source configuration files that are used to generate a service + // configuration (`google.api.Service`). + repeated ConfigFile files = 2; +} + +// Generic specification of a source configuration file +message ConfigFile { + enum FileType { + // Unknown file type. + FILE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // YAML-specification of service. + SERVICE_CONFIG_YAML = 1; + + // OpenAPI specification, serialized in JSON. + OPEN_API_JSON = 2; + + // OpenAPI specification, serialized in YAML. + OPEN_API_YAML = 3; + + // FileDescriptorSet, generated by protoc. + // + // To generate, use protoc with imports and source info included. + // For an example test.proto file, the following command would put the value + // in a new file named out.pb. + // + // $protoc --include_imports --include_source_info test.proto -o out.pb + FILE_DESCRIPTOR_SET_PROTO = 4; + + // Uncompiled Proto file. Used for storage and display purposes only, + // currently server-side compilation is not supported. Should match the + // inputs to 'protoc' command used to generated FILE_DESCRIPTOR_SET_PROTO. A + // file of this type can only be included if at least one file of type + // FILE_DESCRIPTOR_SET_PROTO is included. + PROTO_FILE = 6; + } + + // The file name of the configuration file (full or relative path). + string file_path = 1; + + // The bytes that constitute the file. + bytes file_contents = 3; + + // The type of configuration file this represents. + FileType file_type = 4; +} + +// Represents a service configuration with its name and id. +message ConfigRef { + // Resource name of a service config. It must have the following + // format: "services/{service name}/configs/{config id}". + string name = 1; +} + +// Change report associated with a particular service configuration. +// +// It contains a list of ConfigChanges based on the comparison between +// two service configurations. +message ChangeReport { + // List of changes between two service configurations. + // The changes will be alphabetically sorted based on the identifier + // of each change. + // A ConfigChange identifier is a dot separated path to the configuration. + // Example: visibility.rules[selector='LibraryService.CreateBook'].restriction + repeated google.api.ConfigChange config_changes = 1; +} + +// A rollout resource that defines how service configuration versions are pushed +// to control plane systems. Typically, you create a new version of the +// service config, and then create a Rollout to push the service config. +message Rollout { + // Strategy that specifies how clients of Google Service Controller want to + // send traffic to use different config versions. This is generally + // used by API proxy to split traffic based on your configured percentage for + // each config version. + // + // One example of how to gradually rollout a new service configuration using + // this + // strategy: + // Day 1 + // + // Rollout { + // id: "example.googleapis.com/rollout_20160206" + // traffic_percent_strategy { + // percentages: { + // "example.googleapis.com/20160201": 70.00 + // "example.googleapis.com/20160206": 30.00 + // } + // } + // } + // + // Day 2 + // + // Rollout { + // id: "example.googleapis.com/rollout_20160207" + // traffic_percent_strategy: { + // percentages: { + // "example.googleapis.com/20160206": 100.00 + // } + // } + // } + message TrafficPercentStrategy { + // Maps service configuration IDs to their corresponding traffic percentage. + // Key is the service configuration ID, Value is the traffic percentage + // which must be greater than 0.0 and the sum must equal to 100.0. + map percentages = 1; + } + + // Strategy used to delete a service. This strategy is a placeholder only + // used by the system generated rollout to delete a service. + message DeleteServiceStrategy {} + + // Status of a Rollout. + enum RolloutStatus { + // No status specified. + ROLLOUT_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // The Rollout is in progress. + IN_PROGRESS = 1; + + // The Rollout has completed successfully. + SUCCESS = 2; + + // The Rollout has been cancelled. This can happen if you have overlapping + // Rollout pushes, and the previous ones will be cancelled. + CANCELLED = 3; + + // The Rollout has failed and the rollback attempt has failed too. + FAILED = 4; + + // The Rollout has not started yet and is pending for execution. + PENDING = 5; + + // The Rollout has failed and rolled back to the previous successful + // Rollout. + FAILED_ROLLED_BACK = 6; + } + + // Optional. Unique identifier of this Rollout. Must be no longer than 63 + // characters and only lower case letters, digits, '.', '_' and '-' are + // allowed. + // + // If not specified by client, the server will generate one. The generated id + // will have the form of , where "date" is the create + // date in ISO 8601 format. "revision number" is a monotonically increasing + // positive number that is reset every day for each service. + // An example of the generated rollout_id is '2016-02-16r1' + string rollout_id = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; + + // Creation time of the rollout. Readonly. + google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 2; + + // The user who created the Rollout. Readonly. + string created_by = 3; + + // The status of this rollout. Readonly. In case of a failed rollout, + // the system will automatically rollback to the current Rollout + // version. Readonly. + RolloutStatus status = 4; + + // Strategy that defines which versions of service configurations should be + // pushed + // and how they should be used at runtime. + oneof strategy { + // Google Service Control selects service configurations based on + // traffic percentage. + TrafficPercentStrategy traffic_percent_strategy = 5; + + // The strategy associated with a rollout to delete a `ManagedService`. + // Readonly. + DeleteServiceStrategy delete_service_strategy = 200; + } + + // The name of the service associated with this Rollout. + string service_name = 8; +} diff --git a/google/api/servicemanagement/v1/servicemanagement_gapic.yaml b/google/api/servicemanagement/v1/servicemanagement_gapic.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b101e2b --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/servicemanagement/v1/servicemanagement_gapic.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +type: com.google.api.codegen.ConfigProto +config_schema_version: 2.0.0 +# The settings of generated code in a specific language. +language_settings: + java: + package_name: com.google.cloud.api.servicemanagement.v1 diff --git a/google/api/servicemanagement/v1/servicemanagement_grpc_service_config.json b/google/api/servicemanagement/v1/servicemanagement_grpc_service_config.json new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e2ec9d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/servicemanagement/v1/servicemanagement_grpc_service_config.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "methodConfig": [ + { + "name": [ + { + "service": "google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ServiceManager" + } + ], + "timeout": "10s" + } + ] +} diff --git a/google/api/servicemanagement/v1/servicemanagement_v1.yaml b/google/api/servicemanagement/v1/servicemanagement_v1.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3416a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/servicemanagement/v1/servicemanagement_v1.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,274 @@ +type: google.api.Service +config_version: 3 +name: servicemanagement.googleapis.com +title: Service Management API + +apis: +- name: google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ServiceManager +- name: google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy +- name: google.longrunning.Operations + +types: +- name: google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ConfigRef +- name: google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ConfigSource +- name: google.api.servicemanagement.v1.EnableServiceResponse +- name: google.api.servicemanagement.v1.OperationMetadata +- name: google.api.servicemanagement.v1.Rollout +- name: google.api.servicemanagement.v1.SubmitConfigSourceResponse +- name: google.api.servicemanagement.v1.UndeleteServiceResponse + +documentation: + summary: |- + Google Service Management allows service producers to publish their + services on Google Cloud Platform so that they can be discovered and used + by service consumers. + overview: |- + Google Service Management manages a set of *services*. Service Management + allows *service producers* to + publish their services on Google Cloud Platform so that they can be + discovered and used by *service consumers*. It also handles the tasks of + tracking + service lifecycle and programming various backend systems -- such as + [Stackdriver Logging](https://cloud.google.com/stackdriver), + [Stackdriver Monitoring](https://cloud.google.com/stackdriver) -- to + support the managed services. + + If you are a service producer, you can use the Google Service Management + API and [Google Cloud SDK (gcloud)](https://cloud.google.com/sdk) to + publish and manage your services. Each managed service has a service + configuration which declares various aspects of the service such as its + API surface, along with parameters to configure the supporting + backend + systems, such as logging and monitoring. If you build your service using + [Google Cloud Endpoints](https://cloud.google.com/endpoints/), the service + configuration will be handled automatically. + + If you are a service consumer and want to use a managed service, you can + use the Google Service Management API or [Google Cloud + Console](https://console.cloud.google.com) to activate the service for + your [Google developer + project](https://developers.google.com/console/help/new/), then start + using its APIs and functions. + + ## Managed services + + REST URL: + `https://servicemanagement.googleapis.com/v1/services/{service-name}`
REST schema is defined + [here](https://cloud.google.com/service-management/reference/rest/v1/services). A + managed service refers to a network service managed by + Service Management. Each managed service has a unique name, such as + `example.googleapis.com`, which must be a valid fully-qualified DNS name, + as per RFC 1035. + + A managed service typically provides some REST APIs and/or other + functions to their service consumers, such as mobile apps or cloud + services. + + Service producers can use methods, such as + [services.create](https://cloud.google.com/service-management/reference/rest/v1/services/create), [services.delete](https://cloud.google.com/service-management/reference/rest/v1/services/delete), [services.undelete](https://cloud.google.com/service-management/reference/rest/v1/services/undelete), to + manipulate their managed services. + + ## Service producers + + A service producer is the Google developer project responsible for + publishing and maintaining a managed service. Each managed service is + owned by exactly one service producer. + + ## Service consumers + + A service consumer is a Google developer project that has enabled and can + invoke APIs on a managed service. A managed service can have many service + consumers. + + ## Service configuration + + REST URL: + `https://servicemanagement.googleapis.com/v1/services/{service-name}/configs/{config_id}` +
REST schema is defined + [here](https://cloud.google.com/service-management/reference/rest/v1/services.configs). Each + managed service is described by a service configuration which covers a + wide range of features, including its name, title, RPC API + definitions, + REST API definitions, documentation, authentication, and more. + + To change the configuration of a managed service, the service producer + needs to publish an updated service configuration to Service + Management. + Service Management keeps a history of published + service configurations, making it possible to easily retrace how a + service's configuration evolved over time. Service configurations can be + published + using the [services.configs.create](https://cloud.google.com/service-management/reference/rest/v1/services.configs/create) or + [services.configs.submit](https://cloud.google.com/service-management/reference/rest/v1/services.configs/submit) methods. Alternatively, + `services.configs.submit` allows publishing an + [OpenAPI](https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification) specification, + formerly known as the Swagger Specification, which is automatically + converted to a corresponding service configuration. + + ## Service rollout + + REST URL: + `https://servicemanagement.googleapis.com/v1/services/{service-name}/rollouts/{rollout-id}` +
REST schema is defined + [here](https://cloud.google.com/service-management/reference/rest/v1/services.rollouts). A + `Rollout` defines how Google Service Management should deploy service + configurations to backend systems and how the configurations take effect + at runtime. It lets service producers specify multiple service + configuration + versions to be deployed together, and a strategy that indicates how they + should be used. + + Updating a managed service's configuration can be dangerous, as a + configuration error can lead to a service outage. To mitigate risks, + Service Management + supports gradual rollout of service configuration changes. This feature + gives service producers time to identity potential issues and rollback + service + configuration changes in case of errors, thus minimizing the customer + impact of bad configurations. For example, you could specify that 5% of + traffic uses configuration 1, while the remaining 95% uses configuration + 2. + + Service Management keeps a history of rollouts so that service + producers can undo to previous configuration versions. You can rollback a + configuration by initiating a new `Rollout` that clones a previously + submitted rollout record. + rules: + - selector: google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy.GetIamPolicy + description: |- + Gets the access control policy for a resource. Returns an empty policy + if the resource exists and does not have a policy set. + + - selector: google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy.SetIamPolicy + description: |- + Sets the access control policy on the specified resource. Replaces + any existing policy. + + Can return `NOT_FOUND`, `INVALID_ARGUMENT`, and `PERMISSION_DENIED` + errors. + + - selector: google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy.TestIamPermissions + description: |- + Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource. If the + resource does not exist, this will return an empty set of + permissions, not a `NOT_FOUND` error. + + Note: This operation is designed to be used for building + permission-aware UIs and command-line tools, not for authorization + checking. This operation may "fail open" without warning. + + - selector: google.longrunning.Operations.ListOperations + description: Lists service operations that match the specified filter in the request. + +backend: + rules: + - selector: 'google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ServiceManager.*' + deadline: 10.0 + - selector: google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ServiceManager.CreateService + deadline: 20.0 + - selector: google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ServiceManager.CreateServiceConfig + deadline: 20.0 + - selector: google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ServiceManager.SubmitConfigSource + deadline: 20.0 + - selector: 'google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy.*' + deadline: 10.0 + - selector: 'google.longrunning.Operations.*' + deadline: 10.0 + +http: + rules: + - selector: google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy.GetIamPolicy + post: '/v1/{resource=services/*}:getIamPolicy' + body: '*' + additional_bindings: + - post: '/v1/{resource=services/*/consumers/*}:getIamPolicy' + body: '*' + - selector: google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy.SetIamPolicy + post: '/v1/{resource=services/*}:setIamPolicy' + body: '*' + additional_bindings: + - post: '/v1/{resource=services/*/consumers/*}:setIamPolicy' + body: '*' + - selector: google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy.TestIamPermissions + post: '/v1/{resource=services/*}:testIamPermissions' + body: '*' + additional_bindings: + - post: '/v1/{resource=services/*/consumers/*}:testIamPermissions' + body: '*' + - selector: google.longrunning.Operations.ListOperations + get: /v1/operations + +authentication: + rules: + - selector: 'google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ServiceManager.*' + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management + - selector: google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ServiceManager.GetService + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management.readonly + - selector: google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ServiceManager.GetServiceConfig + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management.readonly + - selector: google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ServiceManager.GetServiceRollout + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management.readonly + - selector: google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ServiceManager.ListServiceConfigs + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management.readonly + - selector: google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ServiceManager.ListServiceRollouts + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management.readonly + - selector: google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ServiceManager.ListServices + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management.readonly + - selector: google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy.GetIamPolicy + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management.readonly + - selector: google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy.SetIamPolicy + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management + - selector: google.iam.v1.IAMPolicy.TestIamPermissions + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management.readonly + - selector: 'google.longrunning.Operations.*' + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management diff --git a/google/api/servicemanagement/v1/servicemanager.proto b/google/api/servicemanagement/v1/servicemanager.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0aa966c --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/servicemanagement/v1/servicemanager.proto @@ -0,0 +1,508 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.servicemanagement.v1; + +import "google/api/annotations.proto"; +import "google/api/client.proto"; +import "google/api/field_behavior.proto"; +import "google/api/service.proto"; +import "google/api/servicemanagement/v1/resources.proto"; +import "google/longrunning/operations.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; + +option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.ServiceManagement.V1"; +option go_package = "cloud.google.com/go/servicemanagement/apiv1/servicemanagementpb;servicemanagementpb"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "ServiceManagerProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.servicemanagement.v1"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GASM"; +option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\ServiceManagement\\V1"; +option ruby_package = "Google::Cloud::ServiceManagement::V1"; + +// [Google Service Management +// API](https://cloud.google.com/service-infrastructure/docs/overview) +service ServiceManager { + option (google.api.default_host) = "servicemanagement.googleapis.com"; + option (google.api.oauth_scopes) = + "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform," + "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only," + "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management," + "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management.readonly"; + + // Lists managed services. + // + // Returns all public services. For authenticated users, also returns all + // services the calling user has "servicemanagement.services.get" permission + // for. + rpc ListServices(ListServicesRequest) returns (ListServicesResponse) { + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/v1/services" + }; + option (google.api.method_signature) = "producer_project_id,consumer_id"; + } + + // Gets a managed service. Authentication is required unless the service is + // public. + rpc GetService(GetServiceRequest) returns (ManagedService) { + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/v1/services/{service_name}" + }; + option (google.api.method_signature) = "service_name"; + } + + // Creates a new managed service. + // + // A managed service is immutable, and is subject to mandatory 30-day + // data retention. You cannot move a service or recreate it within 30 days + // after deletion. + // + // One producer project can own no more than 500 services. For security and + // reliability purposes, a production service should be hosted in a + // dedicated producer project. + // + // Operation + rpc CreateService(CreateServiceRequest) + returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/v1/services" + body: "service" + }; + option (google.api.method_signature) = "service"; + option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { + response_type: "google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ManagedService" + metadata_type: "google.api.servicemanagement.v1.OperationMetadata" + }; + } + + // Deletes a managed service. This method will change the service to the + // `Soft-Delete` state for 30 days. Within this period, service producers may + // call + // [UndeleteService][google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ServiceManager.UndeleteService] + // to restore the service. After 30 days, the service will be permanently + // deleted. + // + // Operation + rpc DeleteService(DeleteServiceRequest) + returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { + option (google.api.http) = { + delete: "/v1/services/{service_name}" + }; + option (google.api.method_signature) = "service_name"; + option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { + response_type: "google.protobuf.Empty" + metadata_type: "google.api.servicemanagement.v1.OperationMetadata" + }; + } + + // Revives a previously deleted managed service. The method restores the + // service using the configuration at the time the service was deleted. + // The target service must exist and must have been deleted within the + // last 30 days. + // + // Operation + rpc UndeleteService(UndeleteServiceRequest) + returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/v1/services/{service_name}:undelete" + }; + option (google.api.method_signature) = "service_name"; + option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { + response_type: "google.api.servicemanagement.v1.UndeleteServiceResponse" + metadata_type: "google.api.servicemanagement.v1.OperationMetadata" + }; + } + + // Lists the history of the service configuration for a managed service, + // from the newest to the oldest. + rpc ListServiceConfigs(ListServiceConfigsRequest) + returns (ListServiceConfigsResponse) { + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/v1/services/{service_name}/configs" + }; + option (google.api.method_signature) = "service_name"; + } + + // Gets a service configuration (version) for a managed service. + rpc GetServiceConfig(GetServiceConfigRequest) returns (google.api.Service) { + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/v1/services/{service_name}/configs/{config_id}" + additional_bindings { get: "/v1/services/{service_name}/config" } + }; + option (google.api.method_signature) = "service_name,config_id,view"; + } + + // Creates a new service configuration (version) for a managed service. + // This method only stores the service configuration. To roll out the service + // configuration to backend systems please call + // [CreateServiceRollout][google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ServiceManager.CreateServiceRollout]. + // + // Only the 100 most recent service configurations and ones referenced by + // existing rollouts are kept for each service. The rest will be deleted + // eventually. + rpc CreateServiceConfig(CreateServiceConfigRequest) + returns (google.api.Service) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/v1/services/{service_name}/configs" + body: "service_config" + }; + option (google.api.method_signature) = "service_name,service_config"; + } + + // Creates a new service configuration (version) for a managed service based + // on + // user-supplied configuration source files (for example: OpenAPI + // Specification). This method stores the source configurations as well as the + // generated service configuration. To rollout the service configuration to + // other services, + // please call + // [CreateServiceRollout][google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ServiceManager.CreateServiceRollout]. + // + // Only the 100 most recent configuration sources and ones referenced by + // existing service configurtions are kept for each service. The rest will be + // deleted eventually. + // + // Operation + rpc SubmitConfigSource(SubmitConfigSourceRequest) + returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/v1/services/{service_name}/configs:submit" + body: "*" + }; + option (google.api.method_signature) = + "service_name,config_source,validate_only"; + option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { + response_type: "google.api.servicemanagement.v1.SubmitConfigSourceResponse" + metadata_type: "google.api.servicemanagement.v1.OperationMetadata" + }; + } + + // Lists the history of the service configuration rollouts for a managed + // service, from the newest to the oldest. + rpc ListServiceRollouts(ListServiceRolloutsRequest) + returns (ListServiceRolloutsResponse) { + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/v1/services/{service_name}/rollouts" + }; + option (google.api.method_signature) = "service_name,filter"; + } + + // Gets a service configuration + // [rollout][google.api.servicemanagement.v1.Rollout]. + rpc GetServiceRollout(GetServiceRolloutRequest) returns (Rollout) { + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/v1/services/{service_name}/rollouts/{rollout_id}" + }; + option (google.api.method_signature) = "service_name,rollout_id"; + } + + // Creates a new service configuration rollout. Based on rollout, the + // Google Service Management will roll out the service configurations to + // different backend services. For example, the logging configuration will be + // pushed to Google Cloud Logging. + // + // Please note that any previous pending and running Rollouts and associated + // Operations will be automatically cancelled so that the latest Rollout will + // not be blocked by previous Rollouts. + // + // Only the 100 most recent (in any state) and the last 10 successful (if not + // already part of the set of 100 most recent) rollouts are kept for each + // service. The rest will be deleted eventually. + // + // Operation + rpc CreateServiceRollout(CreateServiceRolloutRequest) + returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/v1/services/{service_name}/rollouts" + body: "rollout" + }; + option (google.api.method_signature) = "service_name,rollout"; + option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { + response_type: "google.api.servicemanagement.v1.Rollout" + metadata_type: "google.api.servicemanagement.v1.OperationMetadata" + }; + } + + // Generates and returns a report (errors, warnings and changes from + // existing configurations) associated with + // GenerateConfigReportRequest.new_value + // + // If GenerateConfigReportRequest.old_value is specified, + // GenerateConfigReportRequest will contain a single ChangeReport based on the + // comparison between GenerateConfigReportRequest.new_value and + // GenerateConfigReportRequest.old_value. + // If GenerateConfigReportRequest.old_value is not specified, this method + // will compare GenerateConfigReportRequest.new_value with the last pushed + // service configuration. + rpc GenerateConfigReport(GenerateConfigReportRequest) + returns (GenerateConfigReportResponse) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/v1/services:generateConfigReport" + body: "*" + }; + option (google.api.method_signature) = "new_config,old_config"; + } +} + +// Request message for `ListServices` method. +message ListServicesRequest { + // Include services produced by the specified project. + string producer_project_id = 1; + + // The max number of items to include in the response list. Page size is 50 + // if not specified. Maximum value is 500. + int32 page_size = 5; + + // Token identifying which result to start with; returned by a previous list + // call. + string page_token = 6; + + // Include services consumed by the specified consumer. + // + // The Google Service Management implementation accepts the following + // forms: + // - project: + string consumer_id = 7 [deprecated = true]; +} + +// Response message for `ListServices` method. +message ListServicesResponse { + // The returned services will only have the name field set. + repeated ManagedService services = 1; + + // Token that can be passed to `ListServices` to resume a paginated query. + string next_page_token = 2; +} + +// Request message for `GetService` method. +message GetServiceRequest { + // Required. The name of the service. See the `ServiceManager` overview for + // naming requirements. For example: `example.googleapis.com`. + string service_name = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; +} + +// Request message for CreateService method. +message CreateServiceRequest { + // Required. Initial values for the service resource. + ManagedService service = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; +} + +// Request message for DeleteService method. +message DeleteServiceRequest { + // Required. The name of the service. See the + // [overview](https://cloud.google.com/service-management/overview) for naming + // requirements. For example: `example.googleapis.com`. + string service_name = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; +} + +// Request message for UndeleteService method. +message UndeleteServiceRequest { + // Required. The name of the service. See the + // [overview](https://cloud.google.com/service-management/overview) for naming + // requirements. For example: `example.googleapis.com`. + string service_name = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; +} + +// Response message for UndeleteService method. +message UndeleteServiceResponse { + // Revived service resource. + ManagedService service = 1; +} + +// Request message for GetServiceConfig method. +message GetServiceConfigRequest { + enum ConfigView { + // Server response includes all fields except SourceInfo. + BASIC = 0; + + // Server response includes all fields including SourceInfo. + // SourceFiles are of type 'google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ConfigFile' + // and are only available for configs created using the + // SubmitConfigSource method. + FULL = 1; + } + + // Required. The name of the service. See the + // [overview](https://cloud.google.com/service-management/overview) for naming + // requirements. For example: `example.googleapis.com`. + string service_name = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; + + // Required. The id of the service configuration resource. + // + // This field must be specified for the server to return all fields, including + // `SourceInfo`. + string config_id = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; + + // Specifies which parts of the Service Config should be returned in the + // response. + ConfigView view = 3; +} + +// Request message for ListServiceConfigs method. +message ListServiceConfigsRequest { + // Required. The name of the service. See the + // [overview](https://cloud.google.com/service-management/overview) for naming + // requirements. For example: `example.googleapis.com`. + string service_name = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; + + // The token of the page to retrieve. + string page_token = 2; + + // The max number of items to include in the response list. Page size is 50 + // if not specified. Maximum value is 100. + int32 page_size = 3; +} + +// Response message for ListServiceConfigs method. +message ListServiceConfigsResponse { + // The list of service configuration resources. + repeated google.api.Service service_configs = 1; + + // The token of the next page of results. + string next_page_token = 2; +} + +// Request message for CreateServiceConfig method. +message CreateServiceConfigRequest { + // Required. The name of the service. See the + // [overview](https://cloud.google.com/service-management/overview) for naming + // requirements. For example: `example.googleapis.com`. + string service_name = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; + + // Required. The service configuration resource. + google.api.Service service_config = 2 + [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; +} + +// Request message for SubmitConfigSource method. +message SubmitConfigSourceRequest { + // Required. The name of the service. See the + // [overview](https://cloud.google.com/service-management/overview) for naming + // requirements. For example: `example.googleapis.com`. + string service_name = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; + + // Required. The source configuration for the service. + ConfigSource config_source = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; + + // Optional. If set, this will result in the generation of a + // `google.api.Service` configuration based on the `ConfigSource` provided, + // but the generated config and the sources will NOT be persisted. + bool validate_only = 3 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; +} + +// Response message for SubmitConfigSource method. +message SubmitConfigSourceResponse { + // The generated service configuration. + google.api.Service service_config = 1; +} + +// +// Request message for 'CreateServiceRollout' +message CreateServiceRolloutRequest { + // Required. The name of the service. See the + // [overview](https://cloud.google.com/service-management/overview) for naming + // requirements. For example: `example.googleapis.com`. + string service_name = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; + + // Required. The rollout resource. The `service_name` field is output only. + Rollout rollout = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; +} + +// Request message for 'ListServiceRollouts' +message ListServiceRolloutsRequest { + // Required. The name of the service. See the + // [overview](https://cloud.google.com/service-management/overview) for naming + // requirements. For example: `example.googleapis.com`. + string service_name = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; + + // The token of the page to retrieve. + string page_token = 2; + + // The max number of items to include in the response list. Page size is 50 + // if not specified. Maximum value is 100. + int32 page_size = 3; + + // Required. Use `filter` to return subset of rollouts. + // The following filters are supported: + // + // -- By [status] + // [google.api.servicemanagement.v1.Rollout.RolloutStatus]. For example, + // `filter='status=SUCCESS'` + // + // -- By [strategy] + // [google.api.servicemanagement.v1.Rollout.strategy]. For example, + // `filter='strategy=TrafficPercentStrategy'` + string filter = 4 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; +} + +// Response message for ListServiceRollouts method. +message ListServiceRolloutsResponse { + // The list of rollout resources. + repeated Rollout rollouts = 1; + + // The token of the next page of results. + string next_page_token = 2; +} + +// Request message for GetServiceRollout method. +message GetServiceRolloutRequest { + // Required. The name of the service. See the + // [overview](https://cloud.google.com/service-management/overview) for naming + // requirements. For example: `example.googleapis.com`. + string service_name = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; + + // Required. The id of the rollout resource. + string rollout_id = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; +} + +// Operation payload for EnableService method. +message EnableServiceResponse {} + +// Request message for GenerateConfigReport method. +message GenerateConfigReportRequest { + // Required. Service configuration for which we want to generate the report. + // For this version of API, the supported types are + // [google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ConfigRef][google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ConfigRef], + // [google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ConfigSource][google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ConfigSource], + // and [google.api.Service][google.api.Service] + google.protobuf.Any new_config = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; + + // Optional. Service configuration against which the comparison will be done. + // For this version of API, the supported types are + // [google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ConfigRef][google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ConfigRef], + // [google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ConfigSource][google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ConfigSource], + // and [google.api.Service][google.api.Service] + google.protobuf.Any old_config = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL]; +} + +// Response message for GenerateConfigReport method. +message GenerateConfigReportResponse { + // Name of the service this report belongs to. + string service_name = 1; + + // ID of the service configuration this report belongs to. + string id = 2; + + // list of ChangeReport, each corresponding to comparison between two + // service configurations. + repeated ChangeReport change_reports = 3; + + // Errors / Linter warnings associated with the service definition this + // report + // belongs to. + repeated Diagnostic diagnostics = 4; +} diff --git a/google/api/serviceusage/BUILD.bazel b/google/api/serviceusage/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..011cfc2 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/serviceusage/BUILD.bazel @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +# This build file includes a target for the Ruby wrapper library for +# google-cloud-service_usage. + +# This is an API workspace, having public visibility by default makes perfect sense. +package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) + +# Export yaml configs. +exports_files(glob(["*.yaml"])) + +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "ruby_cloud_gapic_library", + "ruby_gapic_assembly_pkg", +) + +# Generates a Ruby wrapper client for serviceusage. +# Ruby wrapper clients are versionless, but are generated from source protos +# for a particular service version, v1 in this case. +ruby_cloud_gapic_library( + name = "serviceusage_ruby_wrapper", + srcs = ["//google/api/serviceusage/v1:serviceusage_proto_with_info"], + extra_protoc_parameters = [ + "ruby-cloud-gem-name=google-cloud-service_usage", + "ruby-cloud-env-prefix=SERVICE_USAGE", + "ruby-cloud-wrapper-of=v1:0.0", + "ruby-cloud-product-url=https://cloud.google.com/service-usage/", + "ruby-cloud-api-id=serviceusage.googleapis.com", + "ruby-cloud-api-shortname=serviceusage", + ], + ruby_cloud_description = "Service Usage is an infrastructure service of Google Cloud that lets you list and manage other APIs and services in your Cloud projects. You can list and manage Google Cloud services and their APIs, as well as services created using Cloud Endpoints.", + ruby_cloud_title = "Service Usage", +) + +# Open Source package. +ruby_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-serviceusage-ruby", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_ruby_wrapper", + ], +) diff --git a/google/api/serviceusage/v1/BUILD.bazel b/google/api/serviceusage/v1/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89f1047 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/serviceusage/v1/BUILD.bazel @@ -0,0 +1,398 @@ +# This file was automatically generated by BuildFileGenerator +# https://github.com/googleapis/rules_gapic/tree/master/bazel + +# Most of the manual changes to this file will be overwritten. +# It's **only** allowed to change the following rule attribute values: +# - names of *_gapic_assembly_* rules +# - certain parameters of *_gapic_library rules, including but not limited to: +# * extra_protoc_parameters +# * extra_protoc_file_parameters +# The complete list of preserved parameters can be found in the source code. + +# This is an API workspace, having public visibility by default makes perfect sense. +package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) + +############################################################################## +# Common +############################################################################## +load("@rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", "proto_library") +load("@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", "proto_library_with_info") + +proto_library( + name = "serviceusage_proto", + srcs = [ + "resources.proto", + "serviceusage.proto", + ], + deps = [ + "//google/api:annotations_proto", + "//google/api:auth_proto", + "//google/api:client_proto", + "//google/api:documentation_proto", + "//google/api:endpoint_proto", + "//google/api:monitored_resource_proto", + "//google/api:monitoring_proto", + "//google/api:quota_proto", + "//google/api:resource_proto", + "//google/api:usage_proto", + "//google/longrunning:operations_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:api_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library_with_info( + name = "serviceusage_proto_with_info", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_proto", + "//google/cloud:common_resources_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# Java +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "java_gapic_assembly_gradle_pkg", + "java_gapic_library", + "java_gapic_test", + "java_grpc_library", + "java_proto_library", +) + +java_proto_library( + name = "serviceusage_java_proto", + deps = [":serviceusage_proto"], +) + +java_grpc_library( + name = "serviceusage_java_grpc", + srcs = [":serviceusage_proto"], + deps = [":serviceusage_java_proto"], +) + +java_gapic_library( + name = "serviceusage_java_gapic", + srcs = [":serviceusage_proto_with_info"], + gapic_yaml = None, + grpc_service_config = "serviceusage_grpc_service_config.json", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "serviceusage_v1.yaml", + test_deps = [ + ":serviceusage_java_grpc", + ], + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_java_proto", + "//google/api:api_java_proto", + ], +) + +java_gapic_test( + name = "serviceusage_java_gapic_test_suite", + test_classes = [ + "com.google.api.serviceusage.v1.ServiceUsageClientHttpJsonTest", + "com.google.api.serviceusage.v1.ServiceUsageClientTest", + ], + runtime_deps = [":serviceusage_java_gapic_test"], +) + +# Open Source Packages +java_gapic_assembly_gradle_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-api-serviceusage-v1-java", + include_samples = True, + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_java_gapic", + ":serviceusage_java_grpc", + ":serviceusage_java_proto", + ":serviceusage_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# Go +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "go_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "go_gapic_library", + "go_proto_library", +) + +go_proto_library( + name = "serviceusage_go_proto", + compilers = ["@io_bazel_rules_go//proto:go_grpc"], + importpath = "cloud.google.com/go/serviceusage/apiv1/serviceusagepb", + protos = [":serviceusage_proto"], + deps = [ + "//google/api:annotations_go_proto", + "//google/api:monitoredres_go_proto", + "//google/api:serviceconfig_go_proto", + "//google/longrunning:longrunning_go_proto", + ], +) + +go_gapic_library( + name = "serviceusage_go_gapic", + srcs = [":serviceusage_proto_with_info"], + grpc_service_config = "serviceusage_grpc_service_config.json", + importpath = "cloud.google.com/go/serviceusage/apiv1;serviceusage", + metadata = True, + release_level = "ga", + rest_numeric_enums = False, + service_yaml = "serviceusage_v1.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_go_proto", + "//google/api:monitoredres_go_proto", + "//google/longrunning:longrunning_go_proto", + "@com_google_cloud_go_longrunning//:go_default_library", + "@com_google_cloud_go_longrunning//autogen:go_default_library", + ], +) + +# Open Source Packages +go_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "gapi-cloud-api-serviceusage-v1-go", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_go_gapic", + ":serviceusage_go_gapic_srcjar-metadata.srcjar", + ":serviceusage_go_gapic_srcjar-snippets.srcjar", + ":serviceusage_go_gapic_srcjar-test.srcjar", + ":serviceusage_go_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# Python +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "py_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "py_gapic_library", + "py_test", +) + +py_gapic_library( + name = "serviceusage_py_gapic", + srcs = [":serviceusage_proto"], + grpc_service_config = "serviceusage_grpc_service_config.json", + opt_args = [ + "python-gapic-name=service_usage", + "python-gapic-namespace=google.cloud", + "warehouse-package-name=google-cloud-service-usage", + ], + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "serviceusage_v1.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ], +) + +py_test( + name = "serviceusage_py_gapic_test", + srcs = [ + "serviceusage_py_gapic_pytest.py", + "serviceusage_py_gapic_test.py", + ], + legacy_create_init = False, + deps = [":serviceusage_py_gapic"], +) + +# Open Source Packages +py_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "api-serviceusage-v1-py", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_py_gapic", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# PHP +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "php_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "php_gapic_library", + "php_proto_library", +) + +php_proto_library( + name = "serviceusage_php_proto", + deps = [":serviceusage_proto"], +) + +php_gapic_library( + name = "serviceusage_php_gapic", + srcs = [":serviceusage_proto_with_info"], + grpc_service_config = "serviceusage_grpc_service_config.json", + migration_mode = "MIGRATION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "serviceusage_v1.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_php_proto", + ], +) + +# Open Source Packages +php_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-api-serviceusage-v1-php", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_php_gapic", + ":serviceusage_php_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# Node.js +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "nodejs_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "nodejs_gapic_library", +) + +nodejs_gapic_library( + name = "serviceusage_nodejs_gapic", + package_name = "@google-cloud/service-usage", + src = ":serviceusage_proto_with_info", + extra_protoc_parameters = ["metadata"], + grpc_service_config = "serviceusage_grpc_service_config.json", + package = "google.api.serviceusage.v1", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "serviceusage_v1.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [], +) + +nodejs_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "api-serviceusage-v1-nodejs", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_nodejs_gapic", + ":serviceusage_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# Ruby +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "ruby_cloud_gapic_library", + "ruby_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "ruby_grpc_library", + "ruby_proto_library", +) + +ruby_proto_library( + name = "serviceusage_ruby_proto", + deps = [":serviceusage_proto"], +) + +ruby_grpc_library( + name = "serviceusage_ruby_grpc", + srcs = [":serviceusage_proto"], + deps = [":serviceusage_ruby_proto"], +) + +ruby_cloud_gapic_library( + name = "serviceusage_ruby_gapic", + srcs = [":serviceusage_proto_with_info"], + extra_protoc_parameters = [ + "ruby-cloud-api-id=serviceusage.googleapis.com", + "ruby-cloud-api-shortname=serviceusage", + "ruby-cloud-env-prefix=SERVICE_USAGE", + "ruby-cloud-gem-name=google-cloud-service_usage-v1", + "ruby-cloud-product-url=https://cloud.google.com/service-usage/", + ], + grpc_service_config = "serviceusage_grpc_service_config.json", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + ruby_cloud_description = "Service Usage is an infrastructure service of Google Cloud that lets you list and manage other APIs and services in your Cloud projects. You can list and manage Google Cloud services and their APIs, as well as services created using Cloud Endpoints.", + ruby_cloud_title = "Service Usage V1", + service_yaml = "serviceusage_v1.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_ruby_grpc", + ":serviceusage_ruby_proto", + ], +) + +# Open Source Packages +ruby_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-api-serviceusage-v1-ruby", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_ruby_gapic", + ":serviceusage_ruby_grpc", + ":serviceusage_ruby_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# C# +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "csharp_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "csharp_gapic_library", + "csharp_grpc_library", + "csharp_proto_library", +) + +csharp_proto_library( + name = "serviceusage_csharp_proto", + extra_opts = [], + deps = [":serviceusage_proto"], +) + +csharp_grpc_library( + name = "serviceusage_csharp_grpc", + srcs = [":serviceusage_proto"], + deps = [":serviceusage_csharp_proto"], +) + +csharp_gapic_library( + name = "serviceusage_csharp_gapic", + srcs = [":serviceusage_proto_with_info"], + common_resources_config = "@gax_dotnet//:Google.Api.Gax/ResourceNames/CommonResourcesConfig.json", + grpc_service_config = "serviceusage_grpc_service_config.json", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "serviceusage_v1.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_csharp_grpc", + ":serviceusage_csharp_proto", + ], +) + +# Open Source Packages +csharp_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-api-serviceusage-v1-csharp", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_csharp_gapic", + ":serviceusage_csharp_grpc", + ":serviceusage_csharp_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# C++ +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "cc_grpc_library", + "cc_proto_library", +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "serviceusage_cc_proto", + deps = [":serviceusage_proto"], +) + +cc_grpc_library( + name = "serviceusage_cc_grpc", + srcs = [":serviceusage_proto"], + grpc_only = True, + deps = [":serviceusage_cc_proto"], +) diff --git a/google/api/serviceusage/v1/resources.proto b/google/api/serviceusage/v1/resources.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7c5405 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/serviceusage/v1/resources.proto @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.serviceusage.v1; + +import "google/api/auth.proto"; +import "google/api/documentation.proto"; +import "google/api/endpoint.proto"; +import "google/api/monitored_resource.proto"; +import "google/api/monitoring.proto"; +import "google/api/quota.proto"; +import "google/api/resource.proto"; +import "google/api/usage.