374 lines
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374 lines
11 KiB
package intimate
import (
_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
// OperatorFlag 标志
type OperatorFlag int32
const (
// OperatorOK 等待被处理
OperatorOK OperatorFlag = 100
// OperatorExtractorOK 提取数据完成
OperatorExtractorOK OperatorFlag = 200
// OperatorWait 等待被处理
OperatorWait OperatorFlag = 1000
// OperatorError 错误标志
OperatorError OperatorFlag = 10000
type ISet interface {
Set(string, interface{})
type IGet interface {
Get(string) interface{}
type IGetSet interface {
// SourceStore 储存
type StoreSource struct {
table string
db *sql.DB
popCount int
errorCount int
errorLimit int
func (store *StoreSource) PopCount() int {
return store.popCount
func (store *StoreSource) Close() error {
return store.db.Close()
// NewSourceStore 创建一个存储实例
func NewStoreSource(table string) *StoreSource {
db, err := sql.Open("mysql", InitConfig.Database.SourceURI)
if err != nil {
return &StoreSource{table: table, db: db}
func (store *StoreSource) errorAlarm(err error) {
if err != nil {
log.Println("store error: ", err)
// 报警. 如果数据插入有问题
if store.errorCount >= store.errorLimit {
// 数据库频繁操作初问题 报警, 减少没意义的请求
} else {
if store.errorCount > 0 {
// Insert 插入数据
func (store *StoreSource) Insert(isource IGet) {
_, err := store.db.Exec("insert into "+store.table+"(url, target_type, source, ext, operator, error_msg, streamer_id) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", isource.Get("Url"), isource.Get("Target"), isource.Get("Source"), isource.Get("Ext"), isource.Get("Operator"), isource.Get("ErrorMsg"), isource.Get("StreamerId"))
if err != nil {
// Deduplicate 去重
func (store *StoreSource) Deduplicate(target Target, field string) {
_, err := store.db.Exec(`DELETE FROM ` + store.table + ` WHERE uid NOT IN (SELECT MAX(s.uid) FROM (SELECT uid, ` + field + ` FROM ` + store.table + `force index(target_type_idx) WHERE target_type = "` + string(target) + `" ) s GROUP BY s.` + string(target) + `) ;`)
if err != nil {
// Update 更新数据
func (store *StoreSource) Update(isource IGet) {
_, err := store.db.Exec("update "+store.table+" set ext = ?, pass_gob = ?, operator = ?, error_msg = ? where uid = ?", isource.Get("Ext"), isource.Get("PassGob"), isource.Get("Operator"), isource.Get("ErrorMsg"), isource.Get("Uid"))
if err != nil {
// UpdateOperator 更新数据操作标志位
func (store *StoreSource) UpdateOperator(isource IGet) {
_, err := store.db.Exec("update "+store.table+" set operator = ?, error_msg = ? where uid = ?", isource.Get("Operator"), isource.Get("ErrorMsg"), isource.Get("Uid"))
if err != nil {
// UpdateError 更新错误数据
func (store *StoreSource) UpdateError(isource IGetSet, err error) {
isource.Set("Operator", int32(OperatorError)+isource.Get("Operator").(int32))
isource.Set("ErrorMsg", sql.NullString{String: err.Error(), Valid: true})
_, dberr := store.db.Exec("update "+store.table+" set operator = ?, error_msg = ? where uid = ?", isource.Get("Operator"), isource.Get("ErrorMsg"), isource.Get("Uid"))
if dberr != nil {
// email tell owner to deal with
// Restore 恢复Operator数据状态
func (store *StoreSource) Restore(isource IGet) {
_, dberr := store.db.Exec("update "+store.table+" set operator = ? where uid = ?", isource.Get("LastOperator"), isource.Get("Uid"))
if dberr != nil {
// email tell owner to deal with
// Pop 弹出一条未处理的数据
func (store *StoreSource) Pop(targetType Target, operators ...int32) (*Source, error) {
tx, err := store.db.Begin()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var args = []interface{}{string(targetType)}
selectSQL := `select uid, url, target_type, source, ext, operator, update_time, streamer_id from ` + store.table + ` where target_type = ?`
if len(operators) == 0 {
selectSQL += " and operator = ?"
args = append(args, 0)
} else {
for _, operator := range operators {
selectSQL += " and operator = ?"
args = append(args, operator)
// log.Println(selectSQL + ` limit 1 for update`)
row := tx.QueryRow(selectSQL+` limit 1 for update`, args...)
defer func() {
err := tx.Commit()
if err != nil {
err = tx.Rollback()
if err != nil {
s := &Source{}
// uid, url, target_type, source, ext, operator
err = row.Scan(&s.Uid, &s.Url, &s.Target, &s.Source, &s.Ext, &s.Operator, &s.UpdateTime, &s.StreamerId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s.Set("LastOperator", s.Operator)
_, err = tx.Exec("update "+store.table+" set operator = ? where uid = ?", OperatorWait, s.Uid)
return s, nil
// StreamerTable 主播表名称
const StreamerTable string = "streamer"
// CollectLogTable 采集日志表
const CollectLogTable string = "collect_log"
type StoreExtractor struct {
db *sql.DB
popCount int
errorCount int
errorLimit int
func (store *StoreExtractor) PopCount() int {
return store.popCount
func (store *StoreExtractor) Close() error {
return store.db.Close()
func (store *StoreExtractor) errorAlarm(err error) {
if err != nil {
log.Println("store error: ", err)
// 报警. 如果数据插入有问题
if store.errorCount >= store.errorLimit {
// 数据库频繁操作初问题 报警, 减少没意义的请求
} else {
if store.errorCount > 0 {
// NewStoreExtractor 生成一个extractor库的相关链接
func NewStoreExtractor() *StoreExtractor {
db, err := sql.Open("mysql", InitConfig.Database.ExtractorURI)
if err != nil {
return &StoreExtractor{db: db}
// Pop 弹出一条未处理的数据
func (store *StoreExtractor) Pop(platform Platform, operators ...int32) (*Streamer, error) {
tx, err := store.db.Begin()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var args = []interface{}{string(platform)}
selectSQL := `select uid, update_time, user_id, update_url, is_update_streamer from ` + StreamerTable + ` where platform = ? and TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE , update_time, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) >= update_interval`
if len(operators) == 0 {
selectSQL += " and operator = ?"