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/api.proto"; + +option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.ServiceUsage.V1"; +option go_package = "cloud.google.com/go/serviceusage/apiv1/serviceusagepb;serviceusagepb"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "ResourcesProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.serviceusage.v1"; +option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\ServiceUsage\\V1"; +option ruby_package = "Google::Cloud::ServiceUsage::V1"; + +// A service that is available for use by the consumer. +message Service { + option (google.api.resource) = { + type: "serviceusage.googleapis.com/Service" + pattern: "projects/{project}/services/{service}" + pattern: "folders/{folder}/services/{service}" + pattern: "organizations/{organization}/services/{service}" + }; + + // The resource name of the consumer and service. + // + // A valid name would be: + // - projects/123/services/serviceusage.googleapis.com + string name = 1; + + // The resource name of the consumer. + // + // A valid name would be: + // - projects/123 + string parent = 5; + + // The service configuration of the available service. + // Some fields may be filtered out of the configuration in responses to + // the `ListServices` method. These fields are present only in responses to + // the `GetService` method. + ServiceConfig config = 2; + + // Whether or not the service has been enabled for use by the consumer. + State state = 4; +} + +// Whether or not a service has been enabled for use by a consumer. +enum State { + // The default value, which indicates that the enabled state of the service + // is unspecified or not meaningful. Currently, all consumers other than + // projects (such as folders and organizations) are always in this state. + STATE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // The service cannot be used by this consumer. It has either been explicitly + // disabled, or has never been enabled. + DISABLED = 1; + + // The service has been explicitly enabled for use by this consumer. + ENABLED = 2; +} + +// The configuration of the service. +message ServiceConfig { + // The DNS address at which this service is available. + // + // An example DNS address would be: + // `calendar.googleapis.com`. + string name = 1; + + // The product title for this service. + string title = 2; + + // A list of API interfaces exported by this service. Contains only the names, + // versions, and method names of the interfaces. + repeated google.protobuf.Api apis = 3; + + // Additional API documentation. Contains only the summary and the + // documentation URL. + google.api.Documentation documentation = 6; + + // Quota configuration. + google.api.Quota quota = 10; + + // Auth configuration. Contains only the OAuth rules. + google.api.Authentication authentication = 11; + + // Configuration controlling usage of this service. + google.api.Usage usage = 15; + + // Configuration for network endpoints. Contains only the names and aliases + // of the endpoints. + repeated google.api.Endpoint endpoints = 18; + + // Defines the monitored resources used by this service. This is required + // by the [Service.monitoring][google.api.Service.monitoring] and + // [Service.logging][google.api.Service.logging] configurations. + repeated google.api.MonitoredResourceDescriptor monitored_resources = 25; + + // Monitoring configuration. + // This should not include the 'producer_destinations' field. + google.api.Monitoring monitoring = 28; +} + +// The operation metadata returned for the batchend services operation. +message OperationMetadata { + // The full name of the resources that this operation is directly + // associated with. + repeated string resource_names = 2; +} diff --git a/google/api/serviceusage/v1/serviceusage.proto b/google/api/serviceusage/v1/serviceusage.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6a079e --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/serviceusage/v1/serviceusage.proto @@ -0,0 +1,305 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.serviceusage.v1; + +import "google/api/annotations.proto"; +import "google/api/client.proto"; +import "google/api/serviceusage/v1/resources.proto"; +import "google/longrunning/operations.proto"; + +option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.ServiceUsage.V1"; +option go_package = "cloud.google.com/go/serviceusage/apiv1/serviceusagepb;serviceusagepb"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "ServiceUsageProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.serviceusage.v1"; +option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\ServiceUsage\\V1"; +option ruby_package = "Google::Cloud::ServiceUsage::V1"; + +// Enables services that service consumers want to use on Google Cloud Platform, +// lists the available or enabled services, or disables services that service +// consumers no longer use. +// +// See [Service Usage API](https://cloud.google.com/service-usage/docs/overview) +service ServiceUsage { + option (google.api.default_host) = "serviceusage.googleapis.com"; + option (google.api.oauth_scopes) = + "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform," + "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only," + "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management"; + + // Enable a service so that it can be used with a project. + rpc EnableService(EnableServiceRequest) + returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/v1/{name=*/*/services/*}:enable" + body: "*" + }; + option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { + response_type: "EnableServiceResponse" + metadata_type: "OperationMetadata" + }; + } + + // Disable a service so that it can no longer be used with a project. + // This prevents unintended usage that may cause unexpected billing + // charges or security leaks. + // + // It is not valid to call the disable method on a service that is not + // currently enabled. Callers will receive a `FAILED_PRECONDITION` status if + // the target service is not currently enabled. + rpc DisableService(DisableServiceRequest) + returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/v1/{name=*/*/services/*}:disable" + body: "*" + }; + option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { + response_type: "DisableServiceResponse" + metadata_type: "OperationMetadata" + }; + } + + // Returns the service configuration and enabled state for a given service. + rpc GetService(GetServiceRequest) returns (Service) { + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/v1/{name=*/*/services/*}" + }; + } + + // List all services available to the specified project, and the current + // state of those services with respect to the project. The list includes + // all public services, all services for which the calling user has the + // `servicemanagement.services.bind` permission, and all services that have + // already been enabled on the project. The list can be filtered to + // only include services in a specific state, for example to only include + // services enabled on the project. + // + // WARNING: If you need to query enabled services frequently or across + // an organization, you should use + // [Cloud Asset Inventory + // API](https://cloud.google.com/asset-inventory/docs/apis), which provides + // higher throughput and richer filtering capability. + rpc ListServices(ListServicesRequest) returns (ListServicesResponse) { + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/v1/{parent=*/*}/services" + }; + } + + // Enable multiple services on a project. The operation is atomic: if enabling + // any service fails, then the entire batch fails, and no state changes occur. + // To enable a single service, use the `EnableService` method instead. + rpc BatchEnableServices(BatchEnableServicesRequest) + returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/v1/{parent=*/*}/services:batchEnable" + body: "*" + }; + option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { + response_type: "BatchEnableServicesResponse" + metadata_type: "OperationMetadata" + }; + } + + // Returns the service configurations and enabled states for a given list of + // services. + rpc BatchGetServices(BatchGetServicesRequest) + returns (BatchGetServicesResponse) { + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/v1/{parent=*/*}/services:batchGet" + }; + } +} + +// Request message for the `EnableService` method. +message EnableServiceRequest { + // Name of the consumer and service to enable the service on. + // + // The `EnableService` and `DisableService` methods currently only support + // projects. + // + // Enabling a service requires that the service is public or is shared with + // the user enabling the service. + // + // An example name would be: + // `projects/123/services/serviceusage.googleapis.com` where `123` is the + // project number. + string name = 1; +} + +// Response message for the `EnableService` method. +// This response message is assigned to the `response` field of the returned +// Operation when that operation is done. +message EnableServiceResponse { + // The new state of the service after enabling. + Service service = 1; +} + +// Request message for the `DisableService` method. +message DisableServiceRequest { + // Enum to determine if service usage should be checked when disabling a + // service. + enum CheckIfServiceHasUsage { + // When unset, the default behavior is used, which is SKIP. + CHECK_IF_SERVICE_HAS_USAGE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // If set, skip checking service usage when disabling a service. + SKIP = 1; + + // If set, service usage is checked when disabling the service. If a + // service, or its dependents, has usage in the last 30 days, the request + // returns a FAILED_PRECONDITION error. + CHECK = 2; + } + + // Name of the consumer and service to disable the service on. + // + // The enable and disable methods currently only support projects. + // + // An example name would be: + // `projects/123/services/serviceusage.googleapis.com` where `123` is the + // project number. + string name = 1; + + // Indicates if services that are enabled and which depend on this service + // should also be disabled. If not set, an error will be generated if any + // enabled services depend on the service to be disabled. When set, the + // service, and any enabled services that depend on it, will be disabled + // together. + bool disable_dependent_services = 2; + + // Defines the behavior for checking service usage when disabling a service. + CheckIfServiceHasUsage check_if_service_has_usage = 3; +} + +// Response message for the `DisableService` method. +// This response message is assigned to the `response` field of the returned +// Operation when that operation is done. +message DisableServiceResponse { + // The new state of the service after disabling. + Service service = 1; +} + +// Request message for the `GetService` method. +message GetServiceRequest { + // Name of the consumer and service to get the `ConsumerState` for. + // + // An example name would be: + // `projects/123/services/serviceusage.googleapis.com` where `123` is the + // project number. + string name = 1; +} + +// Request message for the `ListServices` method. +message ListServicesRequest { + // Parent to search for services on. + // + // An example name would be: + // `projects/123` where `123` is the project number. + string parent = 1; + + // Requested size of the next page of data. + // Requested page size cannot exceed 200. + // If not set, the default page size is 50. + int32 page_size = 2; + + // Token identifying which result to start with, which is returned by a + // previous list call. + string page_token = 3; + + // Only list services that conform to the given filter. + // The allowed filter strings are `state:ENABLED` and `state:DISABLED`. + string filter = 4; +} + +// Response message for the `ListServices` method. +message ListServicesResponse { + // The available services for the requested project. + repeated Service services = 1; + + // Token that can be passed to `ListServices` to resume a paginated + // query. + string next_page_token = 2; +} + +// Request message for the `BatchEnableServices` method. +message BatchEnableServicesRequest { + // Parent to enable services on. + // + // An example name would be: + // `projects/123` where `123` is the project number. + // + // The `BatchEnableServices` method currently only supports projects. + string parent = 1; + + // The identifiers of the services to enable on the project. + // + // A valid identifier would be: + // serviceusage.googleapis.com + // + // Enabling services requires that each service is public or is shared with + // the user enabling the service. + // + // A single request can enable a maximum of 20 services at a time. If more + // than 20 services are specified, the request will fail, and no state changes + // will occur. + repeated string service_ids = 2; +} + +// Response message for the `BatchEnableServices` method. +// This response message is assigned to the `response` field of the returned +// Operation when that operation is done. +message BatchEnableServicesResponse { + // Provides error messages for the failing services. + message EnableFailure { + // The service id of a service that could not be enabled. + string service_id = 1; + + // An error message describing why the service could not be enabled. + string error_message = 2; + } + + // The new state of the services after enabling. + repeated Service services = 1; + + // If allow_partial_success is true, and one or more services could not be + // enabled, this field contains the details about each failure. + repeated EnableFailure failures = 2; +} + +// Request message for the `BatchGetServices` method. +message BatchGetServicesRequest { + // Parent to retrieve services from. + // If this is set, the parent of all of the services specified in `names` must + // match this field. An example name would be: `projects/123` where `123` is + // the project number. The `BatchGetServices` method currently only supports + // projects. + string parent = 1; + + // Names of the services to retrieve. + // + // An example name would be: + // `projects/123/services/serviceusage.googleapis.com` where `123` is the + // project number. + // A single request can get a maximum of 30 services at a time. + repeated string names = 2; +} + +// Response message for the `BatchGetServices` method. +message BatchGetServicesResponse { + // The requested Service states. + repeated Service services = 1; +} diff --git a/google/api/serviceusage/v1/serviceusage_grpc_service_config.json b/google/api/serviceusage/v1/serviceusage_grpc_service_config.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f7a8789 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/serviceusage/v1/serviceusage_grpc_service_config.json @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +{ + "methodConfig": [{ + "name": [ + { "service": "google.api.serviceusage.v1.ServiceUsage" } + ], + "timeout": "60s" + }] +} diff --git a/google/api/serviceusage/v1/serviceusage_v1.yaml b/google/api/serviceusage/v1/serviceusage_v1.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10fd14b --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/serviceusage/v1/serviceusage_v1.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +type: google.api.Service +config_version: 3 +name: serviceusage.googleapis.com +title: Service Usage API + +apis: +- name: google.api.serviceusage.v1.ServiceUsage +- name: google.longrunning.Operations + +types: +- name: google.api.serviceusage.v1.BatchEnableServicesResponse +- name: google.api.serviceusage.v1.BatchEnableServicesResponse.EnableFailure +- name: google.api.serviceusage.v1.DisableServiceResponse +- name: google.api.serviceusage.v1.EnableServiceResponse +- name: google.api.serviceusage.v1.OperationMetadata + +documentation: + summary: |- + Enables services that service consumers want to use on Google Cloud + Platform, lists the available or enabled services, or disables services + that service consumers no longer use. + overview: |- + The Service Usage API allows *service consumers* to manage the set + of *services* they interact with. Consumers can use the Service Usage API + or the [Google Cloud Console](https://console.cloud.google.com) to enable + services in their [Google + developer + project](https://developers.google.com/console/help/new/). After a service + is enabled, its APIs become available. + + ## Service consumers + + A service consumer is a Google developer project that has enabled and can + invoke APIs on a service. A service can have many service consumers. + +backend: + rules: + - selector: 'google.api.serviceusage.v1.ServiceUsage.*' + deadline: 20.0 + - selector: 'google.longrunning.Operations.*' + deadline: 20.0 + +http: + rules: + - selector: google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation + get: '/v1/{name=operations/*}' + - selector: google.longrunning.Operations.ListOperations + get: /v1/operations + +authentication: + rules: + - selector: 'google.api.serviceusage.v1.ServiceUsage.*' + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management + - selector: google.api.serviceusage.v1.ServiceUsage.BatchGetServices + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only + - selector: google.api.serviceusage.v1.ServiceUsage.GetService + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only + - selector: google.api.serviceusage.v1.ServiceUsage.ListServices + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only + - selector: 'google.longrunning.Operations.*' + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management diff --git a/google/api/serviceusage/v1beta1/BUILD.bazel b/google/api/serviceusage/v1beta1/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b960206 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/serviceusage/v1beta1/BUILD.bazel @@ -0,0 +1,400 @@ +# This file was automatically generated by BuildFileGenerator +# https://github.com/googleapis/rules_gapic/tree/master/bazel + +# Most of the manual changes to this file will be overwritten. +# It's **only** allowed to change the following rule attribute values: +# - names of *_gapic_assembly_* rules +# - certain parameters of *_gapic_library rules, including but not limited to: +# * extra_protoc_parameters +# * extra_protoc_file_parameters +# The complete list of preserved parameters can be found in the source code. + +# This is an API workspace, having public visibility by default makes perfect sense. +package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) + +############################################################################## +# Common +############################################################################## +load("@rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", "proto_library") +load("@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", "proto_library_with_info") + +proto_library( + name = "serviceusage_proto", + srcs = [ + "resources.proto", + "serviceusage.proto", + ], + deps = [ + "//google/api:annotations_proto", + "//google/api:auth_proto", + "//google/api:client_proto", + "//google/api:documentation_proto", + "//google/api:endpoint_proto", + "//google/api:field_behavior_proto", + "//google/api:monitored_resource_proto", + "//google/api:monitoring_proto", + "//google/api:quota_proto", + "//google/api:usage_proto", + "//google/longrunning:operations_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:api_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:empty_proto", + "@com_google_protobuf//:field_mask_proto", + ], +) + +proto_library_with_info( + name = "serviceusage_proto_with_info", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_proto", + "//google/cloud:common_resources_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# Java +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "java_gapic_assembly_gradle_pkg", + "java_gapic_library", + "java_gapic_test", + "java_grpc_library", + "java_proto_library", +) + +java_proto_library( + name = "serviceusage_java_proto", + deps = [":serviceusage_proto"], +) + +java_grpc_library( + name = "serviceusage_java_grpc", + srcs = [":serviceusage_proto"], + deps = [":serviceusage_java_proto"], +) + +java_gapic_library( + name = "serviceusage_java_gapic", + srcs = [":serviceusage_proto_with_info"], + gapic_yaml = None, + grpc_service_config = "serviceusage_grpc_service_config.json", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "serviceusage_v1beta1.yaml", + test_deps = [ + ":serviceusage_java_grpc", + ], + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_java_proto", + "//google/api:api_java_proto", + ], +) + +java_gapic_test( + name = "serviceusage_java_gapic_test_suite", + test_classes = [ + "com.google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.ServiceUsageClientHttpJsonTest", + "com.google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.ServiceUsageClientTest", + ], + runtime_deps = [":serviceusage_java_gapic_test"], +) + +# Open Source Packages +java_gapic_assembly_gradle_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-api-serviceusage-v1beta1-java", + include_samples = True, + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_java_gapic", + ":serviceusage_java_grpc", + ":serviceusage_java_proto", + ":serviceusage_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# Go +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "go_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "go_gapic_library", + "go_proto_library", +) + +go_proto_library( + name = "serviceusage_go_proto", + compilers = ["@io_bazel_rules_go//proto:go_grpc"], + importpath = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/serviceusage/v1beta1", + protos = [":serviceusage_proto"], + deps = [ + "//google/api:annotations_go_proto", + "//google/api:monitoredres_go_proto", + "//google/api:serviceconfig_go_proto", + "//google/longrunning:longrunning_go_proto", + ], +) + +go_gapic_library( + name = "serviceusage_go_gapic", + srcs = [":serviceusage_proto_with_info"], + grpc_service_config = "serviceusage_grpc_service_config.json", + importpath = "cloud.google.com/go/api/serviceusage/apiv1beta1;serviceusage", + metadata = True, + release_level = "beta", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "serviceusage_v1beta1.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_go_proto", + "//google/api:monitoredres_go_proto", + "//google/longrunning:longrunning_go_proto", + "@com_google_cloud_go_longrunning//:go_default_library", + "@com_google_cloud_go_longrunning//autogen:go_default_library", + ], +) + +# Open Source Packages +go_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "gapi-cloud-api-serviceusage-v1beta1-go", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_go_gapic", + ":serviceusage_go_gapic_srcjar-metadata.srcjar", + ":serviceusage_go_gapic_srcjar-snippets.srcjar", + ":serviceusage_go_gapic_srcjar-test.srcjar", + ":serviceusage_go_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# Python +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "py_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "py_gapic_library", + "py_test", +) + +py_gapic_library( + name = "serviceusage_py_gapic", + srcs = [":serviceusage_proto"], + grpc_service_config = "serviceusage_grpc_service_config.json", + opt_args = [ + "python-gapic-name=service_usage", + "python-gapic-namespace=google.cloud", + "warehouse-package-name=google-cloud-service-usage", + ], + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "serviceusage_v1beta1.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ], +) + +py_test( + name = "serviceusage_py_gapic_test", + srcs = [ + "serviceusage_py_gapic_pytest.py", + "serviceusage_py_gapic_test.py", + ], + legacy_create_init = False, + deps = [":serviceusage_py_gapic"], +) + +# Open Source Packages +py_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "api-serviceusage-v1beta1-py", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_py_gapic", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# PHP +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "php_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "php_gapic_library", + "php_proto_library", +) + +php_proto_library( + name = "serviceusage_php_proto", + deps = [":serviceusage_proto"], +) + +php_gapic_library( + name = "serviceusage_php_gapic", + srcs = [":serviceusage_proto_with_info"], + grpc_service_config = "serviceusage_grpc_service_config.json", + migration_mode = "PRE_MIGRATION_SURFACE_ONLY", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "serviceusage_v1beta1.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_php_proto", + ], +) + +# Open Source Packages +php_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-api-serviceusage-v1beta1-php", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_php_gapic", + ":serviceusage_php_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# Node.js +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "nodejs_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "nodejs_gapic_library", +) + +nodejs_gapic_library( + name = "serviceusage_nodejs_gapic", + package_name = "@google-cloud/service-usage", + src = ":serviceusage_proto_with_info", + extra_protoc_parameters = ["metadata"], + grpc_service_config = "serviceusage_grpc_service_config.json", + package = "google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "serviceusage_v1beta1.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [], +) + +nodejs_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "api-serviceusage-v1beta1-nodejs", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_nodejs_gapic", + ":serviceusage_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# Ruby +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "ruby_cloud_gapic_library", + "ruby_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "ruby_grpc_library", + "ruby_proto_library", +) + +ruby_proto_library( + name = "serviceusage_ruby_proto", + deps = [":serviceusage_proto"], +) + +ruby_grpc_library( + name = "serviceusage_ruby_grpc", + srcs = [":serviceusage_proto"], + deps = [":serviceusage_ruby_proto"], +) + +ruby_cloud_gapic_library( + name = "serviceusage_ruby_gapic", + srcs = [":serviceusage_proto_with_info"], + extra_protoc_parameters = [ + "ruby-cloud-api-id=serviceusage.googleapis.com", + "ruby-cloud-api-shortname=serviceusage", + "ruby-cloud-env-prefix=SERVICE_USAGE", + "ruby-cloud-gem-name=google-cloud-service_usage-v1beta1", + "ruby-cloud-product-url=https://cloud.google.com/service-usage/", + ], + grpc_service_config = "serviceusage_grpc_service_config.json", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + ruby_cloud_description = "Service Usage is an infrastructure service of Google Cloud that lets you list and manage other APIs and services in your Cloud projects. You can list and manage Google Cloud services and their APIs, as well as services created using Cloud Endpoints.", + ruby_cloud_title = "Service Usage V1beta1", + service_yaml = "serviceusage_v1beta1.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_ruby_grpc", + ":serviceusage_ruby_proto", + ], +) + +# Open Source Packages +ruby_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-api-serviceusage-v1beta1-ruby", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_ruby_gapic", + ":serviceusage_ruby_grpc", + ":serviceusage_ruby_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# C# +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "csharp_gapic_assembly_pkg", + "csharp_gapic_library", + "csharp_grpc_library", + "csharp_proto_library", +) + +csharp_proto_library( + name = "serviceusage_csharp_proto", + extra_opts = [], + deps = [":serviceusage_proto"], +) + +csharp_grpc_library( + name = "serviceusage_csharp_grpc", + srcs = [":serviceusage_proto"], + deps = [":serviceusage_csharp_proto"], +) + +csharp_gapic_library( + name = "serviceusage_csharp_gapic", + srcs = [":serviceusage_proto_with_info"], + common_resources_config = "@gax_dotnet//:Google.Api.Gax/ResourceNames/CommonResourcesConfig.json", + grpc_service_config = "serviceusage_grpc_service_config.json", + rest_numeric_enums = True, + service_yaml = "serviceusage_v1beta1.yaml", + transport = "grpc+rest", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_csharp_grpc", + ":serviceusage_csharp_proto", + ], +) + +# Open Source Packages +csharp_gapic_assembly_pkg( + name = "google-cloud-api-serviceusage-v1beta1-csharp", + deps = [ + ":serviceusage_csharp_gapic", + ":serviceusage_csharp_grpc", + ":serviceusage_csharp_proto", + ], +) + +############################################################################## +# C++ +############################################################################## +load( + "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl", + "cc_grpc_library", + "cc_proto_library", +) + +cc_proto_library( + name = "serviceusage_cc_proto", + deps = [":serviceusage_proto"], +) + +cc_grpc_library( + name = "serviceusage_cc_grpc", + srcs = [":serviceusage_proto"], + grpc_only = True, + deps = [":serviceusage_cc_proto"], +) diff --git a/google/api/serviceusage/v1beta1/resources.proto b/google/api/serviceusage/v1beta1/resources.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7411658 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/serviceusage/v1beta1/resources.proto @@ -0,0 +1,458 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1; + +import "google/api/auth.proto"; +import "google/api/documentation.proto"; +import "google/api/endpoint.proto"; +import "google/api/monitored_resource.proto"; +import "google/api/monitoring.proto"; +import "google/api/quota.proto"; +import "google/api/usage.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/api.proto"; + +option csharp_namespace = "Google.Api.ServiceUsage.V1Beta1"; +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/serviceusage/v1beta1;serviceusage"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "ResourcesProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1"; +option php_namespace = "Google\\Api\\ServiceUsage\\V1beta1"; +option ruby_package = "Google::Api::ServiceUsage::V1beta1"; + +// A service that is available for use by the consumer. +message Service { + // The resource name of the consumer and service. + // + // A valid name would be: + // - `projects/123/services/serviceusage.googleapis.com` + string name = 1; + + // The resource name of the consumer. + // + // A valid name would be: + // - `projects/123` + string parent = 5; + + // The service configuration of the available service. + // Some fields may be filtered out of the configuration in responses to + // the `ListServices` method. These fields are present only in responses to + // the `GetService` method. + ServiceConfig config = 2; + + // Whether or not the service has been enabled for use by the consumer. + State state = 4; +} + +// Whether or not a service has been enabled for use by a consumer. +enum State { + // The default value, which indicates that the enabled state of the service + // is unspecified or not meaningful. Currently, all consumers other than + // projects (such as folders and organizations) are always in this state. + STATE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // The service cannot be used by this consumer. It has either been explicitly + // disabled, or has never been enabled. + DISABLED = 1; + + // The service has been explicitly enabled for use by this consumer. + ENABLED = 2; +} + +// The configuration of the service. +message ServiceConfig { + // The DNS address at which this service is available. + // + // An example DNS address would be: + // `calendar.googleapis.com`. + string name = 1; + + // The product title for this service. + string title = 2; + + // A list of API interfaces exported by this service. Contains only the names, + // versions, and method names of the interfaces. + repeated google.protobuf.Api apis = 3; + + // Additional API documentation. Contains only the summary and the + // documentation URL. + google.api.Documentation documentation = 6; + + // Quota configuration. + google.api.Quota quota = 10; + + // Auth configuration. Contains only the OAuth rules. + google.api.Authentication authentication = 11; + + // Configuration controlling usage of this service. + google.api.Usage usage = 15; + + // Configuration for network endpoints. Contains only the names and aliases + // of the endpoints. + repeated google.api.Endpoint endpoints = 18; + + // Defines the monitored resources used by this service. This is required + // by the [Service.monitoring][google.api.Service.monitoring] and + // [Service.logging][google.api.Service.logging] configurations. + repeated google.api.MonitoredResourceDescriptor monitored_resources = 25; + + // Monitoring configuration. + // This should not include the 'producer_destinations' field. + google.api.Monitoring monitoring = 28; +} + +// The operation metadata returned for the batchend services operation. +message OperationMetadata { + // The full name of the resources that this operation is directly + // associated with. + repeated string resource_names = 2; +} + +// Consumer quota settings for a quota metric. +message ConsumerQuotaMetric { + // The resource name of the quota settings on this metric for this consumer. + // + // An example name would be: + // `projects/123/services/compute.googleapis.com/consumerQuotaMetrics/compute.googleapis.com%2Fcpus` + // + // The resource name is intended to be opaque and should not be parsed for + // its component strings, since its representation could change in the future. + string name = 1; + + // The name of the metric. + // + // An example name would be: + // `compute.googleapis.com/cpus` + string metric = 4; + + // The display name of the metric. + // + // An example name would be: + // `CPUs` + string display_name = 2; + + // The consumer quota for each quota limit defined on the metric. + repeated ConsumerQuotaLimit consumer_quota_limits = 3; + + // The quota limits targeting the descendant containers of the + // consumer in request. + // + // If the consumer in request is of type `organizations` + // or `folders`, the field will list per-project limits in the metric; if the + // consumer in request is of type `project`, the field will be empty. + // + // The `quota_buckets` field of each descendant consumer quota limit will not + // be populated. + repeated ConsumerQuotaLimit descendant_consumer_quota_limits = 6; + + // The units in which the metric value is reported. + string unit = 5; +} + +// Consumer quota settings for a quota limit. +message ConsumerQuotaLimit { + // The resource name of the quota limit. + // + // An example name would be: + // `projects/123/services/compute.googleapis.com/consumerQuotaMetrics/compute.googleapis.com%2Fcpus/limits/%2Fproject%2Fregion` + // + // The resource name is intended to be opaque and should not be parsed for + // its component strings, since its representation could change in the future. + string name = 1; + + // The name of the parent metric of this limit. + // + // An example name would be: + // `compute.googleapis.com/cpus` + string metric = 8; + + // The limit unit. + // + // An example unit would be + // `1/{project}/{region}` + // Note that `{project}` and `{region}` are not placeholders in this example; + // the literal characters `{` and `}` occur in the string. + string unit = 2; + + // Whether this limit is precise or imprecise. + bool is_precise = 3; + + // Whether admin overrides are allowed on this limit + bool allows_admin_overrides = 7; + + // Summary of the enforced quota buckets, organized by quota dimension, + // ordered from least specific to most specific (for example, the global + // default bucket, with no quota dimensions, will always appear first). + repeated QuotaBucket quota_buckets = 9; + + // List of all supported locations. + // This field is present only if the limit has a {region} or {zone} dimension. + repeated string supported_locations = 11; +} + +// Selected view of quota. Can be used to request more detailed quota +// information when retrieving quota metrics and limits. +enum QuotaView { + // No quota view specified. Requests that do not specify a quota view will + // typically default to the BASIC view. + QUOTA_VIEW_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // Only buckets with overrides are shown in the response. + BASIC = 1; + + // Include per-location buckets even if they do not have overrides. + // When the view is FULL, and a limit has regional or zonal quota, the limit + // will include buckets for all regions or zones that could support + // overrides, even if none are currently present. In some cases this will + // cause the response to become very large; callers that do not need this + // extra information should use the BASIC view instead. + FULL = 2; +} + +// A quota bucket is a quota provisioning unit for a specific set of dimensions. +message QuotaBucket { + // The effective limit of this quota bucket. Equal to default_limit if there + // are no overrides. + int64 effective_limit = 1; + + // The default limit of this quota bucket, as specified by the service + // configuration. + int64 default_limit = 2; + + // Producer override on this quota bucket. + QuotaOverride producer_override = 3; + + // Consumer override on this quota bucket. + QuotaOverride consumer_override = 4; + + // Admin override on this quota bucket. + QuotaOverride admin_override = 5; + + // Producer policy inherited from the closet ancestor of the current consumer. + ProducerQuotaPolicy producer_quota_policy = 7; + + // The dimensions of this quota bucket. + // + // If this map is empty, this is the global bucket, which is the default quota + // value applied to all requests that do not have a more specific override. + // + // If this map is nonempty, the default limit, effective limit, and quota + // overrides apply only to requests that have the dimensions given in the map. + // + // For example, if the map has key `region` and value `us-east-1`, then the + // specified effective limit is only effective in that region, and the + // specified overrides apply only in that region. + map dimensions = 6; +} + +// A quota override +message QuotaOverride { + // The resource name of the override. + // This name is generated by the server when the override is created. + // + // Example names would be: + // `projects/123/services/compute.googleapis.com/consumerQuotaMetrics/compute.googleapis.com%2Fcpus/limits/%2Fproject%2Fregion/adminOverrides/4a3f2c1d` + // `projects/123/services/compute.googleapis.com/consumerQuotaMetrics/compute.googleapis.com%2Fcpus/limits/%2Fproject%2Fregion/consumerOverrides/4a3f2c1d` + // + // The resource name is intended to be opaque and should not be parsed for + // its component strings, since its representation could change in the future. + string name = 1; + + // The overriding quota limit value. + // Can be any nonnegative integer, or -1 (unlimited quota). + int64 override_value = 2; + + // If this map is nonempty, then this override applies only to specific values + // for dimensions defined in the limit unit. + // + // For example, an override on a limit with the unit `1/{project}/{region}` + // could contain an entry with the key `region` and the value `us-east-1`; + // the override is only applied to quota consumed in that region. + // + // This map has the following restrictions: + // + // * Keys that are not defined in the limit's unit are not valid keys. + // Any string appearing in `{brackets}` in the unit (besides `{project}` + // or + // `{user}`) is a defined key. + // * `project` is not a valid key; the project is already specified in + // the parent resource name. + // * `user` is not a valid key; the API does not support quota overrides + // that apply only to a specific user. + // * If `region` appears as a key, its value must be a valid Cloud region. + // * If `zone` appears as a key, its value must be a valid Cloud zone. + // * If any valid key other than `region` or `zone` appears in the map, then + // all valid keys other than `region` or `zone` must also appear in the + // map. + map dimensions = 3; + + // The name of the metric to which this override applies. + // + // An example name would be: + // `compute.googleapis.com/cpus` + string metric = 4; + + // The limit unit of the limit to which this override applies. + // + // An example unit would be: + // `1/{project}/{region}` + // Note that `{project}` and `{region}` are not placeholders in this example; + // the literal characters `{` and `}` occur in the string. + string unit = 5; + + // The resource name of the ancestor that requested the override. For example: + // `organizations/12345` or `folders/67890`. + // Used by admin overrides only. + string admin_override_ancestor = 6; +} + +// Import data embedded in the request message +message OverrideInlineSource { + // The overrides to create. + // Each override must have a value for 'metric' and 'unit', to specify + // which metric and which limit the override should be applied to. + // The 'name' field of the override does not need to be set; it is ignored. + repeated QuotaOverride overrides = 1; +} + +// Enumerations of quota safety checks. +enum QuotaSafetyCheck { + // Unspecified quota safety check. + QUOTA_SAFETY_CHECK_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // Validates that a quota mutation would not cause the consumer's effective + // limit to be lower than the consumer's quota usage. + LIMIT_DECREASE_BELOW_USAGE = 1; + + // Validates that a quota mutation would not cause the consumer's effective + // limit to decrease by more than 10 percent. + LIMIT_DECREASE_PERCENTAGE_TOO_HIGH = 2; +} + +// Quota policy created by service producer. +message ProducerQuotaPolicy { + // The resource name of the policy. + // This name is generated by the server when the policy is created. + // + // Example names would be: + // `organizations/123/services/compute.googleapis.com/consumerQuotaMetrics/compute.googleapis.com%2Fcpus/limits/%2Fproject%2Fregion/producerQuotaPolicies/4a3f2c1d` + string name = 1; + + // The quota policy value. + // Can be any nonnegative integer, or -1 (unlimited quota). + int64 policy_value = 2; + + // + // If this map is nonempty, then this policy applies only to specific values + // for dimensions defined in the limit unit. + // + // For example, a policy on a limit with the unit `1/{project}/{region}` + // could contain an entry with the key `region` and the value `us-east-1`; + // the policy is only applied to quota consumed in that region. + // + // This map has the following restrictions: + // + // * Keys that are not defined in the limit's unit are not valid keys. + // Any string appearing in {brackets} in the unit (besides {project} or + // {user}) is a defined key. + // * `project` is not a valid key; the project is already specified in + // the parent resource name. + // * `user` is not a valid key; the API does not support quota policies + // that apply only to a specific user. + // * If `region` appears as a key, its value must be a valid Cloud region. + // * If `zone` appears as a key, its value must be a valid Cloud zone. + // * If any valid key other than `region` or `zone` appears in the map, then + // all valid keys other than `region` or `zone` must also appear in the + // map. + map dimensions = 3; + + // The name of the metric to which this policy applies. + // + // An example name would be: + // `compute.googleapis.com/cpus` + string metric = 4; + + // The limit unit of the limit to which this policy applies. + // + // An example unit would be: + // `1/{project}/{region}` + // Note that `{project}` and `{region}` are not placeholders in this example; + // the literal characters `{` and `}` occur in the string. + string unit = 5; + + // The cloud resource container at which the quota policy is created. The + // format is `{container_type}/{container_number}` + string container = 6; +} + +// Quota policy created by quota administrator. +message AdminQuotaPolicy { + // The resource name of the policy. + // This name is generated by the server when the policy is created. + // + // Example names would be: + // `organizations/123/services/compute.googleapis.com/consumerQuotaMetrics/compute.googleapis.com%2Fcpus/limits/%2Fproject%2Fregion/adminQuotaPolicies/4a3f2c1d` + string name = 1; + + // The quota policy value. + // Can be any nonnegative integer, or -1 (unlimited quota). + int64 policy_value = 2; + + // + // If this map is nonempty, then this policy applies only to specific values + // for dimensions defined in the limit unit. + // + // For example, a policy on a limit with the unit `1/{project}/{region}` + // could contain an entry with the key `region` and the value `us-east-1`; + // the policy is only applied to quota consumed in that region. + // + // This map has the following restrictions: + // + // * If `region` appears as a key, its value must be a valid Cloud region. + // * If `zone` appears as a key, its value must be a valid Cloud zone. + // * Keys other than `region` or `zone` are not valid. + map dimensions = 3; + + // The name of the metric to which this policy applies. + // + // An example name would be: + // `compute.googleapis.com/cpus` + string metric = 4; + + // The limit unit of the limit to which this policy applies. + // + // An example unit would be: + // `1/{project}/{region}` + // Note that `{project}` and `{region}` are not placeholders in this example; + // the literal characters `{` and `}` occur in the string. + string unit = 5; + + // The cloud resource container at which the quota policy is created. The + // format is `{container_type}/{container_number}` + string container = 6; +} + +// Service identity for a service. This is the identity that service producer +// should use to access consumer resources. +message ServiceIdentity { + // The email address of the service account that a service producer would use + // to access consumer resources. + string email = 1; + + // The unique and stable id of the service account. + // https://cloud.google.com/iam/reference/rest/v1/projects.serviceAccounts#ServiceAccount + string unique_id = 2; +} diff --git a/google/api/serviceusage/v1beta1/serviceusage.proto b/google/api/serviceusage/v1beta1/serviceusage.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5db5465 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/serviceusage/v1beta1/serviceusage.proto @@ -0,0 +1,793 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1; + +import "google/api/annotations.proto"; +import "google/api/client.proto"; +import "google/api/field_behavior.proto"; +import "google/api/serviceusage/v1beta1/resources.proto"; +import "google/longrunning/operations.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/field_mask.proto"; + +option csharp_namespace = "Google.Api.ServiceUsage.V1Beta1"; +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/serviceusage/v1beta1;serviceusage"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "ServiceUsageProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1"; +option php_namespace = "Google\\Api\\ServiceUsage\\V1beta1"; +option ruby_package = "Google::Api::ServiceUsage::V1beta1"; + +// [Service Usage API](https://cloud.google.com/service-usage/docs/overview) +service ServiceUsage { + option (google.api.default_host) = "serviceusage.googleapis.com"; + option (google.api.oauth_scopes) = + "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform," + "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only," + "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management"; + + // Enables a service so that it can be used with a project. + // + // Operation response type: `google.protobuf.Empty` + rpc EnableService(EnableServiceRequest) + returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { + option deprecated = true; + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/v1beta1/{name=*/*/services/*}:enable" + body: "*" + }; + option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { + response_type: "google.protobuf.Empty" + metadata_type: "OperationMetadata" + }; + } + + // Disables a service so that it can no longer be used with a project. + // This prevents unintended usage that may cause unexpected billing + // charges or security leaks. + // + // It is not valid to call the disable method on a service that is not + // currently enabled. Callers will receive a `FAILED_PRECONDITION` status if + // the target service is not currently enabled. + // + // Operation response type: `google.protobuf.Empty` + rpc DisableService(DisableServiceRequest) + returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { + option deprecated = true; + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/v1beta1/{name=*/*/services/*}:disable" + body: "*" + }; + option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { + response_type: "google.protobuf.Empty" + metadata_type: "OperationMetadata" + }; + } + + // Returns the service configuration and enabled state for a given service. + rpc GetService(GetServiceRequest) returns (Service) { + option deprecated = true; + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/v1beta1/{name=*/*/services/*}" + }; + } + + // Lists all services available to the specified project, and the current + // state of those services with respect to the project. The list includes + // all public services, all services for which the calling user has the + // `servicemanagement.services.bind` permission, and all services that have + // already been enabled on the project. The list can be filtered to + // only include services in a specific state, for example to only include + // services enabled on the project. + rpc ListServices(ListServicesRequest) returns (ListServicesResponse) { + option deprecated = true; + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/v1beta1/{parent=*/*}/services" + }; + } + + // Enables multiple services on a project. The operation is atomic: if + // enabling any service fails, then the entire batch fails, and no state + // changes occur. + // + // Operation response type: `google.protobuf.Empty` + rpc BatchEnableServices(BatchEnableServicesRequest) + returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { + option deprecated = true; + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/v1beta1/{parent=*/*}/services:batchEnable" + body: "*" + }; + option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { + response_type: "google.protobuf.Empty" + metadata_type: "OperationMetadata" + }; + } + + // Retrieves a summary of all quota information visible to the service + // consumer, organized by service metric. Each metric includes information + // about all of its defined limits. Each limit includes the limit + // configuration (quota unit, preciseness, default value), the current + // effective limit value, and all of the overrides applied to the limit. + rpc ListConsumerQuotaMetrics(ListConsumerQuotaMetricsRequest) + returns (ListConsumerQuotaMetricsResponse) { + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/v1beta1/{parent=*/*/services/*}/consumerQuotaMetrics" + }; + } + + // Retrieves a summary of quota information for a specific quota metric + rpc GetConsumerQuotaMetric(GetConsumerQuotaMetricRequest) + returns (ConsumerQuotaMetric) { + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/v1beta1/{name=*/*/services/*/consumerQuotaMetrics/*}" + }; + } + + // Retrieves a summary of quota information for a specific quota limit. + rpc GetConsumerQuotaLimit(GetConsumerQuotaLimitRequest) + returns (ConsumerQuotaLimit) { + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/v1beta1/{name=*/*/services/*/consumerQuotaMetrics/*/limits/*}" + }; + } + + // Creates an admin override. + // An admin override is applied by an administrator of a parent folder or + // parent organization of the consumer receiving the override. An admin + // override is intended to limit the amount of quota the consumer can use out + // of the total quota pool allocated to all children of the folder or + // organization. + rpc CreateAdminOverride(CreateAdminOverrideRequest) + returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/v1beta1/{parent=*/*/services/*/consumerQuotaMetrics/*/limits/*}/adminOverrides" + body: "override" + }; + option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { + response_type: "QuotaOverride" + metadata_type: "OperationMetadata" + }; + } + + // Updates an admin override. + rpc UpdateAdminOverride(UpdateAdminOverrideRequest) + returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { + option (google.api.http) = { + patch: "/v1beta1/{name=*/*/services/*/consumerQuotaMetrics/*/limits/*/adminOverrides/*}" + body: "override" + }; + option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { + response_type: "QuotaOverride" + metadata_type: "OperationMetadata" + }; + } + + // Deletes an admin override. + rpc DeleteAdminOverride(DeleteAdminOverrideRequest) + returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { + option (google.api.http) = { + delete: "/v1beta1/{name=*/*/services/*/consumerQuotaMetrics/*/limits/*/adminOverrides/*}" + }; + option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { + response_type: "google.protobuf.Empty" + metadata_type: "OperationMetadata" + }; + } + + // Lists all admin overrides on this limit. + rpc ListAdminOverrides(ListAdminOverridesRequest) + returns (ListAdminOverridesResponse) { + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/v1beta1/{parent=*/*/services/*/consumerQuotaMetrics/*/limits/*}/adminOverrides" + }; + } + + // Creates or updates multiple admin overrides atomically, all on the + // same consumer, but on many different metrics or limits. + // The name field in the quota override message should not be set. + rpc ImportAdminOverrides(ImportAdminOverridesRequest) + returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/v1beta1/{parent=*/*/services/*}/consumerQuotaMetrics:importAdminOverrides" + body: "*" + }; + option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { + response_type: "ImportAdminOverridesResponse" + metadata_type: "ImportAdminOverridesMetadata" + }; + } + + // Creates a consumer override. + // A consumer override is applied to the consumer on its own authority to + // limit its own quota usage. Consumer overrides cannot be used to grant more + // quota than would be allowed by admin overrides, producer overrides, or the + // default limit of the service. + rpc CreateConsumerOverride(CreateConsumerOverrideRequest) + returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/v1beta1/{parent=*/*/services/*/consumerQuotaMetrics/*/limits/*}/consumerOverrides" + body: "override" + }; + option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { + response_type: "QuotaOverride" + metadata_type: "OperationMetadata" + }; + } + + // Updates a consumer override. + rpc UpdateConsumerOverride(UpdateConsumerOverrideRequest) + returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { + option (google.api.http) = { + patch: "/v1beta1/{name=*/*/services/*/consumerQuotaMetrics/*/limits/*/consumerOverrides/*}" + body: "override" + }; + option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { + response_type: "QuotaOverride" + metadata_type: "OperationMetadata" + }; + } + + // Deletes a consumer override. + rpc DeleteConsumerOverride(DeleteConsumerOverrideRequest) + returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { + option (google.api.http) = { + delete: "/v1beta1/{name=*/*/services/*/consumerQuotaMetrics/*/limits/*/consumerOverrides/*}" + }; + option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { + response_type: "google.protobuf.Empty" + metadata_type: "OperationMetadata" + }; + } + + // Lists all consumer overrides on this limit. + rpc ListConsumerOverrides(ListConsumerOverridesRequest) + returns (ListConsumerOverridesResponse) { + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/v1beta1/{parent=*/*/services/*/consumerQuotaMetrics/*/limits/*}/consumerOverrides" + }; + } + + // Creates or updates multiple consumer overrides atomically, all on the + // same consumer, but on many different metrics or limits. + // The name field in the quota override message should not be set. + rpc ImportConsumerOverrides(ImportConsumerOverridesRequest) + returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/v1beta1/{parent=*/*/services/*}/consumerQuotaMetrics:importConsumerOverrides" + body: "*" + }; + option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { + response_type: "ImportConsumerOverridesResponse" + metadata_type: "ImportConsumerOverridesMetadata" + }; + } + + // Generates service identity for service. + rpc GenerateServiceIdentity(GenerateServiceIdentityRequest) + returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/v1beta1/{parent=*/*/services/*}:generateServiceIdentity" + }; + option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { + response_type: "ServiceIdentity" + metadata_type: "google.protobuf.Empty" + }; + } +} + +// Request message for the `EnableService` method. +message EnableServiceRequest { + // Name of the consumer and service to enable the service on. + // + // The `EnableService` and `DisableService` methods currently only support + // projects. + // + // Enabling a service requires that the service is public or is shared with + // the user enabling the service. + // + // An example name would be: + // `projects/123/services/serviceusage.googleapis.com` + // where `123` is the project number (not project ID). + string name = 1; +} + +// Request message for the `DisableService` method. +message DisableServiceRequest { + // Name of the consumer and service to disable the service on. + // + // The enable and disable methods currently only support projects. + // + // An example name would be: + // `projects/123/services/serviceusage.googleapis.com` + // where `123` is the project number (not project ID). + string name = 1; +} + +// Request message for the `GetService` method. +message GetServiceRequest { + // Name of the consumer and service to get the `ConsumerState` for. + // + // An example name would be: + // `projects/123/services/serviceusage.googleapis.com` + // where `123` is the project number (not project ID). + string name = 1; +} + +// Request message for the `ListServices` method. +message ListServicesRequest { + // Parent to search for services on. + // + // An example name would be: + // `projects/123` + // where `123` is the project number (not project ID). + string parent = 1; + + // Requested size of the next page of data. + // Requested page size cannot exceed 200. + // If not set, the default page size is 50. + int32 page_size = 2; + + // Token identifying which result to start with, which is returned by a + // previous list call. + string page_token = 3; + + // Only list services that conform to the given filter. + // The allowed filter strings are `state:ENABLED` and `state:DISABLED`. + string filter = 4; +} + +// Response message for the `ListServices` method. +message ListServicesResponse { + // The available services for the requested project. + repeated Service services = 1; + + // Token that can be passed to `ListServices` to resume a paginated + // query. + string next_page_token = 2; +} + +// Request message for the `BatchEnableServices` method. +message BatchEnableServicesRequest { + // Parent to enable services on. + // + // An example name would be: + // `projects/123` + // where `123` is the project number (not project ID). + // + // The `BatchEnableServices` method currently only supports projects. + string parent = 1; + + // The identifiers of the services to enable on the project. + // + // A valid identifier would be: + // serviceusage.googleapis.com + // + // Enabling services requires that each service is public or is shared with + // the user enabling the service. + // + // Two or more services must be specified. To enable a single service, + // use the `EnableService` method instead. + // + // A single request can enable a maximum of 20 services at a time. If more + // than 20 services are specified, the request will fail, and no state changes + // will occur. + repeated string service_ids = 2; +} + +// Request message for ListConsumerQuotaMetrics +message ListConsumerQuotaMetricsRequest { + // Parent of the quotas resource. + // + // Some example names would be: + // `projects/123/services/serviceconsumermanagement.googleapis.com` + // `folders/345/services/serviceconsumermanagement.googleapis.com` + // `organizations/456/services/serviceconsumermanagement.googleapis.com` + string parent = 1; + + // Requested size of the next page of data. + int32 page_size = 2; + + // Token identifying which result to start with; returned by a previous list + // call. + string page_token = 3; + + // Specifies the level of detail for quota information in the response. + QuotaView view = 4; +} + +// Response message for ListConsumerQuotaMetrics +message ListConsumerQuotaMetricsResponse { + // Quota settings for the consumer, organized by quota metric. + repeated ConsumerQuotaMetric metrics = 1; + + // Token identifying which result to start with; returned by a previous list + // call. + string next_page_token = 2; +} + +// Request message for GetConsumerQuotaMetric +message GetConsumerQuotaMetricRequest { + // The resource name of the quota limit. + // + // An example name would be: + // `projects/123/services/serviceusage.googleapis.com/quotas/metrics/serviceusage.googleapis.com%2Fmutate_requests` + string name = 1; + + // Specifies the level of detail for quota information in the response. + QuotaView view = 2; +} + +// Request message for GetConsumerQuotaLimit +message GetConsumerQuotaLimitRequest { + // The resource name of the quota limit. + // + // Use the quota limit resource name returned by previous + // ListConsumerQuotaMetrics and GetConsumerQuotaMetric API calls. + string name = 1; + + // Specifies the level of detail for quota information in the response. + QuotaView view = 2; +} + +// Request message for CreateAdminOverride. +message CreateAdminOverrideRequest { + // The resource name of the parent quota limit, returned by a + // ListConsumerQuotaMetrics or GetConsumerQuotaMetric call. + // + // An example name would be: + // `projects/123/services/compute.googleapis.com/consumerQuotaMetrics/compute.googleapis.com%2Fcpus/limits/%2Fproject%2Fregion` + string parent = 1; + + // The admin override to create. + QuotaOverride override = 2; + + // Whether to force the creation of the quota override. + // Setting the force parameter to 'true' ignores all quota safety checks that + // would fail the request. QuotaSafetyCheck lists all such validations. + bool force = 3; + + // The list of quota safety checks to ignore before the override mutation. + // Unlike 'force' field that ignores all the quota safety checks, the + // 'force_only' field ignores only the specified checks; other checks are + // still enforced. The 'force' and 'force_only' fields cannot both be set. + repeated QuotaSafetyCheck force_only = 4; +} + +// Request message for UpdateAdminOverride. +message UpdateAdminOverrideRequest { + // The resource name of the override to update. + // + // An example name would be: + // `projects/123/services/compute.googleapis.com/consumerQuotaMetrics/compute.googleapis.com%2Fcpus/limits/%2Fproject%2Fregion/adminOverrides/4a3f2c1d` + string name = 1; + + // The new override. + // Only the override_value is updated; all other fields are ignored. + QuotaOverride override = 2; + + // Whether to force the update of the quota override. + // Setting the force parameter to 'true' ignores all quota safety checks that + // would fail the request. QuotaSafetyCheck lists all such validations. + bool force = 3; + + // Update only the specified fields of the override. + // If unset, all fields will be updated. + google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 4; + + // The list of quota safety checks to ignore before the override mutation. + // Unlike 'force' field that ignores all the quota safety checks, the + // 'force_only' field ignores only the specified checks; other checks are + // still enforced. The 'force' and 'force_only' fields cannot both be set. + repeated QuotaSafetyCheck force_only = 5; +} + +// Request message for DeleteAdminOverride. +message DeleteAdminOverrideRequest { + // The resource name of the override to delete. + // + // An example name would be: + // `projects/123/services/compute.googleapis.com/consumerQuotaMetrics/compute.googleapis.com%2Fcpus/limits/%2Fproject%2Fregion/adminOverrides/4a3f2c1d` + string name = 1; + + // Whether to force the deletion of the quota override. + // Setting the force parameter to 'true' ignores all quota safety checks that + // would fail the request. QuotaSafetyCheck lists all such validations. + bool force = 2; + + // The list of quota safety checks to ignore before the override mutation. + // Unlike 'force' field that ignores all the quota safety checks, the + // 'force_only' field ignores only the specified checks; other checks are + // still enforced. The 'force' and 'force_only' fields cannot both be set. + repeated QuotaSafetyCheck force_only = 3; +} + +// Request message for ListAdminOverrides +message ListAdminOverridesRequest { + // The resource name of the parent quota limit, returned by a + // ListConsumerQuotaMetrics or GetConsumerQuotaMetric call. + // + // An example name would be: + // `projects/123/services/compute.googleapis.com/consumerQuotaMetrics/compute.googleapis.com%2Fcpus/limits/%2Fproject%2Fregion` + string parent = 1; + + // Requested size of the next page of data. + int32 page_size = 2; + + // Token identifying which result to start with; returned by a previous list + // call. + string page_token = 3; +} + +// Response message for ListAdminOverrides. +message ListAdminOverridesResponse { + // Admin overrides on this limit. + repeated QuotaOverride overrides = 1; + + // Token identifying which result to start with; returned by a previous list + // call. + string next_page_token = 2; +} + +// Response message for BatchCreateAdminOverrides +message BatchCreateAdminOverridesResponse { + // The overrides that were created. + repeated QuotaOverride overrides = 1; +} + +// Request message for ImportAdminOverrides +message ImportAdminOverridesRequest { + // The resource name of the consumer. + // + // An example name would be: + // `projects/123/services/compute.googleapis.com` + string parent = 1; + + // Source of import data + oneof source { + // The import data is specified in the request message itself + OverrideInlineSource inline_source = 2; + } + + // Whether to force the creation of the quota overrides. + // Setting the force parameter to 'true' ignores all quota safety checks that + // would fail the request. QuotaSafetyCheck lists all such validations. + bool force = 3; + + // The list of quota safety checks to ignore before the override mutation. + // Unlike 'force' field that ignores all the quota safety checks, the + // 'force_only' field ignores only the specified checks; other checks are + // still enforced. The 'force' and 'force_only' fields cannot both be set. + repeated QuotaSafetyCheck force_only = 4; +} + +// Response message for ImportAdminOverrides +message ImportAdminOverridesResponse { + // The overrides that were created from the imported data. + repeated QuotaOverride overrides = 1; +} + +// Metadata message that provides information such as progress, +// partial failures, and similar information on each GetOperation call +// of LRO returned by ImportAdminOverrides. +message ImportAdminOverridesMetadata {} + +// Request message for CreateConsumerOverride. +message CreateConsumerOverrideRequest { + // The resource name of the parent quota limit, returned by a + // ListConsumerQuotaMetrics or GetConsumerQuotaMetric call. + // + // An example name would be: + // `projects/123/services/compute.googleapis.com/consumerQuotaMetrics/compute.googleapis.com%2Fcpus/limits/%2Fproject%2Fregion` + string parent = 1; + + // The override to create. + QuotaOverride override = 2; + + // Whether to force the creation of the quota override. + // Setting the force parameter to 'true' ignores all quota safety checks that + // would fail the request. QuotaSafetyCheck lists all such validations. + bool force = 3; + + // The list of quota safety checks to ignore before the override mutation. + // Unlike 'force' field that ignores all the quota safety checks, the + // 'force_only' field ignores only the specified checks; other checks are + // still enforced. The 'force' and 'force_only' fields cannot both be set. + repeated QuotaSafetyCheck force_only = 4; +} + +// Request message for UpdateConsumerOverride. +message UpdateConsumerOverrideRequest { + // The resource name of the override to update. + // + // An example name would be: + // `projects/123/services/compute.googleapis.com/consumerQuotaMetrics/compute.googleapis.com%2Fcpus/limits/%2Fproject%2Fregion/consumerOverrides/4a3f2c1d` + string name = 1; + + // The new override. + // Only the override_value is updated; all other fields are ignored. + QuotaOverride override = 2; + + // Whether to force the update of the quota override. + // Setting the force parameter to 'true' ignores all quota safety checks that + // would fail the request. QuotaSafetyCheck lists all such validations. + bool force = 3; + + // Update only the specified fields of the override. + // If unset, all fields will be updated. + google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 4; + + // The list of quota safety checks to ignore before the override mutation. + // Unlike 'force' field that ignores all the quota safety checks, the + // 'force_only' field ignores only the specified checks; other checks are + // still enforced. The 'force' and 'force_only' fields cannot both be set. + repeated QuotaSafetyCheck force_only = 5; +} + +// Request message for DeleteConsumerOverride. +message DeleteConsumerOverrideRequest { + // The resource name of the override to delete. + // + // An example name would be: + // `projects/123/services/compute.googleapis.com/consumerQuotaMetrics/compute.googleapis.com%2Fcpus/limits/%2Fproject%2Fregion/consumerOverrides/4a3f2c1d` + string name = 1; + + // Whether to force the deletion of the quota override. + // Setting the force parameter to 'true' ignores all quota safety checks that + // would fail the request. QuotaSafetyCheck lists all such validations. + bool force = 2; + + // The list of quota safety checks to ignore before the override mutation. + // Unlike 'force' field that ignores all the quota safety checks, the + // 'force_only' field ignores only the specified checks; other checks are + // still enforced. The 'force' and 'force_only' fields cannot both be set. + repeated QuotaSafetyCheck force_only = 3; +} + +// Request message for ListConsumerOverrides +message ListConsumerOverridesRequest { + // The resource name of the parent quota limit, returned by a + // ListConsumerQuotaMetrics or GetConsumerQuotaMetric call. + // + // An example name would be: + // `projects/123/services/compute.googleapis.com/consumerQuotaMetrics/compute.googleapis.com%2Fcpus/limits/%2Fproject%2Fregion` + string parent = 1; + + // Requested size of the next page of data. + int32 page_size = 2; + + // Token identifying which result to start with; returned by a previous list + // call. + string page_token = 3; +} + +// Response message for ListConsumerOverrides. +message ListConsumerOverridesResponse { + // Consumer overrides on this limit. + repeated QuotaOverride overrides = 1; + + // Token identifying which result to start with; returned by a previous list + // call. + string next_page_token = 2; +} + +// Response message for BatchCreateConsumerOverrides +message BatchCreateConsumerOverridesResponse { + // The overrides that were created. + repeated QuotaOverride overrides = 1; +} + +// Request message for ImportConsumerOverrides +message ImportConsumerOverridesRequest { + // The resource name of the consumer. + // + // An example name would be: + // `projects/123/services/compute.googleapis.com` + string parent = 1; + + // Source of import data + oneof source { + // The import data is specified in the request message itself + OverrideInlineSource inline_source = 2; + } + + // Whether to force the creation of the quota overrides. + // Setting the force parameter to 'true' ignores all quota safety checks that + // would fail the request. QuotaSafetyCheck lists all such validations. + bool force = 3; + + // The list of quota safety checks to ignore before the override mutation. + // Unlike 'force' field that ignores all the quota safety checks, the + // 'force_only' field ignores only the specified checks; other checks are + // still enforced. The 'force' and 'force_only' fields cannot both be set. + repeated QuotaSafetyCheck force_only = 4; +} + +// Response message for ImportConsumerOverrides +message ImportConsumerOverridesResponse { + // The overrides that were created from the imported data. + repeated QuotaOverride overrides = 1; +} + +// Metadata message that provides information such as progress, +// partial failures, and similar information on each GetOperation call +// of LRO returned by ImportConsumerOverrides. +message ImportConsumerOverridesMetadata {} + +// Response message for ImportAdminQuotaPolicies +message ImportAdminQuotaPoliciesResponse { + // The policies that were created from the imported data. + repeated AdminQuotaPolicy policies = 1; +} + +// Metadata message that provides information such as progress, +// partial failures, and similar information on each GetOperation call +// of LRO returned by ImportAdminQuotaPolicies. +message ImportAdminQuotaPoliciesMetadata {} + +// Metadata message that provides information such as progress, +// partial failures, and similar information on each GetOperation call +// of LRO returned by CreateAdminQuotaPolicy. +message CreateAdminQuotaPolicyMetadata {} + +// Metadata message that provides information such as progress, +// partial failures, and similar information on each GetOperation call +// of LRO returned by UpdateAdminQuotaPolicy. +message UpdateAdminQuotaPolicyMetadata {} + +// Metadata message that provides information such as progress, +// partial failures, and similar information on each GetOperation call +// of LRO returned by DeleteAdminQuotaPolicy. +message DeleteAdminQuotaPolicyMetadata {} + +// Request message for generating service identity. +message GenerateServiceIdentityRequest { + // Name of the consumer and service to generate an identity for. + // + // The `GenerateServiceIdentity` methods currently support projects, folders, + // organizations. + // + // Example parents would be: + // `projects/123/services/example.googleapis.com` + // `folders/123/services/example.googleapis.com` + // `organizations/123/services/example.googleapis.com` + string parent = 1; +} + +// Response message for getting service identity. +message GetServiceIdentityResponse { + // Enum for service identity state. + enum IdentityState { + // Default service identity state. This value is used if the state is + // omitted. + IDENTITY_STATE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; + + // Service identity has been created and can be used. + ACTIVE = 1; + } + + // Service identity that service producer can use to access consumer + // resources. If exists is true, it contains email and unique_id. If exists is + // false, it contains pre-constructed email and empty unique_id. + ServiceIdentity identity = 1; + + // Service identity state. + IdentityState state = 2; +} + +// Metadata for the `GetServiceIdentity` method. +message GetServiceIdentityMetadata {} diff --git a/google/api/serviceusage/v1beta1/serviceusage_grpc_service_config.json b/google/api/serviceusage/v1beta1/serviceusage_grpc_service_config.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c04430c --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/serviceusage/v1beta1/serviceusage_grpc_service_config.json @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +{ + "methodConfig": [{ + "name": [ + { "service": "google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.ServiceUsage" } + ], + "timeout": "5s" + }] +} diff --git a/google/api/serviceusage/v1beta1/serviceusage_v1beta1.yaml b/google/api/serviceusage/v1beta1/serviceusage_v1beta1.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..211cc8e --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/serviceusage/v1beta1/serviceusage_v1beta1.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +type: google.api.Service +config_version: 3 +name: serviceusage.googleapis.com +title: Service Usage API + +apis: +- name: google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.ServiceUsage +- name: google.longrunning.Operations + +types: +- name: google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.BatchCreateAdminOverridesResponse +- name: google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.BatchCreateConsumerOverridesResponse +- name: google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.CreateAdminQuotaPolicyMetadata +- name: google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.DeleteAdminQuotaPolicyMetadata +- name: google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.GetServiceIdentityMetadata +- name: google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.GetServiceIdentityResponse +- name: google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.ImportAdminOverridesMetadata +- name: google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.ImportAdminOverridesResponse +- name: google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.ImportAdminQuotaPoliciesMetadata +- name: google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.ImportAdminQuotaPoliciesResponse +- name: google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.ImportConsumerOverridesMetadata +- name: google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.ImportConsumerOverridesResponse +- name: google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.OperationMetadata +- name: google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.ServiceIdentity +- name: google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.UpdateAdminQuotaPolicyMetadata + +documentation: + summary: |- + Enables services that service consumers want to use on Google Cloud + Platform, lists the available or enabled services, or disables services + that service consumers no longer use. + overview: |- + The Service Usage API allows *service consumers* to manage the set + of *services* they interact with. Consumers can use the Service Usage API + or the [Google Cloud Console](https://console.cloud.google.com) to enable + services in their [Google + developer + project](https://developers.google.com/console/help/new/). After a service + is enabled, its APIs become available. + + ## Service consumers + + A service consumer is a Google developer project that has enabled and can + invoke APIs on a service. A service can have many service consumers. + +backend: + rules: + - selector: 'google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.ServiceUsage.*' + deadline: 20.0 + - selector: 'google.longrunning.Operations.*' + deadline: 20.0 + +http: + rules: + - selector: google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation + get: '/v1beta1/{name=operations/*}' + - selector: google.longrunning.Operations.ListOperations + get: /v1beta1/operations + +authentication: + rules: + - selector: 'google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.ServiceUsage.*' + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management + - selector: google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.ServiceUsage.GetConsumerQuotaLimit + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only + - selector: google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.ServiceUsage.GetConsumerQuotaMetric + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only + - selector: google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.ServiceUsage.GetService + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only + - selector: google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.ServiceUsage.ListAdminOverrides + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only + - selector: google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.ServiceUsage.ListConsumerOverrides + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only + - selector: google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.ServiceUsage.ListConsumerQuotaMetrics + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only + - selector: google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1.ServiceUsage.ListServices + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only + - selector: 'google.longrunning.Operations.