args = append(args, 0)
} else {
for _, operator := range operators {
selectSQL += " and operator = ?"
args = append(args, operator)
defer func() {
err := tx.Commit()
if err != nil {
err = tx.Rollback()
if err != nil {
// log.Println(selectSQL + ` limit 1 for update`)
row := tx.QueryRow(selectSQL+` limit 1 for update`, args...)
s := &Streamer{}
// uid, url, target_type, source, ext, operator
err = row.Scan(&s.Uid, &s.UpdateTime, &s.UserId, &s.UpdateUrl, &s.IsUpdateStreamer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s.Set("LastOperator", s.Operator)
_, err = tx.Exec("update "+StreamerTable+" set operator = ? where uid = ?", OperatorWait, s.Uid)
return s, nil
// InsertStreamer Streamer表, 插入数据
func (store *StoreExtractor) InsertStreamer(streamer IGet) (isExists bool) {
// select uid from table where platform = ? and user_id = ?
selectSQL := "SELECT is_update_url FROM " + StreamerTable + " WHERE platform = ? AND user_id = ?"
tx, err := store.db.Begin()
if err != nil {
defer func() {
err = tx.Commit()
if err != nil {
rerr := tx.Rollback()
if rerr != nil {
row := tx.QueryRow(selectSQL+` LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE`, streamer.Get("Platform"), streamer.Get("UserId"))
var isUpdateUrl bool
if err = row.Scan(&isUpdateUrl); err == nil {
if isUpdateUrl {
tx.Exec("UPDATE "+StreamerTable+" SET update_url = ?", streamer.Get("UpdateUrl"))
return true
_, err = tx.Exec("INSERT INTO "+StreamerTable+"(platform, user_id, update_url, update_time) VALUES(?,?,?,?);", streamer.Get("Platform"), streamer.Get("UserId"), streamer.Get("UpdateUrl"), time.Now().Add(-time.Minute*30))
if err != nil {
return false
// UpdateError 更新错误数据
func (store *StoreExtractor) UpdateError(isource IGetSet, err error) {
isource.Set("Operator", int32(OperatorError)+isource.Get("Operator").(int32))
isource.Set("ErrorMsg", sql.NullString{String: err.Error(), Valid: true})
_, dberr := store.db.Exec("update "+StreamerTable+" set operator = ?, error_msg = ? where uid = ?", isource.Get("Operator"), isource.Get("ErrorMsg"), isource.Get("Uid"))
if dberr != nil {
// email tell owner to deal with
// UpdateStreamerLog 只更新Streamer的关联日志和时间戳
func (store *StoreExtractor) UpdateStreamerLog(latestUid int64, streamerUid int64) {
_, err := store.db.Exec("UPDATE "+StreamerTable+" SET latest_log_uid = ?, update_time = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() WHERE uid = ?", latestUid, streamerUid)
if err != nil {
// UpdateOperator Streamer表, 插入数据
func (store *StoreExtractor) UpdateOperator(isource IGet) {
_, err := store.db.Exec("update "+StreamerTable+" set operator = ?, error_msg = ? where uid = ?", isource.Get("Operator"), isource.Get("ErrorMsg"), isource.Get("Uid"))
if err != nil {
// UpdateStreamer Streamer表, 插入数据
func (store *StoreExtractor) UpdateStreamer(isource IGet) {
_, err := store.db.Exec("UPDATE "+StreamerTable+" SET user_name = ?, live_url = ?, channel = ?, latest_log_uid = ?, ext = ?, operator = ?, update_time = ? WHERE uid = ?;",
isource.Get("UserName"), isource.Get("LiveUrl"), isource.Get("Channel"), isource.Get("LatestLogUid"), isource.Get("Ext"), isource.Get("Operator"), isource.Get("UpdateTime"), isource.Get("Uid"))
if err != nil {
// InsertCollectLog CollectLog表插入数据
func (store *StoreExtractor) InsertCollectLog(isource IGet) int64 {
tx, err := store.db.Begin()
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
if err != nil {
result, err := tx.Exec("insert into "+CollectLogTable+"(streamer_uid, platform, user_id, is_live_streaming, is_error, followers, views, giver, gratuity, live_title, live_start_time, live_end_time, update_time, tags, ext, error_msg) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
isource.Get("StreamerUid"), isource.Get("Platform"), isource.Get("UserId"), isource.Get("IsLiveStreaming"), isource.Get("IsError"), isource.Get("Followers"), isource.Get("Views"), isource.Get("Giver"), isource.Get("Gratuity"), isource.Get("LiveTitle"), isource.Get("LiveStartTime"), isource.Get("LiveEndTime"), isource.Get("UpdateTime"), isource.Get("Tags"), isource.Get("Ext"), isource.Get("ErrorMsg"),
if err != nil {
logUid, err := result.LastInsertId()
if err != nil {
_, err = tx.Exec("update "+StreamerTable+" set latest_log_uid = ? where uid = ?", logUid, isource.Get("StreamerUid"))
if err = tx.Commit(); err != nil {
return logUid