*' + oauth: + canonical_scopes: |- + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, + https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management diff --git a/google/api/source_info.proto b/google/api/source_info.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..51fe279 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/source_info.proto @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/serviceconfig;serviceconfig"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "SourceInfoProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +// Source information used to create a Service Config +message SourceInfo { + // All files used during config generation. + repeated google.protobuf.Any source_files = 1; +} diff --git a/google/api/system_parameter.proto b/google/api/system_parameter.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8d29057 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/system_parameter.proto @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/serviceconfig;serviceconfig"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "SystemParameterProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +// ### System parameter configuration +// +// A system parameter is a special kind of parameter defined by the API +// system, not by an individual API. It is typically mapped to an HTTP header +// and/or a URL query parameter. This configuration specifies which methods +// change the names of the system parameters. +message SystemParameters { + // Define system parameters. + // + // The parameters defined here will override the default parameters + // implemented by the system. If this field is missing from the service + // config, default system parameters will be used. Default system parameters + // and names is implementation-dependent. + // + // Example: define api key for all methods + // + // system_parameters + // rules: + // - selector: "*" + // parameters: + // - name: api_key + // url_query_parameter: api_key + // + // + // Example: define 2 api key names for a specific method. + // + // system_parameters + // rules: + // - selector: "/ListShelves" + // parameters: + // - name: api_key + // http_header: Api-Key1 + // - name: api_key + // http_header: Api-Key2 + // + // **NOTE:** All service configuration rules follow "last one wins" order. + repeated SystemParameterRule rules = 1; +} + +// Define a system parameter rule mapping system parameter definitions to +// methods. +message SystemParameterRule { + // Selects the methods to which this rule applies. Use '*' to indicate all + // methods in all APIs. + // + // Refer to [selector][google.api.DocumentationRule.selector] for syntax + // details. + string selector = 1; + + // Define parameters. Multiple names may be defined for a parameter. + // For a given method call, only one of them should be used. If multiple + // names are used the behavior is implementation-dependent. + // If none of the specified names are present the behavior is + // parameter-dependent. + repeated SystemParameter parameters = 2; +} + +// Define a parameter's name and location. The parameter may be passed as either +// an HTTP header or a URL query parameter, and if both are passed the behavior +// is implementation-dependent. +message SystemParameter { + // Define the name of the parameter, such as "api_key" . It is case sensitive. + string name = 1; + + // Define the HTTP header name to use for the parameter. It is case + // insensitive. + string http_header = 2; + + // Define the URL query parameter name to use for the parameter. It is case + // sensitive. + string url_query_parameter = 3; +} diff --git a/google/api/usage.proto b/google/api/usage.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b9384b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/usage.proto @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/serviceconfig;serviceconfig"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "UsageProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +// Configuration controlling usage of a service. +message Usage { + // Requirements that must be satisfied before a consumer project can use the + // service. Each requirement is of the form /; + // for example 'serviceusage.googleapis.com/billing-enabled'. + // + // For Google APIs, a Terms of Service requirement must be included here. + // Google Cloud APIs must include "serviceusage.googleapis.com/tos/cloud". + // Other Google APIs should include + // "serviceusage.googleapis.com/tos/universal". Additional ToS can be + // included based on the business needs. + repeated string requirements = 1; + + // A list of usage rules that apply to individual API methods. + // + // **NOTE:** All service configuration rules follow "last one wins" order. + repeated UsageRule rules = 6; + + // The full resource name of a channel used for sending notifications to the + // service producer. + // + // Google Service Management currently only supports + // [Google Cloud Pub/Sub](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub) as a notification + // channel. To use Google Cloud Pub/Sub as the channel, this must be the name + // of a Cloud Pub/Sub topic that uses the Cloud Pub/Sub topic name format + // documented in https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/overview. + string producer_notification_channel = 7; +} + +// Usage configuration rules for the service. +// +// NOTE: Under development. +// +// +// Use this rule to configure unregistered calls for the service. Unregistered +// calls are calls that do not contain consumer project identity. +// (Example: calls that do not contain an API key). +// By default, API methods do not allow unregistered calls, and each method call +// must be identified by a consumer project identity. Use this rule to +// allow/disallow unregistered calls. +// +// Example of an API that wants to allow unregistered calls for entire service. +// +// usage: +// rules: +// - selector: "*" +// allow_unregistered_calls: true +// +// Example of a method that wants to allow unregistered calls. +// +// usage: +// rules: +// - selector: "google.example.library.v1.LibraryService.CreateBook" +// allow_unregistered_calls: true +message UsageRule { + // Selects the methods to which this rule applies. Use '*' to indicate all + // methods in all APIs. + // + // Refer to [selector][google.api.DocumentationRule.selector] for syntax + // details. + string selector = 1; + + // If true, the selected method allows unregistered calls, e.g. calls + // that don't identify any user or application. + bool allow_unregistered_calls = 2; + + // If true, the selected method should skip service control and the control + // plane features, such as quota and billing, will not be available. + // This flag is used by Google Cloud Endpoints to bypass checks for internal + // methods, such as service health check methods. + bool skip_service_control = 3; +} diff --git a/google/api/visibility.proto b/google/api/visibility.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b1f946 --- /dev/null +++ b/google/api/visibility.proto @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// Copyright 2023 Google LLC +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +syntax = "proto3"; + +package google.api; + +import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto"; + +option cc_enable_arenas = true; +option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/visibility;visibility"; +option java_multiple_files = true; +option java_outer_classname = "VisibilityProto"; +option java_package = "com.google.api"; +option objc_class_prefix = "GAPI"; + +extend google.protobuf.EnumOptions { + // See `VisibilityRule`. + google.api.VisibilityRule enum_visibility = 72295727; +} + +extend google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions { + // See `VisibilityRule`. + google.api.VisibilityRule value_visibility = 72295727; +} + +extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions { + // See `VisibilityRule`. + google.api.VisibilityRule field_visibility = 72295727; +} + +extend google.protobuf.MessageOptions { + // See `VisibilityRule`. + google.api.VisibilityRule message_visibility = 72295727; +} + +extend google.protobuf.MethodOptions { + // See `VisibilityRule`. + google.api.VisibilityRule method_visibility = 72295727; +} + +extend google.protobuf.ServiceOptions { + // See `VisibilityRule`. + google.api.VisibilityRule api_visibility = 72295727; +} + +// `Visibility` restricts service consumer's access to service elements, +// such as whether an application can call a visibility-restricted method. +// The restriction is expressed by applying visibility labels on service +// elements. The visibility labels are elsewhere linked to service consumers. +// +// A service can define multiple visibility labels, but a service consumer +// should be granted at most one visibility label. Multiple visibility +// labels for a single service consumer are not supported. +// +// If an element and all its parents have no visibility label, its visibility +// is unconditionally granted. +// +// Example: +// +// visibility: +// rules: +// - selector: google.calendar.Calendar.EnhancedSearch +// restriction: PREVIEW +// - selector: google.calendar.Calendar.Delegate +// restriction: INTERNAL +// +// Here, all methods are publicly visible except for the restricted methods +// EnhancedSearch and Delegate. +message Visibility { + // A list of visibility rules that apply to individual API elements. + // + // **NOTE:** All service configuration rules follow "last one wins" order. + repeated VisibilityRule rules = 1; +} + +// A visibility rule provides visibility configuration for an individual API +// element. +message VisibilityRule { + // Selects methods, messages, fields, enums, etc. to which this rule applies. + // + // Refer to [selector][google.api.DocumentationRule.selector] for syntax + // details. + string selector = 1; + + // A comma-separated list of visibility labels that apply to the `selector`. + // Any of the listed labels can be used to grant the visibility. + // + // If a rule has multiple labels, removing one of the labels but not all of + // them can break clients. + // + // Example: + // + // visibility: + // rules: + // - selector: google.calendar.Calendar.EnhancedSearch + // restriction: INTERNAL, PREVIEW + // + // Removing INTERNAL from this restriction will break clients that rely on + // this method and only had access to it through INTERNAL. + string restriction = 2; +} diff --git a/goutils/proto_build/.gitignore b/goutils/proto_build/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a172f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/goutils/proto_build/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +proto_build \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/goutils/proto_build/main.go b/goutils/proto_build/main.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6e1cc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/goutils/proto_build/main.go @@ -0,0 +1,1425 @@ +package main + +import ( + "bufio" + "bytes" + "fmt" + "go/ast" + "go/format" + "go/parser" + "go/printer" + "go/token" + "io" + "io/fs" + "log" + "os" + "os/exec" + "path" + "path/filepath" + "regexp" + "runtime" + "strings" + "text/template" + "unicode" + + "golang.org/x/text/cases" + "golang.org/x/text/language" + "gopkg.in/ini.v1" +) + +var workspaceDir string +var tpl *template.Template + +func init() { + log.SetFlags(log.Llongfile) + var err error + workspaceDir, err = findProtoParentFolder() + if err != nil { + log.Panic(err) + } + + err = os.Chdir(workspaceDir) + if err != nil { + log.Panicf("切换目录失败:%v\n", err) + } + + tpl, err = template.ParseGlob(workspaceDir + "/proto/goutils/proto_build/tpls/*.tpl") + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } +} + +func main() { + args := os.Args[1:] // 获取除去可执行文件名的命令行参数 + + if len(args) == 0 || args[0] == "service" { + ServiceMain() + } else if args[0] == "gateway" { + GatewayMain() + } else { + log.Println("Invalid argument. Usage: go run main.go [service|gateway]") + } +} + +func ServiceMain() { + + log.Println("项目目录:", workspaceDir) + checkProtoMessageName(workspaceDir + "/" + "proto/service") + + packageName := "service" + ServerCodePath := "server" + genDir := "gen/go" + ServiceName, projectName, projectLastName := getServiceNameAndProjectName(ServerCodePath) + if ServiceName == "" { + err := os.MkdirAll("server", 0755) + if err != nil { + log.Println(err) + } + createFileWithPermNotExists("server/service_config.ini", func(f io.Writer) error { + return tpl.ExecuteTemplate(f, "service_config.tpl", nil) + }) + panic("必须填写server/service_config.ini文件的项目名称与proto对应名称") + } + + defer createFileNotExists("protoc.sh", 0755, func(f io.Writer) error { + shellstr := `#! /bin/bash +go run -gcflags="-N" proto/goutils/proto_build/main.go` + f.Write([]byte(shellstr)) + return nil + }) + + serviceProtoDir := fmt.Sprintf("proto/%s", packageName) + + err := os.MkdirAll(genDir+"/"+packageName, 0755) + if err != nil { + log.Println(err) + } + + CheckGomodBasicPackage() + ExecProtoc(workspaceDir, serviceProtoDir, genDir, packageName, projectName) + ExecCreateTest(genDir, projectLastName, packageName, ServiceName) + ExecCreateConfig(ServiceName, projectLastName) + ExecCreateAutoGrpc(genDir, packageName) + ExecCreateAutoLogic(workspaceDir, ServiceName, genDir, packageName, projectLastName) + // log.Println("Found proto folder at:", workerSpaceDir, ServiceNames, projectLastName, projectName) +} + +func GatewayMain() { + + log.Println("项目目录:", workspaceDir) + checkProtoMessageName(workspaceDir + "/" + "proto/service") + + packageName := "service" + ServerCodePath := "server" + genDir := "gen/go" + ServiceName, projectName, projectLastName := getServiceNameAndProjectName(ServerCodePath) + if ServiceName == "" { + err := os.MkdirAll("server", 0755) + if err != nil { + log.Println(err) + } + createFileWithPermNotExists("server/service_config.ini", func(f io.Writer) error { + return tpl.ExecuteTemplate(f, "service_config.tpl", nil) + }) + panic("必须填写server/service_config.ini文件的项目名称与proto对应名称") + } + + defer createFileNotExists("protoc.sh", 0755, func(f io.Writer) error { + shellstr := `#! /bin/bash +go run -gcflags="-N" proto/goutils/proto_build/main.go gateway` + f.Write([]byte(shellstr)) + return nil + }) + + // genDir := fmt.Sprintf("gen/go/%s", PackageName) + + serviceProtoDir := fmt.Sprintf("proto/%s", packageName) + + err := os.MkdirAll(genDir+"/"+packageName, 0755) + if err != nil { + log.Println(err) + } + + ExecProtoc(workspaceDir, serviceProtoDir, genDir, packageName, projectName) + ExecCreateAutoGrpc(genDir, packageName) + ExecCreateConfig(ServiceName, projectLastName) + ExecCreateGatewayAutoGrpc(genDir, packageName, projectLastName) +} + +func ExecCreateConfig(ServiceName, ProjectName string) { + + err := os.MkdirAll("server/config", 0755) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + createFileWithPermNotExists("server/config/config.go", func(f io.Writer) error { + return tpl.ExecuteTemplate(f, "config.tpl", nil) + + }) + + // name := underscoreToLowerCamelCase(ServiceName) + // createFileWithPermNotExists("server/main.go", func(f io.Writer) error { + // return tpl.ExecuteTemplate(f, "main.tpl", map[string]any{ + // "ProjectName": ProjectName, + // "StructServiceNames": name, + // }) + // }) + + createFileWithPermNotExists("server/main_test.go", func(f io.Writer) error { + return tpl.ExecuteTemplate(f, "main_test.tpl", nil) + }) + + createFileWithPermNotExists(".gitignore", func(f io.Writer) error { + return tpl.ExecuteTemplate(f, "gitignore.tpl", nil) + }) + + createFileNotExists("update_fspkg_master.sh", 0755, func(f io.Writer) error { + return tpl.ExecuteTemplate(f, "update_fspkg_master.tpl", nil) + }) +} + +// 检查go.mod 添加 fusen的基础模块 +func CheckGomodBasicPackage() { + data, err := os.ReadFile("./go.mod") + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + var isRewrite bool = false + var content string = string(data) + if !regexp.MustCompile(`fusen-basic `).Match(data) { + log.Println(isRewrite, len(content)) + isRewrite = true + content += "\n\nreplace fusen-basic v0.0.0 => gitee.com/fusenpack/fusen-basic v0.0.1" + } + + if !regexp.MustCompile(`fusen-model `).Match(data) { + isRewrite = true + content += "\n\nreplace fusen-model v0.0.0 => gitee.com/fusenpack/fusen-model v0.0.1" + } + + if isRewrite { + log.Println("rewrite go.mod => add ") + err = os.WriteFile("./go.mod", []byte(content), 0644) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + } +} + +// 执行protoc +func ExecProtoc(workerSpaceDir, serviceProtoDir, genDir, packageName string, projectName string) { + + allServiceNames := getAllServiceName() + + protoCmdStr := fmt.Sprintf(`protoc -I %s --go_out %s --go_opt paths=source_relative --go-grpc_out %s --go-grpc_opt paths=source_relative --grpc-gateway_out %s --grpc-gateway_opt paths=source_relative`, "proto", genDir, genDir, genDir) + for _, sname := range allServiceNames { + protoCmdStr += importFileCmdStr(serviceNameEncode(packageName, sname), projectName) + } + + importsFiles := checkServiceProtoImports(serviceProtoDir, allServiceNames...) + + for _, importFile := range importsFiles { + protoCmdStr += importFileCmdStr(importFile, projectName) + } + + log.Println(protoCmdStr) + cmd := exec.Command("sh", "-c", protoCmdStr) + cmd.Dir = workerSpaceDir + + cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout + cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr + + // 执行命令 + err := cmd.Run() + if err != nil { + log.Printf("命令执行失败:%v\n", err) + return + } +} + +func ExecCreateAutoLogic(workerSpaceDir string, ServiceName string, genDir, packageName, projectName string) { + // snakeCaseServiceName := convertToSnakeCase(ServiceName) + + grpcFilePath := genDir + "/" + packageName + // 获取目录下的所有文件 + files, err := os.ReadDir(grpcFilePath) + if err != nil { + log.Println("Error reading directory:", err) + return + } + + type StructService struct { + StructServiceName string + LogicPackageName string + } + + type MainTpl struct { + ProjectName string + StructServiceNames []*StructService + LogicDirNames []string + } + + var mtpl = &MainTpl{ + ProjectName: projectName, + } + + // 处理main.go文件 + defer func() { + // name := underscoreToLowerCamelCase(ServiceName) + createFileWithPermNotExists("server/main.go", func(f io.Writer) error { + return tpl.ExecuteTemplate(f, "main.tpl", mtpl) + }) + + }() + + // 遍历所有文件 + for _, file := range files { + // 检查文件是否是 grpc.pb.go 文件 + if !file.IsDir() && strings.HasSuffix(file.Name(), "grpc.pb.go") { + + if !strings.HasPrefix(file.Name(), ServiceName) { + continue + } + + func() { + + // 获取文件的完整路径 + filePath := filepath.Join(grpcFilePath, file.Name()) + infos := ParseGrpcServerInfo(filePath) + + // 在这里可以对文件进行进一步的处理 + for _, info := range infos { + // logicStructNames = append(logicStructNames, info.StructName) + + var methods []map[string]string + + for _, met := range info.Method { + + methodMap := map[string]string{ + "StructName": info.StructName, + "MethodName": met.MethodName, + "ParamCtx": met.Params[0], + "ParamReq": met.Params[1], + "MethodReturn": met.Returns[0], + "MethodResponse": met.Returns[0][1:], + } + + methods = append(methods, methodMap) + + } + + var ss *StructService = &StructService{} + + logicPackageName := convertToSnakeCase(info.StructName) + ss.LogicPackageName = logicPackageName + + var genTypesBuffer bytes.Buffer + err = tpl.ExecuteTemplate(&genTypesBuffer, "logic_grpc_struct.tpl", map[string]any{ + "ProjectName": projectName, + "StructName": info.StructName, + "UnimplementedStructName": info.UnimplementedStructName, + "Methods": methods, + "PackageName": logicPackageName, + }) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + logicPath := "server/logics/" + logicPackageName + mtpl.LogicDirNames = append(mtpl.LogicDirNames, logicPath) + + err = os.MkdirAll(logicPath, 0755) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + f, err := os.OpenFile(logicPath+"/types_gen.go", os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_WRONLY, 0644) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + // log.Println(genTypesBuffer.String()) + formatted, err := format.Source(genTypesBuffer.Bytes()) + if err != nil { + log.Printf("格式化代码失败:%v\n", err) + return + } + + _, err = f.Write(formatted) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + // log.Println(genTypesBuffer.String()) + + createFilePath := logicPath + "/logic_init.go" + createFileWithPermNotExists(createFilePath, func(f io.Writer) error { + return tpl.ExecuteTemplate(f, "logic_init.tpl", map[string]any{ + "StructNames": []string{info.StructName}, + "ProjectName": projectName, + "PackageName": logicPackageName, + }) + }) + + ss.StructServiceName = info.ServiceName + + for _, method := range methods { + fileName := convertToSnakeCase(method["MethodName"]) + method["ProjectName"] = projectName + method["PackageName"] = logicPackageName + createFileWithPermNotExists(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s_logic.go", logicPath, fileName), func(f io.Writer) error { + return tpl.ExecuteTemplate(f, "logic_fusen_handler.tpl", method) + }) + } + + mtpl.StructServiceNames = append(mtpl.StructServiceNames, ss) + + } + }() + } + } + +} + +func ExecCreateTest(genDir, projectName, packageName, serviceName string) { + + genDir = genDir + "/" + packageName + + var struCollection []*HttpGrpcMethodTest + for _, gwPath := range getSuffixFilesPath(genDir, strings.ToLower(serviceName)+".pb.gw.go") { + struCollection = append(struCollection, genGatewayTestFunction(gwPath)...) + } + + var buf bytes.Buffer + err := tpl.ExecuteTemplate(&buf, "http_grpc_method_test.tpl", map[string]any{ + "ProjectName": projectName, + "HttpGrpcTestStructs": struCollection, + }) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + formatted, err := format.Source([]byte(buf.Bytes())) + if err != nil { + log.Printf("格式化代码失败:%v\n", err) + return + } + + genTestDir := "server/test" + err = os.MkdirAll(genTestDir, 0755) + if err != nil { + log.Println(err) + } + + filePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/test_method_gen.go", genTestDir) + err = os.WriteFile(filePath, formatted, 0644) + if err != nil { + log.Printf("无法写入文件:%v\n", err) + return + } + + for _, s := range struCollection { + snakeName := convertToSnakeCase(s.MethodName) + + createFileWithPermNotExists(genTestDir+"/"+snakeName+"_test.go", func(f io.Writer) error { + + return tpl.ExecuteTemplate(f, "http_grpc_method_file_test.tpl", map[string]any{ + "ProjectName": projectName, + "RequestVar": s.RequestVar, + "MethodName": s.MethodName, + "RequestStruct": s.RequestStruct, + }) + + }) + + } + + createFileWithPermNotExists(genTestDir+"/"+"var.go", func(f io.Writer) error { + return tpl.ExecuteTemplate(f, "http_grpc_method_var.tpl", map[string]any{ + "ProjectName": projectName, + }) + }) + + createFileNotExists("run_latest.sh", 0755, func(f io.Writer) error { + return tpl.ExecuteTemplate(f, "run_latest.tpl", nil) + }) + +} + +type ClientParam struct { + ClientName string + ServerName string + ServiceName string + GrpcServiceName string +} + +// 执行auto grpc +func ExecCreateAutoGrpc(genDir, packageName string) { + genDir = genDir + "/" + packageName + + var clientParams []ClientParam + for _, params := range getGrpcFileClientNames(genDir) { + clientParams = append(clientParams, ClientParam{ + ClientName: params.ClientName, + ServerName: params.ServerName, + ServiceName: cases.Lower(language.English).String(params.ClientName), + GrpcServiceName: params.ServiceName, + }) + } + + var buf bytes.Buffer + tpl.ExecuteTemplate(&buf, "auto_grpc_nacos.tpl", map[string]any{ + "PackageName": packageName, + "ClientParams": clientParams, + }) + + formatted, err := format.Source([]byte(buf.Bytes())) + if err != nil { + log.Printf("格式化代码失败:%v\n", err) + return + } + + filePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/auto_%s_grpc_nacos_client.pb.go", genDir, packageName) + err = os.WriteFile(filePath, formatted, 0644) + if err != nil { + log.Printf("无法写入文件:%v\n", err) + return + } + + // log.Println(string(formatted)) +} + +// 执行auto grpc +func ExecCreateGatewayAutoGrpc(genDir, packageName, ProjectName string) { + genDir = genDir + "/" + packageName + + var buf bytes.Buffer + err := tpl.ExecuteTemplate(&buf, "auto_grpc_gateway_nacos.tpl", nil) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + var funcNames []string + for _, gwPath := range getSuffixFilesPath(genDir, "pb.gw.go") { + funcNames = append(funcNames, genGatewayWithNacosFunction(gwPath, &buf)...) + } + + formatted, err := format.Source(buf.Bytes()) + if err != nil { + log.Printf("格式化代码失败:%v\n", err) + log.Println(buf.String()) + return + } + + filePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/auto_%s_grpc_nacos_gateway.pb.go", genDir, packageName) + err = os.WriteFile(filePath, formatted, 0644) + if err != nil { + log.Printf("无法写入文件:%v\n", err) + return + } + + err = os.MkdirAll("server/logic", 0755) + if err != nil { + log.Println(err) + } + + // 生成gateway的代码logic + var grbuf bytes.Buffer + err = tpl.ExecuteTemplate(&grbuf, "auto_grpc_gateway_register.tpl", map[string]any{ + "ProjectName": ProjectName, + "FuncNames": funcNames, + }) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + formatted, err = format.Source(grbuf.Bytes()) + if err != nil { + log.Printf("格式化代码失败:%v\n", err) + return + } + + err = os.WriteFile("server/logic/gateway_logic_gen.go", formatted, 0644) + if err != nil { + log.Printf("无法写入文件:%v\n", err) + return + } +} + +func genGatewayWithNacosFunction(grpcPath string, gatewayBuf *bytes.Buffer) (funcNames []string) { + // workerSpaceDir+"/gen/go/service/auth_grpc.pb.go" + // 解析Go源文件 + fset := token.NewFileSet() + node, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, grpcPath, nil, parser.AllErrors) + if err != nil { + log.Println("解析文件失败:", err) + os.Exit(1) + } + + // packageName := node.Name.Name + // log.Println(packageName) + + h := len("Register") + e := len("HandlerClient") + + for _, decl := range node.Decls { + // 检查是否是接口声明 + if fdec, ok := decl.(*ast.FuncDecl); ok && fdec.Name.IsExported() && strings.HasSuffix(fdec.Name.Name, "HandlerClient") { + // log.Println(fdec.Name.Name) + + cName := fdec.Name.Name[h : len(fdec.Name.Name)-e] + fdec.Name.Name = fdec.Name.Name + "Nacos" + + funcNames = append(funcNames, fdec.Name.Name) + + field := fdec.Type.Params.List[len(fdec.Type.Params.List)-1] + field.Names = []*ast.Ident{{Name: "opts"}} + field.Type = &ast.Ellipsis{ + + Elt: &ast.SelectorExpr{ + X: &ast.Ident{Name: "grpc"}, + Sel: &ast.Ident{Name: "DialOption"}, + }, + } + + for _, b := range fdec.Body.List { + if bexpr, ok := b.(*ast.ExprStmt); ok { + if pfunc, ok := bexpr.X.(*ast.CallExpr); ok && len(pfunc.Args) == 3 { + if x, ok := pfunc.Args[2].(*ast.FuncLit); ok { + for i, bb := range x.Body.List { + if as, ok := bb.(*ast.AssignStmt); ok { + if mycb, ok := as.Rhs[0].(*ast.CallExpr); ok { + if strings.HasPrefix(getTypeString(mycb.Fun), "request_") { + + for i, arg := range mycb.Args { + + // 检查参数是否为标识符且名称为 "client" + if ident, ok := arg.(*ast.Ident); ok && ident.Name == "client" { + // 将参数替换为函数调用 + mycb.Args[i] = ast.NewIdent("grpcClient") + break + + } + } + + opts := ast.NewIdent("opts") + autoClientFunc := &ast.CallExpr{ + Fun: ast.NewIdent("Auto" + cName + "ClientEx"), + Args: []ast.Expr{ + ast.NewIdent("ctx"), + opts, + }, + Ellipsis: opts.End(), + } + + // 创建新的变量声明 + + var dstmt ast.Stmt = &ast.AssignStmt{ + Tok: token.DEFINE, + Lhs: []ast.Expr{ + ast.NewIdent("grpcClient"), + ast.NewIdent("err"), + }, + Rhs: []ast.Expr{ + autoClientFunc, + }, + } + // // var insertIndex = 4 + var blist []ast.Stmt + ifErr := x.Body.List[6] + blist = append(blist, x.Body.List[:i]...) + blist = append(blist, dstmt) + blist = append(blist, ifErr) + x.Body.List = append(blist, x.Body.List[i:]...) + + // log.Println(getTypeString(mycb.Fun)) + // printer.Fprint(os.Stdout, fset, as) + // io.WriteString(os.Stdout, "\n") + + break + } + } + + } + } + + } + + } + } + + } + + // 修改函数执行内容 + // ast.Inspect(fdec.Body, func(n ast.Node) bool { + + // // if reqCallback, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr); ok { + // // // 在callExpr的上一级添加变量定义 + // // // 获取函数主体中的最后一个语句 + + // // // var dstmt ast.Stmt = &ast.DeclStmt{Decl: varDecl} + + // // // var insertIndex = 4 + // // // var blist []ast.Stmt + // // // blist = append(blist, reqCallback.Body.List[:insertIndex]...) + // // // blist = append(blist, dstmt) + // // // reqCallback.Body.List = append(blist, reqCallback.Body.List[insertIndex:]...) + // // } + + // if callExpr, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr); ok { + // // 检查函数调用中的参数列表 + // for i, arg := range callExpr.Args { + + // // 检查参数是否为标识符且名称为 "client" + // if ident, ok := arg.(*ast.Ident); ok && ident.Name == "client" { + // // 将参数替换为函数调用 + // opts := ast.NewIdent("opts") + // callExpr.Args[i] = &ast.CallExpr{ + // Fun: ast.NewIdent("Auto" + cName + "ClientEx"), + // Args: []ast.Expr{ + // ast.NewIdent("ctx"), + // opts, + // }, + // Ellipsis: opts.End(), + // } + + // break + + // } + // } + // } + // return true + // }) + + // 打印修改后的函数 + err = gatewayBuf.WriteByte('\n') + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + printer.Fprint(gatewayBuf, fset, fdec) + + } + } + + // log.Println(infos) + + return +} + +type HttpGrpcMethodTest struct { + RequestVar string + RequestStruct string + MethodName string + HttpMethod string + UrlPath string + ServiceName string +} + +func genGatewayTestFunction(grpcPath string) (createdCollection []*HttpGrpcMethodTest) { + // workerSpaceDir+"/gen/go/service/auth_grpc.pb.go" + // 解析Go源文件 + fset := token.NewFileSet() + node, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, grpcPath, nil, parser.AllErrors) + if err != nil { + log.Println("解析文件失败:", err) + os.Exit(1) + } + + for _, decl := range node.Decls { + // 检查是否是接口声明 + if fdec, ok := decl.(*ast.FuncDecl); ok && fdec.Name.IsExported() && strings.HasSuffix(fdec.Name.Name, "HandlerServer") { + + created := &HttpGrpcMethodTest{} + // 修改函数执行内容 + ast.Inspect(fdec.Body, func(n ast.Node) bool { + + if callExpr, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr); ok { + + if expr, ok := callExpr.Fun.(*ast.Ident); ok && strings.HasPrefix(expr.Name, "local_request") { + // log.Println(expr.Obj.Decl.(*ast.FuncDecl)) + + created.ServiceName = strings.Split(expr.Name, "_")[2] + + ast.Inspect(expr.Obj.Decl.(*ast.FuncDecl).Body, func(n ast.Node) bool { + + if protoValue, ok := n.(*ast.ValueSpec); ok && protoValue.Names[0].Name == "protoReq" { + // log.Println(getTypeString(protoValue.Type)) + created.RequestStruct = getTypeString(protoValue.Type) + + } + + if expr, ok := n.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok { + if exprServer, ok := expr.X.(*ast.Ident); ok && exprServer.Name == "server" { + // log.Println(expr.Sel.Name, expr.X) + created.MethodName = expr.Sel.Name + createdCollection = append(createdCollection, created) + created.RequestVar = "var" + created.MethodName + "Req" + + created = &HttpGrpcMethodTest{} + return false + } + + } + + return true + }) + + return true + } + + // log.Println(callExpr.Fun) + // getTypeString(callExpr.Fun) + if expr, ok := callExpr.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok && expr.Sel.Name == "Handle" { + + var x = callExpr.Args[0].(*ast.BasicLit) + // log.Println(x, x.Value) + created.HttpMethod = x.Value + ast.Inspect(callExpr, func(n ast.Node) bool { + if callExprHandler, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr); ok { + if expr, ok := callExprHandler.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok && expr.Sel.Name == "WithHTTPPathPattern" { + var x = callExprHandler.Args[0].(*ast.BasicLit) + created.UrlPath = x.Value + } + } + + return true + }) + return true + } + + } + return true + }) + + } + } + + return +} + +func getSuffixFilesPath(dir string, suffix string) (result []string) { + err := filepath.Walk(dir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error { + if err != nil { + return err + } + if info.IsDir() { + return nil + } + if strings.HasSuffix(info.Name(), suffix) { + result = append(result, path) + } + return nil + }) + + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return +} + +// 获取相关后缀的文件路径 +func getGrpcFileClientNames(genDir string) (result []*ClientParam) { + + err := filepath.Walk(genDir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error { + if err != nil { + return err + } + if info.IsDir() { + return nil + } + if strings.HasSuffix(info.Name(), "grpc.pb.go") { + params := parseGoFile(path) + result = append(result, params...) + // log.Println("找到的服务名称:", strings.Join(serverNames, " ")) + } + return nil + }) + + if err != nil { + log.Printf("遍历目录失败:%v\n", err) + return nil + } + return +} + +func importFileCmdStr(importFile string, projectName string) string { + shellStr := " {{.ImportFile}} --go_opt=M{{.ImportFile}}={{.ProjectName}} --go-grpc_opt=M{{.ImportFile}}={{.ProjectName}} --grpc-gateway_opt=M{{.ImportFile}}={{.ProjectName}} " + + tmpl, err := template.New("shell").Parse(shellStr) + if err != nil { + log.Printf("模板解析失败:%v\n", err) + return "" + } + + data := struct { + ImportFile string + ProjectName string + }{ + ImportFile: importFile, + ProjectName: projectName, + } + + var buf bytes.Buffer + err = tmpl.Execute(&buf, data) + if err != nil { + log.Printf("模板执行失败:%v\n", err) + return "" + } + return buf.String() +} + +func serviceNameEncode(serviceProtoDir string, serviceName string) string { + return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s.proto", serviceProtoDir, serviceName) +} + +func checkServiceProtoImports(serviceProtoDir string, serviceNames ...string) []string { + var resultMap map[string]bool = make(map[string]bool) + for _, sname := range serviceNames { + fname := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s.proto", serviceProtoDir, sname) + + file, err := os.Open(fname) + if err != nil { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("无法打开文件: %s\n", err)) + + } + defer file.Close() + + scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file) + for scanner.Scan() { + line := strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text()) + if strings.HasPrefix(line, "//") { + continue + } + + for _, r := range regexp.MustCompile(`import\s+"(service/.*\.proto)"`).FindAllStringSubmatch(line, -1) { + resultMap[r[1]] = true + } + // log.Println(line) + } + + if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { + log.Printf("读取文件失败: %s\n", err) + } + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + } + var result []string + for k := range resultMap { + result = append(result, k) + } + return result +} + +func getAllServiceName() (result []string) { + dirEntrys, err := os.ReadDir("proto/service") + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + for _, e := range dirEntrys { + result = append(result, e.Name()[0:len(e.Name())-6]) + } + return +} + +// 获取项目的参数 +func getServiceNameAndProjectName(dir string) (serviceName string, projectName string, projectLastName string) { + + ifile, err := ini.Load(dir + "/service_config.ini") + if err != nil { + err = os.MkdirAll("server", 0755) + if err != nil { + log.Println(err) + } + createFileWithPermNotExists(dir+"/service_config.ini", func(f io.Writer) error { + return tpl.ExecuteTemplate(f, "service_config.tpl", nil) + }) + panic("必须填写server/service_config.ini文件的项目名称与proto对应名称") + } + + ses := ifile.Section("DEFAULT") + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + key, err := ses.GetKey("SERVICE_NAME") + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + serviceName = key.String() + if serviceName == "" { + panic("必须填写server/service_config.ini文件的项目名称与proto对应名称") + } + + key, err = ses.GetKey("PROJECT_NAME") + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + projectName = key.String() + if projectName == "" { + panic("必须填写server/service_config.ini文件的ProjectName称与仓库对应名称") + } + + paths := strings.Split(projectName, "/") + projectLastName = paths[len(paths)-1] + + return +} + +// 获取proto文件的父目录 +func findProtoParentFolder() (string, error) { + cwd, err := os.Getwd() + if err != nil { + return "", err + } + return findProtoFolderRecursive(cwd) +} + +func findProtoFolderRecursive(dir string) (string, error) { + if dir == "/" || dir == "." { + return "", fmt.Errorf("proto folder not found") + } + + protoDir := filepath.Join(dir, "proto") + + if _, err := os.Stat(protoDir); err == nil { + return dir, nil + } + + return findProtoFolderRecursive(filepath.Dir(dir)) +} + +func parseGoFile(filePath string) (ClientParams []*ClientParam) { + + // 创建文件集合 + fset := token.NewFileSet() + + // 解析文件 + file, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, filePath, nil, parser.ParseComments) + if err != nil { + log.Printf("解析文件失败:%v\n", err) + return + } + + // 获取包名 + // pkgName := file.Name.Name + // log.Println("Package:", pkgName) + + var Param *ClientParam = &ClientParam{} + // 遍历文件中的声明 + for _, decl := range file.Decls { + + if ServiceName, GrpcServiceName, ok := getGrpcFileServiceName(decl); ok { + Param.ServiceName = ServiceName + Param.GrpcServiceName = GrpcServiceName + ClientParams = append(ClientParams, Param) + Param = &ClientParam{} + } + // 检查是否是类型声明 + if genDecl, ok := decl.(*ast.GenDecl); ok && genDecl.Tok == token.TYPE { + // 检查是否是结构体声明 + for _, spec := range genDecl.Specs { + + if typeSpec, ok := spec.(*ast.TypeSpec); ok { + + if structType, ok := typeSpec.Type.(*ast.StructType); ok { + + // 获取结构体名称 + // ast.Print(fset, decl) + structName := typeSpec.Name.Name + // log.Println("Struct: ", structName) + if strings.HasSuffix(structName, "Server") { + Param.ServerName = structName[len("Unimplemented") : len(structName)-6] + } + + // 遍历结构体的字段列表 + for _, field := range structType.Fields.List { + // 获取字段名称 + field.End() + // fieldName := field.Names[0].Name + // log.Println("Field:", fieldName) + } + } else if _, ok := typeSpec.Type.(*ast.InterfaceType); ok { + interfaceName := typeSpec.Name.Name + + if strings.HasSuffix(interfaceName, "Client") { + Param.ClientName = interfaceName[0 : len(interfaceName)-6] + } + } + } + } + } else if funcDecl, ok := decl.(*ast.FuncDecl); ok { + funcDecl.End() + // 检查是否是函数声明 + // funcName := funcDecl.Name.Name + // log.Printf("Function: %s\n", funcName) + // log.Printf("Signature: %s\n", funcDecl.Type.Params) + + // Print the function body, if it has one + + // if funcDecl.Body != nil { + // log.Printf("Body: \n%s\n", funcDecl.Body.List) + // } + } + } + + return +} + +type GrpcServerMethod struct { + MethodName string + Params []string + Returns []string +} + +type GrpcServerInfo struct { + ServiceName string + StructName string + UnimplementedStructName string + Method []*GrpcServerMethod +} + +func ParseGrpcServerInfo(grpcPath string) (infos []*GrpcServerInfo) { + + // workerSpaceDir+"/gen/go/service/auth_grpc.pb.go" + // 解析Go源文件 + fset := token.NewFileSet() + node, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, grpcPath, nil, parser.AllErrors) + if err != nil { + log.Println("解析文件失败:", err) + os.Exit(1) + } + + packageName := node.Name.Name + + // 遍历文件中的所有声明 + for _, decl := range node.Decls { + // 检查是否是接口声明 + + if iface, ok := decl.(*ast.GenDecl); ok && iface.Tok == token.TYPE { + for _, spec := range iface.Specs { + // 检查是否是接口类型 + if ifaceSpec, ok := spec.(*ast.TypeSpec); ok { + if ifaceType, ok := ifaceSpec.Type.(*ast.InterfaceType); ok { + // 打印接口名 + // log.Println("接口名:", ifaceSpec.Name.Name) + if !strings.HasSuffix(ifaceSpec.Name.Name, "Server") { + continue + } + + if strings.HasPrefix(ifaceSpec.Name.Name, "Unsafe") { + continue + } + + ServiceName := ifaceSpec.Name.Name[0 : len(ifaceSpec.Name.Name)-6] + info := &GrpcServerInfo{ + ServiceName: ServiceName, + StructName: ServiceName + "Logic", + } + + info.UnimplementedStructName = "service.Unimplemented" + ServiceName + "Server" + infos = append(infos, info) + + // 打印接口方法 + for _, method := range ifaceType.Methods.List { + + if !isUpper(method.Names[0].Name) { + continue + } + + m := &GrpcServerMethod{} + info.Method = append(info.Method, m) + // 方法名称 + // log.Println("方法名:", method.Names[0].Name) + // MethodName := method.Names[0].Name + m.MethodName = method.Names[0].Name + // 方法参数 + if len(method.Type.(*ast.FuncType).Params.List) > 0 { + // log.Println("参数:") + // params := method.Type.(*ast.FuncType).Params + // log.Println(params.NumFields(), params.List) + // log.Println(string(src[method.Pos()-1 : method.End()-1])) + + for _, field := range method.Type.(*ast.FuncType).Params.List { + // log.Printf("%s %s\n", field.Names, getTypeString(field.Type, packageName, 0)) + m.Params = append(m.Params, getTypeString(field.Type, packageName)) + } + } else { + log.Println("无参数") + } + + // 方法返回值 + if method.Type.(*ast.FuncType).Results != nil { + for _, field := range method.Type.(*ast.FuncType).Results.List { + + m.Returns = append(m.Returns, getTypeString(field.Type, packageName)) + } + } else { + log.Println("无返回值") + } + + // log.Println() + } + } + } + } + } + } + + // log.Println(infos) + + return +} + +func isUpper(name string) bool { + return name[:1] == strings.ToUpper(name[:1]) +} + +func getTypeString(expr ast.Expr, packageName ...string) string { + if len(packageName) > 0 { + return _getTypeString(expr, &packageName[0], 0) + } else { + return _getTypeString(expr, nil, 0) + } +} + +// 获取类型字符串 +func _getTypeString(expr ast.Expr, packageName *string, level int) string { + switch t := expr.(type) { + case *ast.Ident: + if level == 0 && isUpper(t.Name) { + if packageName != nil { + return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", *packageName, t.Name) + } else { + return fmt.Sprintf("%s", t.Name) + } + } + return t.Name + case *ast.SelectorExpr: + return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", _getTypeString(t.X, packageName, level+1), t.Sel.Name) + case *ast.StarExpr: + return fmt.Sprintf("*%s", _getTypeString(t.X, packageName, level)) + case *ast.ArrayType: + return fmt.Sprintf("[]%s", _getTypeString(t.Elt, packageName, level+1)) + case *ast.MapType: + return fmt.Sprintf("map[%s]%s", _getTypeString(t.Key, packageName, level+1), _getTypeString(t.Value, packageName, level+1)) + case *ast.ChanType: + dir := "" + switch t.Dir { + case ast.SEND: + dir = "chan<-" + case ast.RECV: + dir = "<-chan" + } + return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", dir, _getTypeString(t.Value, packageName, level+1)) + case *ast.StructType: + return "struct{}" + case *ast.InterfaceType: + return "interface{}" + case *ast.FuncType: + var params []string + if t.Params != nil { + for _, param := range t.Params.List { + params = append(params, _getTypeString(param.Type, packageName, level+1)) + } + } + + var results []string + if t.Results != nil { + for _, result := range t.Results.List { + results = append(results, _getTypeString(result.Type, packageName, level+1)) + } + } + return fmt.Sprintf("func(%s) %s", strings.Join(params, ", "), strings.Join(results, ", ")) + default: + panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s", t)) + } +} + +func createFileWithPermNotExists(filename string, do func(f io.Writer) error) error { + // 检测文件是否存在 + _, err := os.Stat(filename) + if os.IsNotExist(err) { + // 文件不存在,创建文件 + file, err := os.Create(filename) + if err != nil { + return err + } + defer file.Close() + var buf = bytes.NewBuffer(nil) + err = do(buf) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + data, err := format.Source(buf.Bytes()) + if err != nil { + _, err = file.Write(buf.Bytes()) + } else { + _, err = file.Write(data) + } + + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + log.Printf("%s 文件已创建并写入内容\n", filename) + } else if err != nil { + // 发生其他错误 + return err + } else { + // 文件已存在 + // log.Printf("%s 文件已存在\n", filename) + } + + return nil +} + +func createFileNotExists(filename string, perm fs.FileMode, do func(f io.Writer) error) error { + // 检测文件是否存在 + _, err := os.Stat(filename) + if os.IsNotExist(err) { + // 文件不存在,创建文件 + file, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, perm) + if err != nil { + return err + } + defer file.Close() + var buf = bytes.NewBuffer(nil) + err = do(buf) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + _, err = file.Write(buf.Bytes()) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + log.Printf("%s 文件已创建并写入内容\n", filename) + } else if err != nil { + // 发生其他错误 + panic(err) + } else { + // 文件已存在 + // log.Printf("%s 文件已存在\n", filename) + } + + return nil +} + +func convertToSnakeCase(name string) string { + var result strings.Builder + + for i, char := range name { + if unicode.IsUpper(char) { + if i > 0 { + result.WriteRune('_') + } + result.WriteRune(unicode.ToLower(char)) + } else { + result.WriteRune(char) + } + } + + return result.String() +} + +// 获取当前执行文件绝对路径(go run) +func getCurrentAbPathByCaller() string { + var abPath string + _, filename, _, ok := runtime.Caller(0) + if ok { + abPath = path.Dir(filename) + } + return abPath +} + +func checkProtoMessageName(folderPath string) { + + messageNames := make(map[string][]string) + // 遍历文件夹 + err := filepath.Walk(folderPath, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error { + if err != nil { + return err + } + + // 检查是否是 .proto 文件 + if filepath.Ext(path) == ".proto" { + // 读取文件内容 + content, err := os.ReadFile(path) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + // 提取消息类型的名称 + matches := regexp.MustCompile(`message\s+(\w+)\s+{`).FindAllStringSubmatch(string(content), -1) + + for _, match := range matches { + messageName := match[1] + + if paths, ok := messageNames[messageName]; ok { + // 发现重复的消息类型名称 + panic(fmt.Sprintf("重复的消息类型名称 '%s' 在文件 '%s' 和之前的文件 %s 中存在重复。\n", messageName, path, paths[0])) + } + messageNames[messageName] = append(messageNames[messageName], path) + + } + } + + return nil + }) + + if err != nil { + panic(fmt.Sprintln("遍历文件夹时发生错误:", err)) + } +} + +// 下划线转驼峰 +func underscoreToLowerCamelCase(s string) string { + // 分割字符串 + words := strings.Split(s, "_") + caser := cases.Title(language.English) + for i := range words { + words[i] = caser.String(strings.Trim(words[i], " ")) + } + + return strings.Join(words, "") +} + +func getGrpcFileServiceName(decl ast.Decl) (string, string, bool) { + + if genDecl, ok := decl.(*ast.GenDecl); ok && genDecl.Tok == token.VAR { + // 遍历变量规范 + for _, spec := range genDecl.Specs { + // 检查是否为值规范 + if valueSpec, ok := spec.(*ast.ValueSpec); ok { + // 遍历变量名和变量值 + for i, name := range valueSpec.Names { + log.Println(name) + value := valueSpec.Values[i] + // ast.Print(fset, value) + // 检查变量类型是否为 struct + // 检查变量类型是否为 struct + + if v, ok := value.(*ast.CompositeLit); ok { + // 遍历 struct 的字段 + if kv := v.Elts[0].(*ast.KeyValueExpr); ok { + // log.Println(kv.Key) + // log.Println(kv.Value) + if _sname, ok := kv.Value.(*ast.BasicLit); ok { + strlist := strings.Split(strings.Trim(_sname.Value, "\""), ".") + if len(strlist) != 2 { + return "", "", false + } + serviceName, serviceSubName := strlist[0], strlist[1] + return serviceName, serviceSubName, true + } + + } + + } + } + } + } + + } + return "", "", false +} diff --git a/goutils/proto_build/main_test.go b/goutils/proto_build/main_test.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7727b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/goutils/proto_build/main_test.go @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +package main + +import ( + "testing" +) + +func TestMain(t *testing.T) { + ServiceMain() +} + +func TestGateway(t *testing.T) { + GatewayMain() +} diff --git a/goutils/proto_build/tpls/auto_grpc_gateway_nacos.tpl b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/auto_grpc_gateway_nacos.tpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..36f5fc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/auto_grpc_gateway_nacos.tpl @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +package service + +import ( + "context" + "net/http" + + "github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2/runtime" + "google.golang.org/grpc" +) + diff --git a/goutils/proto_build/tpls/auto_grpc_gateway_register.tpl b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/auto_grpc_gateway_register.tpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f823a8d --- /dev/null +++ b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/auto_grpc_gateway_register.tpl @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +package logic + +import ( + "context" + "{{.ProjectName}}/gen/go/service" + + "github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2/runtime" + "google.golang.org/grpc" +) + +func AutoRegisterHandler(ctx context.Context, mux *runtime.ServeMux, opts ...grpc.DialOption) error { + var err error + {{range .FuncNames}} + err = service.{{.}}(ctx, mux, opts...) + if err != nil { + return err + } + {{end}} + return nil +} diff --git a/goutils/proto_build/tpls/auto_grpc_nacos.tpl b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/auto_grpc_nacos.tpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6233c14 --- /dev/null +++ b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/auto_grpc_nacos.tpl @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +package {{.PackageName}} +import ( + "context" + "fmt" + "log" + "reflect" + + "github.com/nacos-group/nacos-sdk-go/v2/clients/naming_client" + "github.com/nacos-group/nacos-sdk-go/v2/vo" + "google.golang.org/grpc" + "google.golang.org/grpc/credentials/insecure" +) + +var namingClient naming_client.INamingClient +var groupName string + +// AutoGrpcInit auto grpc 必须调用初始化 +func AutoGrpcInit(obj any) { + value := reflect.ValueOf(obj) + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + + groupName = value.FieldByName("GroupName").String() + + for i := 0; i < value.NumField(); i++ { + v := value.Field(i) + + if v.IsValid() { + _namingClient, ok := v.Interface().(naming_client.INamingClient) + if ok { + namingClient = _namingClient + } + } + } +} + +{{range .ClientParams}} + + +func Auto{{.ClientName}}Client(ctx context.Context) {{.ClientName}}Client { + if namingClient == nil { + log.Println("nameClient must be init. call") + return nil + } + + sel := vo.SelectOneHealthInstanceParam{ + ServiceName: "{{.GrpcServiceName}}", + GroupName: groupName, + } + + insService, err := namingClient.SelectOneHealthyInstance(sel) + if err != nil { + log.Println(err) + return nil + } + + conn, err := grpc.DialContext(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", insService.Ip, insService.Port), grpc.WithTransportCredentials(insecure.NewCredentials())) + if err != nil { + log.Println(err) + return nil + } + return New{{.ClientName}}Client(conn) +} + + + +func Auto{{.ClientName}}ClientEx(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.DialOption) ({{.ClientName}}Client,error) { + if namingClient == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("nameClient must be init. call") + } + + sel := vo.SelectOneHealthInstanceParam{ + ServiceName: "{{.GrpcServiceName}}", + GroupName: groupName, + } + + insService, err := namingClient.SelectOneHealthyInstance(sel) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + conn, err := grpc.DialContext(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", insService.Ip, insService.Port), opts...) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return New{{.ClientName}}Client(conn), nil +} + +{{end}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/goutils/proto_build/tpls/config.tpl b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/config.tpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6d671c --- /dev/null +++ b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/config.tpl @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +package config + +type Config struct { + Name string `yaml:"Name"` + Host string `yaml:"Host"` + Port uint `yaml:"Port"` +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/goutils/proto_build/tpls/gitignore.tpl b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/gitignore.tpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57529a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/gitignore.tpl @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +# ---> Go +# If you prefer the allow list template instead of the deny list, see community template: +# https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/main/community/Golang/Go.AllowList.gitignore +# +# Binaries for programs and plugins +*.exe +*.exe~ +*.dll +*.so +*.dylib + +# Test binary, built with `go test -c` +*.test + +# Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE +*.out + +# Dependency directories (remove the comment below to include it) +# vendor/ + +# Go workspace file +go.work + +gen + +__debug_* + +runtime.* + +vendor + +screenlog.* \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/goutils/proto_build/tpls/http_grpc_method_file_test.tpl b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/http_grpc_method_file_test.tpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66c4934 --- /dev/null +++ b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/http_grpc_method_file_test.tpl @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +package test + +import ( + "{{.ProjectName}}/gen/go/service" + "fusen-basic/utils/log" + "testing" +) + +// 只需要填写参数 +func init() { + {{.RequestVar}} = &service.{{.RequestStruct}}{} +} + +func Test{{.MethodName}}HTTP(t *testing.T) { + // 构建请求体 + resp, err := {{.MethodName}}Http(nil) + if err != nil { + t.Error(err) + } + log.Println(resp) +} + +func Test{{.MethodName}}RPC(t *testing.T) { + resp, err := {{.MethodName}}RPC() + if err != nil { + t.Error(err) + } + log.Println(resp) +} diff --git a/goutils/proto_build/tpls/http_grpc_method_test.tpl b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/http_grpc_method_test.tpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..105722d --- /dev/null +++ b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/http_grpc_method_test.tpl @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +package test + +import ( + "context" + "net/http" + "{{.ProjectName}}/gen/go/service" + "{{.ProjectName}}/server/config" + "fusen-basic/env" +) + +{{range .HttpGrpcTestStructs}} + +var {{.RequestVar}} *service.{{.RequestStruct}} + + +func {{.MethodName}}Http(reqHandler func(*http.Request) error) (any, error) { + resp, err := HttpRequest({{.HttpMethod}}, gatewayAddrress+{{.UrlPath}}, {{.RequestVar}}, reqHandler) + if err != nil { + // t.Error(err) + return nil, err + } + return resp, nil +} + +func {{.MethodName}}RPC() (any, error) { + if fusen == nil { + fusen := env.NewFusenTest[config.Config]() + fusen.StartNacos(nil) + service.AutoGrpcInit(fusen) + } + + resp, err := service.Auto{{.ServiceName}}Client(context.TODO()).{{.MethodName}}(context.TODO(), {{.RequestVar}}) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return resp, nil +} + +{{end}} diff --git a/goutils/proto_build/tpls/http_grpc_method_var.tpl b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/http_grpc_method_var.tpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..41ce22f --- /dev/null +++ b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/http_grpc_method_var.tpl @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +package test + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/json" + "fmt" + "{{.ProjectName}}/server/config" + "fusen-basic/env" + "fusen-basic/utils/log" + "net/http" + "net/url" + "reflect" + "strings" +) + +var fusen *env.Fusen[config.Config] +var gatewayAddrress = "http://localhost:9900" + + +func HttpRequest(method, urlStr string, body interface{}, reqHandler func(*http.Request) error) (map[string]interface{}, error) { + var jsonBody *bytes.Buffer + var queryParams url.Values + if method == "GET" { + queryParams = JsonTagToURLValues(body) + jsonBody = bytes.NewBuffer(nil) + } else { + // 将请求体转换为JSON格式 + jsonData, err := json.Marshal(body) + if err != nil { + log.Printf("Failed to marshal request body: %s\n", err.Error()) + return nil, err + } + jsonBody = bytes.NewBuffer(jsonData) + log.Println(string(jsonData)) + } + + // 创建URL对象并添加查询参数 + u, err := url.Parse(urlStr) + if err != nil { + fmt.Printf("Failed to parse URL: %s\n", err.Error()) + return nil, err + } + u.RawQuery = queryParams.Encode() + // 创建HTTP请求 + req, err := http.NewRequest(method, u.String(), jsonBody) + if err != nil { + fmt.Printf("Failed to create HTTP request: %s\n", err.Error()) + return nil, err + } + + // 设置请求头 + req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json") + + if reqHandler != nil { + reqHandler(req) + } + + // 发送HTTP请求 + client := http.DefaultClient + client.Timeout = time.Second * 60 + resp, err := client.Do(req) + if err != nil { + fmt.Printf("HTTP request failed: %s\n", err.Error()) + return nil, err + } + + if resp.StatusCode != 200 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s", resp.Status) + } + + defer resp.Body.Close() + + // 解析响应体 + var response map[string]interface{} + err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&response) + if err != nil { + fmt.Printf("Failed to decode response body: %s\n", err.Error()) + return nil, err + } + return response, nil +} + +func JsonTagToURLValues(body interface{}) url.Values { + values := url.Values{} + + v := reflect.ValueOf(body) + if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + v = v.Elem() + } + t := v.Type() + + for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ { + field := t.Field(i) + if field.IsExported() { + if jsonTag, ok := field.Tag.Lookup("json"); ok { + jtag := strings.Split(jsonTag, ",")[0] + value := v.Field(i).String() + values.Set(jtag, value) + } + } + } + return values +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/goutils/proto_build/tpls/logic_fusen_handler.tpl b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/logic_fusen_handler.tpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f1819a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/logic_fusen_handler.tpl @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +package {{.PackageName}} + +import ( + "fusen-basic/basic" + "{{.ProjectName}}/gen/go/service" +) + +func (l *{{.StructName}}) {{.MethodName}}Logic(req {{.ParamReq}}, userinfo *basic.UserInfo) (resp *basic.Response[{{.MethodResponse}}]) { + return resp.Set(basic.CodeOK) +} + + +// 自定义验证校验方法 VaildUserInfoHandler +// func (h *{{.MethodName}}Handler) VaildUserInfoHandler(ctx context.Context) *basic.UserInfo { +// return basic.ValidUserInfo(ctx) +// } diff --git a/goutils/proto_build/tpls/logic_grpc_struct.tpl b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/logic_grpc_struct.tpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76dc810 --- /dev/null +++ b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/logic_grpc_struct.tpl @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +// 生成代码, 不要在这里添加任何逻辑 +package {{.PackageName}} + +import ( + "context" + "strings" + "sync" + + "fusen-basic/basic" + "fusen-basic/env" + "fusen-basic/utils/log" + + "{{.ProjectName}}/gen/go/service" + "{{.ProjectName}}/server/config" + + "google.golang.org/grpc/metadata" +) + + +type {{.StructName}} struct { + ctx context.Context + cfg *config.Config + svcCtx *SharedContext +} + +func New{{.StructName}}(ctx context.Context) *{{.StructName}} { + l := &{{.StructName}}{} + l.ctx = ctx // 初始化上下文 + l.cfg = ctx.Value(env.CtxServiceConfig{}).(*config.Config) // 初始化拿到的配置结构 + l.svcCtx = svcCtx + onceSharedContext.Do(func() { + svcCtx.Init(ctx, l.cfg) + }) + l.svcCtx.Handler(ctx, l.cfg) + return l +} + +var onceSharedContext sync.Once +var svcCtx = &SharedContext{} + +type {{.StructName}}Grpc struct { + {{.UnimplementedStructName}} +} + +{{range .Methods}} + +type {{.MethodName}}Handler struct { + {{.MethodName}}HandlerMust +} + +type {{.MethodName}}HandlerMust struct{} + +func (must *{{.MethodName}}HandlerMust) ValidUserInfoHandler(ctx context.Context) *basic.UserInfo { + return defaultValidUserInfoHandler(ctx) +} + +var __hide_handler{{.MethodName}} *{{.MethodName}}Handler = &{{.MethodName}}Handler{} + +func (lgrpc *{{.StructName}}Grpc) {{.MethodName}}(ctx {{.ParamCtx}}, req {{.ParamReq}}) ({{.MethodReturn}}, error) { + return New{{.StructName}}(ctx).{{.MethodName}}Logic(req, __hide_handler{{.MethodName}}.ValidUserInfoHandler(ctx)).PassMetaResponse(ctx) +} + +{{end}} + +func DefaultValidToken(ctx context.Context) *basic.UserInfo { + var ( + err error + ui = &basic.UserInfo{} + ) + // log.Println(ctx) + if md, ok := metadata.FromIncomingContext(ctx); ok { + var authtoken, debugtoken *string + var vresult *service.ValidTokenResponse + if a, ok := md["authorization"]; ok { + token := a[0] + if len(token) > 15 { + if strings.HasPrefix(token[1:], "earer ") { + token = token[7:] + } + authtoken = &token + + defer func() { + if vresult != nil { + userinfo := vresult.UserInfo.AsMap() + ui.UserId = int64(userinfo["user_id"].(float64)) + ui.GuestId = int64(userinfo["guest_id"].(float64)) + ui.Exp = int64(userinfo["exp"].(float64)) + } + }() + } + + } + + if a, ok := md["debug-token"]; ok { + token := a[0] + if len(token) > 15 { + if strings.HasPrefix(token[1:], "earer ") { + token = token[7:] + } + debugtoken = &token + + defer func() { + if vresult != nil { + debug := vresult.DebugInfo.AsMap() + ui.Debug = &basic.Debug{} + if dexp, ok := debug["exp"]; ok { + dexpint64 := int64(dexp.(float64)) + ui.Debug.Exp = &dexpint64 + } + ui.Debug.IsAllTemplateTag = int64(debug["is_all_template_tag"].(float64)) + ui.Debug.IsCache = int64(debug["is_cache"].(float64)) + } + }() + } + } + + vresult, err = service.AutoAuthClient(ctx).ValidToken(context.TODO(), &service.ValidTokenRequest{ + UserToken: authtoken, + DebugToken: debugtoken, + }) + if err != nil { + log.Println(err.Error()) + } + } + return ui +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/goutils/proto_build/tpls/logic_init.tpl b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/logic_init.tpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79eb418 --- /dev/null +++ b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/logic_init.tpl @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +// 当文件不存在的时候生成代码, 在这里添加逻辑 +package {{.PackageName}} + +import ( + "context" + "fusen-basic/basic" + "fusen-model/dbutils" + "fusen-model/gmodel" + + "{{.ProjectName}}/server/config" +) + +// 统一的验证入口 +var defaultValidUserInfoHandler func(context.Context) *basic.UserInfo = DefaultValidToken + +// 处理共享数据的上下文 +type SharedContext struct { + models *gmodel.Models +} + +// 初始化 +func (svcCtx *SharedContext) Init(ctx context.Context, cfg *config.Config) { + svcCtx.models = gmodel.NewModels(dbutils.InitMysql(cfg.SourceMysql)) // 拿到所有的gmodel +} + +// 每次请求需要处理的上下文. +func (svcCtx *SharedContext) Handler(ctx context.Context, cfg *config.Config) { +} diff --git a/goutils/proto_build/tpls/main.tpl b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/main.tpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d41cf4 --- /dev/null +++ b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/main.tpl @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +package main + +import ( + "fmt" + "net" + "fusen-basic/env" + "fusen-basic/utils/log" + + "{{.ProjectName}}/gen/go/service" + + "{{.ProjectName}}/server/config" + + {{range .LogicDirNames}} + "{{$.ProjectName}}/{{.}}" + {{- end}} + + "google.golang.org/grpc" +) + +func main() { + + fusen := env.NewFusen[config.Config]() + fusen.StartNacos(nil) + service.AutoGrpcInit(fusen) + + sopt := grpc.UnaryInterceptor(fusen.Interceptor()) + + lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf(":%d", fusen.ServiceConfig.Port)) //开启监听 + if err != nil { + log.Fatalf("failed to listen: %v", err) + } + s := grpc.NewServer(sopt) //新建一个grpc服务 + {{range .StructServiceNames}} + service.Register{{.StructServiceName}}Server(s, &{{.LogicPackageName}}.{{.StructServiceName}}LogicGrpc{}) // {{.LogicPackageName}} 服务注册 + {{- end}} + + if err := s.Serve(lis); err != nil { + log.Fatalf("failed to serve: %v", err) + } +} diff --git a/goutils/proto_build/tpls/main_test.tpl b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/main_test.tpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..80820ef --- /dev/null +++ b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/main_test.tpl @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +package main + +import ( + "testing" +) + +func TestMain(t *testing.T) { + main() +} diff --git a/goutils/proto_build/tpls/run_latest.tpl b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/run_latest.tpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b44ec80 --- /dev/null +++ b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/run_latest.tpl @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +#! /bin/bash + +# 获取当前脚本的全局路径 +script_path=$(realpath "$0") + +# 获取当前脚本的目录 +script_dir=$(dirname "$script_path") + +# 执行更新最新的包 +$script_dir/update_fspkg_master.sh + +# 拼接service_config.ini的路径 +config_file="$script_dir/server/service_config.ini" + +# 检查文件是否存在 +if [[ ! -f "$config_file" ]]; then + echo "Error: service_config.ini 文件不存在" + exit 1 +fi + +echo "read $config_file" +service_name=$(grep "SERVICE_NAME=" $config_file | cut -d'=' -f2 | cut -d' ' -f1) + +# 输出变量值 +echo "service name: $service_name" + +cd $script_dir/proto +git pull origin master +cd $script_dir +go run -gcflags="-N" proto/goutils/proto_build/main.go + +run_server() { + # 导航到相应的目录 + cd $script_dir/server + echo "build $service_name" + go build -o $service_name + + # 如果之前存在相同名字的 screen 会话,先将其终止 + # 首先尝试关闭已存在的screen会话 + existing_session=$(screen -ls | grep -w "$service_name") + if [ -n "$existing_session" ]; then + echo "Terminating existing screen session for $service_name" + screen -S "$service_name" -X quit + while [[ $(screen -ls | grep "\.$service_name\s") ]]; do + sleep 0.1s # 等待0.1秒后再次检查 + echo "wait for $service_name" + done + fi + + # 循环检查screen进程是否存在 + + [ -f .gitignore ] || (echo "server" > .gitignore && echo "$service_name" >> .gitignore && echo "main" >> .gitignore) + + echo "Running $service_name" + screen -dmS $service_name -L ./$service_name +} + +run_server \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/goutils/proto_build/tpls/service_config.tpl b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/service_config.tpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..488e224 --- /dev/null +++ b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/service_config.tpl @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +SERVICE_NAME= #需要修改当前项目的名字 +PROJECT_NAME=gitee.com/fusenpack/ #需要修改项目的仓库 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/goutils/proto_build/tpls/update_fspkg_master.tpl b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/update_fspkg_master.tpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44745e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/goutils/proto_build/tpls/update_fspkg_master.tpl @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +#! /bin/bash + +input_string=$(cat go.mod) + +# 使用sed命令提取参数并替换输出格式 +output=$(echo "$input_string" | sed -nE 's/[[:space:]]{0,}(replace[[:space:]]+)?([[:alnum:]-]+)[[:space:]]+([[:alnum:].-]+)[[:space:]]+=>[[:space:]]+([[:alnum:]/.-]+)[[:space:]]+([[:alnum:].-]+)/\2 \3 \4 \5/p') + +IFS=$'\n' # 设置分隔符为换行符 +for out in $output; do + IFS=$' ' + read -r fsname fsversion fsfullname fslatest_master <<< "$out" + laster_master=`echo $(GOPROXY=direct go get $fsfullname@master 2>&1) | grep -oE '@v[^:"]+'` + echo "go mod edit -replace $fsname@$fsversion=$fsfullname$laster_master" + go mod edit -replace $fsname@$fsversion=$fsfullname$laster_master +done + +IFS=$'\n' # 设置分隔符为换行符 +for out in $output; do + IFS=$' ' + read -r fsname fsversion fsfullname fslatest_master <<< "$out" + go get $fsname@$fsversion +done + +go mod tidy +go mod vendor \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/goutils/tools.go b/goutils/tools.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0044412 --- /dev/null +++ b/goutils/tools.go @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +//go:build tools +// +build tools + +package goutils + +// $ go install \ +// github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2/protoc-gen-grpc-gateway \ +// github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2/protoc-gen-openapiv2 \ +// google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go \ +// google.golang.org/grpc/cmd/protoc-gen-go-grpc + +import ( + _ "github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2/protoc-gen-grpc-gateway" + _ "github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2/protoc-gen-openapiv2" + _ "google.golang.org/grpc/cmd/protoc-gen-go-grpc" + _ "google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go" +) diff --git a/service/auth.proto b/service/auth.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..467713e --- /dev/null +++ b/service/auth.proto @@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ +syntax = "proto3"; //版本声明,使用v3版本 + +package auth; +option go_package = "gitee.com/fusenpack/fusen-auth;service"; + +// 导入google/api/annotations.proto 注释依赖 +import "google/api/annotations.proto"; +import "service/basic.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/struct.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; + + +//定义服务 +service auth { + + // 登录接口 + rpc ValidToken(ValidTokenRequest) returns (ValidTokenResponse) { + // 添加 HTTP POST 网关注解 + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/api/auth/valid/token" + body: "*" + }; + } + + // 登录接口 + rpc Login(UserLoginRequest) returns (UserLoginResponse) { + // 添加 HTTP POST 网关注解 + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/api/auth/login" + body: "*" + }; + } + + // 注册接口 + rpc Register(UserRegisterRequest) returns (basic.Response) { + // 添加 HTTP POST 网关注解 + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/api/auth/register" + body: "*" + }; + } + + // Cookie 接受接口 + rpc AcceptCookie(basic.Request) returns (GuestResponse) { + // 添加 HTTP POST 网关注解 + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/api/auth/accept-cookie" + body: "*" + }; + } + + // 调试令牌创建接口 + rpc CreateDebugToken(UserDebugRequest) returns (DebugTokenResponse) { + // 添加 HTTP POST 网关注解 + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/api/auth/debug/token/create" + body: "*" + }; + } + + // Google 登录接口 + rpc GoogleLogin(GoogleLoginRequest) returns (basic.Response) { + // 添加 HTTP GET 网关注解 + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/api/auth/oauth2/login/google" + }; + } + + // 邮箱确认接口 + rpc EmailConfirmation(EmailConfirmationRequest) returns (basic.Response) { + // 添加 HTTP GET 网关注解 + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/api/auth/email/confirmation" + body: "*" + }; + } + + // 使用邮箱注册接口 + rpc EmailRegister(EmailRegisterRequest) returns (basic.Response) { + // 添加 HTTP POST 网关注解 + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/api/auth/oauth2/register" + body: "*" + }; + } + + // 发送重置令牌到邮箱接口 + rpc ResetToken(UserResetTokenRequest) returns (basic.Response) { + // 添加 HTTP POST 网关注解 + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/api/auth/reset/token" + body: "*" + }; + } + + // 重置密码接口 + rpc ResetPassword(UserResetPasswordRequest) returns (basic.Response) { + // 添加 HTTP POST 网关注解 + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/api/auth/reset/password" + body: "*" + }; + } + + // 获取重定向到 HTML 页面接口 + rpc ResetPasswordHtml(UserResetHtmlRequest) returns (basic.Response) { + // 添加 HTTP GET 网关注解 + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/api/auth/reset/password/html" + }; + } + + // 调试删除帐号接口 + rpc DebugDelete(AuthDeleteRequest) returns (basic.Response) { + // 添加 HTTP POST 网关注解 + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/api/auth/debug/delete" + body: "*" + }; + } + +} + +// 验证token的请求 +message ValidTokenRequest { + optional string user_token = 1; + optional string debug_token = 2; +} + + +// 验证token的请求 +message ValidTokenResponse { + google.protobuf.Struct user_info = 1; + google.protobuf.Struct debug_info = 2; +} + + + +// 定义调试令牌请求消息 +message UserDebugRequest { + string password = 1; // 密码,内部使用都是明文 + optional int64 exp = 2; // 过期时间,不发默认一天 + int64 is_cache = 3 ; // 是否缓存 + int64 is_all_template_tag = 4; // 是否开启全部模板 +} + +// 定义调试删除帐号请求消息 +message AuthDeleteRequest { + string email = 1; +} + +// 定义用户登录请求消息 +message UserLoginRequest { + string email = 1; + string password = 2; +} + +// 定义用户登录响应消息 +message UserLoginResponse + { + string token = 1; // 登录 JWT Token +} + +// 定义用户注册请求消息 +message UserRegisterRequest { + string wid = 1; // WebSocket 的 ID + string first_name = 2; // 首名 + string last_name = 3; // 名 + string resetaurant = 4; // 餐厅类型 + string email = 5; // email + string password = 6; // 密码 +} + +// 定义请求重置令牌消息 +message UserResetTokenRequest { + string wid = 1; + string email = 2; // email +} + +// 定义返回重置令牌消息 +message ResetTokenResponse + { + string reset_token = 1; // 获取重置的令牌 +} + +// 定义请求重置密码 HTML 页面消息 +message UserResetHtmlRequest { + string reset_token = 1; +} + +// 定义请求重置密码消息 +message UserResetPasswordRequest { + string reset_token = 1; + string new_password = 2; +} + +// 定义请求 Google 登录消息 +message GoogleLoginRequest { + string code = 1; + string scope = 2; + string authuser = 3; + string prompt = 4; +} + +// 定义请求邮箱确认消息 +message EmailConfirmationRequest { + string token = 1; // 操作 Token + string optype = 2; // 操作类型 +} + +// 定义请求使用邮箱注册消息 +message EmailRegisterRequest { + string wid = 1; + string email = 2; + string register_token = 3; +} + +// 定义游客获取 Token 请求消息 +message GuestResponse + { + string token = 1; // 登录 JWT Token +} + +// 获取debug token返回值 +message DebugTokenResponse + { + string debug_token = 1; // debug token JWT Token +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/service/basic.proto b/service/basic.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..28c99eb --- /dev/null +++ b/service/basic.proto @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +syntax = "proto3"; //版本声明,使用v3版本 + +package basic; + +option go_package = ".;service"; +import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/struct.proto"; + +// 定义请求消息类型. +message Request { + +} + +// golang使用一个map返回, 使用这个response +message Response { + google.protobuf.Value data=1; +} + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/service/fsservice.proto b/service/fsservice.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fb594a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/service/fsservice.proto @@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ +syntax = "proto3"; //版本声明,使用v3版本 + +package fsservice; +option go_package = "gitee.com/fusenpack/fusen-service;service"; + +// 导入google/api/annotations.proto 注释依赖 +import "google/api/annotations.proto"; +import "service/basic.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/struct.proto"; +import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; + +//定义服务 +service notify { + rpc Hello(basic.Request) returns (basic.Response) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/api/notify/hello" + body: "*" + }; + } +} + +//定义服务 +service info { + // 用户信息 + rpc UserInfo(UserInfoRequest) returns (basic.Response) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/api/info/user" + body: "*" + }; + } + + + // 用户个人资料查询 + rpc UserProfile(QueryProfileRequest) returns (basic.Response) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/api/info/user/profile" + body: "*" + }; + } + + // 获取默认用户个人资料 + rpc DefaultUserProfile(DefaultProfileRequest) returns (basic.Response) { + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/api/info/user/profile/default/{request}" + }; + } + + // 更新用户个人资料 + rpc UpdateProfileBase(ProfileRequest) returns (basic.Response) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/api/info/user/profile/base/update" + body: "*" + }; + } + + // 设置默认地址 + rpc AddressDefault(AddressDefaultRequest) returns (basic.Response) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/api/info/address/default" + body: "*" + }; + } + + // 添加地址 + rpc AddressAdd(AddressRequest) returns (basic.Response) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/api/info/address/add" + body: "*" + }; + } + + // 更新地址 + rpc AddressUpdate(AddressRequest) returns (basic.Response) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/api/info/address/update" + body: "*" + }; + } + + // 更新地址使用状态 + rpc AddressUsedUpdate(AddressIdRequest) returns (basic.Response) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/api/info/address/update/used" + body: "*" + }; + } + + // 删除地址 + rpc AddressDelete(AddressIdRequest) returns (basic.Response) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/api/info/address/delete" + body: "*" + }; + } + + // 获取地址列表 + rpc AddressList(basic.Request) returns (basic.Response) { + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/api/info/address/list" + }; + } + + // 获取餐厅列表 + rpc RestaurantList(basic.Request) returns (basic.Response) { + option (google.api.http) = { + get: "/api/info/restaurant/list" + }; + } + + // 搜索建议 + rpc PreLogoSearchSuggestions(PreLogoSearchSuggestionsRequest) returns (basic.Response) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/api/info/prelogo/search/suggestions" + body: "*" + }; + } + + // 搜索 + rpc PreLogoSearch(PreLogoSearchRequest) returns (basic.Response) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/api/info/prelogo/search" + body: "*" + }; + } + + // 联系我们 + rpc ContactUs(ContactUsRequest) returns (basic.Response) { + option (google.api.http) = { + post: "/api/info/contact/us" + body: "*" + }; + } + +} + + +message UserInfoRequest { + repeated string module = 1; // 模块 +} + +message QueryProfileRequest { + string top_key = 1; // 首键 +} + +message QueryProfileResponse { + google.protobuf.Struct data = 1; +} + +message DefaultProfileRequest { + string request = 1; // 请求 +} + +message ProfileRequest { + ProfileBase base = 1; // 基础个人资料 + SubscriptionStatus sub_status = 2; // 订阅状态 +} + +message ProfileBase { + optional string first_name = 1; // 名字 + optional string last_name = 2; // 姓氏 + optional string email = 4; // 电子邮件 + optional string mobile = 5; // 手机号码 + optional string resetaurant = 6; // 餐厅 + optional string company = 7; // 公司 +} + +message SubscriptionStatus { + NotificationEmail notification_email = 1; // 邮件通知设置 + NotificationPhone notification_phone = 2; // 电话通知设置 +} + +message NotificationEmail { + bool order_update = 1; // 订单更新 + bool newseleter = 2; // 新闻订阅 +} + +message NotificationPhone { + bool order_update = 1; // 订单更新 + bool newseleter = 2; // 新闻订阅 +} + +message AddressObjectRequest { + int64 address_id = 1; // 地址ID + string address_name = 2; // 地址名称 +} + +message AddressIdRequest { + int64 address_id = 1; // 地址ID +} + +message AddressDefaultRequest { + int64 address_id = 1; // 地址ID + int64 is_default = 2; // 是否默认 +} + +message AddressRequest { + int64 address_id = 1; // 地址ID(已弃用) + int64 is_default = 2; // 是否默认 + string first_name = 3; // 名字 + string last_name = 4; // 姓氏 + string mobile = 5; // 手机号码 + string zip_code = 6; // 邮政编码 + string street = 7; // 街道 + string suite = 8; // 套房 + string city = 9; // 城市 + string state = 10; // 省份 +} + +message PreLogoSearchSuggestionsRequest { + string keywords = 1; // 关键字 +} + +message PreLogoSearchRequest { + string zip_code = 1; // 邮编 + string keywords = 2; // 关键字 +} + +message ContactUsRequest { + string name = 1; // 姓名 + string email = 2; // 电子邮件 + string phone = 3; // 电话号码 + string message = 4; // 消息内容 +} + +